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AF5 Oscheius sp. Oscheius sp. wild isolate Show Description
Isolated in Towers Hill State Park in WI. Males are rare. No SDS resistant dauers. Animals are osmosensitive, can be dried competely and recover in water. Rhabditidae. Previously known as Rhabditis sp.
AF78 Mesorhabditis sp. Show Description
Rhabditidae: Mesorhabditis sp. Isolated in Governor Dodge State Park in South Dakota. Dark in color.
AF8130 Pristionchus sp. Show Description
Neodiplogasteridae: Pristionchus Iheritieri, Maupas, 1919. Isolated in Ontario, Canada. [9/98: Ralf Sommer has found this strain to be hermaphroditic. He had successful matings between AF8130 and PS312 Pristionchus pacificus, indicating that AF8130 is probably P. pacificus.]
AGD926 C. elegans zcIs4 V; uthIs269. Show Description
zcIs4 [hsp-4::GFP] V. uthIs269 [sur-5p::hsf-1::unc-54 3'UTR + myo-2p::tdTomato::unc-54 3' UTR]. ER stress resistence. Reference: Taylor RC, Dillin A. Cell. 2013 Jun 20;153(7):1435-47.
AU1 C. elegans sek-1(ag1) X. Show Description
Enhanced susceptibility to pathogens (Esp). Egl-d. Nsy. Also called esp-2.
AU3 C. elegans nsy-1(ag3) II. Show Description
Enhanced susceptibility to pathogens (Esp). Nsy. Egl-d. Also called esp-8.
AV554 C. elegans dpy-13(e184) unc-5(ox171) IV/nT1 [qIs51] (IV;V); krIs14 V/nT1 [qIs51] (IV;V). Show Description
krIs14 [hsp-16.48p::MosTransposase + lin-15B + unc-122p::GFP]. Heterozygotes are WT with GFP (GFP+ coelomocytes & GFP+ pharynx), and segregate WT GFP, arrested nT1[qIs51] aneuploids, and Dpy Unc homozygotes (GFP+ pharynx & GFP+ coelomocytes). Homozygous nT1[qIs51] inviable. Pick WT with GFP (GFP+ pharynx & GFP+ coelomocytes) and check for correct segregation of progeny to maintain. References: Robert V & Bessereau JL. EMBO J. 2007 Jan 10;26(1):170-83. doi: 10.1038/sj.emboj.7601463. PMID: 17159906. Rosu S, et al. Science. 2011 Dec 2;334(6060):1286-9. doi: 10.1126/science.1212424. PMID: 22144627. Toraason E, et al. Elife. 2024 Aug 8;13:e80687. doi: 10.7554/eLife.80687. PMID: 39115289.
AVS397 C elegans gpIs1; artEx35. Show Description
gpIs1 [hsp-16.2p::GFP]. artEx35 [sur-5p::hpk-1::CFP + myo-2p::mCherry)]. Pick animals with red pharynx to maintain. Inducible GFP fluorescence after >1 hour heat shock. Reference: Das R, PLoS Genet. 2017 Oct 16;13(10):e1007038. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1007038. PMID: 29036198; PMCID: PMC5658188.
AY131 C. elegans zcIs4 V; vit-1(ac2) X. Show Description
zcIs4 [hsp-4::GFP] V. vit-1(ac2) is a dominant allele that causes ER stress. Since vit-1 is expressed only in adult stage, ER stress is induced only in adult stage. The levels of GFP expression from zcIs4 [hsp-4::GFP] reporter indicates the level of ER stress. Reference: Singh J & Aballay A. MBio. 2017 May 30;8(3). pii: e00778-17. doi: 10.1128/mBio.00778-17.
AY132 C. elegans zcIs4 V; vit-2(ac3) X. Show Description
zcIs4 [hsp-4::GFP] V. vit-2(ac3) is a dominant allele that causes ER stress. Since vit-2 is expressed only in adult stage, ER stress is induced only in adult stage. The levels of GFP expression from zcIs4 [hsp-4::GFP] reporter indicates the level of ER stress. Reference: Singh J & Aballay A. MBio. 2017 May 30;8(3). pii: e00778-17. doi: 10.1128/mBio.00778-17.
