WBM1364 |
C. elegans |
wbmIs119 V. Show Description
wbmIs119 [eft-3p::3XFLAG::rpl-22::SL2::wrmScarlet::unc-54 3'UTR, *wbmIs88] V. N-terminal 3x flag tagged RPL-22 ribosomal subunit expressed in soma. wrmScarlet expression in soma. Can be used for Single-copy Knock-In Translating Ribosome Immunoprecipitation (SKI TRIP) experiments. Derived by modification of wbmIs88. Reference: Wester LE, et al. Cell Rep. Methods 2023 3, 100433. 10.1016/j.crmeth.2023.100433
WBM1438 |
C. elegans |
ieSi57 raga-1(wbm40[raga-1::AID::EmGFP]) II. Show Description
ieSi57 [eft-3p::TIR1::mRuby::unc-54 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. Auxin-inducible degron (AID) and EmGFP tags inserted at the C-terminus of the endogenous raga-1 locus using CRISPR/Cas9. Somatic expression of TIR1 allows for auxin-inducible degradation of RAGA-1 in the soma. Reference: Smith HJ, et al. PLOS Genetics 19(9): e1010938. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1010938. PMID: 3772195
WBM1444 |
C. elegans |
tomm-70(wbm81[tomm-70::GFP]) III. Show Description
GFP tag inserted at the C-terminus of the endogenous tomm-70 locus using CRISPR/Cas9. TOMM-70::GFP expressed in mitochondrial outer membrane. Reference: Valera-Alberni M, et al. Life Science Alliance Sep 2024, 7 (11) e202402918; DOI: 10.26508/lsa.202402918. PMID: 39071403.
WBM1470 |
C. elegans |
wbmIs131 V. Show Description
wbmIs131 [nep-17p::3XFLAG::rpl-22::SL2::wrmScarlet::unc-54 3'UTR, *wbmIs119] V. N-terminal 3x flag tagged RPL-22 ribosomal subunit expressed in the intestine. wrmScarlet expression in the intestine. Can be used for Single-copy Knock-In Translating Ribosome Immunoprecipitation (SKI TRIP) experiments. Derived by modification of wbmIs119. Reference: Wester LE, et al. Cell Rep. Methods 2023 3, 100433. 10.1016/j.crmeth.2023.100433
WBM1471 |
C. elegans |
wbmIs133 V. Show Description
wbmIs133 [rab-3p::3XFLAG::rpl-22::SL2::scarlet::rab-3 3'UTR, *wbmIs127] (V:8645000). N-terminal 3x flag tagged RPL-22 ribosomal subunit expressed in the nervous system. wrmScarlet expression in nervous system. Can be used for Single-copy Knock-In Translating Ribosome Immunoprecipitation (SKI TRIP) experiments. Derived by modification of wbmIs127. Reference: Wester LE, et al. Cell Rep. Methods 2023 3, 100433. 10.1016/j.crmeth.2023.100433
WBM1481 |
C. elegans |
let-363(wbm46[AID::let-363]) I. Show Description
Auxin-Inducible Degron (AID) tag was inserted into the endogenous let-363 coding sequence via CRISPR/Cas9. This strain can be combined with TIR1-expressing strains to induce degradation of LET-363. Reference: Smith HJ, et al. PLoS Genetic. 2023 Sep 18;19(9):e1010938. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1010938. PMID: 37721956.
WBM1688 |
C. elegans |
scpl-4(wbm108[scpl-4::wrmScarlet]) V. Show Description
wrmScarlet tag inserted at the C-terminus of the endogenous scpl-4 locus using CRISPR/Cas9. C.elegans ortholog of human TIMM50 translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 50. SCPL-4::wrmScarlet expression in inner mitochondrial membrane. Reference: Valera-Alberni M, et al. Life Science Alliance Sep 2024, 7 (11) e202402918; DOI: 10.26508/lsa.202402918. PMID: 39071403.
WBM1689 |
C. elegans |
tomm-70(wbm81[tomm-70::GFP) III; scpl-4(wbm108[scpl-4::wrmScarlet]) V. Show Description
GFP tag inserted at the C-terminus of the endogenous tomm-70 locus using CRISPR/Cas9. wrmScarlet tag inserted at the C-terminus of the endogenous scpl-4 locus using CRISPR/Cas9. TOMM-70::GFP expressed in mitochondrial outer membrane. SCPL-4::wrmScarlet expression in inner mitochondrial membrane. Reference: Valera-Alberni M, et al. Life Science Alliance Sep 2024, 7 (11) e202402918; DOI: 10.26508/lsa.202402918. PMID: 39071403.
