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JK5942 C. elegans fog-3(q873[fog-3::3xFLAG]) I; qSi375 II. Show Description
q873[fog-3(1-262)::GGS::3xFLAG::fog-3(263 Phe)] I. qSi375 [mex-5p::eGFP::linker::his-58::3xboxb::tbb-2 3’UTR] II. The tethering assay allows this strain to be used for determining FOG-3 levels in different genetic backgrounds. Similar fertility to N2 wild type. Reference: Aoki S, et al. Cell Rep. 2018 Jun.26; 23(13):3769-3775
JK5943 C. elegans qSi369 II; glp-1(q224) III/hT2 [bli-4(e937) let-?(q782) qIs48] (I;III); qSi370 V. Show Description
qSi369 [sygl-1p::24xMS2 loops::3xflag::sygl-1::sygl1 3'UTR]. qSi370 [mex-5p:: MS2 Coat Protein::linker::sfGFP::tbb-2 3' UTR::gpd-2 intergenic sequence::H2B::mCherry::unc-54 3' UTR]. Heterozygotes are wild-type with pharyngeal GFP signal, and segregate wild-type GFP+ heterozygotes, non-GFP pharynx q224 homozygotes (Glp sterile at 20-25C) and dead eggs (hT2 homozygotes). All animals are sfGFP + in the germline, with distal and proximal transcription sites in the nucleus. qSi369 and qSi370 constitute an MS2 system which allows live visualization of sygl-1 nascent transcripts in the C. elegans germline in a glp-1 mutant background. Reference: Lee C, et al. Dev Cell. 2019 Aug 19;50(4):426-435.e4.
JK6140 C. elegans nos-3(q902) II; qSi380 IV. Show Description
qSi380 [mex-5p::eGFP::3xOLASS::linker::his-58::MODC pest::3xboxb::tbb-2 3'UTR::SL2 trans-splice site::mCherry::3xV5::linker::his-58::MODC pest::mutant 3xboxb::tbb-2 3'utr::tbb-1 intergenic region] IV. Worms are fertile at 20C. Improved tethering assay for use in the C. elegans germline. GFP reporter mRNA is under control of a germline-expressed mex-5 promoter and has three boxB stem-loops in its 3'UTR. The RNA-binding protein (RBP) is tagged with lamda-N. The nascent transcript driven by mex-5 promoter is resolved by trans-splicing into two mRNAs that encode distinct reporters. The GFP reporter RNA has three functional boxB stem-loops in its 3'UTR; the mCherry reporter 3'UTR has three mutated boxB stem-loops that do not bind lamda-N and therefore provides an internal control. Addition of an OLLAS tag to GFP and a V5 tag to mCherry enables sensitive immunostaining and immunoblotting. Reference: Doenier J, et al. RNA. 2021 Jun;(6)643-652. PMID: 33727224.
JK6268 C. elegans qSi380 IV. Show Description
qSi380 [mex-5p::eGFP::3xOLASS::linker::his-58::MODC pest::3xboxb::tbb-2 3’utr::SL2 trans-splice site::mCherry::3xV5::linker::his-58::MODC pest::mutant 3xboxb::tbb-2 3'utr::tbb-1 intergenic region] IV. Worms are fertile at 20C. Improved tethering assay for use in the C. elegans germline. GFP reporter mRNA is under control of a germline-expressed mex-5 promoter and has three boxB stem–loops in its 3?UTR. The RNA-binding protein (RBP) is tagged with lamda-N. The nascent transcript driven by mex-5 promoter is resolved by trans-splicing into two mRNAs that encode distinct reporters. The gfp reporter RNA has three functional boxB stem–loops in its 3?UTR; the mCherry reporter 3?UTR has three mutated boxB stem–loops that do not bind lamda-N and therefore provides an internal control. Addition of an OLLAS tag to GFP and a V5 tag to mCherry enables sensitive immunostaining and immunoblotting. Reference: Doenier J, et al. RNA. 2021 Jun;(6)643-652. PMID: 33727224.
LP193 C. elegans cpIs56 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
cpIs56 [mex-5p::TagRFP-T::PLC(delta)-PH::tbb-2 3'UTR + unc-119 (+)] II. Reporter labels plasma membrane in early embryo. Transgene construct consisted of a germline promoter sequence (mex-5) driving the expression of a fluorescent protein fused to the N-terminus of the the pleckstrin homology domain from phospholipase C-(delta)1 (PH domain) and a 2x Flag epitope tag. Reference: Heppert JK, et al. Mol Biol Cell. 2016 Nov 7;27(22):3385-3394.
LP306 C. elegans cpIs53 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
cpIs53 [mex-5p::GFP-C1::PLC(delta)-PH::tbb-2 3'UTR + unc-119 (+)] II. Reporter labels plasma membrane in early embryo. Transgene construct consisted of a germline promoter sequence (mex-5) driving the expression of a fluorescent protein fused to the N-terminus of the pleckstrin homology domain from phospholipase C-(delta)1 (PH domain) and a 2x Flag epitope tag. Reference: Heppert JK, et al. Mol Biol Cell. 2016 Nov 7;27(22):3385-3394.
LP307 C. elegans cpIs54 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
cpIs54 [mex-5p::mKate::PLC(delta)-PH(A735T)::tbb-2 3'UTR + unc-119 (+)] II. Reporter labels plasma membrane in early embryo. Transgene construct consisted of a germline promoter sequence (mex-5) driving the expression of a fluorescent protein fused to the N-terminus of the pleckstrin homology domain from phospholipase C-(delta)1 (PH domain) and a 2x Flag epitope tag. Reference: Heppert JK, et al. Mol Biol Cell. 2016 Nov 7;27(22):3385-3394.
LP308 C. elegans cpIs55 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
cpIs55 [mex-5p::mCherry-C1::PLC(delta)-PH::tbb-2 3'UTR + unc-119 (+)] II. Reporter labels plasma membrane in early embryo. Transgene construct consisted of a germline promoter sequence (mex-5) driving the expression of a fluorescent protein fused to the N-terminus of the pleckstrin homology domain from phospholipase C-(delta)1 (PH domain) and a 2x Flag epitope tag. Reference: Heppert JK, et al. Mol Biol Cell. 2016 Nov 7;27(22):3385-3394.
LP402 C. elegans cpIs64 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
cpIs64 [mex-5p::mYPet::PLC(delta)-PH::tbb-2 3'UTR + unc-119 (+)] II. Reporter labels plasma membrane in early embryo. Transgene construct consisted of a germline promoter sequence (mex-5) driving the expression of a fluorescent protein fused to the N-terminus of the pleckstrin homology domain from phospholipase C-(delta)1 (PH domain) and a 2x Flag epitope tag. Reference: Heppert JK, et al. Mol Biol Cell. 2016 Nov 7;27(22):3385-3394.
LP869 C. elegans cpSi171 I. Show Description
cpSi171 [vha-8p::TIR1::F2A::mTagBFP2::AID*::NLS::tbb-2 3'UTR] (I:-5.32). Expression of TIR1 co-factor for AID, and tissue-specific AID-tagged blue protein in multiple tissues including intestine, hypodermis, and excretory cell.
LP870 C. elegans cpSi172 I. Show Description
cpSi172 [myo-2p::TIR1::F2A::mTagBFP2::AID*::NLS::tbb-2 3'UTR] (I:-5.32). Expression of TIR1 co-factor for AID, and tissue-specific AID-tagged blue protein in the pharynx.
LP871 C. elegans cpSi174 I. Show Description
cpSi174 [myo-3p::TIR1::F2A::mTagBFP2::AID*::NLS::tbb-2 3'UTR] (I:-5.32). Expression of TIR1 co-factor for AID, and tissue-specific AID-tagged blue protein in body wall muscle.
MAD63 C. elegans dqSi1 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
dqSi1 [mex-5p::atx-2a(cDNA)::GFP::tbb-2 3’UTR + unc-119(+)] II. Made by injection into strain EG6699; insertion confirmed by sequencing. dqSi1 rescues atx-2(ne4297). Reference: Gnazzo MM, et al. Mol Biol Cell. 2016 Oct 15;27(20):3052-3064. (PMID: 27559134) Del Castillo U, et al. Traffic. 2019 Jun;20(6):436-447. (PMID: 30989774)
MJS209 C elegans unc-119(ed3) III; qbcSi9 IV. Show Description
qbcSi9 [mex-5p::GFP::his-58::3XmiR-228::tbb-2 3’UTR + unc-119(+)] IV. Germline-specific miR-228 miRNA GFP reporter. Reference: Dallaire et al. Dev Cell. 2018 Oct 22;47(2):239-247.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2018.08.022. PMID: 30245155.
