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OH17657 C. elegans unc-39(syb4537ot1193[unc-39p(bs_del)::unc-39::gfp]) V. Show Description
ot1193 is a CRISPR-engineered mutation of a small unc-39 auto-regulatory region containing a cluster of several predicted homeodomain binding sites in the endogenously-tagged unc-39(syb4537) reporter strain. Reference: Cros C & Hobert O. bioRxiv 2022.04.19.488792; doi:
PHX4537 C. elegans unc-39(syb4537[unc-39::gfp]) V. Show Description
CRISPR/Cas9 engineered tagged endogenous locus. Reference: Cros C & Hobert O. bioRxiv 2022.04.19.488792; doi: