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AU133 C. elegans agIs17 IV. Show Description
agIs17 [myo-2p::mCherry + irg-1p::GFP] IV. GFP in pharynx and intestine that turns on upon infection with pathogenic Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain PA14. Reference: Dunbar TL, et al. Cell Host Microbe. 2012 Apr 19;11(4):375-86.
BC177 C. elegans unc-22(s17) IV. Show Description
Twitcher. Both heterozygotes and homozygotes twitch in 1% nicotine.
CGC28 C. elegans +/szT1 [lon-2(e678) umnIs17] I; dpy-8(e1321) unc-3(e151)/szT1 X. Show Description
umnIs17 [myo-2p::GFP + NeoR, X: 6745526 (intergenic)] I. Heterozygotes are wild-type GFP+, and segregate wild-type GFP+, DpyUnc non-GFP, dead eggs and GFP+ Lon males. Maintain by picking wild-type GFP+. Derived by insertion of myo-2p::GFP transgene into szT1 balancer in parental strain AF1 using CRISPR/Cas9.
DE90 C. elegans oxIs318 II; unc-119(ed3 or e2498) ruIs32 III; ddIs6 V; dnIs17. Show Description
oxIs318 [spe-11p::mCherry::histone + unc-119(+)] II. ruIs32 [pie-1p::GFP::histone H2B + unc-119(+)] III. ddIs6 [tbg-1::GFP + unc-119(+)] V. dnIs17 [pie-1p::GFP::hPLCIII?PH domain + unc-119(+)]. Maintain under normal conditions. Pick GFP+ to maintain. Reference: Johnston et al. (2010) Curr Biol.
EB4499 C. elegans dzDf2/szT1 [lon-2(e678) umnIs17] I; +/szT1 X. Show Description
dzDf2 [I:2037935 - 2261431 deleted]. Pick wild-type GFP+ to maintain. Heterozygotes are wildtype GFP+, segregate into wild-type GFP+, dead eggs, and GFP+ Lon males.
EB4500 C. elegans dzDf3/szT1 [lon-2(e678) umnIs17] I; +/szT1 X. Show Description
dzDf3 [I:1999831 - 2100118 deleted]. Heterozygotes are wild-type GFP+. Segregate wild-type GFP+, dead eggs, and GFP+ Lon males.
EU1444 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; orIs17. Show Description
orIs17 [dhc-1p::GFP::dhc-1 + unc-119(+)]. N-terminal-tagged GFP::dhc-1 fusion driven by the dhc-1 promoter. Reference: O'Rourke SM, et al. Nat Cell Biol. 2010 Dec;12(12):1235-41.
FT63 C. elegans xnIs17. Show Description
xnIs17 [dlg-1::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Rollers. Expresses DLG-1::GFP in epithelial cell junctions.
GW1602 C. elegans met-2(n4256) set-25(n5021) III; lsIs17. Show Description
lsIs17 [pie-1p::GFP::pcn-1(W03D2.4) + unc-119(+)]. Worms are slow growing with reduced brood size and become sterile at elevated temperatures. Express GFP::PCN-1 in dividing cells of germline, embryos and larvae. Reference: Padeken J, et al. Genes Dev. 2019 Apr 1;33(7-8):436-451. PMID: 30804228
GZ264 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; isIs17. Show Description
isIs17 [pGZ295 (pie-1p::GFP::pcn-1(W03D2.4)) + pDP#MM051 (unc-119(+))] Maintain at 25C if possible to avoid possible germ line silencing. The entire coding sequence of PCNA (PCN-1, W03D2.4) was PCR-amplified and the resulting fragment cloned into pie-1::GFP germline expression vector to generate pGZ295, which was co-bombarded with pDP#MM051, which carries an unc-119 cDNA. The transgenic line behaves as though the two plasmids have been jointly integrated.