MJS210 C elegans unc-119(ed3) III; qbcSi10 IV. Show Description
qbcSi10 [mex-5p::GFP::his-58::3XmiR-228(mut)::tbb-2 3’UTR + unc-119(+)] IV. Germline-specific miR-228 miRNA GFP reporter with a mutation in the miRNA-binding site. Reference: Dallaire et al. Dev Cell. 2018 Oct 22;47(2):239-247.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2018.08.022. PMID: 30245155.
MJS276 C elegans unc-119(ed3) III; qbcSi12 IV. Show Description
qbcSi112 [elt-2p::GFP::his-58::3XmiR-228(mut)::tbb-2 3’UTR + unc-119(+)] IV. Somatic miR-228 miRNA GFP reporter with a mutation in the miRNA-binding site. Reference: Dallaire et al. Dev Cell. 2018 Oct 22;47(2):239-247.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2018.08.022. PMID: 30245155.
MJS277 C elegans unc-119(ed3) III; qbcSi11 IV. Show Description
qbcSi11 [elt-1p::GFP::his-58::3XmiR-228::tbb-2 3’UTR + unc-119(+)] IV. Somatic miR-228 miRNA GFP reporter. Reference: Dallaire et al. Dev Cell. 2018 Oct 22;47(2):239-247.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2018.08.022. PMID: 30245155.
MLC1092 C. elegans lucSi100 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
lucSi100 [hsp16.41::vhhGFP4::zif-1::SL2::mCherry::his-11::tbb-2 3'UTR] II. Superficially wild-type morphology. Single-copy insertion of a GFP-nanobody::zif-1 fusion transgene under a heat-shock promoter for timely controlled degradation of GFP-tagged proteins (Wang et al. (2017). A toolkit for GFP-mediated tissue-specific protein degradation in C. elegans. Development 144, 2694-2701.)
MLC1094 C. elegans lucSi102 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
lucSi102 [hsp16.41::zif-1::SL2::mCherry::his-11::tbb-2 3'UTR] II. Superficially wild-type morphology. Single-copy insertion of a zif-1 transgene under a heat-shock promoter. Used as control for timely controlled degradation of GFP-tagged proteins (Wang et al. (2017). A toolkit for GFP-mediated tissue-specific protein degradation in C. elegans. Development 144, 2694-2701.)
MLC1480 C. elegans lucIs39. Show Description
lucIs39 [tbx-37p::mNeonGreen::2xNLS::tbx-37 3'UTR + pal-1p::mScarlet-I::2xNLS::tbb-2 3'UTR + med-2p::mScarlet-I::2xNLS::tbb-2 3'UTR]. Wild-type morphology. Integrated array allows for labeling and sorting of ABa and ABp descendants by FACS. Reference: Charest J, et al. Dev Cell. 2020 Sep 24;S1534-5807(20)30672-9. PMID: 33002421
MSB1091 C. elegans mirSi16 II; unc-119(ed3) III; mirIs110 V; mirIs107. Show Description
mirSi16 [flp-18p::lox2272::BFP::tbb-2 3'UTR::lox2272::ChR2-HRDC::SL2::jRGECO1a::unc-54 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. mirIs110 [odr-7p::TeNL + unc-122p::GFP *oxTi553 [eft-3p::tdTomato::H2B::unc-54 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)]] V. mirIs107 [gpa:14p::CRE + npr-9p::ChR-HRDC::YFP::SL2::jRGECO1a + rps-0p::hygroR]. Blue fluorescence in flp-18 expressing neurons. Green coelomycetes segregates with calcium sensitive (Kd 250 nM) teal nanolantern (TeNL) in AWA. ChR2-HRDC and jRGECO1a in AVA (instead of BFP) and ChR2-HRDC::YFP and jRGECO1a in AIB. HygroR. Reference: Porta-de-la-Riva M, et al. Nat Methods. 2023 May;20(5):761-769. doi: 10.1038/s41592-023-01836-9. PMID: 37024651.
