NP705 |
C. elegans |
unc-119(ed3) III; cdIs29. Show Description
cdIs29 [pcc1::GFP::TRAM + unc-119p::ttx-3::GFP].
NP878 |
C. elegans |
unc-119(ed3) III; cdIs73. Show Description
cdIs73[RME-8::mRFP + ttx-3::GFP + unc-119(+)]. Ballistic transformation. RME-8::mRFP expressed in front coelomocyte promoter.
OH10425 |
C. elegans |
otIs337. Show Description
otIs337 [unc-86(fosmid)::NLS:::YFP::H2B + ttx-3::mCherry].
OH10447 |
C. elegans |
otIs339. Show Description
otIs339 [ceh-43(+)(fosmid)::GFP + ttx-3::DsRed + rol-6(su1006)]. Rollers.
OH10819 |
C. elegans |
unc-3(e151) X; vsIs48; otEx4441. Show Description
otEx4441 [hsp-16.2p::unc-3(cDNA) + ttx-3::mCherry]. vsIs48 [unc-17::GFP]. GFP expressed in all cholinergic neurons. Maintain by picking mCherry(+) animals. Reference: Kratsios P, et al. Nat Neurosci. 2011 Nov 27. doi: 10.1038/nn.2989.
OH11020 |
C. elegans |
otEx4961. Show Description
otEx4961 [lsy-6(300bp 3')::GFP::unc-54 3'UTR + ttx-3:mCherry]. Maintain by picking animals with mCherry in the AIY neurons.
OH11025 |
C. elegans |
otIs252; otEx4965. Show Description
otEx4965 [tbx-38p::mCherry::unc-54 3'UTR + ttx-3::mCherry]. Maintain otEx4965 by picking animals with mCherry in the AIY neurons. otIs252 [lsy-6(fosmid)::YFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Rollers. YFP expression in ASEL.
OH11096 |
C. elegans |
pha-1(e2123) III; otEx5016. Show Description
otEx5016 [lsy-6 300bp 3'::lsy-6p::YFP::unc-54 3'UTR + ttx-3p::mCherry + pha-1(+)]. Maintain at 25C; pick mCherry(+). Some rescued worms do not have ttx-3::mCherry expression.
OH11098 |
C. elegans |
pha-1(e2123) III; otEx5018. Show Description
otEx5018 [lsy-6p::YFP::lsy-6(300bp 3')::unc-54 3'UTR + ttx-3:mCherry + pha-1(+)]. Maintain by picking animals with mCherry in the AIY neurons. Maintain at 25C to select for pha-1(+) array.
OH11101 |
C. elegans |
otEx5021. Show Description
otEx5021 [lsy-6(fosmid - delta 300 bp 3')::GFP + ttx-3::mCherry]. Maintain by picking animals with mCherry expression in the AIY neurons.
OH11102 |
C. elegans |
lsy-6(ot71) otIs3 V; otEx5022. Show Description
otEx5022 [lsy-6(fosmid - delta 150 bp 3') + ttx-3::mCherry]. otIs3 [gcy-7p::GFP + lin-15(+)] V. Maintain by picking animals with mCherry expression in the AIY neurons. Fosmid with 150 bp deletion does not rescue ASE asymmetry.
OH11104 |
C. elegans |
lsy-6(ot71) otIs3 V; otEx5024. Show Description
otEx5024 [lsy-6(fosmid) + ttx-3::mCherry]. Maintain otEx5024 by picking animals with mCherry in the AIY neurons. otIs3 [gcy-7p::GFP + lin-15(+)] V. Integrated from adEx1288; genetically mapped between 3.05 m.u. (T19B10) and 5.86 m.u. (AH10) on V. GFP expression appears in ASEL and the excretory cell in adult animals.
OH11107 |
C. elegans |
otEx5027. Show Description
otEx5027 [lsy-6(fosmid - delta 3 kb 3')::YFP + ttx-3::mCherry]. Maintain by picking animals with mCherry expression in the AIY neurons.
