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OH1422 C. elegans otIs138 X. Show Description
otIs138 [ser-2(prom3)::GFP + rol-6(su1006)] X. Integrated array derived from otEx449.
OH14405 C. elegans tab-1(gk753) II; otIs549 X; otEx6747. Show Description
otIs549 [unc-25p::unc-25(partial)::mChopti::unc-54 3'UTR + pha-1(+)] X. otEx6747 [tab-1(fosmid)::SL2::YFP::H2B + rol-1(su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain otEx6747. Him. otIs549 reporter contains 1.8 kb upstream of the unc-25 start codon through exon 4. otIs549 was derived from injection of pMG154; line 2-1. otEx6747 reporter tag inserted into fosmid WRM0617bA03; line 5-4. Reference: Gendrel M, et al. Elife. 2016 Oct 14;5.
OH14454 C. elegans otIs587; otIs304. Show Description
otIs587 [gcy-5(fosmid)::SL2::NLS::GFP + ttx-3p::mCherry]. otIs304 [hsp16-2p::che-1::3xHA::BLRP + rol-6(su1006)]. Rollers. GFP reporter tag inserted into gcy-5(+) fosmid. gcy-5 is normally expressed in ASER and RIGL/R neurons, but upon heatshock, expression of CHE-1 induces ectopic gcy-5 expression (the extent of ectopic expression is dependent on the timing of the heatshock). Reference: Patel T & Hobert O. eLife 2017.
OH15535 C. elegans inx-6(ot805[inx-6::GFP]) IV; otEx7230. Show Description
otEx7230 [ets-5p::TagRFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Transgene contains 3.25 kb of ets-5 promoter fragment. GFP tag inserted into endogenous inx-6 locus.
OH15691 C. elegans otEx7294. Show Description
otEx7294 [inx-8(fosmid WRM0632dA04)::SL2::NLS::YFP::H2B + rol-6(su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain.
OH1571 C. elegans tax-2(ot25) otIs114 I; him-5(e1490) V. Show Description
otIs114 [lim-6p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Ectopic lim-6 expression in a set of cells anterior to ASE. Molecular identity: W40Stop. Null allele.
OH15862 C. elegans him-5 (e1490) V; otEx7353. Show Description
otEx7353 [UPN::tagRFP::TRA-1(active) + rol-6(su1006)]. Rollers. Pick Rollers to maintain. Nervous system-specific expression of a TRA-1 gain-of-function construct. UPN is a concatenated panneuronal promoter (containing promoter fragments from unc-11, rgef-1, ehs-1, and ric-19). TRA-1(active) is a shortened version of the TRA-1A cDNA (860aa) predicted to encode the proteolytically activated version of TRA-1A generated by C-terminal cleavage in hermaphrodites (Schvarzstein and Spence 2006).
OH1589 C. elegans lin-23(ot1) II; oxIs12 X; otEx840. Show Description
otEx840 [lin-23::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. oxIs12 [unc-47p::GFP + lin-15(+)]. Maintain by picking Rollers.
OH16391 C. elegans otEx7501. Show Description
otEx7501 [pdfr-1::GFP::cla-1 + pdfr-1::tagRFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain. Presynaptic GFP::cla-1 reporter for pharyngeal I1 neurons. Reference: Cook SJ, et al. J Comp Neural. 2020 Nov 1;528(16):2767-2784. doi: 10.1002/cne.24932. PMID: 32352566.
OH16393 C. elegans otEx7503. Show Description
otEx7503 [unc-4p::GFP::cla-1 + unc-4p::tagRFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain. Presynaptic GFP::cla-1 reporter for pharyngeal I5 neuron. Reference: Cook SJ, et al. J Comp Neural. 2020 Nov 1;528(16):2767-2784. doi: 10.1002/cne.24932. PMID: 32352566.
OH16395 C. elegans otEx7505. Show Description
otEx7505 [ceh-19p::GFP::cla-1 + ceh-19p::tagRFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain. Presynaptic GFP::cla-1 reporter for pharyngeal MC neurons. Reference: Cook SJ, et al. J Comp Neural. 2020 Nov 1;528(16):2767-2784. doi: 10.1002/cne.24932. PMID: 32352566.
OH16700 C. elegans otIs785. Show Description
otIs785 [ceh-34p::GFP::CLA-1 + ceh-34p::TagRFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Rollers. Reference: The enteric nervous system of C. elegans is specified by the Sine Oculis-like homeobox gene ceh-34. Vidal B, et al. bioRxiv 2021.11.30.470650; doi:
OH16719 C. elegans otIs138 X; otIs521. Show Description
otIs138 [ser-2(prom3) +rol-6(su1006)] X. otIs521 [eat-4(prom8)::tagRFP + ttx-3::GFP]. OLL neurons are labeled with GFP and RFP. Can be used to isolate OLL by FACS. Used by CeNGEN project for RNA-Seq (
OH16940 C. elegans ceh-20(ok541) III; otIs643 V; muEx261. Show Description
otIs643 [npr-9::TagRFP + rol-6(su1006)] V. muEx261 [ceh-20::GFP + odr-1::RFP]. Pick RFP+ animals to maintain. Rollers.