MSB1160 C. elegans mirSi16 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
mirSi16 [flp-18p::lox2272::BFP::tbb-2 3'UTR::lox2272::ChR2-HRDC::SL2::jRGECO1a::unc-54 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. Blue fluorescence in flp-18 expressing neurons. Combine with CRE driven by a promoter co-expressed in flp-18 expressing cells to switch from blue expression to ChR2-HRDC and jRGECO1a expression. Reference: Porta-de-la-Riva M, et al. Nat Methods. 2023 May;20(5):761-769. doi: 10.1038/s41592-023-01836-9. PMID: 37024651.
MSB1247 C. elegans oxSi1091 II; unc-119(ed3) III; oxTi553 V. Show Description
oxSi1091 [mex-5p::Cas9 (+ smu-2 introns)::tbb-2 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. Slightly sick at 25, mantain at 20C. Cas9 expression in the germline. oxTi553 [eft-3p::tdTomato::H2B] V. Broad nuclear tdTomato expression. Reference: Malaiwong N, et al. G3 (Bethesda). 2023 May 2;13(5):jkad041. doi: 10.1093/g3journal/jkad041. PMID: 36805659.
MSB486 C. elegans mirSi16 II; eat-4(mir12[loxP 5'UTR] mir17[loxP intron2]) III; mirEx131. Show Description
mirSi16 [flp-18p::lox2272::BFP::tbb-2 3'UTR::lox2272::ChR2-HRDC::SL2::jRGECO1a::unc-54 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. mirEx131 [sra-6p::TeNL + npr-9p::ChR2-HRDC::YFP::jRGECO1a + unc-119(+) + gpa:14p::CRE]. Maintain by picking worms with YFP expression in AIB neurons. Blue fluorescence in flp-18 expressing neurons. loxP sites inserrted before first (eat-4(mir12[loxP 5'UTR])) and after second (eat-4(mir17[loxP intron2])) exon of eat-4 gene. Lite. mirEx131 contains calcium sensitive (Kd 250 nM) teal nanolantern (TeNL) in ASH and PVQ, ChR2-HRDC::YFP and jRGECO1a expression in AIB and gpa-14p:CRE. CRE under gpa-14 promoter generates a conditional eat-4 KO in ASH (NOT defective) after recombination of loxP sites in that locus and switches BFP expression in AVA to ChR2-HRDC and jRGECO1a after recombination of lox2272 sites. Reference: Porta-de-la-Riva M, et al. Nat Methods. 2023 May;20(5):761-769. doi: 10.1038/s41592-023-01836-9. PMID: 37024651.
MSB609 C. elegans mirSi16 II; eat-4(mir12[loxP 5'UTR] mir17[loxP intron2]) III; mirIs47. Show Description
mirSi16 [flp-18p::lox2272::BFP::tbb-2 3'UTR::lox2272::ChR2-HRDC::SL2::jRGECO1a::unc-54 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. mirIs47 [sra-6p::TeNL + npr-9p::ChR2-HRDC::YFP::jRGECO1a + unc-119(+) + gpa:14p::CRE]. Blue fluorescence in flp-18 expressing neurons. loxP sites before first (eat-4(mir12[loxP 5'UTR])) and after second exon (eat-4(mir17[loxP intron2])) of eat-4 gene. Lite. Calcium sensitive (Kd 250 nM) teal nanolantern (TeNL) in ASH and PVQ, ChR2-HRDC::YFP and jRGECO1a expression in AIB. Conditional eat-4 KO in ASH (NOT defective) and ChR2-HRDC and jRGECO1a expression in AVA (instead of BFP). Reference: Porta-de-la-Riva M, et al. Nat Methods. 2023 May;20(5):761-769. doi: 10.1038/s41592-023-01836-9. PMID: 37024651.
MSB861 C. elegans mirSi16 II; mirIs76; mirEx69. Show Description
mirSi16 [flp-18p::lox2272::BFP::tbb-2 3'UTR::lox2272::ChR2-HRDC::SL2::jRGECO1a::unc-54 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. mirIs76 [sra-6p::ChRmine::wrmScarlet::let-858 3UTR + sra-6p::TeNL]. mirEx69 [gpa:14p::CRE + unc-122p::mCherry]. Mantain by picking animals with mCherry+ coelomycetes. Blue in flp-18 expressing neurons. Expression of ChRmine, wrmScarlet and calcium sensitive (Kd 250 nM) teal nanolantern (TeNL) in ASH and PVQ. Expression of ChR2-HRDC and jRGECO1a expression in AVA (instead of BFP). Reference: Porta-de-la-Riva M, et al. Nat Methods. 2023 May;20(5):761-769. doi: 10.1038/s41592-023-01836-9. PMID: 37024651.