JU486 C. elegans mfIs4. Show Description
mfIs4 [egl-17::YFP + daf-6::CFP + unc-119(+)]. YFP is expressed in the secondary vulval lineage (vulC, D) and CFP in the primary vulval lineage (vulE, F). egl-17::YFP from the pDRS17 plasmid (D. Sherwood and P. Sternberg). daf-6::CFP from the pCK1 plasmid (C. Kolditz and MA Felix). Slightly Egl, Pvl. unc-119(ed3) might still be present in the background.
LX160 C. elegans rgs-2(vs17) X. Show Description
rgs-2=F16H9.1, a C. elegans RGS (Regulator of G protein Signaling) gene. vs17 is a presumptive null allele. vs17 is a 1136 bp deletion of sequences with limits: ATATATATATCTCATTACTGG...AATCAAGTGTAACACTAATAT. rgs-1;rgs-2 double mutants fail to rapidly turn on egg-laying behavior when fed after starvation.
MAH240 C. elegans sqIs17. Show Description
sqIs17 [hlh-30p::hlh-30::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Rollers. Slightly longer lived at 20C. hlh-30::GFP expression should be visible at relatively low magnification. Derived from JIN1679. Reference: Lapierre LR, et. al. Nat Commun. 2013 Aug 8;4:2267.
ML535 C. elegans mcIs17. Show Description
mcIs17 [lin-26::GFP +rol-6(su1006)]. Rollers. The GFP signal is average in embryos and rather weak in larvae. GFP is detected in the same cells as the endogenous LIN-26 protein, that is hypodermal cells (including rectal and vulval cells), support cells, and the omatic gonad precursors Z1/Z4. The signal is too weak to be detected in uterine cells. mcIs17 insertion site not mapped.
NM534 C. elegans snb-1(js17) V. Show Description
Aldicarb resistant. Unc. L62F mutant (C to T in first base of codon).
PS1681 C. elegans dpy-20(e1282) IV; syIs17. Show Description
syIs17 [pJMGoQLHS + (pMH86) dpy-20(+)]. This strain cannot be distributed to commercial organizations. This strain cannot be used for any commercial purpose or for work on human subjects.
PS3351 C. elegans dpy-20(e1282) syIs17 IV. Show Description
syIs17 [pJMGoQLHS + (pMH86) dpy-20(+)] IV. Non-Dpy animals which at all stages progressively exhibit Go(gf) phenotype after heat shock treatment (standard treatment is 33C water bath for 30 minutes). Animals cease feeding, foraging, locomotion, ovulating and egg laying. Gravid adults eventually bag. "Suicides" are common. Do not distribute this strain; other labs should request it from the CGC. This strain cannot be distributed to commercial organizations. This strain cannot be used for any commercial purpose or for work on human subjects.
PY1157 C. elegans oyls17. Show Description
oyls17 [gcy-8p::GFP + lin-15(+)]. AFD neurons are marked with GFP. Used by CeNGEN project for RNA-Seq (
PY1260 C. elegans ttx-1(oy26) oyIs17 V. Show Description
oyIs17 [gcy-8p::GFP + lin-15(+)] V. Thermotaxis defective. Reduced gcy-8::GFP expression in AFD at 25C.
PY1283 C. elegans ttx-1(oy29) oyIs17 V. Show Description
oyIs17 [gcy-8p::GFP + lin-15(+)] V. Thermotaxis defective. Reduced gcy-8::GFP expression in AFD at 25C.
SJ4143 C. elegans zcIs17. Show Description
zcIs17 [ges-1::GFP(mit)]. Stable transgenic line expressing GFP in mitochondria of intestinal cells.
SP2101 C. elegans ncl-1(e1865) unc-36(e251) III; osm-6(p811) V; mnIs17. Show Description
mnIs17 [osm-6::GFP + unc-36(+)].
ST66 C. elegans ncIs17. Show Description
ncIs17 contains [hsp-16.2::eGFP + pBluscript]. Superficially wild-type.
SU265 C. elegans jcIs17. Show Description
jcIs17 [hmp-1p::hmp-1::GFP + dlg-1p::dlg-1::DsRed + rol-6(su1006)]. Rollers. References: Zaidel-Bar R, et al. J Cell Biol. 2010 Nov 15;191(4):761-9. Raich WB, et al. Curr Biol. 1999 Oct 21;9(20):1139-46.