AY133 C. elegans zcIs4 V; vit-4(ac4) X. Show Description
zcIs4 [hsp-4::GFP] V. vit-4(ac4) is a dominant allele that causes ER stress. Since vit-4 is expressed only in adult stage, ER stress is induced only in adult stage. The levels of GFP expression from zcIs4 [hsp-4::GFP] reporter indicates the level of ER stress. Reference: Singh J & Aballay A. MBio. 2017 May 30;8(3). pii: e00778-17. doi: 10.1128/mBio.00778-17.
AY134 C. elegans zcIs4 V; vit-5(ac5) X. Show Description
zcIs4 [hsp-4::GFP] V. vit-5(ac5) is a dominant allele that causes ER stress. Since vit-5 is expressed only in adult stage, ER stress is induced only in adult stage. The levels of GFP expression from zcIs4 [hsp-4::GFP] reporter indicates the level of ER stress. Reference: Singh J & Aballay A. MBio. 2017 May 30;8(3). pii: e00778-17. doi: 10.1128/mBio.00778-17.
AY135 C. elegans zcIs4 V; vit-6(ac6) X. Show Description
zcIs4 [hsp-4::GFP] V. vit-6(ac6) is a dominant allele that causes ER stress. Since vit-6 is expressed only in adult stage, ER stress is induced only in adult stage. The levels of GFP expression from zcIs4 [hsp-4::GFP] reporter indicates the level of ER stress. Reference: Singh J & Aballay A. MBio. 2017 May 30;8(3). pii: e00778-17. doi: 10.1128/mBio.00778-17.
AY185 C. elegans acEx185. Show Description
acEx185 [hsp-16.41p::par-5::VN173 + hsp-16.41p::his-1::VC155 + unc-122p::RFP]. Pick RFP+ animals to maintain. BiFC reporter strain for PAR-5 and histone (H4) proteins interaction. To detect the protein-protein physical interactions, heat shock the animals for 3 hours at 33°C, allow them to recover for 12 hours at 20°C, and observe fluorescent-complementation signals under a high-magnification fluorescence microscope. Reference: Hong C, et al. PLoS Biol. 2021 Mar 31;19(3):e3001169. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3001169. PMID: 33788830.
AY186 C. elegans acEx186. Show Description
acEx186 [hsp-16.41p::par-5::VN173 + hsp-16.41p::VC155 + unc-122p::RFP]. Pick RFP+ animals to maintain. Control strain for AY185 strain. Heat shock induces protein expression but NO BiFC complementation. Reference: Hong C, et al. PLoS Biol. 2021 Mar 31;19(3):e3001169. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3001169. PMID: 33788830.
BIGb0170 Sphingobacterium sp. Sphingobacterium sp. Show Description
BIGb0393 Pantoea sp. Pantoea sp. Show Description
BN195 C. elegans bqSi195 II. Show Description
bqSi195 [(pBN65) hsp-16.41p::Dam::Myc::lmn-1 + unc-119(+)] II. Strain for DamID mapping of chromatin associated with the nuclear lamina/LMN-1. Made by MosSCI using strain EG4322 for injection. Might still carry unc-119(ed9) III, which is rescued by bqSi195. Reference: González-Aguilera C, et al. Genome Biol. 2014 Feb 3;15(2):R21.
BN196 C. elegans bqSi196 II. Show Description
bqSi196 [hsp-16.41p::GFP::Myc::Dam + unc-119(+)] II. Strain for DamID mapping of chromatin associated with the nuclear lamina/LMN-1. Made by MosSCI using strain EG4322 for injection. Might still carry unc-119(ed9) III, which is rescued by bqSi196. Reference: González-Aguilera C, et al. Genome Biol. 2014 Feb 3;15(2):R21.