MSB961 C. elegans mirSi29 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
mirSi29 [flp-18p::lox2272::mtagBFP2::tbb-2 3'UTR::lox2272::ACR1::SL2::jRGECO1a::let-858 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. Blue fluorescence in flp-18 expressing neurons. Combine with CRE driven by a promoter co-expressed in flp-18 expressing cells to switch from blue expression to ACR1 and jRGECO1a expression. Reference: Porta-de-la-Riva M, et al. Nat Methods. 2023 May;20(5):761-769. doi: 10.1038/s41592-023-01836-9. PMID: 37024651.
MSB966 C. elegans mirSi34 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
mirSi34 [myo-3p::lox2272::mtagBFP2::tbb-2 3'UTR::lox2272::ChR2-HRDC::SL2::jRGECO1a::let-858 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. Blue fluorescence in body wall muscles. Combine with CRE driven by a promoter expressed in desired muscle cells to switch from blue expression to ChR2-HRDC and jRGECO1a expression. Reference: Porta-de-la-Riva M, et al. Nat Methods. 2023 May;20(5):761-769. doi: 10.1038/s41592-023-01836-9. PMID: 37024651.
MSB985 C. elegans mirSi37 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
mirSi37 [flp-18p::lox2272::mtagBFP2::tbb-2 3'UTR::lox2272::ChRmine::SL2::jRGECO1a::let-858 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. Blue fluorescence in flp-18 expressing neurons. Combine with CRE driven by a promoter co-expressed in flp-18 expressing cells to switch from blue expression to ChRmine and jRGECO1a expression. Reference: Porta-de-la-Riva M, et al. Nat Methods. 2023 May;20(5):761-769. doi: 10.1038/s41592-023-01836-9. PMID: 37024651.
NK2694 C. elegans bmdSi15 rpl-31(qy110[rpl-31::gfp11]) I. Show Description
bmdSi15 [loxN + eef-1A.1p::GFP(1-10)::unc-54 3? UTR + let-858 terminator + myo-2p::mCherry::3xHA::tbb-2 3? UTR + loxP] I. bmdSi15 is a CRISPR-based integration into the ttTi4348 site (I:-5.32). Split GFP tag (GFP11) inserted into the C-terminus of the endogenous rpl-31 locus.
NK2730 C. elegans rpl-4(qy128[rpl-4::gfp11]) bmdSi15 I. Show Description
bmdSi15 [loxN + eef-1A.1p::GFP(1-10)::unc-54 3? UTR + let-858 terminator + myo-2p::mCherry::3xHA::tbb-2 3? UTR + loxP] I. bmdSi15 is a CRISPR-based integration into the ttTi4348 site (I:-5.32). Split GFP tag (GFP11) inserted into the C-terminus of the endogenous rpl-41 locus.
NK2789 C. elegans bmdSi15 I; shy61(sec-61.B::GFP11x2) IV. Show Description
bmdSi15 [loxN + eef-1A.1p::GFP(1-10)::unc-54 3? UTR + let-858 terminator + myo-2p::mCherry::3xHA::tbb-2 3? UTR + loxP] I. bmdSi15 is a CRISPR-based integration into the ttTi4348 site (I:-5.32). 2x split GFP tag (GFP11) inserted into the C-terminus of the endogenous sec-61.B locus.
NK2902 C. elegans bmdSi15 I; rpl-31(qy189[rpl-31::ZF1::GFP11]) I; zif-1(gk117) III; qyIs463. Show Description
qyIs463 [lin-29p::zif-1::SL2::mCherry]. bmdSi15 [loxN + eef-1A.1p::GFP(1-10)::unc-54 3? UTR + let-858 terminator + myo-2p::mCherry::3xHA::tbb-2 3? UTR + loxP] I. bmdSi15 is a CRISPR-based integration into the ttTi4348 site (I:-5.32). ZF1 and split GFP tag (GFP11) inserted into the C-terminus of the endogenous rpl-31 locus.