OH16949 C. elegans otIs736; evIs111. Show Description
otIs736 [cat-4p::mCherry + rol-6(su1006)]. evIs111 [F25B3.3::GFP + dpy-20(+)]. Rollers. Pan-neural GFP expression. The two HSN neurons are marked with both GFP and mCherry. Can be used to isolate HSN by FACS. Used by CeNGEN project for RNA-Seq (
OH171 C. elegans otEx103. Show Description
otEx103[lim-7::GFP; rol-6(su1006)]. <50% penetrant Roller line. Maintain by picking Rollers. GFP strongly expressed in gonad sheath cell pair 1.
OH2000 C. elegans lin-23(ot1) II; oxIs12 X; otEx1076. Show Description
otEx1076 [unc-47p(long)::lin-23cDNA(yk784a08) + rol-6(su1006) + pBS]. oxIs12 [unc-47p::GFP + lin-15(+)]. Maintain by picking Rollers.
OH2018 C. elegans mgIs18 IV; otIs35 hst-6(ot19) X. Show Description
mgIs18 [ttx-3p::GFP] IV. otIs35 [ttx-3p::kal-1 + rol-6(su1006)] X. otIs35 has been mapped to LG X between lon-2 and hst-6. Rollers. ttx-3p::GFP labels AIY interneurons. ot19 suppresses the branching phenotype of KAL-1 overexpression in AIY. hst-6(ot19) is closely linked to otIs35.
OH2024 C. elegans exc-4(rh133) I; otEx1000. Show Description
otEx1000 [hsp16-2::exc-4(cDNA)::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Maintain by picking Rollers.
OH2096 C. elegans lin-23(ot1) II; oxIs12 X; otEx1131. Show Description
otEx1131[unc-47::GFP + rol-6(su1006) + pBS]. oxIs12 [unc-47p::GFP + lin-15(+)]. Maintain by picking Rollers.
OH2211 C. elegans otEx1184. Show Description
otEx1184 [exl-1p::exl-1::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Maintain by picking Rollers. Translational GFP fusion localizes to lysosomal membranes in the intestine and to the Golgi apparatus in neurons and muscle.
OH2475 C. elegans otIs157. Show Description
otIs157 [lim-6r::GFP + rol-6(su1006)].
OH2672 C. elegans otEx1495. Show Description
otEx1495 [sul-1::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain. GFP expression in hypodermis and AVL.
OH2724 C. elegans otIs133; otEx1545. Show Description
otIs133 [pttx-3::RFP + unc-4(+)]. otEx1545 [F11H8.2::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Maintain by picking GFP+ Rollers. RFP expressed in AIY only. Reference: Wenick AS, Hobert O. Wenick AS, Hobert O. Developmental Cell. 2004 Jun;6(6):757-70.
OH2862 C. elegans otEx731. Show Description
otEx731[lin-23::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. lin-23prom::GFP transcriptional fusion.
OH2871 C. elegans che-1(ot101) I; ntIs1 V; otIs151. Show Description
ntIs1 [gcy-5p::GFP + lin-15(+)] V; integration of adEx1262 [gcy-5p::GFP + lin-15(+)]. otIs151 [ceh-36p::RFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Rollers. Both ASEL and ASER show GFP expression from ntIs1.
OH2984 C. elegans otEx1765. Show Description
otEx1765 [let-765::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Maintain by picking Rollers.
OH2985 C. elegans otEx1766. Show Description
otEx1766 [let-765::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Maintain by picking Rollers.
OH2987 C. elegans otEx1768. Show Description
otEx1768 [let-756::GFP + dpy-7::RFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Maintain by picking Rollers.
OH2990 C. elegans otEx1771. Show Description
otEx1771[egl-15::GFP + dpy-7::RFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Maintain by picking Rollers.
OH2996 C. elegans ntIs1; lsy-2(ot64) X; otEx1777. Show Description
ntIs1 [gcy-5p::GFP + lin-15(+)] V. otEx1777 [lsy-2::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Maintain by picking Rollers.
OH3112 C. elegans otIs159. Show Description
otIs159 [die-1::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. GFP expressed in embryonic hypodermis and head neurons.
OH3150 C. elegans otIs160; otIs151. Show Description
otIs151 [ceh-36p::RFP + rol-6(su1006)]. otIs160 [lsy-6::GFP + coelomocyte::GFP]. Rollers.
OH3487 C. elegans otIs114 I; cog-1(ot119) II. Show Description
otIs114 [lim-6p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Loss of cog-1 leads to the disruption of ASER fate markers and the ectopic expression of ASEL cell fate markers in ASER. otIs114 reporter, normally expressed in ASEL and excretory gland cells, is also ectopically expressed in ASER in ot119. Rollers.
