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EG7860 C. elegans oxTi677 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
oxTi677 [eft-3p::tdTomato::H2B::unc-54 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)]. Maintain at 20C; somewhat sick at 25C. Broad, nuclear red fluorescence. pCFJ453 inserted into unc-119(ed3) III (11X outcross) background at ChrII:-12.17. Please see for exact insertion site.
MSB952 C. elegans mirIs97 [*oxTi677] II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
mirIs97 [15XUAS::ACR1::let-858 3'UTR *oxTi677 [eft-3p::tdTomato::H2B::unc-54 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)]] II. Superficially wildtype. Integration of multicopy UAS::ACR1 array into tdTomato in the oxTi677 insertion. Genotype for UAS::ACR1 with primers 5'-atgagcagcatcacctgtgat-3' and 5'-ttaggtctcgccggctct-3' to obtain a ~900 bp band.