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XA774 C. elegans gld-1(q485)/gna-2(qa705) unc-55(e1170) I. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, steriles with a tumorous germline (gld-1 homozygotes), and Uncs that lay non-refractile eggs that fail to hatch (gna-2 unc-55) homozygotes.
XA780 C. elegans gna-2(qa705)/goa-1(n499) I. Show Description
Heterozygotes are Egl and Paralyzed. Segregate embryonic lethals (n499) homozygotes. Segregates WT animals that lay only non-refractile eggs that fail to hatch. Pick paralyzed Egl worms to maintain (eggs on the plate should all be pale brown and non-refractile; presence of refractile eggs indicates a recombination has occurred). XA780 recombines at a frequency of about 1%.