WBM170 |
C. elegans |
wbmEx57. Show Description
wbmEx57 [acs-2p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain. Reference: Burkewitz K, et al. Cell. 2015 Feb 26; 160(5): 842-55.
WBM179 |
C. elegans |
wbmEx64. Show Description
wbmEx64 [rab-3p::nhr-49(cDNA)::unc-54 3'UTR + myo-3p::mCherry::unc54 3'UTR]. mCherry expression in muscle. Pick fluorescent animals to maintain. Reference: Burkewitz K, et al. Cell. 2015 Feb 26; 160(5): 842-55.
WBM184 |
C. elegans |
wbmEx69. Show Description
wbmEx69 [ges-1p::crtc-1(cDNA S76A, S179A)::tdTOMATO::unc-54 3'UTR]. tdTOMATO-tagged, non-phosphorylatable CRTC-1 expression in intestinal cells. Fluorescence may be difficult to see at lower magnifications. Pick fluorescent animals to maintain. Reference: Burkewitz K, et al. Cell. 2015 Feb 26; 160(5): 842-55.
WBM34 |
C. elegans |
uthIs205. Show Description
uthIs205 [crtc-1p::crtc-1::tdTOMATO::unc-54 3'UTR + rol-6(su1006)]. Rollers. tdTOMATO-tagged CRTC-1 expression from native promoter. Reference: Burkewitz K, et al. Cell. 2015 Feb 26; 160(5): 842-55.
WBM409 |
C. elegans |
nhr-49(nr2041) I; wbmEx149. Show Description
wbmEx149 [ges-1p::3xHA::nhr-49(cDNA)::unc-54 3'UTR + myo-3p::mCherry::unc-54 3'UTR]. mCherry expression in muscle cells. Pick fluorescent animals to maintain. Intestine-specific rescue of nhr-49 null animals. Reference: Burkewitz K, et al. Cell. 2015 Feb 26; 160(5): 842-55.
WBM55 |
C. elegans |
uthIs226. Show Description
uthIs226 [crtc-1p::crtc-1(S76A, S179A)::tdTOMATO::unc-54 3'UTR + rol-6(su1006)]. Rollers. tdTOMATO-tagged, non-phosphorylatable CRTC-1 expression from native promoter. Constitutively nuclear expression in neurons and intestine. Reference: Burkewitz K, et al. Cell. 2015 Feb 26; 160(5): 842-55.
WBM60 |
C. elegans |
uthIs248. Show Description
uthIs248 [aak-2p::aak-2(genomic aa1-321)::GFP::unc-54 3'UTR + myo-2p::tdTOMATO]. Ubiquitous GFP expression and pharynx-specific tdTomato expression. Small with slight developmental delay and reduced reproductive capacity. Some phenotypes silence quickly. Reference: Burkewitz K, et al. Cell. 2015 Feb 26; 160(5): 842-55.
WE5172 |
C. elegans |
dpy-5(e907) I; ajIs1 X. Show Description
ajIs1 [rCesC05A9.1::GFP + dpy-5(+)] X. GFP expression driven by 300bp sequence upstream of pgp-5 gene. Weak intestinal fluorescence is visible under normal conditions. Derived by insertion of sEx864 in parental strain BC10030. Pathogens, heavy metals, and toxins (e.g. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, cadmium, G418) further induce GFP expression. dpy-5(e907) was likely removed by outcrossing, but might still be in the background. Reference: McKay et al, Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 68: 159-169 2004 (WBPaper00006525); WBPaper00031023; WBPaper00048491.
WE5236 |
C. elegans |
pgIR1 (I, CB4856>N2) I. Show Description
pgIR1 (I, CB4856>N2). CB4856 Chromosome I in N2 background.
WF1131 |
C. elegans |
cam-1(gm105) II. Show Description
cam-1 hypomorph. Grows best at 15C.
WF1828 |
C. elegans |
hda-1(cw2) II. Show Description
hda-1(cw2) mutants are viable as homozygotes, although many die as embryos or larvae. Severely uncoordinated with defective vulval development and reduced fertility. Reference: Zinovyeva AY, et al. Dev Biol. 2006 Jan 1;289(1):229-42. PMID: 16313898
WF1863 |
C. elegans |
cam-1(gm122); cwEx266. Show Description
cwEx266 [cam-1p::cam-1::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain. Unc. GFP-tagged CAM-1 rescues gm122. Generated in N2 background.