NK3080 C. elegans cpIs91 II; sbp-1(qy94[mNG::sbp-1]) III. Show Description
cpIs91 [lag-2p::2x mKate2::PLC(delta)PH::3xHA::tbb-2 3'UTR LoxN] II. sbp-1 locus endogenously tagged with mNG at the N-terminus. Superficially wild-type. Reference: Park K, et al. J Cell Biol. 2024 Oct 7;223(10):e202402035. PMID: 39007804.
NM5879 C. elegans jsSi1900 II. Show Description
jsSi1900 [loxP::cup-4p::FRT::cyOFP::tbb-2 3' + mex-5p::FLP::D5::glh-2 3' FRT3] II. Reference: Nonet ML. Rapid generation of C. elegans single copy transgenes combining RMCE and drug selection. bioRxiv 2023.03.05.531207; doi:
NM5945 C. elegans jsSi1988 IV. Show Description
jsSi1988 [loxP + cup-4p::FRT::cyOFP::tbb-2 3' + mex-5p::FLP::D5::glh-2 3' + FRT3] IV. Reference: Nonet ML. Rapid generation of C. elegans single copy transgenes combining RMCE and drug selection. bioRxiv 2023.03.05.531207; doi:
NM5953 C. elegans jsSi1949 II; him-8(e1489) IV. Show Description
jsSi1949 [loxP + myo-2p::FRT::nls::mNG myo-2 3' + <{rps-0p HygR unc-54 3'} ori <{Amp} <{mex-5p nls-Cre tbb-2 3'} + FRT3] II. Him. Reference: Nonet ML. Rapid generation of C. elegans single copy transgenes combining RMCE and drug selection. bioRxiv 2023.03.05.531207; doi:
NM5970 C. elegans jsSi1973 I; him-8(e1489) IV. Show Description
jsSi1973 [mosL + loxP + myo-2p::FRT::nls::mNG::myo-2 3' + <{rps-0p::HygR::unc-54 3'} + ori <{Amp} <{mex-5p::nls::Cre::tbb-2 3'} + FRT3 + mosR] I. Him. Reference: Nonet ML. Rapid generation of C. elegans single copy transgenes combining RMCE and drug selection. bioRxiv 2023.03.05.531207; doi:
NM6024 C. elegans jsSi2029 IV. Show Description
jsSi2029 [loxP::myo-2p::FRT::Scarlet 2x::tbb-2 3' + rps-0p::hygR::unc-54 3' + mex-5p::nls::Cre::glh-2 3' + FRT3] IV. Reference: Nonet ML. Rapid generation of C. elegans single copy transgenes combining RMCE and drug selection. bioRxiv 2023.03.05.531207; doi:
NM6037 C. elegans jsSi2049 V. Show Description
jsSi2049 [loxP::myo-2p::FRT::Scarlet 2x::tbb-2 3' + rps-0p::hygR::unc-54 3' + ori <{Amp} mex-5p::nls::Cre::glh-2 3' + FRT3] V. Reference: Nonet ML. Rapid generation of C. elegans single copy transgenes combining RMCE and drug selection. bioRxiv 2023.03.05.531207; doi:
NM6168 C. elegans jsSi2027 II; him-8(e1489) IV. Show Description
jsSi2027 [loxP::myo-2p::FRT::Scarlet 2x::tbb-2 3' + rps-0p::hygR::unc-54 3' + ori <{Amp} + mex-5p::nls::Cre::glh-2 3' + FRT3] II. Him. Reference: Nonet ML. Rapid generation of C. elegans single copy transgenes combining RMCE and drug selection. bioRxiv 2023.03.05.531207; doi:
OCF69 C. elegans ocfSi1 I; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
ocfSi1 [mex-5p::Dendra2::his-58/66::tbb-2 3'UTR + unc-119(+)] I. Dendra2::histone H2B expression in the germline and embryos. The H2B coding sequence is identical to genes his-58 and his-66. Made by MosSCI insertion into ttTi4348 on LG I. Reference: Rosu S & Cohen-Fix O. Dev Biol. 2017 Mar 15;423(2):93-100.
