BJ21 |
C. elegans |
scm-1(hd30) I; sph-1(ox278) IV; sng-1(ok234) X. Show Description
RB503 |
C. elegans |
sng-1(ok234) X. Show Description
T08A9.3. Homozygous. Outer Left Sequence: AATTTCCAACGACGTTTTCG. Outer Right Sequence: ATGGGTTTGATGGTGGTTGT. Inner Left Sequence: AATGCATGCCCTGTACATCA. Inner Right Sequence: GCAGCACCAGATTGGTATGA. Inner primer WT PCR product: 3359. Attribution: This strain was provided by the C. elegans Gene Knockout Project at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, which was part of the International C. elegans Gene Knockout Consortium, which should be acknowledged in any publications resulting from its use. Paper_evidence WBPaper00041807
ZX2604 |
C. elegans |
sng-1(ok234) X; zxIs127. Show Description
zxIs127 [sng-1p::SNG-1::CRY2olig(535) + myo-2p::mCherry]. Strain should be kept in the dark; it is very light-sensitive. Pan-neuronal expression of a truncated variant of Arabidopsis thaliana Cryptochrome-2 fused to synaptogyrin. If illuminated with blue light, synaptic vesicles cluster, resulting in inhibition of synaptic transmission. Synaptic transmission is restored within 15 minutes in the absence of light (ca. 6.5min time constant), resulting in normal wild type behavior afterwards. Reference: Vettkotter D, et al. Nat Commun 13, 7827 (2022). PMID: 36535932
RB1806 |
C. elegans |
fbxb-8(ok2340) I. Show Description
F49B2.1. Homozygous. Outer Left Sequence: TCGATTCGAATGGTTGTTCA. Outer Right Sequence: ACGTCATATGTGGCGCATTA. Inner Left Sequence: ACATAGGACACCCCTTGTCG. Inner Right Sequence: CCCGCATTTTTGTAGATCGT. Inner Primer PCR Length: 2880 bp. Deletion Size: 1799 bp. Deletion left flank: AGCTTCGATCACGATTCAGAGCAGTTTTGT. Deletion right flank: TCAATCCCGGCAATTTGCCGATTTACTGAA. Attribution: This strain was provided by the C. elegans Gene Knockout Project at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, which was part of the International C. elegans Gene Knockout Consortium, which should be acknowledged in any publications resulting from its use. Paper_evidence WBPaper00041807
RB1807 |
C. elegans |
F55G11.2(ok2341) IV. Show Description
F55G11.2. Homozygous. Outer Left Sequence: ATGGCATTTGTTAAGCCCTG. Outer Right Sequence: TAGCTTGTCGTTGTCGTTGC. Inner Left Sequence: TTTGTGTTGTTTGGCTCGTC. Inner Right Sequence: CTTGCGGTCCAAAAGACATT. Inner Primer PCR Length: 2122 bp. Deletion Size: 1155 bp. Deletion left flank: ACTAGCTTCCAAGTTGACTATATTAATATT. Deletion right flank: ACTGTAATTCACAAATTTTAGATAAGTTAA. Insertion Sequence: TTGACTATATTAAT. Attribution: This strain was provided by the C. elegans Gene Knockout Project at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, which was part of the International C. elegans Gene Knockout Consortium, which should be acknowledged in any publications resulting from its use. Paper_evidence WBPaper00041807
RB1808 |
C. elegans |
glr-2(ok2342) III. Show Description
B0280.12. Homozygous. Outer Left Sequence: AGCATCATGAGCAAATGCAG. Outer Right Sequence: ATATTGGTTTCCCTTTCCCG. Inner Left Sequence: TTTCCTCAAGGGCTCTCAAA. Inner Right Sequence: CTCACCTTCTCGGGCAATTA. Inner Primer PCR Length: 2675 bp. Deletion Size: 1229 bp. Deletion left flank: GATATTTCGGAGATTTCTCGTGCAGATATG. Deletion right flank: CAAGCAGTTATTTATGTGCCTACTTGAAAA. Attribution: This strain was provided by the C. elegans Gene Knockout Project at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, which was part of the International C. elegans Gene Knockout Consortium, which should be acknowledged in any publications resulting from its use. Paper_evidence WBPaper00041807
RB1809 |
C. elegans |
ins-30(ok2343) I. Show Description