WF2183 |
C. elegans |
cwEx417. Show Description
cwEx417 [cfz-2p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain. Generated in N2 background.
WF2516 |
C. elegans |
mnp-1(gm85) III. Show Description
Unc. Sma. Reference: Craft TR & Forrester WC. Dev Biol.2017 Apr 1;424(1):18-27. PMID: 28238735
WF2575 |
C. elegans |
cwEx486. Show Description
cwEx486 [mnp-1p::mnp-1::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain. Generated in N2 background.
WFK1 |
C. elegans |
hpl-2(ok916) III. Show Description
Maintain at 15-20C. Multivulva (Muv) phenotype at higher temperature.
WG291 |
C.elegans |
rmIs190; hdEx1. Show Description
rmIs190 [F25B3.3p::Q67::CFP]. hdEx1 [snb-1::ALKBH3::BFP::tbb-2 3UTR + rol-6(su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain. BFP fused to the C-terminus of wild-type ALKBH3. Pan-neuronal CFP expression. Reference: Sun Y, et al. Nature. 2023 Nov;623(7987):580-587. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-06701-5. PMID: 37938769.
WG300 |
C.elegans |
rmIs190; hdEx2. Show Description
rmIs190 [F25B3.3p::Q67::CFP]. hdEx2 [snb-1::ALKBH3(H257A)::BFP::tbb-2 3UTR + rol-6(su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain. BFP fused to the C-terminus of catalytically inactive ALKBH3(H257A) mutant form of ALKBH3. Pan-neuronal CFP expression. Reference: Sun Y, et al. Nature. 2023 Nov;623(7987):580-587. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-06701-5. PMID: 37938769.
WH108 |
C. elegans |
abc-1(oj2) V/nT1 [unc-?(n754) let-?] (IV;V). Show Description
Heterozygotes are Unc and segregate Uncs, dead eggs and abc-1 homozygotes. At 25C abc-1 homozygotes are sterile Unc animals. At 16C abc-1 homozygotes are fertile animals that produce all dead eggs.
WH113 |
C. elegans |
spd-3(oj35) IV. Show Description
Temperature sensitive - maintain at 16C. L1 shift-up to 25C produces slow growing, sterile Unc animals. L4 shift-up produces Mel phenotype.
WH12 |
C. elegans |
spd-1(oj5) I. Show Description
Temperature sensitive - maintain at 16C. L1 shift-up to 25C produces thin sterile uncoordinated and weakly fertile animals. L4 shift-up produces Mel phenotype.
WH135 |
C. elegans |
stu-12(oj21) IV. Show Description
Temperature sensitive - maintain at 16C. L1 shift-up to 25C produces incompletely penetrant sterile Unc phenotype. L4 shift-up produces leaky Mel phenotype.
WH136 |
C. elegans |
sle-1(oj23) II. Show Description
Temperature sensitive - maintain at 16C. L1 shift-up to 25C produces incompletely penetrant sterile Unc phenotype. L4 shift-up produces Mel phenotype.
WH137 |
C. elegans |
stu-13(oj24) II. Show Description
Temperature sensitive - maintain at 16C. L1 shift-up to 25C produces incompletely penetrant sterile Unc phenotype. L4 shift-up produces Mel phenotype.
WH138 |
C. elegans |
stu-14(oj26) X. Show Description
Temperature sensitive - maintain at 16C. L1 shift-up to 25C produces sterile, slightly Unc animals. L4 shift-up produces Mel phenotype.
WH140 |
C. elegans |
stu-15(oj28) V. Show Description
Temperature sensitive - maintain at 16C. L1 shift-up to 25C sterile Unc animals. L4 shift-up produces Mel phenotype.
WH142 |
C. elegans |
stu-16(oj30) II. Show Description
Temperature sensitive - maintain at 16C. L1 shift-up to 25C produces incompletely penetrant sterile Unc animals. L4 shift-up produces leaky Mel phenotype.
WH143 |
C. elegans |
mett-10(oj32) III. Show Description
Temperature sensitive - maintain at 16C. L1 shift-up to 25C produces incompletely penetrant sterile Unc animals. L4 shift-up produces leaky Mel phenotype. mett-10 was formerly known as stu-18.