SWF415 C elegans lite-1(ce314) gur-3(ok2245) X; flvIs17; flvIs18. Show Description
flvIs17 [tag-168::NLS::GCaMP7F + gcy-28.d::NLS::tagRFPt + ceh-36::NLS::tagRFPt + inx-1::tagRFPt + mod-1::tagRFPt + tph-1(short)::NLS::tagRFPt + gcy-5::NLS-;:tagRFPt + gcy-7::NLS::tagRFPt]. flvIs18 [tag-168::NLS::mNeptune2.5]. This strain can be used for calcium imaging at whole-brain level. Back-crossed 5x to MT21793 after transgene integration. Reference: Dag U, et al. bioRxiv 2023.01.15.524132; doi:
SWF702 C elegans otIs670 V; lite-1(ce314) gur-3(ok2245) X; flvIs17. Show Description
flvIs17 [tag-168::NLS::GCaMP7F + gcy-28.d::NLS::tagRFPt + ceh-36::NLS::tagRFPt + inx-1::tagRFPt + mod-1::tagRFPt + tph-1(short)::NLS::tagRFPt + gcy-5::NLS-;:tagRFPt + gcy-7::NLS::tagRFPt]. See description of strain OH15263 for full description of otIs670 NeuroPAL (Neuronal Polychromatic Atlas of Landmarks) transgene (Yemini E, et al. Cell. 2021 Jan 7;184(1):272-288.e11. PMID: 33378642). This strain can be used for pan-neuronal calcium imaging. Back-crossed 5x to MT21793 after transgene integration. Reference: Dag U, et al. bioRxiv 2023.01.15.524132; doi:
SX328 C. elegans mjIs17 IV. Show Description
mjIs17 contains [myo-2::GFP::lin-41 + myo-2::mCherry::unc-54 (let-7 sensor)].
SX333 C. elegans mjIs11 III; mjIs17 IV. Show Description
mjIs11 contains [myo-2::let-7 + unc-119(+)]. mjIs17contains [myo-2::GFP::lin-41 + myo-2::mCherry::unc-54 (let-7 sensor)].
VH715 C. elegans hdIs17 I; hdIs10 V; nre-1(hd20) lin-15B(hd126) X. Show Description
hdIs17 [glr-1::YFP + unc-47::YFP + unc-129::YFP + rol-6(su1006)]. hdIs10 [unc-129::CFP + glr-1::YFP + unc-47::DsRed + hsp-16::rol-6(su1006)]. Rollers. Reduced progeny at 25C (almost sterile). RNAi hypersensitive, effective RNAi in the nervous system. unc-47::DsRed is weak and only visible in adults. hsp-16::rol-6 transgene is not effectively Roll. Maintain at 15 or 20C.
VL445 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; wwIs17. Show Description
wwIs17 [mir-76p::GFP + unc-119(+)]. Wild type.
VS17 C. elegans hjIs9. Show Description
hjIs9 [ges-1p::glo-1::GFP + unc-119(+)]. GFP targeted to lysosome related organelles (LROs) in intestinal cells. Reference: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010;107(10):4640-5.
ZZY17 C. briggsae Cbr-unc-119(st20000) III; zzyIs17 V. Show Description
zzyIs17 [Cbr-myo-2p::GFP + Cbr-unc-119(+)] V. Transgene inserted into RW20000 Cbr-unc-119. Insertion site is between 0 and 6.9 Mb on Chromosome V. Reference: Bi Y, et al. PLoS Genet. 2015 Feb 18;11(2):e1004993.
AGD448 C. elegans uthEx488. Show Description
uthEx488 [crtc-1p::crtc-1 cDNA (S179A)::tdTomato + rol-6(su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain. Reference: Mair W, et al. Nature. 2011 Feb 17;470(7334):404-8.
AGD466 C. elegans uthEx222. Show Description
uthEx222 [crtc-1p::crtc-1 cDNA (S76A, S179A)::tdTomato::unc-54 3'UTR + rol-6(su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain. Reference: Mair W, et al. Nature. 2011 Feb 17;470(7334):404-8.
