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Strain Species Genotype
OH9331 C. elegans ttx-3(ot358). Show Description
Whole genome sequenced strain.
FK134 C. elegans ttx-3(ks5) X. Show Description
Abnormal in thermotaxis. Cryophilic (cold-seeking) and abnormal in isothermal tracking.
OH1098 C. elegans otIs133 II. Show Description
otIs133[pttx-3::RFP + unc-4(+)]. RFP expressed in AIY only.
OH161 C. elegans ttx-3(ot22) X. Show Description
Thermotaxis defective (cryophilic). Null allele.
OH8 C. elegans ttx-3(mg158) X. Show Description
Thermotaxis defective (cryophilic); strong loss of function.
OH910 C. elegans otIs77 II. Show Description
otIs77 [ttx-3p::kal-1 + unc-122p::GFP] II. Overexpressing line from P. Loria. The integrated array has been mapped to LG II between stP36 and maP1. AIY interneurons have a 100% penetrant axon branching phenotype. Otherwise, the animals look phenotypically wild type.
OH99 C. elegans mgIs18 IV. Show Description
mgIs18 [ttx-3p::GFP] IV. ttx-3p::GFP labels AIY interneurons.
GR1395 C. elegans mgIs49 IV. Show Description
mgIs49 [mlt-10p::GFP::PEST + ttx-3::GFP] IV. GFP expression oscillates with molting cycle. Reference: Veli SM, et al. Mol Biol Cell. 2010 May 15;21(10):1648-61. PMID: 20335506.
OH1078 C. elegans ttx-3(ot22) X; otEx621. Show Description
otEx621 [(pAIY-MCS) ttx-3(cDNA) + unc-47(long)::GFP]. Maintain by picking GFP+.
OH4770 C. elegans ttx-3(mg158) X; otIs24. Show Description
otIs24 [sre-1::GFP + dpy-20(+)].
OH7074 C. elegans otIs173 III; ttx-3(ot355) X. Show Description
otIs173 [F25B3.3::DsRed2 + ttx-3promB::GFP] III. Whole genome sequenced strain. Reference: Sarin S, et al., Genetics. 2010 Jun;185(2):417-30.
OH7075 C. elegans otIs173 III; ttx-3(ot356) X. Show Description
otIs173 [F25B3.3::DsRed2 + ttx-3promB::GFP] III. Whole genome sequenced strain. Reference: Sarin S, et al., Genetics. 2010 Jun;185(2):417-30.
OH7076 C. elegans otIs173 III; ttx-3(ot357) X. Show Description
otIs173 [F25B3.3::DsRed2 + ttx-3promB::GFP] III. Whole genome sequenced strain. Reference: Sarin S, et al., Genetics. 2010 Jun;185(2):417-30.
OH7079 C. elegans otIs173 III; ttx-3(ot360) X. Show Description
otIs173 [F25B3.3::DsRed2 + ttx-3promB::GFP] III. Whole genome sequenced strain. Reference: Sarin S, et al., Genetics. 2010 Jun;185(2):417-30.
OH7103 C. elegans otIs173 III; ttx-3(ot365) X. Show Description
otIs173 [F25B3.3::DsRed2 + ttx-3promB::GFP] III. Whole genome sequenced strain. Reference: Sarin S, et al., Genetics. 2010 Jun;185(2):417-30.
OH912 C. elegans otIs76 mgIs18 IV. Show Description
otIs76 [pttx-3p::kal-1 + unc-122p::GFP] IV. mgIs18 [ttx-3p::GFP] IV. otIs76 is closely linked to mgIs18 on LG IV. Superficially wild-type. AIY interneurons have a 100% penetrant axon branching phenotype.
OH4343 C. elegans otIs133 II; otEx2498. Show Description
otEx2498 [gcy-18(prom1)::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Expresses GFP in AFD and AIM. Maintain by picking GFP+ animals (which should also be Rollers). otIs133 [pttx-3::RFP + unc-4(+)]. RFP expressed in AIY only.
OH4768 C. elegans kyIs140 I; ttx-3(mg158) X. Show Description
kyIs140 [str-2::GFP + lin-15(+)] I.
OH4769 C. elegans ttx-3(mg158) X; nuIs11. Show Description
nuIs11 [osm-10::GFP + lin-15(+)]. Array contains pool28; KP#57-59 (osm-10::GFP insert at Nrul site) and pJM24 [lin-15(+) rescues n765 at 20C]. GFP expressed in ASH, ASI, PHA and PHB after 3-fold. nuIs11 may be inserted on LG I.
OH2018 C. elegans mgIs18 IV; otIs35 hst-6(ot19) X. Show Description
mgIs18 [ttx-3p::GFP] IV. otIs35 [ttx-3p::kal-1 + rol-6(su1006)] X. otIs35 has been mapped to LG X between lon-2 and hst-6. Rollers. ttx-3p::GFP labels AIY interneurons. ot19 suppresses the branching phenotype of KAL-1 overexpression in AIY. hst-6(ot19) is closely linked to otIs35.