WH144 |
C. elegans |
stu-19(oj33) IV. Show Description
Temperature sensitive - maintain at 16C. L1 shift-up to 25C produces sterile animals that are slightly Unc. L4 shift-up produces Mel phenotype.
WH145 |
C. elegans |
cyk-2(oj34) IV. Show Description
Temperature sensitive - maintain at 16C. L1 shift-up to 25C produces sterile Unc animals. L4 shift-up produces leaky Mel phenotype.
WH16 |
C. elegans |
stu-9(oj13) II. Show Description
Temperature sensitive - maintain at 16C. L1 shift-up to 25C produces sterile animals that are slightly Unc (omega backers). L4 shift-up produces leaky Mel phenotype.
WH161 |
C. elegans |
stu-17(oj31) V. Show Description
Temperature sensitive - maintain at 16C. L1 shift-up to 25C produces incompletely penetrant sterile Unc animals. L4 shift-up produces leaky Mel phenotype.
WH163 |
C. elegans |
nDf29/unc-13(e1091) spd-2(oj29) I. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, dead eggs and Uncs. At 25C the Unc Spds are Sterile; at 16C the Unc Spds are fertile but produce mostly dead eggs. Unc Spd animals will exhibit a fully penetrant maternal-effect embryonic lethal phenotype if shifted to 25C at the L4 stage. unc-13 spd-2 homozygotes may be propagated at 16C but may become sick causing immense frustration! See also WBPaper00004200.
WH170 |
C. elegans |
eff-1(oj55) II. Show Description
Loss of cell fusion in hypodermis (epithelial fusion failures). Viable and fertile as homozygotes. Tail-spike defect in all young larvae, less visible in older larvae and adults. oj55 appears to cause incomplete loss of function, as many cells fuse in postembryonic development. Homozygous males have tail and mating defects. ES-3. Cloned: ORF C26D10.5 encodes a type-I membrane glycoprotein with a single TM domain.
WH171 |
C. elegans |
eff-1(oj55) II; jcIs1 IV. Show Description
jcIs1 [ajm-1::GFP + unc-29(+) + rol-6(su1006)] IV. Loss of cell fusion in hypodermis (epithelial fusion failures). Viable and fertile as homozygotes. Tail-spike defect in all young larvae, less visible in older larvae and adults. oj55 appears to cause incomplete loss of function, as many cells fuse in postembryonic development. Homozygous males have tail and mating defects. ES=3. Cloned: ORF C26D10.5 encodes a type-I membrane glycoprotein with a single TM domain. ajm-1 was formerly known as jam-1 (Junction Associated Protein) and "the gene encoding the antigen recognized by the monoclonal antibody MH27." jcIs1 consists of pJS191, C45D3 and pRF4. Reference: Mohler WA, et al. Curr Biol. 1998 Sep 24;8(19):1087-90.
WH202 |
C. elegans |
unc-61(n3169) V. Show Description
Poor backward movement. Protrusive vulva. Gonad extrusion. Egg-laying defects. Recessive.
WH204 |
C. elegans |
unc-119(ed3) III; ojIs1. Show Description
ojIs1 [pie-1p::GFP::tbb-2 + unc-119(+)]. Maintain under normal conditions. Reference: Strome et al. (2001) Mol Biol Cell (6):1751-64.
WH216 |
C. elegans |
sep-1(e2406) I/hT2 [bli-4(e937) let-?(q782) qIs48] (I;III). Show Description
Heterozygotes have myo-2::GFP [qIs48] strongly expressed in the pharynx and are viable at 25C. 100% of sep-1 homozygotes are strongly Sterile Unc at 25C (at 20C, 100% are Sterile but no so Unc). Up to 30% of the homozygotes are Sterile at 16C. hT2[qIs48] homozygotes are dead. Note: qIs48 has been observed to recombine off hT2, typically leaving behind a functional homozygous viable hT2 with Bli-4 phenotype.
WH220 |
C. elegans |
unc-119(ed3) III; ojIs7. Show Description
ojIs7 [zyg-12A::GFP + unc-119(+)].
WH223 |
C. elegans |
ojIs9. Show Description
ojIs9 [zyg-12(all)::GFP + unc-119(+)].
WH237 |
C. elegans |
ojIs10. Show Description
ojIs10 [lis-1::GFP + unc-119(+)].
WH257 |
C. elegans |
unc-119(ed3) III; ojIs5. Show Description
ojIs5 [pie-1p::GFP::dnc-1 + unc-119(+)]