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Strain Species Genotype
DLM15 C. elegans ubc-18(tm5426) III. Show Description
DLM16 C. elegans ubc-18(tm5426) sup-35(e2215) pha-1(e2123) III. Show Description
sup-35 rescues synthetic lethality of ubc-18 and pha-1.
DLM18 C. elegans ubc-18(tm5426) III; sup-36(e2217) IV. Show Description
sup-36 suppresses synthetic lethality and Pun phenotype of ubc-18(tm5426) animals grown on ubc-3 RNAi.
DLM19 C. elegans ubc-18(tm5426) III; sup-37(e2215) V. Show Description
DLM 19: sup-37 suppresses synthetic lethality and Pun phenotype of ubc-18(tm5426) animals grown on ubc-3 RNAi.
DLM21 C. elegans unc-119(ed3)III; uwaEx4. Show Description
uwaEx4 [ubc-18::GFP::HA + myo-3p::RFP + unc-119(+)]. Pick RFP+ animals to maintain. Translational GFP transgene rescues ubc-18(tm5426).