OH11111 |
C. elegans |
lsy-6(ot71) otIs3 V; otEx5028. Show Description
otIs3 [gcy-7p::GFP + lin-15(+)] V. otEx5028 [lsy-6p::lsy-6(hairpin) + ttx-3::mCherry].
OH11113 |
C. elegans |
lsy-6(ot71) otIs3 V; otEx5030. Show Description
otIs3 [gcy-7p::GFP + lin-15(+)] V. otEx5030 [lsy-6p::lsy-6(hairpin)::lsy-6 1kb 3' + ttx-3::mCherry].
OH11115 |
C. elegans |
otIs286. Show Description
otIs386 [lsy-6(fosmid - delta 150 bp 3')::GFP + ttx-3::mCherry].
OH11117 |
C. elegans |
otIs306, otEx4963. Show Description
otEx4963 [lsy-6p(fosmid delta 150bp downstream)::GFP + ttx-3:mCherry]. Maintain otEx4963 by picking animals with mCherry in the AIY neurons. otIs306 [hsp-16.2::che-1::3xHA + rol-6(su1006)]. Rollers.
OH11152 |
C. elegans |
otIs392. Show Description
otIs392 [eat-4(prom6)::GFP + ttx-3::DsRed]. Reference: Serrano-Saiz E, et al. Cell 2013. Oct; 155(3):659-73.
OH11462 |
C. elegans |
swsn-2.2(ok3161) I; otEx5094. Show Description
otEx5094 [swsn-2.2p::swsn-2.2::mChopti + ttx-3::GFP]. Pick GFP+ to maintain. ok3161 homozygotes arrest in early larval development. otEx5094 rescues lethality, but animals are still somewhat sick at 25C.
OH11620 |
C. elegans |
otIs429; otIs337. Show Description
otIs429 [pag-3(fosmid)::mChOpti + ttx-3::GFP]. otIs337 [unc-86(fosmid)::NLS:::YFP::H2B + ttx-3::mCherry].
OH12495 |
C. elegans |
otIs517. Show Description
otIs517 [tph-1(fosmid)::SL2::YFP::H2B + ttx-3::mCherry]. Fosmid-based tph-1 reporter expresses YFP in NSM, ADF, and HSN neurons, as well as in R1B, R3B, and R9B (in males). Adult animals roll, though for reasons unknown.
OH12503 |
C. elegans |
otIs520 X. Show Description
otIs520 [eat-4(prom11)::GFP + ttx-3::mCherry] X. AIM is marked only with GFP, not mCherry. Can be used to isolate AIM by FACS. Used by CeNGEN project for RNA-Seq (
OH12737 |
C. elegans |
uIs115; otIs14; otEx5853. Show Description
uIs115 [mec-17::RFP]. otIs14 [zig-3::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Rollers. otEx5853 [hsp::unc-86 + ttx-3::mCherry]. Temperature-sensitive. Maintain at 15C. Pick ttx-3::mCherry-positive animals to maintain array. Expresses unc-86 ubiquitously upon heat shock.
OH134 |
C. elegans |
pha-1(e2123) III; otEx57. Show Description
otEx57 [ttx-3::GFP + pha-1(+)]. Full-length rescuing ttx-3 genomic construct fused to GFP using PCR. Maintain at 25C to select for transgenic animals.
OH13513 |
C. elegans |
otIs597. Show Description
otIs597 [ser-7p::eGFP::rab-3 + ttx-3::mCherry]. Presynaptic marker for M4 pharyngeal neuron. Please contact Oliver Hobert prior to publishing work using this strain.
OH13517 |
C. elegans |
otIs601. Show Description
otIs601[ceh-19p::eGFP::rab-3 + ttx-3::mCherry]. Presynaptic marker for MC pharyngeal neurons. Please contact Oliver Hobert prior to publishing work using this strain.
