BC352 |
C. elegans |
let-51(s41) unc-22(s7)/sDf2 IV. Show Description
Heterozygotes are Twitchers and segregate Twitchers, twitcher progeny that block in egg and dead eggs.
BS7011 |
C. elegans |
nemp-1(oz534)/sC1(s2023) [dpy-1(s2170) umnIs41] III. Show Description
Segregates WT RFP+ heterozygotes, viable non-RFP nemp-1(oz534) homozygotes, and RFP+ Dpy. Maintain by picking wild-type RFP+. About 10-20% of nemp-1(oz534) homozygotes are sterile.
BS7012 |
C. elegans |
nemp-1(oz535)/sC1(s2023) [dpy-1(s2170) umnIs41] III. Show Description
Segregates WT RFP+ heterozygotes, viable non-RFP nemp-1(oz535) homozygotes, and RFP+ Dpy. Maintain by picking wild-type RFP+. About 10-20% of nemp-1(oz535) homozygotes are sterile.
CGC51 |
C. elegans |
sC1(s2023) [dpy-1(s2170) umnIs41] III. Show Description
umnIs41 [myo-2p::mKate2 + NeoR, III: 518034 (intergenic)] III. Dpy mKate2+. Derived by insertion of myo-2p::mKate2 transgene into parental strain BC4279 using CRISPR/Cas9.
GS4335 |
C. elegans |
arIs41 II. Show Description
arIs41 [lin-12::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Rollers. Reference: Levitan D, Greenwald I. Development. 1998 Aug;125(16):3101-9. Do not distribute this strain; other labs should request it from the CGC. This strain cannot be distributed to commercial organizations. This strain cannot be used for any commercial purpose or for work on human subjects.
HRN680 |
C. elegans |
wrt-6(aus41) X. Show Description
49-bp deletion. Superficially wild-type. Reference: https://www.micropublication.org/journals/biology/micropub-biology-000169/
NW906 |
C. elegans |
pag-1(ls2) III; dpy-20(e1282) IV; seu-2(ev523) evIs41 V. Show Description
evIs41[mec-7::lacZ; mec-7::unc-5; dpy-20(+)] V. Suppresses axon guidance phenotype ofmec-7::unc-5. Has slight Uncoordinated phenotype.
NW988 |
C. elegans |
pag-1(ls2) III; dpy-20(e1282) IV; seu-3(ev555) evIs41 V. Show Description
evIs41[mec-7::lacZ; mec-7::unc-5 + dpy-20(+)] V. Suppresses axon guidance phenotype ofmec-7::unc-5. Has slight Uncoordinated phenotype.
OD61 |
C. elegans |
unc-119(ed3) III; ltIs41. Show Description
ltIs41[pAA5; pie-1::GFP-TEV-STag::CAR-1; unc-119(+)].
RG3088 |
C. elegans |
ddp-1(ve588[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP])/sC1(s2023) [dpy-1(s2170) umnIs41] II. Show Description
umnIs41 [myo-2p::mKate2 + NeoR, III: 518034 (intergenic)] III. Homozygotes have small broods that never mature. Deletion of 401 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break in parental strain N2. Heterozygotes are wild-type GFP+ mKate2+, and segregate wild-type GFP+ mKate2+, GFP+ non-mKate2 have small broods that never mature (ve588 homozygotes), Dpy non-GFP mKate2+ (sC1 homozygotes). Maintain by picking wild-type GFP+ mKate2+. Left flanking Sequence: aaatctatagtttttctcacaggaaATGGA; Right flanking sequence: ttaggctcttttccataaattttcccttaa. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
RG3121 |
C. elegans |
F53A3.7(ve621[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP])/sC1(s2023) [dpy-1(s2170) umnIs41] II. Show Description
umnIs41 [myo-2p::mKate2 + NeoR, III: 518034 (intergenic)] III. Homozygous Sterile. Deletion of 465 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break in parental strain N2. Heterozygotes are wild-type GFP+ mKate2+, and segregate wild-type GFP+ mKate2+, GFP+ non-mKate2 sterile adults (ve621 homozygotes), Dpy non-GFP mKate2+ (sC1 homozygotes). Maintain by picking wild-type GFP+ mKate2+. Left flanking Sequence: agggtttctaaatatcttttaaaacctttg ; Right flanking sequence: AACGTCGTGACACGATAAAGAACGAGAATG. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
RG3167 |
C. elegans |
Y54F10AM.5(ve667[LoxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + LoxP])/sC1(s2023) [dpy-1(s2170) umnIs41] II. Show Description
umnIs41 [myo-2p::mKate2 + NeoR, III: 518034 (intergenic)] III. Homozygous larval arrest. Deletion of 1461 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break in parental strain N2. Heterozygotes are wild-type GFP+ mKate2+, and segregate wild-type GFP+ mKate2+, GFP+ non-mKate2 arrested larvae (ve667 homozygotes), Dpy non-GFP mKate2+ (sC1 homozygotes). Maintain by picking wild-type GFP+ mKate2+. Left flanking Sequence: aacttgtgtggatttacgggcaaacagccg ; Right flanking sequence: ACAATATTACTGAAAGCTAGatttctctga. sgRNA #1: ataaaatttgttttgcgcaa; sgRNA #2: AGCGCCAGTCGTTGTATTTA. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
RG3341 |
C. elegans |
phf-5(ve841[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP])/sC1(s2023) [dpy-1(s2170) umnIs41] II. Show Description
umnIs41 [myo-2p::mKate2 + NeoR, III: 518034 (intergenic)] III. Late larval arrest. Deletion of 2354 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break in parental strain N2. Heterozygotes are wild-type GFP+ mKate2+, and segregate wild-type GFP+ mKate2+, GFP+ non-mKate2 arrested larvae (ve841 homozygotes), Dpy non-GFP mKate2+ (sC1 homozygotes). Maintain by picking wild-type GFP+ mKate2+. Left flanking Sequence: TGTGTGATTTGTGATTCACATGTTCGTCCA; Right flanking sequence: AGGATCGTGACGGATGCCCGAAAATTGTGA. phf-5 sgRNA #3: CAGATACGAACCAATGTACA; phf-5 sgRNA #4: AGAATGCACAATTCTCGAAA. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
RG3342 |
C. elegans |
xpd-1(ve842[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP])/sC1(s2023) [dpy-1(s2170) umnIs41] II. Show Description
umnIs41 [myo-2p::mKate2 + NeoR, III: 518034 (intergenic)] III. Late larval arrest. Deletion of 11823 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break in parental strain N2. Heterozygotes are wild-type GFP+ mKate2+, and segregate wild-type GFP+ mKate2+, GFP+ non-mKate2 arrested larvae (ve842 homozygotes), Dpy non-GFP mKate2+ (sC1 homozygotes). Maintain by picking wild-type GFP+ mKate2+. [NOTE: xpd-1 is located near the end of the region of LG III balanced by sC1, thus not known if truly balanced by sC1.] Left flanking Sequence: CCGGATAAGCTTGATAAGCTTGTCTATTGT; Right flanking sequence: AGTTATTACGCTATCATGTCATGATGCTTC. xpd-1 sgRNA #1: TCCAGAACTATTCCAGGTAG; xpd-1 sgRNA #2: GCCAGTTGACTACCATCCTG. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
RG3414 |
C. elegans |
pipp-4P(ve914[LoxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + LoxP])/sC1(s2023) [dpy-1(s2170) umnIs41] III. Show Description
umnIs41 [myo-2p::mKate2 + NeoR, III: 518034 (intergenic)] III. Homozygous ste. Deletion of 7788 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break in parental strain N2. Heterozygotes are wild-type GFP+ mKate2+, and segregate wild-type GFP+ mKate2+, sterile GFP+ non-mKate2 (ve914 homozygotes), Dpy non-GFP mKate2+ (sC1 homozygotes). Maintain by picking wild-type GFP+ mKate2+. Left flanking Sequence: AAACCCCCTAAAATCTTCAAATTTTTCTGT; Right flanking sequence: TCAGGGTATATGCAAAAGATTCGAGCTCTC. Y71H2AM.2-sgRNA A: AGGAATGGACGTACCACCAG; Y71H2AM.2-sgRNA B: AAATTAGCGGGAAATTTGGC. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
RG3486 |
C. elegans |
rps-15A(ve986[LoxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + LoxP])/sC1(s2023) [dpy-1(s2170) umnIs41] III. Show Description
umnIs41 [myo-2p::mKate2 + NeoR, III: 518034 (intergenic)] III. Early larval arrest. Deletion of 598 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break in parental strain N2. Heterozygotes are wild-type GFP+ mKate2+, and segregate wild-type GFP+ mKate2+, GFP+ non-mKate2 arrested larvae (ve986 homozygotes), Dpy non-GFP mKate2+ (sC1 homozygotes). Maintain by picking wild-type GFP+ mKate2+. Other names: CELE_F53A3.3, uS8, rps-22. Left flanking Sequence: ATGAACGTCCTCGCCGATGCGCTCAACGCC; Right flanking sequence: CACGAGGAGGCCAGAAGAAAGCATTTGGGA. rps-22 crRNA A: ATCAACAACGCCGAGAAGCG; rps-22 crRNA B: ATCCATGATTCCGGCGGAGG. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
RHS41 |
C. elegans |
uthSi7 IV. Show Description
uthSi7 [myo-3p::LifeAct::mRuby::unc-54 3'UTR, Cbr-unc-119(+)] IV. Single-copy insertion of LifeAct::mRuby labels F-actin in body wall muscle cells. Out-crossed to N2. Reference: Higuchi-Sanabria R, et al. Mol Biol Cell. 2018 Oct 15;29(21):2522-2527. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E18-06-0362. PMID: 30133343
SJ4200 |
C. elegans |
zcIs41 V. Show Description
zcIs41 contains [ubl-5p::3xmyc-His tag::ubl-5 + myo-3p::GFP].
SJ4203 |
C. elegans |
zcIs39 II; zcIs41 V. Show Description
zcIs39 contains [dve-1p::dve-1::GFP]. zcIs41 contains [ubl-5p::3xmyc-His tag::ubl-5 + myo-3p::GFP].
TS465 |
C. elegans |
nca-2(gk5) III; unc-77(gk9) IV; lin-15B&lin-15A(n765) X; vaIs41. Show Description
vaIs41 [nca-2::GFP + lin-15(+)]. Superficially Wild-type.
UP604 |
C. elegans |
sos-1(cs41) V. Show Description
Temperature sensitive missense allele. Larval lethal and Vul at 25C. About WT at 20C. Previously called let-341.
VH7154 |
C. elegans |
hsp-60 (hd7146 [loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3 UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3 UTR + loxP])/sC1(s2023) [dpy-1(s2170) umnIs41] III. Show Description
Pick viable fertile GFP+ and mKate2+ animals to maintain. Heterozygotes are wild-type GFP+ mKate2+, and segregate wild-type GFP+ mKate2+, GFP+ non-mKate2 (hd7146 homozygotes), Dpy non-GFP mKate2+ sC1 homozygotes. Derived from parental strains VH7146 and CGC51. hd7146 is a 4918 bp deletion with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking Sequence: ATTTATTCCTGTATTTTTCAGTCATTACCT; Right flanking sequence: GCAATTTTTTGTATGATTTTTCATCAATTT. sgRNA #1: TGCATTATCGTCTGGGAAGC; sgRNA #2: AGAAAACCGATAAAATCTGG. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
ABR161 |
C. elegans |
hjIs37; ldrIs1. Show Description
hjIs37 [vha-6p::mRFP-PTS1 + Cbr-unc-119(+)]. ldrIs1 [dhs-3p::dhs-3::GFP + unc-76(+)]. mRFP targeted to peroxisomes in intestinal cells. dhs-3::GFP is expressed mainly in intestinal cells and localized to intestinal lipid droplets. Derived by crossing parental strains VS10 and LIU1 and outcrossing six times to ABR lab stock of N2. Reference: Papsdorf K, et al. Nat Cell Biol. 2023 May;25(5):672-684. doi: 10.1038/s41556-023-01136-6. 2023. PMID 37127715.