BN218 C. elegans bqSi218 II. Show Description
bqSi218 [hsp-16.41p::Dam::Myc::emr-1 + unc-119(+)] II. Strain for DamID mapping of chromatin associated with the nuclear lamina/LMN-1. Made by MosSCI using strain EG4322 for injection. Might still carry unc-119(ed9) III, which is rescued by bqSi218. Reference: González-Aguilera C, et al. Genome Biol. 2014 Feb 3;15(2):R21.
BN477 C. elegans bqSi471 II; bqSi225 IV. Show Description
bqSi471 [hsp-16.41p::FRT::mCherry::his-58::FRT::peel-1 + unc-119(+)] II; bqSi225 [emr-1p::emr-1::mCherry + unc-119(+)] IV. Expression of emr-1p::emr-1::mCherry marker is visible, but faint. Suitable for spatiotemporal cell ablation by crossing with FLP-expressing strains.
BN646 C. elegans bqSi640 II; bqSi470 IV. Show Description
bqSi640 [dpy-7p::FRT::mCherry::his-58::FRT::GFP::his-58 + unc-119(+)] II; bqSi470 [hsp-16.41p::FLAG::NLS::FLP D5 + unc-119(+)] IV. Expression of red and green histones in hypodermal lineage before and after heat shock, respectively.
BP172 C. elegans muIs65 II; hyEx21. Show Description
hyEx21 [hsp-16.2p::eff-1 + rol-6(su1006)]. muIs65 [ajm-1::GFP + dpy-20(+)]. AJM-1 marks epithelial junctions. Pick Rollers to maintain.
BU7222 C. elegans pat-3(st564) III; kqEx73. Show Description
kqEx73 [pat-3(sp) + rab-3::RFP + cki-1::GFP]. Pick RFP+ to maintain. kqEx73 carries a form of pat-3 gene with splicing defects; rescues pat-3 null allele. pat-3(sp) is a frameshift mutation in the splice acceptor region (ag to aa) that abolishes conserved interaction domains such as the NPxY motifs and creates a splice variant with an extra 19 amino acids. The pat-3(sp) animals not only produce mutant pat-3, but also express the regular splice form due to utilization of an unusual splice acceptor. Abnormal Distal Tip Cell migration and pat-3 gene splicing (intron 7) defects. Reference: Kihira S, et al. PLoS One. 2012;7(8):e42425.
BW287 Panagrolaimus sp. Show Description
Chinese rhabditis hermaphrodite nematode from Bill Wood's Chinese collection, Beijing. According to David Fitch this strain is Panagrolaimus sp. April 2008: According to sequence data from Howe & Denver 2008 BMC Evol Biol 8:62, strain BW287 is C. briggsae.
CB4027 C. elegans tra-3(e1107) eIs2137 IV. Show Description
eIs2137 [sup-7(+) + Dm-hsp::lacZ] IV. lacZ expression induced by heat shock. Limited pattern (the pSHZ1 vector was originally designed for use in Drosophila, not C. elegans, and is not the best vector for expression of lacZ in the worm). This strain has predominantly historical value (as the first C. elegans strain shown to express a foreign gene). eIs2137 transgene is integrated and contains two plasmids: pAST (sup-7 amber suppressor), and pSHZ1 (lacZ driven by Drosophila heat shock promoter (S. Munro)).
CB5161 C. brenneri Show Description
Male-female strain. Reference WBG 9(3) 121. Isolated from sugar cane in Trinidad by D.J. Hunt (Commonwealth Institute of Parasitology). [7/7/93: Scott Baird and David Fitch question whether this strain is really C. remanei.] [7/95: Not cross-fertile with the authentic C. remanei isolated by Walter Sudhaus.] Previously called C. remanei by the CGC. Walter Sudhaus has tentatively described this strain as Caenorhabditis sp.; this description is not offical and is contigent upon its being published. See WBPaper00002633 and WBPaper00003993. sp. 4 in Kiontke and Sudhaus Wormbook Ecology chapter.