OH160 C. elegans otIs76 mgIs18 IV; lon-2(e678) hst-6(ot17) X. Show Description
otIs76 [pttx-3p::kal-1 + unc-122p::GFP] IV. mgIs18 [ttx-3p::GFP] IV. Long, otherwise phenotypically WT. ttx-3p::GFP labels AIY interneurons. hst-6(ot17) suppresses the branching phenotype of KAL-1 overexpression in AIY. hst-6(ot17) is closely linked to lon-2.
CZ18412 C. elegans juSi94 II; rps-18(ok3353) IV; glo-4(ok623) V; juEx5515. Show Description
juSi94 [GFP11::rps-18 + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. juEx5515 [unc-25p::GFP1-10 + unc-25p::mCherry::rab-3 + ttx-3p::RFP]. Pick ttx-3::RFP to maintain. GABAergic motor neuron-specific expression of split GFP reporter allows visualization of ribosomes in neurons, and GABAergic motor neuron-specific expression of mCherry::rab-3. Reference: Noma et al Elife. 2017 Aug 2;6. pii: e26376. doi: 10.7554/eLife.26376.
CLP546 C. elegans twnEx185. Show Description
twnEx185 [mec-7p::MTS::roGFP + mec-7p::TOMM20::mCherry + ttx-3p::GFP]. Pick animals with GFP expression in head neurons (AIY) to maintain. roGFP can be used to monitor redox status of the mitochondrial matrix in the six touch receptor neurons: the oxidation-reduction status of mitochondrial matrix can be monitored with roGFP, a GFP variant that increases brightness in a more oxidized environment. The mitochondrial outer membrane in these neurons are marked by mCherry. Reference: Jiang HC, et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2015 Jul 14;112(28):8768-73. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1501831112. PMID: 26124107. [NOTE: twnEx185 is incorrectly described as carrying myo-2p::GFP in the reference publication. The correct co-injection marker is ttx-3::GFP.]
CZ18020 C. elegans juSi94 II; rps-18(ok3353) IV; juEx5377. Show Description
juSi94 [GFP11::rps-18 + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. juEx5377 [myo-3p::GFP1-10 + ttx-3p::RFP]. Pick ttx-3::RFP to maintain. Muscle-specific expression of split GFP reporter allows visualization of ribosomes in muscle. Reference: Noma et al Elife. 2017 Aug 2;6. pii: e26376. doi: 10.7554/eLife.26376.
CZ22695 C. elegans juEx6908. Show Description
juEx6908 [nmr-1p::PH::miniSOG(Q103L) + nmr-1p::mCherry + ttx-3::GFP]. Pick GFP+ to maintain. Interneuron expression of mCherry and PH-miniSOG (mini Singlet Oxygen Generator). Reference: Xu S & Chisholm AD. Sci Rep. 2016 Feb 10;6:21271.
CZ22698 C. elegans juEx6911. Show Description
juEx6911 [unc-25p::PH::miniSOG(Q103L) + unc-25p::mCherry + ttx-3::GFP]. Pick GFP+ to maintain. Expression of mCherry and PH-miniSOG (mini Singlet Oxygen Generator) in GABAergic motor neurons. Reference: Xu S & Chisholm AD. Sci Rep. 2016 Feb 10;6:21271.
CZ22703 C. elegans juEx6916. Show Description
juEx6916 [myo-3p::PH::miniSOG(Q103L) + myo-3p::mCherry + ttx-3::GFP]. Pick GFP+ to maintain. Expression of mCherry and PH-miniSOG (mini Singlet Oxygen Generator) in body wall muscles. Reference: Xu S & Chisholm AD. Sci Rep. 2016 Feb 10;6:21271.
CZ23277 C. elegans juEx7101. Show Description
juEx7101 [col-19p::PH::miniSOG(Q103L) + ttx-3::RFP]. Pick RFP+ to maintain. Adult epidermal expression of PH-miniSOG (mini Singlet Oxygen Generator). Reference: Xu S & Chisholm AD. Sci Rep. 2016 Feb 10;6:21271.
CZ23279 C. elegans juEx7103. Show Description
juEx7103 [unc-17p(beta)::PH::miniSOG(Q103L) + acr-2p::mCherry + ttx-3::RFP]. Pick RFP+ to maintain. Expression of mCherry and PH-miniSOG (mini Singlet Oxygen Generator) in cholinergic motor neurons. Reference: Xu S & Chisholm AD. Sci Rep. 2016 Feb 10;6:21271. [NOTE: strain was previously described as carrying ttx-3::GFP, but appears to be ttx-3::RFP instead.]
