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Strain Species Genotype
OH2382 C. elegans eno-7(ot7) IV; oxIs12 X. Show Description
oxIs12 [unc-47p::GFP + lin-15(+)]. Ectopic DVB outgrowth.
OH10733 C. elegans cnd-1(ot704) III; otIs341 X. Show Description
otIs341 [mgl-1::GFP + pha-1(+)]. cnd-1(ot704) is Q118=>STOP.
OH10739 C. elegans cnd-1(ot705) III; otIs341 X. Show Description
otIs341 [mgl-1::GFP + pha-1(+)]. cnd-1(ot705) is L42=>F.
OH10953 C. elegans hlh-16(ot711) I; otIs341 X. Show Description
otIs341 [mgl-1::GFP + pha-1(+)]. hlh-16(ot711) is R21=>STOP.
OH10969 C. elegans unc-42(ot712) vsIs33 V; otIs341 X. Show Description
vsIs33 [dop-3::RFP] V. otIs341 [mgl-1::GFP + pha-1(+)] X. unc-42(ot712) is W181=>STOP.
OH11102 C. elegans lsy-6(ot71) otIs3 V; otEx5022. Show Description
otEx5022 [lsy-6(fosmid - delta 150 bp 3') + ttx-3::mCherry]. otIs3 [gcy-7p::GFP + lin-15(+)] V. Maintain by picking animals with mCherry expression in the AIY neurons. Fosmid with 150 bp deletion does not rescue ASE asymmetry.
OH11104 C. elegans lsy-6(ot71) otIs3 V; otEx5024. Show Description
otEx5024 [lsy-6(fosmid) + ttx-3::mCherry]. Maintain otEx5024 by picking animals with mCherry in the AIY neurons. otIs3 [gcy-7p::GFP + lin-15(+)] V. Integrated from adEx1288; genetically mapped between 3.05 m.u. (T19B10) and 5.86 m.u. (AH10) on V. GFP expression appears in ASEL and the excretory cell in adult animals.
OH11111 C. elegans lsy-6(ot71) otIs3 V; otEx5028. Show Description
otIs3 [gcy-7p::GFP + lin-15(+)] V. otEx5028 [lsy-6p::lsy-6(hairpin) + ttx-3::mCherry].
OH11113 C. elegans lsy-6(ot71) otIs3 V; otEx5030. Show Description
otIs3 [gcy-7p::GFP + lin-15(+)] V. otEx5030 [lsy-6p::lsy-6(hairpin)::lsy-6 1kb 3' + ttx-3::mCherry].
OH12343 C. elegans lin-13(ot785) III; otIs476 V. Show Description
otIs476 [glr-4p::TagRFP] V. ot785 is a H2121Y missense mutation in the DNA-binding site. De-repression of ectopic effector genes in AS class motor neurons. Reference: Kerk SY, et al. Neuron. 2017 93(1):80-98.
OH12344 C. elegans cfi-1(ot786) I. Show Description
De-repression of ectopic effector genes in DA/DB class motor neurons. Reference: Kerk SY, et al. Neuron. 2017 (in press).
OH12389 C. elegans mab-9(ot788) II; hdIs1 X. Show Description
hdIs1 [unc-53p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)] X. Rollers. De-repression of ectopic effector genes in DA/DB class motor neurons. Reference: Kerk SY, et al. Neuron 2017 (in press).
OH13098 C. elegans che-1(ot75) I. Show Description
che-1(ot75) is a null allele caused by an early STOP codon in exon 1. Reference: Chang S, et al. Genes Dev. 2003 Sep 1;17(17):2123-37.
OH13476 C. elegans tab-1(ot796) II; otIs549 X. Show Description
otIs549 [unc-25p::unc-25(partial)::mChopti::unc-54 3'UTR + pha-1(+)]. Reporter contains 1.8 kb upstream of the unc-25 start codon through exon 4. Derived from injection of pMG154; line 2-1. Reference: Gendrel M, et al. Elife. 2016 Oct 14;5.
OH14044 C. elegans evIs82b IV; bnc-1(ot763) V. Show Description
evIs82b [unc-129::GFP + dpy-20(+)] IV. De-repression of ectopic effector genes in VA/VB class motor neurons. Reference: Kerk SY, et al. Neuron 2017 (in press).
OH14045 C. elegans evIs82b IV; bnc-1(ot721) V. Show Description
evIs82b [unc-129::GFP + dpy-20(+)] IV. De-repression of ectopic effector genes in VA/VB class motor neurons. Reference: Kerk SY, et al. Neuron 2017 (in press).
OH14064 C. elegans cfi-1(ot786) I; otIs476 V; otEx6503. Show Description
otIs476 [glr-4::TagRFP] V. otEx6503 [cfi-1(+; fosmid) + myo-2p::GFP]. Pick GFP+ to maintain. Array rescues cfi-1(ot786). Reference: Kerk SY, et al. Neuron. 2017 93(1):80-98.
OH14711 C. elegans nhr-67(ot795) IV; him-5(e1490) V; otEx5999. Show Description
otEx5999 [nhr-67(fosmid) + unc-47p::mChopti]. Him. ot795 is lethal after L1 stage; all animals L2 and older should carry the extra-chromosomal array. otEx5999 carries fosmid WRM0613bE08; reporter contains 300 bp upstream of the unc-47 start codon. Reference: Gendrel M, et al. Elife. 2016 Oct 14;5.
OH14712 C. elegans nhr-67(ot795) IV; him-5(e1490) V; otEx6001. Show Description
otEx6001 [nhr-67(fosmid) + unc-47p::GFP]. Him. ot795 is lethal after L1 stage; all animals L2 and older should carry the extra-chromosomal array. otEx6001 carries fosmid WRM0613bE08; reporter contains 300 bp upstream of the unc-47 start codon. Reference: Gendrel M, et al. Elife. 2016 Oct 14;5.
OH14926 C. elegans bnc-1(ot721) vsIs33 V. Show Description
vsIs33 [dop-3::RFP] V. De-repression of ectopic effector genes in VA/VB class motor neurons. Reference: Kerk SY, et al. Neuron 2017 (in press).
OH2042 C. elegans lin-49(ot78) dpy-20(?) IV; otIs3 V. Show Description
otIs3 [gcy-7::GFP + lin-15(+)] V. Whole genome sequenced strain.
OH2535 C. elegans lsy-6(ot71) V. Show Description
Worms appear WT. 1071 bp deletion removes the entire lsy-6 hairpin and part of the predicted C32C4.3 gene. ASEL takes on ASER gene expression profile.
OH4329 C. elegans lsy-6(ot71) dpy-11(e224) V; otEx2322. Show Description
otEx2322[gcy-14(prom1)::GFP + unc-122::GFP]. Faint ASE GFP expression (2 right). Expresses bright GFP in coelomocytes. Dpy.
OH4397 C. elegans otIs151; lsy-6(ot71) dpy-11(e224) V; otEx2419. Show Description
otIs151 [ceh-36p::RFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Expresses RFP in AWCL/R and ASEL/R. otEx2419 [gcy-(prom1)::GFP + unc-122::GFP]. Bilateral expression of GFP in ASE. Expresses bright GFP in coelomocytes. Rollers. Dpy. Maintain by picking GFP+.
OH998 C. elegans otIs114 I; lin-49(ot78) IV; him-5 V. Show Description
otIs114 [lim-6p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Rollers. Him. 2 ASER. Whole genome sequenced strain.