OH3491 C. elegans otIs114 I; cog-1(ot123) II. Show Description
otIs114 [lim-6p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. ot123 is a semi-dominant deletion allele of part of the cog-1 3' UTR, a lsy-6 miRNA target. Loss of miRNA regulation leads to ectopic expression of cog-1 in ASEL, which transforms ASEL to have ASER fate. otIs114, normally expressed in only ASEL and excretory gland cells, is lost in ASEL in ot123. Animals tend not to Roll.
OH3503 C. elegans otEx2040. Show Description
otEx2040 [hse-5p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Transcriptional hse-5s::GFP fusion.Maintain by picking Rollers.
OH3556 C. elegans che-1(ot124) otIs114 I. Show Description
otIs114 [lim-6p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. che-1 mutants result in complete loss of ASE specific cell fate markers. otIs114 reporter, normally expressed in ASEL and excretory gland cells, is lost in ASEL in this mutant.
OH3568 C. elegans otIs114 I; cog-1(ot155) II. Show Description
otIs114 [lim-6p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Loss of cog-1 leads to the disruption of ASER fate markers and the ectopic expression of ASEL cell fate markers in ASER. otIs114 reporter, normally expressed in ASEL and excretory gland cells, is also ectopically expressed in ASER in ot155. Rollers. Animals look Dpy.
OH3645 C. elegans otIs114 I; lsy-6(ot149) V. Show Description
otIs114 [lim-6p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Loss of lsy-6 leads to the disruption of ASEL fate markers and the ectopic expression of ASER cell fate markers in ASEL. otIs114 reporter, normally expressed in ASEL and excretory gland cells, is lost in ASEL in this mutant.
OH3646 C. elegans otIs114 I; lsy-6(ot150) V. Show Description
otIs114 [lim-6p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Loss of lsy-6 leads to the disruption of ASEL fate markers and the ectopic expression of ASER cell fate markers in ASEL. otIs114, normally expressed in ASEL and excretory gland cells, is lost in ASEL in this mutant.
OH3679 C. elegans che-1(ot151) otIs114 I. Show Description
otIs114 [lim-6p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. che-1 mutants result in complete loss of ASE specific cell fate markers. otIs114 reporter, normally expressed in ASEL and excretory gland cells, is lost in ASEL in this mutant.
OH3681 C. elegans otIs114 che-1(ot153) I. Show Description
otIs114 [lim-6p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. che-1 mutants result in a complete loss of ASE specific cell fate markers. otIs114, normally expressed in ASEL and excretory gland cells, is lost in ASEL in this mutant.
OH3682 C. elegans otIs114 I; lsy-12(ot154) V. Show Description
otIs114 [lim-6p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Rollers. 2 ASER.
OH3684 C. elegans otIs114 I; lsy-12(ot170) V. Show Description
otIs114 [lim-6p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Loss of lys-12 leads to the disruption of ASEL fate markers and the ectopic expression of ASER cell fate markers in ASEL. otIs114 reporter, normally expressed in ASEL and excretory gland cells, is lost in lsy-12 mutants. Rollers. Worms are slow growing.
OH3754 C. elegans otIs114 I; fozi-1(ot159) III. Show Description
otIs114 [lim-6p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. fozi-1 mutant causes a mixed phenotype in the ASER neuron, characterized by ASER fate markers being unaffected and ASEL markers (including the lim-6 reporter) being partially de-repressed in ASER. otIs114 reporter shows expression in ASEL, the excretory gland cells, and is de-repressed in ASER.
OH3890 C. elegans otIs114 I; ced-4(ot188) III. Show Description
otIs114 [lim-6p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Ectopic expression of otIs114 in the undead sister of ASEL. Rollers.
OH3895 C. elegans otIs114 I; die-1(ot198) II. Show Description
otIs114 [lim-6p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Loss of die-1 leads to the disruption of ASEL fate markers and the ectopic expression of ASER cell fate markers in ASEL. otIs114 reporter, normally expressed in ASEL and excretory gland cells, is lost in ASEL in this mutant.
OH3900 C. elegans otIs114 I; fozi-1(ot191) III. Show Description
otIs114 [lim-6p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. fozi-1 mutant causes a mixed phenotype in the ASER neuron, characterized by ASER fate markers being unaffected and ASEL markers (including the lim-6 reporter) being partially de-repressed in ASER. otIs114 reporter shows expression in ASEL, the excretory gland cells, and is de-repressed in ASER.
OH3902 C. elegans otIs114 I; cog-1(ot200) II. Show Description
otIs114 [lim-6p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Loss of cog-1 leads to the disruption of ASER fate markers and the ectopic expression of ASEL cell fate markers in ASER. otIs114 reporter, normally expressed in ASEL and excretory gland cells, is also ectopically expressed in ASER in ot200. Rollers.
OH3903 C. elegans otIs114 I; cog-1(ot201) II. Show Description
otIs114 [lim-6p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Loss of cog-1 leads to the disruption of ASER fate markers and the ectopic expression of ASEL cell fate markers in ASER. otIs114 reporter, normally expressed in ASEL and excretory gland cells, is also ectopically expressed in ASER in ot201. Rollers.