CZ23281 C. elegans juEx7105. Show Description
juEx7105 [mec-4p::PH::miniSOG(Q103L) + mec-4p::mCherry + ttx-3::RFP]. Pick RFP+ to maintain. Expression of mCherry and PH-miniSOG (mini Singlet Oxygen Generator) in mechanosensory neurons. Reference: Xu S & Chisholm AD. Sci Rep. 2016 Feb 10;6:21271.
GR1322 C. elegans pdk-1(sa680) X; mgEx470. Show Description
mgEx470 [pdk-1(+) + ttx-3::GFP]. Pick GFP+ to maintain. 9.2-kb PCR product of genomic DNA from the pdk-1(+) genomic region containing 2.7 kb of 5' upstream regulatory sequence, 6.1 kb of coding sequencing containing introns and exons, and 0.4 kb of pdk-1 3' UTR. Reference: Paradis S, et al. Genes Dev. 1999 Jun 1;13(11):1438-52.
GR1452 C. elegans veIs13 V; let-7(mn112) unc-3(e151) X; mgEx725. Show Description
veIs13 [col-19::GFP + rol-6(su1006)] V. mgEx725 [lin-4::let-7 + ttx-3::RFP]. Pick RFP+ to maintain. mgEx725 rescues lethality of let-7(mn112). Precocious expression of col-19::GFP at the L4 stage. Reference: Hayes GD, Riedel CG, Ruvkun G. 2011. Genes Dev. 2011 Oct 1;25(19):2079-92.
GS3582 C. elegans unc-4(e120) II; arIs92. Show Description
arIs92[egl-17p::NLS-CFP-LacZ + unc-4(+) + ttx-3::GFP]. Do not distribute this strain; other labs should request it from the CGC. This strain cannot be distributed to commercial organizations. This strain cannot be used for any commercial purpose or for work on human subjects.
JK3782 C. elegans qIs56 him-5(e1490) V; qEx557. Show Description
qIs56 [lag-2p::GFP + unc-119(+)] V. qEx557 [hsp-16p::ceh-22b + ttx-3::DsRed]. Him. Pick DsRed+ animals to maintain qEx557 array. Heat-shock can be used to drive the ectopic expression of CEH-22B (derived from Fire Lab vector pPD49.78). LAG-2::GFP is expressed the embryo, nerve cord, Z1/Z4, and DTCs. Reference: Lam N. et al. Curr Biol. 2006 Feb 7;16(3):287-95. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2005.12.015. PMID: 16461282
JK3791 C. elegans sys-1(q544) I; qIs95 III. Show Description
qIs95 [(sys-1p::Venus::sys-1 + pttx-3::DsRed]. The DsRed marker is very dim and might be difficult to see it under the dissecting scope. Do not distribute this strain; other labs should request it directly from the CGC. This strain cannot be distributed to commercial organizations. This strain cannot be used for any commercial purpose or for work on human subjects.
KG4687 C. elegans ceIs269 I. Show Description
ceIs269 [unc-129p::tomm-20::Venus + unc-129p::mCherry + ttx-3p::RFP]; Integration in Chromosome I (near genetic position -3.20 or 1.14). The ttx-3 marker is quite faint in this strain especially in larvae. The tomm-20::Venus construct was injected at 0.5 ng/ ul in the strain used to make this integrant, so virtually all of the visible tomm-20::Venus signal s associated with mitochondria with essentially no background. The unc-129p::mCherry marker is expressed at a very low level that are detectable only with a sensitive camera (and often not by eye at 1000X). In strains lacking mitochondria in the dorsal cord, use the camera to focus on the mCherry in the dorsal cord, then acquire in the YFP channel.
LE2791 C. elegans lqIs170 X. Show Description
lqIs170 [F25B3.3p::vab-10(ABD)::GFP + ttx-3::RFP] X. Pan-neuronal GFP expression. Reference: Norris AD & Lundquist EA. Development. 2011 Oct;138(20):4433-42.
MDH33 C. elegans otIs339; otIs355. Show Description
otIs339 [ceh-43(+)(fosmid)::GFP + ttx-3::DsRed + rol-6(su1006)]. otIs355 [rab-3::NLS::tagRFP]. Rollers.
MDH38 C. elegans ast-1(gk463) bli-2(e768) unc-4(e120) II; otIs339; otIs355; norEx42. Show Description
otIs339 [ceh-43(+)(fosmid)::GFP + ttx-3::DsRed + rol-6(su1006)]. otIs355 [rab-3::NLS::tagRFP]. norEx42 [ast-1 Cosmid + ttx-3::GFP + dat-1::mCherry]. Rollers. gk463 embryonic lethality is rescued by extrachromosomal array. Pick mCherry+ animals to maintain.