CDH1 C. elegans pduEx1. Show Description
pduEx1 [pCE-bJUN-VN173 + pCE-bFOX-VC155 + rol-6(su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain. Heat-shock induces protein expression and BiFC complementation consistent with expression of the hsp-16.2 promoter.
CEW1 Oscheius tipulae Oscheius tipulae. Show Description
Isolated in 1991 by Carlos E. Winter in soil samples taken at the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil. Hermaphrodite strain. Adults are 1.5mm. The life cycle is a little longer than C. elegans at 22C. Each lays about 300 eggs in the three days following the moult from L4 to adult. Eggs are laid just after being fertilized resulting sometimes in plates with many eggs (much more than C. elegans). See Comp. Biochem. Physiol 103B: 189, 1992. See Nematology 2(1): 89-98, 2000. Can be grown and maintained on NGM. L1s easily frozen and stored in liquid nitrogen. This strain is deposited in Paul Sternberg's collection under the name PS1022. The species has not yet been determined; Lynn Carta will publish a paper proposing Oscheius brevesophaga. DO NOT use this name before the paper is published. Contact Carles E. Winter or Lynn Carta before publishing anything official about this strain. See also WBPaper00004471 and WBPaper00004485. AKA Oscheius sp. 1.
CF2962 C. elegans muEx420. Show Description
muEx420 [hsp-12.6p::RFP(NLS) + odr-1p::RFP]. Pick RFP+ animals to maintain. Reference: Zhang P, et al. Cell Metab. 2013 Jan 8;17(1):85-100.
CF439 C. elegans lin-39(mu26) III; dpy-20(e1282) IV; him-5(e1490) V; muIs23. Show Description
muIs23 [hsp::lin-39 + (pMH86) dpy-20(+)]. Heat-shock inducible lin-39. muIs23 is a spontaneous integrant whose chromosomal location is unknown. [NOTE: This strain was previously described as carrying lin-39(n1760), but it is actually carrying the g to a substitution of mu26. Strain MT7255 has been confirmed to be carrying the a to t substitution of n1760.]
CF716 C. elegans dpy-20(e1282) IV; mig-13(mu31) X; muIs37. Show Description
muIs37 [(pMS114) hsp::mig-13 + (pMH86) dpy-20(+)]. Inducible heat-shock promoter driven mig-13 rescues Q cell migration defects in mig-13(mu31) mutants. Reference: Sym, M., Robinson, N., and Kenyon, C. Cell. 1999 Jul 9;98(1):25-36.
CF891 C. elegans dpy-20(e1282) IV; muIs37. Show Description
muIs37 [(pMS114) hsp::mig-13 + (pMH86) dpy-20(+)]. Inducible heat-shock promoter driven mig-13 rescues Q cell migration defects in mig-13(mu31) mutants. Reference: Sym, M., Robinson, N., and Kenyon, C. Cell. 1999 Jul 9;98(1):25-36.
CFJ191 C. elegans kstSi32 I; unc-119(ed3) III; kstEx45. Show Description
kstSi32 [Cbr-unc-119(kst13)] I. kstEx45 [hsp-16.41p::Cas9::gpd-2::TagRFP-T::smu-1 3'UTR + mlc-1p::mCherry + NeoR]. Pick mCherry+ to maintain. Unc. Cbr-unc-119(kst13) is a partial unc-119 used for section in MosTI, an updated technique for targeted single-copy and extra-chromosomal array insertion. Reference: El Mouridi S, et al. 2022.
CFJ192 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; kstSi37 IV; kstEx46. Show Description
kstSi37 [Cbr-unc-119(kst13)] IV. kstEx46 [hsp-16.41p::Cas9::gpd-2::TagRFP-T::smu-1 3'UTR + mlc-1p::mCherry + NeoR]. Pick mCherry+ to maintain. Unc. Cbr-unc-119(kst13) is a partial unc-119 used for section in MosTI, an updated technique for targeted single-copy and extra-chromosomal array insertion. Reference: El Mouridi S, et al. 2022.