AML320 |
C. elegans |
otIs669 V; wtfIs145. Show Description
wtfIs145 [rab-3p::his-24::GCaMP6s::unc-54 3' UTR + pBX]. GCaMP6s transgene allows for imaging whole-brain calcium activity with neuronal identification using NeuroPAL system. See description of strain OH15262 for full description of otIs669 NeuroPAL (Neuronal Polychromatic Atlas of Landmarks) transgene (Yemini E, et al. Cell. 2021 Jan 7;184(1):272-288.e11. PMID: 33378642). Derived by out-crossing parental strain OH15262 an additional six times before incorporating wtfIs145. References: Yu X, et al. Elife. 2021 Jul 14;10:e66410. doi: 10.7554/eLife.66410. PMID: 34259623. Randi F, et al. Nature 2023 Nov;623(7986):406-414. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-06683-4. PMID: 37914938. Sharma AK, et al. Genetics 2024 May 11:iyae077. doi: 10.1093/genetics/iyae077 PMID: 38733622.
AML456 |
C. elegans |
wtfIs348. Show Description
wtfIs348 [pAS3-5xQUAS::(delta)pes-10p::AI::gur-3G::unc-54 3' UTR + pAS3-5xQUAS::(delta)pes-10p::AI::prdx-2G::unc-54 3' UTR + pAS-3-rab-3p::AI::QF+GR::unc-54 3' UTR + unc-122::GFP]. Keep plates covered to avoid unnecessary exposure to light. This strain expresses a purple light-sensitive optogenetic protein system (i.e., GUR-3 and PRDX-2) in each neuron, and GFP in coelomocytes. Reference: Randi F, et al. Nature 2023 Nov;623(7986):406-414. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-06683-4. PMID: 37914938. Sharma AK, et al. Genetics 2024 May 11:iyae077. doi: 10.1093/genetics/iyae077 PMID: 38733622.
AML462 |
C. elegans |
otIs669 V; wtfIs145; wtfIs348. Show Description
wtfIs145 [rab-3p::his-24::GCaMP6s::unc-54 3' UTR + pBX]. wtfIs348 [pAS3-5xQUAS::(delta)pes-10p::AI::gur-3G::unc-54 3' UTR + pAS3-5xQUAS::(delta)pes-10p::AI::prdx-2G::unc-54 3' UTR + pAS3-rab-3p::AI::QF+GR::unc-54 3' UTR + unc-122::GFP]. Keep plates covered to avoid unnecessary exposure to light. This strain expresses a purple light-sensitive optogenetic protein system (i.e., GUR-3 and PRDX-2) in each neuron, and GFP in coelomocytes. GCaMP6s transgene allows for imaging whole-brain calcium activity with neuronal identification using NeuroPAL system. See description of strain OH15262 for full description of otIs669 NeuroPAL (Neuronal Polychromatic Atlas of Landmarks) transgene (Yemini E, et al. Cell. 2021 Jan 7;184(1):272-288.e11. PMID: 33378642). Derived by out-crossing parental strain OH15262 an additional six times before incorporating other transgenes. References: Yu X, et al. Elife. 2021 Jul 14;10:e66410. doi: 10.7554/eLife.66410. PMID: 34259623. Randi F, et al. Nature 2023 Nov;623(7986):406-414. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-06683-4. PMID: 37914938. Sharma AK, et al. Genetics 2024 May 11:iyae077. doi: 10.1093/genetics/iyae077 PMID: 38733622.