OD1854 C. elegans ltSi539 II; ltSi507 IV; nre-1(hd20) lin-15B(hd126) X; stIs10389. Show Description
ltSi539 [dlg-1p(delta)7::mCherry::his-72::unc-54 3’UTR + cnd-1p::mCherry::his-72::unc-54 3’UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. ltSi507 [hlh-1p::GFP::his-72::tbb-2 3’UTR + hlh-1p::mCherry::his-72::tbb-2 3’UTR +Cbr-unc-119(+)] IV. stIs10389 [pha-4::TGF(3E3)::GFP::TY1::3xFLAG inserted into fosmid WRM0617dE06 as C-terminal protein fusion]. During embryogenesis, ectoderm fluoresces red, mesoderm fluoresces yellow, and endoderm/pharynx fluoresces green. Reference: Wang S, et al. Development. 2019 Apr 11;146(7):dev174029. doi: 10.1242/dev.174029. PMID: 30890570.
OD2768 C. elegans ltSi910 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
ltSi910 [elt-2p::vhhGFP4::zif-1::operon-linker::mCherry::his-11::tbb-2 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. This transgenic strain mediates intestine-specific degradation of GFP-tagged proteins; can be combined with endogenous locus GFP-tagging or rescue of a null mutant with a GFP fusion to examine intestine-specific functions of target genes. Reference: Wang S, et al.  Development. 2017 Jun 15. pii: dev.150094. doi: 10.1242/dev.150094.
OD2770 C. elegans ltSi912 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
ltSi912 [myo-3p::vhhGFP4::zif-1::operon-linker::mCherry::his-11::tbb-2 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. This transgenic strain mediates body wall muscle-specific degradation of GFP-tagged proteins; can be combined with endogenous locus GFP-tagging or rescue of a null mutant with a GFP fusion to examine body wall muscle-specific functions of target genes. Reference: Wang S, et al.  Development. 2017 Jun 15. pii: dev.150094. doi: 10.1242/dev.150094.
OD2772 C. elegans ltSi914 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
ltSi914 [osm-6p::vhhGFP4::zif-1::operon-linker::mCherry::his-11::tbb-2 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. This transgenic strain mediates sensory neuron-specific degradation of GFP-tagged proteins; can be combined with endogenous locus GFP-tagging or rescue of a null mutant with a GFP fusion to examine sensory neuron-specific functions of target genes. Reference: Wang S, et al.  Development. 2017 Jun 15. pii: dev.150094. doi: 10.1242/dev.150094.
OD2773 C. elegans ltSi915 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
ltSi915 [osm-6p::zif-1::operon-linker::mCherry::histone::tbb-2 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II.  Control strain for OD2772, which mediates ciliated sensory neuron-specific degradation of GFP-tagged proteins.  Superficially wild type.  Reference: Wang S, et al.  Development. 2017 Jun 15. pii: dev.150094. doi: 10.1242/dev.150094.
OD2984 C. elegans ltSi953 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
ltSi953 [mec-18p::vhhGFP4::zif-1::operon-linker::mKate::tbb-2 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. This transgenic strain mediates touch neuron-specific degradation of GFP-tagged proteins; can be combined with endogenous locus GFP-tagging or rescue of a null mutant with a GFP fusion to examine touch neuron-specific functions of target genes. Reference: Wang S, et al.
OD4235 C elegans ltSi220 I; ltSi1129 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
ltSi220 [mex-5p::GFP::tbb-2::operon-linker::mCherry::his-11 + Cbr-unc-119(+)] I. ltSi1129 [spd-2p::spd-5(re-encoded) + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. Re-encoded spd-5 is siRNA-resistant. mCherry-labeled histones. GFP-labeled microtubules. Reference: Ohta M, et al. J Cell Biol. 2021 Feb 1;220(2):e202009083. doi: 10.1083/jcb.202009083. PMID: 33399854.
OD4313 C elegans ltSi220 I; ltSi1219 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
ltSi220 [mex-5p::GFP::tbb-2::operon-linker::mCherry::his-11 + Cbr-unc-119(+)] I. ltSi1219 [spd-2p::spd-5(S653A S658A)::spd-5 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. Small centrosomes. mCherry-labeled histones. GFP-labeled microtubules. Reference: Ohta M, et al. J Cell Biol. 2021 Feb 1;220(2):e202009083. doi: 10.1083/jcb.202009083. PMID: 33399854.