CYA3 |
C. elegans |
rexEx1. Show Description
rexEx1 [myo-2p::GFP::Halo + mec-7p::mRFP]. Pick GFP+ to maintain. Mosaic expression of green fluorescence (GFP) in pharynx and red fluorescence (mRFP) in touch-receptor neurons.
CYA18 |
C. elegans |
rexEx10. Show Description
rexEx10 [hsp-16p::his-6::Halo + mec-7p::mRFP]. Pick RFP+ to maintain. Constitutive red fluorescence in touch-receptor neurons. Heat shock induces the expression of Halo protein.
CYA19 |
C. elegans |
dvIs19 III; rexEx11. Show Description
dvIs19 [gst-4p::GFP::NLS] III. rexEx11 [hsp-16p::halo::TEV::Keap1 + mec-7p::mRFP]. Pick RFP+ worms to maintain. Constitutive red fluorescence in touch-receptor neurons. Heat shock induces expression of Halo::TEV::Keap1 protein. Oxidative stress induces expression of GFP. Superficially wild-type.
CYA20 |
C. elegans |
dvIs19 III; rexEx12. Show Description
dvIs19 [gst-4p::GFP::NLS] III. rexEx12 [hsp-16p::tom70::mCherry::halo + mec-7p::mRFP]. Pick RFP+ worms to maintain. Constitutive red fluorescence in touch-receptor neurons. Heat shock induces expression of mCherry::Halo protein. Oxidative stress induces expression of GFP.
CYA21 |
C. elegans |
dvIs19 III; rexEx13. Show Description
dvIs19 [gst-4p::GFP::NLS] III. rexEx13 [hsp-16p::HA::wdr-23::halo + mec-7p::mRFP]. Pick RFP+ worms to maintain. Constitutive red fluorescence in touch-receptor neurons. Heat shock induces expression of HA::WDR23::Halo protein. Oxidative stress induces expression of GFP.