AML508 |
C. elegans |
unc-31(wtf502) IV; otIs669 V; wtfIs145; wtfIs348. Show Description
wtfIs145 [rab-3p::his-24::GCaMP6s::unc-54 3' UTR + pBX]. wtfIs348 [pAS3-5xQUAS::(delta)pes-10p::AI::gur-3G::unc-54 3' UTR + pAS3-5xQUAS::(delta)pes-10p::AI::prdx-2G::unc-54 3' UTR + pAS3-rab-3p::AI::QF+GR::unc-54 3' UTR + unc-122::GFP]. Keep plates covered to avoid unnecessary exposure to light. This strain expresses a purple light-sensitive optogenetic protein system (i.e., GUR-3 and PRDX-2) in each neuron, and GFP in coelomocytes. GCaMP6s transgene allows for imaging whole-brain calcium activity with neuronal identification using NeuroPAL system. unc-31(wtf502) is a CRISPR-engineered deletion allele. See description of strain OH15262 for full description of otIs669 NeuroPAL (Neuronal Polychromatic Atlas of Landmarks) transgene (Yemini E, et al. Cell. 2021 Jan 7;184(1):272-288.e11. PMID: 33378642). Derived by out-crossing parental strain OH15262 an additional six times before incorporating other transgenes. Reference: Randi F, et al. Nature 2023 Nov;623(7986):406-414. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-06683-4. PMID: 37914938.
AML546 |
C. elegans |
wtfEx496. Show Description
wtfEx496 [pAS3-rig-3p::AI::gur-3G::SL2::tagRFP::unc-54 3'UTR + pAS3-rig-3p::AI::prdx-2G::SL2::tagBFP::unc-54 3'UTR]. Pick animals either BFP or RFP expression in head neurons to maintain. Keep plates covered to avoid unnecessary exposure to light. This strain expresses a purple light-sensitive optogenetic protein system (i.e., GUR-3 and PRDX-2) alongside fluorescent proteins tagBFP and tagRFP in command interneurons AVA, and nearby pharyngeal neurons I1, I4, M4, NSM using rig-3 promoter. Worms exhibit higher reversal rate on exposing to blue light (peak value ~470) compared to controls. Reference: Randi F, et al. Nature 2023 Nov;623(7986):406-414. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-06683-4. PMID: 37914938.
AVS411 |
C elegans |
artEx30. Show Description
artEx30 [hpk-1p::hpk-1::tdTomato + hsf-1p::hsf-1::GFP + rol-6 (su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain. Reference: Das R, PLoS Genet. 2017 Oct 16;13(10):e1007038. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1007038. PMID: 29036198; PMCID: PMC5658188.
AVS413 |
C. elegans |
hpk-1(pk1393) X; artEx29. Show Description
artEx29 [hpk-1p::hpk-1::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Full-length C-terminal hpk-1::GFP fusion transgene rescues the progeric phenotype of hpk-1(pk1393). Reference: Das R, et al. PLoS Genet. 2017 Oct 16;13(10):e1007038. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1007038. PMID: 29036198; PMCID: PMC5658188.
BAY7 |
C. elegans |
yanSi1 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
yanSi1 [eft-3p::dCAS9::VP64::tbb-2 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] inserted into ttTi5605 (II:8.42 MB) in parental strain EG6699. Integration plasmid was generated via 3-way gateway reaction with pCFJ150 and plasmids containing eft-3 promoter (ID:1031@E02 promoterome), tbb-2 3'UTR (pCM1.36), and a full length dcas9::VP64 transgene cloned into pDONR201. Reference: Zullo JM, et al. Nature. 2019 Oct;574(7778):359-364. doi: 10.1038/s41586-019-1647-8. PMID: 31619788.
BC4586 |
C. elegans |
unc-76(e911) rol-9(sc148)/sC4(s2172) [dpy-21(e428)] V. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT and Unc Rollers. sC4(s2172) is not viable as a homozygote. As a heterozygote it reduces recombination between unc-76 and rol-9 to 1.8%.