OH13518 |
C. elegans |
otIs602. Show Description
otIs602 [mnm-2p::eGFP::rab-3 + ttx-3::mCherry]. Presynaptic marker for M3 pharyngeal neurons. Please contact Oliver Hobert prior to publishing work using this strain.
OH14018 |
C. elegans |
him-5(e1490) V; otIs520. Show Description
otIs520 [eat-4(prom11)::GFP + ttx-3::mCherry]. Reference: Serrano-Saiz E, et al. Curr Biol. 2017 Jan 23;27(2):199-209.
OH14542 |
C. elegans |
pha-1(e2123) III; otEx6798. Show Description
otEx6798 [lgc-36(fosmid)::SL2::NLS::YFP::H2B + ttx-3::mChopti + pha-1(+)]. Maintain at 25C to select for array. Reporter tag inserted into fosmid WRM0636cA08. Line 4-2. Reference: Gendrel M, et al. Elife. 2016 Oct 14;5.
OH14543 |
C. elegans |
pha-1(e2123) III; otEx6799. Show Description
otEx6799 [gab-1(fosmid)::SL2::NLS::YFP::H2B + ttx-3::mChopti + pha-1(+)]. Maintain at 25C to select for array. Reporter tag inserted into fosmid WRM0640aC06. Line 2-3. Reference: Gendrel M, et al. Elife. 2016 Oct 14;5.
OH14544 |
C. elegans |
pha-1(e2123) III; otEx6800. Show Description
otEx6800 [lgc-37(fosmid)::SL2::NLS::YFP::H2B + ttx-3::mChopti + pha-1(+)]. Maintain at 25C to select for array. Reporter tag inserted into fosmid WRM0640aC06. Line 3-2. Reference: Gendrel M, et al. Elife. 2016 Oct 14;5.
OH14548 |
C. elegans |
tab-1(gk753) II; otIs549 X; otEx6804. Show Description
otIs549 [unc-25p::unc-25(partial)::mChopti::unc-54 3'UTR + pha-1(+)] X. otEx6804 [tab-1(+) + ttx-3::GFP]. Maintain otEx6804 by picking ttx-3::GFP. otEx6804 carries a PCR fragment containing the tab-1 locus; rescues gk753. otIs549 contains 1.8 kb upstream of the unc-25 start codon through exon 4; derived from injection of pMG154; line 2-1. Reference: Gendrel M, et al. Elife. 2016 Oct 14;5.
OH16719 |
C. elegans |
otIs138 X; otIs521. Show Description
otIs138 [ser-2(prom3) +rol-6(su1006)] X. otIs521 [eat-4(prom8)::tagRFP + ttx-3::GFP]. OLL neurons are labeled with GFP and RFP. Can be used to isolate OLL by FACS. Used by CeNGEN project for RNA-Seq (
OH2724 |
C. elegans |
otIs133; otEx1545. Show Description
otIs133 [pttx-3::RFP + unc-4(+)]. otEx1545 [F11H8.2::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Maintain by picking GFP+ Rollers. RFP expressed in AIY only. Reference: Wenick AS, Hobert O. Wenick AS, Hobert O. Developmental Cell. 2004 Jun;6(6):757-70.
OH7155 |
C. elegans |
otIs181 III; F19F10.1(tm456) V. Show Description
otIs181 [dat-1::mCherry + ttx-3::mCherry]. Reference: Flames N, Hobert O, 2009 Nature 458, 885-889.
OH7193 |
C. elegans |
otIs181 III; him-8(e1489) IV. Show Description
otIs181 [dat-1::mCherry + ttx-3::mCherry]. Him. Expression in DA neurons (ADE, PDE, CEP, male tail) and AIY. Reference: Flames N, Hobert O, 2009 Nature 458, 885-889.
OH7235 |
C. elegans |
zdIs13 IV; otEx3154. Show Description
zdIs13 [tph-1p::GFP] IV. otEx3154 [dpy-7p::hif-1(p621A) + ttx-3::RFP]. Line 1.