MDH6 C. elegans ast-1(gk463) bli-2(e768) unc-4(e120) II; vtIs1 V; norEx42. Show Description
vtIs1 [dat-1p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)] V. norEx42 [ast-1(+)(cosmid) + ttx-3::GFP + dat-1::mCherry]. Rollers. gk463 embryonic lethality is rescued by extrachromosomal array. Pick mCherry+ animals to maintain.
MDH7 C. elegans ast-1(gk463) bli-2(e768) unc-4(e120) II; ceh-43(ot406) III; vtIs1 V; norEx42. Show Description
vtIs1 [dat-1p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)] V. norEx42 [ast-1(+)(cosmid) + ttx-3::GFP + dat-1::mCherry]. Rollers. ot406 has a dopaminergic phenotype. gk463 embryonic lethality is rescued by extrachromosomal array. Pick mCherry+ animals to maintain.
NC3182 C. elegans otIs181 III; otIs138 X; otIs396. Show Description
otIs181[dat-1::mCherry + ttx-3::mCherry] III. otIs138[ser-2(prom3)::GFP + rol-6(su1006)] X. otIs396 [ace-1prom2::NLS::tagRFP]. Rollers. dat-1::mCherry labels ADE, CEP, and PDE neurons. ttx3::mCherry labels AIY neurons. ser-2(prom3)::GFP labels OLL, PDE, and PVD neurons. ace-1prom2::NLS::tagRFP labels CEP and OLL neurons. PVD can be identified by expression only GFP. An additional pair of GFP-only cells anterior to OLL are occasionally observed in this strain. Can be used to isolate PVD by FACS (green-only). Used by CeNGEN project for RNA-Seq ( Reference: Barbara O’Brien (2017) Diverse genetic and transcriptional programs mediate dendritic development of a nociceptor neuron. Ph.D Dissertation, Vanderbilt University. (
NC3296 C. elegans ynIs37 III; juIs223 IV. Show Description
ynIs37 [flp-13::GFP] III. juIs223 [ttr-39p::mCherry + ttx-3p::GFP] IV. ttr-39::mCherry alone marks VD and DD neurons. ttx-3::GFP marks AIY neurons. Combined ttr-39::mCherry and flp-13::GFP co-expression marks DD neurons in the L2 (only a few mCherry+/GFP+ DD neurons will show up briefly in the L2 stage and gene silencing apparently dims the GFP marker over time). VD neurons can be identified by mCherry alone, no GFP. Derived by crossing parental strains CZ8332 and NY2037. Can be used to isolate VB neurons by FACS. Used by CeNGEN project for RNA-Seq (
NFB2468 C. elegans zdIs13 IV; vlcEx1288. Show Description
zdIs13 [tph-1p::GFP] IV. vlcEx1288 [hsp16.2p::lag-1A(cDNA) + ttx-3::mCherry + rol-6(su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain. Heatshock induces expression of LAG-1A. Reference: Maicas et al. PLOS Biology 2021; 19(7): e3001334. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3001334
NFB2471 C. elegans zdIs13 IV; vlcEx1290. Show Description
zdIs13 [tph-1p::GFP] IV. vlcEx1288 [hsp16.2p::lag-1D(cDNA) + ttx-3::mCherry + rol-6(su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain. Heatshock induces expression of LAG-1D. Reference: Maicas et al. PLOS Biology 2021; 19(7): e3001334. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3001334
NFB509 C. elegans zdIs13 IV; vlcEx284. Show Description
zdIs13 [tph-1p::GFP] IV. vlcEx284 [hsp-16.2p::hlh-3 + ttx-3::mCherry + rol-6(su1006)]. Rollers. Extrachromosomal array containing the heat shock responsive hsp-16.2 promoter for time controlled expression of hlh-3 transcription factor cDNA. Transcriptional tph-1 GFP reporter labels the serotonergic system. Reference: Lloret-Fernández et al. eLife 2018;7:e32785 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.32785.
NP1054 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; cdIs97. Show Description
cdIs97 [pcc1::mCherry::cup-5 + ttx-3::GFP + unc-119(+)]. Ballistic transformation. mCherry::CUP-5 expressed in front coelomocyte promoter.
NP1086 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; cdIs113. Show Description
cdIs113 [pcc1::mCherry::rab-5 + ttx-3::GFP + unc-119(+)]. Ballistic transformation. mCherry::RAB-5 expressed in front coelomocyte promoter.
NP1154 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; cdIs141. Show Description
cdIs141[pcc1::mCherry::rab-7 + ttx-3::GFP + unc-119(+)]. Ballistic transformation. mCherry::RAB-7 expressed in front coelomocyte promoter.
NP704 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; cdIs28. Show Description
cdIs28 [pcc1::mRFP::TRAM + unc-119p::ttx-3::GFP].