AM263 C. elegans rmIs175. Show Description
rmIs175 [unc-54p::Hsa-sod-1 (WT)::YFP]. Array encodes wild-type human SOD-1. YFP expression in body wall muscle. Array is prone to silencing; maintain by picking worms displaying typical aggregation patterns. Reference: Gidalevitz T, et al., PLoS Genet. 2009 Mar;5(3):e1000399.
AM49 C. elegans rmIs172. Show Description
rmIs172 [F25B3.3p::Q19::CFP]. Pan-neuronal CFP expression. Reference: Gidalevitz T, et al., Science. 2006 Mar 10;311(5766):1471-4.
BC1521 C. elegans dpy-18(e364) III/eT1 [let-?(s1799)] (III;V); let-327(s247) unc-46(e177) V/eT1 [let-?(s1799)] (III;V). Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and throw WT, DpyUncLet and dead eggs. DpyUncLet are translucent, have slow development, are cold sensitive and die as late larvals. Maintain by picking WT.
BC2105 C. elegans let-308(s1705) unc-22(s7) unc-31(e169)/nT1 IV; +/nT1 V. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Egl, Lethal Twitchers and dead eggs. Lethal mid-larval. Maintain by picking WT.
BC3006 C. elegans dpy-18(e364)/eT1 III; let-330(s1702) unc-46(e177) let-427(s1057)/eT1 V. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Unc-36, DpyUncLet and dead eggs. let-427 is a sterile adult mutation. let-330 is a mid-larval mutation. Maintain by picking WT.
BC3247 C. elegans unc-22(s7) unc-31(e169) let-323(s1719)/nT1 IV; +/nT1 V. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Vul and UncLet. Homozygous s1719 are sterile adults. Maintain by picking WT.
BC3255 C. elegans unc-22(s7) unc-31(e169) let-324(s1727)/nT1 IV; +/nT1 V. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Vul, UncLets and dead eggs. UncLets die in early larval development. Maintain by picking Twitchers in 1% nicotine.
BC3261 C. elegans let-653(s1733) unc-22(s7) unc-31(e169)/nT1 IV; +/nT1 V. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Vul, UncLet and dead eggs. Early larval arrest (L1-L2). Maintain by picking WT. See also WBPaper00002328 and WBPaper00003721.
BC3266 C. elegans unc-22(s7) unc-31(e169) let-325(s1738)/nT1 IV; +/nT1 V. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Vul and dead eggs.
BC3276 C. elegans let-655(s1748) unc-22(s7) unc-31(e169)/nT1 IV; +/nT1 V. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Vul, UncLet (Sterile) and dead eggs. Maintain by picking WT.
BC3282 C. elegans unc-22(s7) unc-31(e169) let-319(s1754)/nT1 IV; +/nT1 V. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Vul and UncLet. Lethal late larval. Maintain by picking WT.
BC3295 C. elegans unc-22(s7) let-656(s1767) unc-31(e169)/nT1 IV; +/nT1 V. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Vul and TwitcherLetUnc. Maintain by picking WT.
BC3303 C. elegans egl-38(s1775) unc-22(s7) unc-31(e169) IV/nT1 (IV;V). Show Description
s1775 homozygotes die as embryos or L1 larvae. Heterozygous animals are WT and segregate WT, Twitcher lethals and dead eggs. nT1 appears to have a lethal mutation.
BC918 C. elegans let-63(s170) unc-22(s7)/+ + IV. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT and Lethal Twitchers. Lethal mid larval. Maintain by picking WT which throw Lethal Twitchers. Hets twitch in 1% Nicotine.
BC933 C. elegans unc-22(s7) let-66(s176)/+ + IV. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT and Lethal Twitchers. Lethal early larval. Heterozygotes twitch in 1% nicotine.
BC934 C. elegans let-59(s175) unc-22(s7)/+ + IV. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT and dead eggs. Hets twitch in 1% nicotine. Maintain by picking Twitchers in 1% Nicotine.