OH7236 |
C. elegans |
zdIs13 IV; otEx3155. Show Description
zdIs13 [tph-1p::GFP] IV. otEx3155 [dpy-7p::hif-1(p621A) + ttx-3::RFP]. Line 2.
OH7237 |
C. elegans |
zdIs13 IV; otEx3156. Show Description
zdIs13 [tph-1p::GFP] IV. otEx3156 [dpy-7p::hif-1(p621A) + ttx-3::RFP]. Line 3.
OH7251 |
C. elegans |
zdIs13 IV; otEx3163. Show Description
zdIs13 [tph-1p::GFP] IV. otEx3163 [unc-120p::hif-1(p621A) + ttx-3::RFP]. Line 1.
OH7253 |
C. elegans |
zdIs13 IV; otEx3165. Show Description
zdIs13 [tph-1p::GFP] IV. otEx3165 [unc-120p::hif-1(p621A) + ttx-3::RFP]. Line 3.
OH7260 |
C. elegans |
zdIs13 IV; otEx3168. Show Description
zdIs13 [tph-1p::GFP] IV. otEx3168 [hif-1p::hif-1(p621A) + ttx-3::RFP]. Line 1.
OH7261 |
C. elegans |
zdIs13 IV; otEx3169. Show Description
zdIs13 [tph-1p::GFP] IV. otEx3169 [hif-1p::hif-1(p621A) + ttx-3::RFP]. Line 2.
OH7262 |
C. elegans |
zdIs13 IV; otEx3170. Show Description
zdIs13 [tph-1p::GFP] IV. otEx3170 [hif-1p::hif-1(p621A) + ttx-3::RFP]. Line 3.
OH7546 |
C. elegans |
vtIs1 V; otIs198. Show Description
vtIs1 [dat-1p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)] V. otIs198 [hsp16-2::ast-1 + ttx-3::DsRed + hsp16-2::NLS::mCherry]. Rollers. Heat shock induces expression of nuclear mCherry and AST-1. Reference: Flames N, Hobert O, 2009 Nature 458, 885-889.
OH8014 |
C. elegans |
zdIs13 IV; otEx3567. Show Description
zdIs13 [tph-1p::GFP] IV. otEx3567 [ptph-1::hif-1(p621A) + ttx-3::RFP]. Line 1.
OH8015 |
C. elegans |
zdIs13 IV; otEx3568. Show Description
zdIs13 [tph-1p::GFP] IV. otEx3568 [ptph-1::hif-1(p621A) + ttx-3::RFP]. Line 2.
OH8016 |
C. elegans |
zdIs13 IV; otEx3569. Show Description
zdIs13 [tph-1p::GFP] IV. otEx3569 [ptph-1::hif-1(p621A) + ttx-3::RFP]. Line 3.
OP68 |
C. elegans |
unc-119(ed3) III; wgIs68. Show Description
wgIs68 [ttx-3::TY1::EGFP::3xFLAG(92C12) + unc-119(+)]. TY1::EGFP::3xFLAG tag inserted in frame at C-terminus of coding sequence by recombineering. Expression of transgene confirmed by GFP. References: Sarov, M, et al. Nat Methods (2006) 10:839-44. Gerstein MB, et al. Science. 2010 Dec 24;330(6012):1775-87. Strain was constructed as part of the Regulatory Element Project, part of modENCODE (
PS9538 |
C. elegans |
syIs824. Show Description
syIs824 [15xUAS::Chrimson::tdTomato::let-858 3'UTR + myo-2p::GFP + 1kb DNA ladder (NEB)]. Red light-activated channelrhodopsin cGAL effector. [NOTE: due to an error in the information submitted to the CGC, this strain was previously described as carrying the array syIs803 with a ttx-3::RFP co-injection marker. The correct name for the array is syIs824 and it carries the myo-2p::GFP marker.]