Note: This strain has been sequenced and the sC4 balancer contains a large deletion from V:16,060,619 to V:19,331,432 that removes 1,279 genes and has a complex rearrangement on LGIV. See Maroilley et al. Sci Reports (2021)11:18258 for more details.
BR8611 |
C. elegans |
pqm-1(ok485) II; sodh-1(ok2799) V. Show Description
Reference: Heimbucher T, et al. Nat Commun. 2020 Oct 2;11(1):4627. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-18369-w. PMID: 33009389.
BR8724 |
C. elegans |
pqm-1(ok485) II; pwIs23. Show Description
pwIs23 [vit-2::GFP]. Reference: Heimbucher T, et al. Nat Commun. 2020 Oct 2;11(1):4627. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-18369-w. PMID: 33009389.
BR8807 |
C. elegans |
pqm-1(ok485) II; daf-2(e1370) III; nIs590 V. Show Description
nIs590 [fat-7p::fat-7::GFP + lin15(+)] V. Temperature sensitive dauer constitutive. Maintain at 15C. 100% dauers at 25C. 15% dauer formation at 20C. Long-lived. Reference: Heimbucher T, et al. Nat Commun. 2020 Oct 2;11(1):4627. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-18369-w. PMID: 33009389.
BR8808 |
C. elegans |
daf-2(e1370) III; nIs590 V. Show Description
nIs590 [fat-7p::fat-7::GFP + lin15(+)] V. Temperature sensitive dauer constitutive. Maintain at 15C. 100% dauers at 25C. 15% dauer formation at 20C. Long-lived. Reference: Heimbucher T, et al. Nat Commun. 2020 Oct 2;11(1):4627. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-18369-w. PMID: 33009389.
BR8809 |
C. elegans |
daf-16(mu86) I; muIs139. Show Description
muIs139 [dod-11p::RFP::NLS + rol-6(su1006)]. Dauer defective. Short lived. Reference: Heimbucher T, et al. Nat Commun. 2020 Oct 2;11(1):4627. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-18369-w. PMID: 33009389.
CER660 |
C. elegans |
cer227[mex-5p::SpG(smu-2 introns) + unc-119(+)] II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
Missense mutations D1135L and S1136W, G1218K and E1219Q, and R1335Q and T1337R were introduced on the Cas9 gene at EG9615 strain, to cause endogenous expression of the Cas9 variant SpG. SpG is efficient for CRISPR on NGN PAM sites. Reference: Vicencio J, et al. Nature Communication, 2022. May 12;13(1):2601. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-30228-4.
CVB96 |
C. elegans |
siss-1(csn20) IV. Show Description
siss-1(csn20) animals are defective in stress-induced sleep (SIS) with no other obvious defects in development or behavior. csn20 is a Cys-to-Tyr substitution in the third Cys residue of the EGF motif of SISS-1 (a.k.a. IGEG-1). csn20 phenocopies the deletion allele ve532, indicating that the EGF domain of SISS-1 is functional. Reference: Hill AJ, et al. Nat Commun 15, 10886. doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-55252-4. PMID: 39738055.
CZ27593 |
C. elegans |
bli-1(ju1789[bli-1::mNG::3xFLAG]) II. Show Description
Superficially wild type with green fluorescence in L4 epidermis and adult stage cuticle. mNeonGreen and 3xFLAG tags inserted in N-terminus of endogenous BLI-1 locus at A106 (after subtilisin cleavage site) using Dickinson method. Reference: Adams JRG, et al. Nat Commun. 2023 Nov 18;14(1):7506. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-43058-9. PMID: 37980413.
CZ29114 |
C. elegans |
bli-6(ju1914[bli-6::mNG::3xFLAG]) IV. Show Description
mNeonGreen tag inserted at C-terminus of endogenous bli-6 locus using Dickinson method. Superficially wild-type with green fluorescence in L4 epidermis and adult stage cuticle. Reference: Adams JRG, et al. Nat Commun. 2023 Nov 18;14(1):7506. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-43058-9. PMID: 37980413.