CG640 C. elegans daf-2(e1368) unc-103(n1213) III; him-5(e1490) V; rgEx247. Show Description
rgEx247 [hsp-16p::daf-2(+) + lev-11p::GFP]. rgEx247 restores food-deprivation suppression of unc-103(n1213)-induced spicule protraction.
CGC102 C. elegans mir-61(umn14[lox2272 + myo-2p::wrmScarlet + lox511I sqt-1(d) hsp::CRE HygR lox511I + lox2272]) V. Show Description
mir-61 pre-miRNA deletion strain deletion allele in which mir-61 pre-miRNA was replaced by myo-2p::wrmScarlet. Generated in parental strain N2. Rollers. [NOTE: Low levels of Cre activity can lead to excision of the SEC, causing the strain to lose the Roll phentoype. Pick Rollers to retain full transgene cassette.]
CGC110 C. elegans mir-250(umn21[lox2272 myo-2p::wrmScarlet + lox511I sqt-1(d) hsp::CRE HygR lox511I + lox2272)] V. Show Description
mir-250 pre-miRNA deletion strain deletion allele in which mir-250 pre-miRNA was replaced by myo-2p::wrmScarlet. Rollers. Generated in parental strain N2. [NOTE: Low levels of Cre activity can lead to excision of the SEC, causing the strain to lose the Roll phentoype. Pick Rollers to retain full transgene cassette.]
CGC113 C. elegans mir-61&mir-250(umn24[lox2272 myo-2p::wrmScarlet + lox511I sqt-1(d) hsp::CRE HygR lox511I + lox2272)] V. Show Description
mir-61&mir-250 pre-miRNA deletion strain deletion allele in which mir-61&mir-250 pre-miRNAs were replaced by myo-2p::wrmScarlet. Rollers. Generated in parental strain N2. [NOTE: Low levels of Cre activity can lead to excision of the SEC, causing the strain to lose the Roll phentoype. Pick Rollers to retain full transgene cassette.]
CGC120 C. elegans mir-792(umn31[lox2272 myo-2p::wrmScarlet + lox511I sqt-1(d) hsp::CRE HygR lox511I + lox2272]) V. Show Description
mir-792 pre-miRNA deletion strain deletion allele in which mir-792 pre-miRNA was replaced by myo-2p::wrmScarlet. Rollers. Generated in parental strain N2. [NOTE: Low levels of Cre activity can lead to excision of the SEC, causing the strain to lose the Roll phentoype. Pick Rollers to retain full transgene cassette.]
CGC121 C. elegans mir-785(umn32[lox2272 myo-2p::wrmScarlet + lox511I sqt-1(d) hsp::CRE HygR lox511I + lox2272]) X. Show Description
mir-785 pre-miRNA deletion strain deletion allele in which mir-785 pre-miRNA was replaced by myo-2p::wrmScarlet. Rollers. Generated in parental strain N2. [NOTE: Low levels of Cre activity can lead to excision of the SEC, causing the strain to lose the Roll phentoype. Pick Rollers to retain full transgene cassette.]
CGC122 C. elegans mir-392(umn33[lox2272 myo-2p::wrmScarlet + lox511I sqt-1(d) hsp::CRE HygR lox511I + lox2272]) X. Show Description
mir-392 pre-miRNA deletion strain deletion allele in which mir-392 pre-miRNA was replaced by myo-2p::wrmScarlet. Rollers. Generated in parental strain N2. [NOTE: Low levels of Cre activity can lead to excision of the SEC, causing the strain to lose the Roll phentoype. Pick Rollers to retain full transgene cassette.]
CGC123 C. elegans mir-57(umn34[lox2272 myo-2p::wrmScarlet + lox511I sqt-1(d) hsp::CRE HygR lox511I + lox2272]) II. Show Description
mir-57 pre-miRNA deletion strain deletion allele in which mir-57 pre-miRNA was replaced by myo-2p::wrmScarlet. Rollers. Generated in parental strain N2. [NOTE: Low levels of Cre activity can lead to excision of the SEC, causing the strain to lose the Roll phentoype. Pick Rollers to retain full transgene cassette.]
CGC131 C. elegans mir-248(umn41[lox2272 myo-2p::wrmScarlet + lox511I sqt-1(d) hsp::CRE HygR lox511I + lox2272]) X. Show Description
mir-248 pre-miRNA deletion allele in which mir-248 pre-miRNA was replaced by myo-2p::wrmScarlet. Rollers. Generated in parental strain N2. [NOTE: Low levels of Cre activity can lead to excision of the SEC, causing the strain to lose the Roll phentoype. Pick Rollers to retain full transgene cassette.]
CGC132 C. elegans mir-356(umn42[lox2272 myo-2p::wrmScarlet + lox511I sqt-1(d) hsp::CRE HygR lox511I + lox2272]) III. Show Description
mir-356 pre-miRNA deletion strain deletion allele in which mir-356 pre-miRNA was replaced by myo-2p::wrmScarlet. Rollers. Generated in parental strain N2. [NOTE: Low levels of Cre activity can lead to excision of the SEC, causing the strain to lose the Roll phentoype. Pick Rollers to retain full transgene cassette.]
CGC141 C. elegans mir-1821(umn48[lox2272 myo-2p::wrmScarlet + lox511I sqt-1(d) hsp::CRE HygR lox511I + lox2272]) V. Show Description
mir-1821 pre-miRNA deletion allele in which mir-1821 pre-miRNA was replaced by myo-2p::wrmScarlet. Rollers. Generated in parental strain N2. [NOTE: Low levels of Cre activity can lead to excision of the SEC, causing the strain to lose the Roll phentoype. Pick Rollers to retain full transgene cassette.]
CGC142 C. elegans mir-359(umn49[lox2272 myo-2p::wrmScarlet + lox511I sqt-1(d) hsp::CRE HygR lox511I + lox2272]) V. Show Description
mir-359 pre-miRNA deletion allele in which mir-359 pre-miRNA was replaced by myo-2p::wrmScarlet. Rollers. Generated in parental strain N2. [NOTE: Low levels of Cre activity can lead to excision of the SEC, causing the strain to lose the Roll phentoype. Pick Rollers to retain full transgene cassette.]
CGC143 C. elegans mir-1021(umn50[lox2272 myo-2p::wrmScarlet + lox511I sqt-1(d) hsp::CRE HygR lox511I + lox2272]) IV. Show Description
mir-1021 pre-miRNA deletion allele in which mir-1021 pre-miRNA was replaced by myo-2p::wrmScarlet. Rollers. Generated in parental strain N2. [NOTE: Low levels of Cre activity can lead to excision of the SEC, causing the strain to lose the Roll phentoype. Pick Rollers to retain full transgene cassette.]
CGC144 C. elegans mir-1022(umn51[lox2272 myo-2p::wrmScarlet + lox511I sqt-1(d) hsp::CRE HygR lox511I + lox2272]) X. Show Description
mir-1022 pre-miRNA deletion allele in which mir-1022 pre-miRNA was replaced by myo-2p::wrmScarlet. Rollers. Generated in parental strain N2. [NOTE: Low levels of Cre activity can lead to excision of the SEC, causing the strain to lose the Roll phentoype. Pick Rollers to retain full transgene cassette.]
CGC145 C. elegans mir-1824(umn52[lox2272 myo-2p::wrmScarlet + lox511I sqt-1(d) hsp::CRE HygR lox511I + lox2272]) X. Show Description
mir-1824 pre-miRNA deletion allele in which mir-1824 pre-miRNA was replaced by myo-2p::wrmScarlet. Rollers. Generated in parental strain N2. [NOTE: Low levels of Cre activity can lead to excision of the SEC, causing the strain to lose the Roll phentoype. Pick Rollers to retain full transgene cassette.]