DCD23 |
C. elegans |
uqIs5. Show Description
uqIs5 [lbp-2p::lbp-2::TagRFP]. Age-dependent aggregation of LBP-2::TagRFP in the pseudocoelom. Reference: Gallotta I, et al.
Nature. 2020 Jul 8. doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-2461-z.
ESK1 |
C. elegans |
unc-119(ed3) III; aak-2(ok524) X; fphIs1. Show Description
fphIs1 [aak-2Ap::aak-2A::GFP + unc-119(+)]. aak-2A isoform expressed with its own promoter in aak-2(ok524) background. Reference: Jeong JH, et al. Nat Commun. 2023 Jan 18;14(1):288. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-35952-z. PMID: 36653384.
ESK2 |
C. elegans |
unc-119(ed3) III; aak-2(ok524) X; fphEx1. Show Description
fphEx1 [aak-2Cp::aak-2C::GFP + unc-119(+)]. Pick wild-type (non-Unc) to maintain. aak-2C isoform expressed from its own promoter in aak-2(ok524) background. Reference: Jeong JH, et al. Nat Commun. 2023 Jan 18;14(1):288. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-35952-z. PMID: 36653384.
ESK3 |
C. elegans |
unc-119(ed3) III; aak-2(ok524) X; fphEx2. Show Description
fphEx2 [aak-2A/Cp::aak-2A/C::GFP + unc-119(+)]. Pick wild-type (non-Unc) to maintain. aak-2A and aak-2C isoforms expressed from their own promoter in aak-2(ok524) background. Reference: Jeong JH, et al. Nat Commun. 2023 Jan 18;14(1):288. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-35952-z. PMID: 36653384.
ESK4 |
C. elegans |
unc-119(ed3) III; aak-2(ok524) X; fphEx3. Show Description
fphEx3 [aak-2Ap::aak-2C::GFP + unc-119(+)]. Pick wild-type (non-Unc) to maintain. aak-2c isoform expressed from the aak-2a promoter in aak-2(ok524) background. Reference: Jeong JH, et al. Nat Commun. 2023 Jan 18;14(1):288. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-35952-z. PMID: 36653384.
ESK5 |
C. elegans |
unc-119(ed3) III; aak-2(ok524) X; fphIs2. Show Description
fphIs2 [unc-119p::aak-2A::GFP + unc-119(+)]. aak-2A isoform expressed from the neuronal unc-119 promoter in aak-2(ok524) background. Reference: Jeong JH, et al. Nat Commun. 2023 Jan 18;14(1):288. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-35952-z. PMID: 36653384.
ESK6 |
C. elegans |
unc-119(ed3) III; aak-2(ok524) X; fphIs3. Show Description
fphIs3 [rab-3p::aak-2A::GFP + unc-119(+)]. aak-2A isoform expressed from the neuronal rab-3 promoter in aak-2(ok524) background. Reference: Jeong JH, et al. Nat Commun. 2023 Jan 18;14(1):288. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-35952-z. PMID: 36653384.
ESK7 |
C. elegans |
unc-119(ed3) III; aak-2(ok524) X; fphEx4. Show Description
fphEx4 [vha-6p::aak-2A::GFP + unc-119(+)]. Pick wild-type (non-Unc) to maintain. aak-2A isoform expressed from the intestinal vha-6 promoter in aak-2(ok524) background. Reference: Jeong JH, et al. Nat Commun. 2023 Jan 18;14(1):288. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-35952-z. PMID: 36653384.
GR2255 |
C. elegans |
moc-2(mg595) V. Show Description
Can be maintained on OP50. Requires dietary Moco for viability. Reference: Warnhoff K & Ruvkun G. Nat Chem Biol. 2019 Mar 25. doi: 10.1038/s41589-019-0249-y.