ZC334.2. Homozygous. Outer Left Sequence: CCATCTGACGTTGCTCAGAA. Outer Right Sequence: GGAGCATGAGCACAACTCAA. Inner Left Sequence: AGGCTCGTAGATGCCAAAAA. Inner Right Sequence: TGATCTACCTCTGCATCCCC. Inner Primer PCR Length: 2309 bp. Deletion Size: 1078 bp. Deletion left flank: TTTTAGAAGACAATTATCAGTTGAAAAATC. Deletion right flank: TTTATCAACAAACTCCTTCCGCAAGTCTTC. Attribution: This strain was provided by the C. elegans Gene Knockout Project at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, which was part of the International C. elegans Gene Knockout Consortium, which should be acknowledged in any publications resulting from its use. Paper_evidence WBPaper00041807
RB1810 |
C. elegans |
cpr-5(ok2344) V. Show Description
W07B8.5. Homozygous. Outer Left Sequence: AATCGAGTCTGCGGTTTCAG. Outer Right Sequence: CAACGTTCTCTCGCATCAAA. Inner Left Sequence: GGTTTTTCACCTCGAATGGA. Inner Right Sequence: TTGTGACACCCCGAAATTCT. Inner Primer PCR Length: 3132 bp. Deletion Size: 2015 bp. Deletion left flank: TTGTTTGTTCCGTCCATTCTACACTGAGTC. Deletion right flank: TTATCAGTTAATTTTATCAGTATCTTTTTT. Attribution: This strain was provided by the C. elegans Gene Knockout Project at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, which was part of the International C. elegans Gene Knockout Consortium, which should be acknowledged in any publications resulting from its use. Paper_evidence WBPaper00041807
RB1811 |
C. elegans |
C03B1.5(ok2345) X. Show Description
C03B1.5. Homozygous. Outer Left Sequence: GCGTGTAATCATGCAAATCG. Outer Right Sequence: TTGCATCTTCACAGGCTCAC. Inner Left Sequence: TTGCACGTCCACAATGAAAT. Inner Right Sequence: TGAAAATTGAACACAGGCCA. Inner Primer PCR Length: 2279 bp. Deletion Size: 1310 bp. Deletion left flank: GGCGATACTTCTCTATTCCTTATGAAGGAC. Deletion right flank: TTCTCAAGGGAGAGAATCCGTTCAAAAAAT. Attribution: This strain was provided by the C. elegans Gene Knockout Project at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, which was part of the International C. elegans Gene Knockout Consortium, which should be acknowledged in any publications resulting from its use. Paper_evidence WBPaper00041807
RB1813 |
C. elegans |
F39B1.1(ok2346) X. Show Description
F39B1.1. Homozygous. Outer Left Sequence: ACATGGAACATTTCGGTGGT. Outer Right Sequence: AACGCAACGTCACTCTTGTG. Inner Left Sequence: GCCGATCTCCAATACCAAGA. Inner Right Sequence: CTGCTGCATCGAAAGTCGTA. Inner Primer PCR Length: 3242 bp. Deletion Size: 1597 bp. Deletion left flank: CGCATGTCATCGTCACGCTGGAAAGCATCA. Deletion right flank: TAACACTTACATAAAGGTCCAATGGAATCC. Attribution: This strain was provided by the C. elegans Gene Knockout Project at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, which was part of the International C. elegans Gene Knockout Consortium, which should be acknowledged in any publications resulting from its use. Paper_evidence WBPaper00041807
RB1814 |
C. elegans |
R151.1&R151.4(ok2347) III. Show Description
R151.4, R151.1. Homozygous. Outer Left Sequence: GTGCAAAGCCATATCCACCT. Outer Right Sequence: CGTGGGTCTCTATCGGTTGT. Inner Left Sequence: TTTTCCTAATTGTGGTCGCC. Inner Right Sequence: CAGCAGTCTGAACCCTCTCC. Inner Primer PCR Length: 2360 bp. Deletion Size: 1306 bp. Deletion left flank: ATATTCTATATCGACCACCAAATGAAGTAA. Deletion right flank: CAATGTGGCAGATAAGGATATTCTAAATCA. Attribution: This strain was provided by the C. elegans Gene Knockout Project at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, which was part of the International C. elegans Gene Knockout Consortium, which should be acknowledged in any publications resulting from its use. Paper_evidence WBPaper00041807
RB1815 |
C. elegans |
vit-3(ok2348) X. Show Description
F59D8.1 Homozygous. Outer Left Sequence: atgcggtcgttctcaacttc. Outer Right Sequence: gcacattgctgaccttctca. Inner Left Sequence: cggtggaattcctcaacatc. Inner Right Sequence: ggatttgcttcaaagaccca. Inner Primer PCR Length: 3061. Deletion size: about 1800 bp. Attribution: This strain was provided by the C. elegans Gene Knockout Project at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, which was part of the International C. elegans Gene Knockout Consortium, which should be acknowledged in any publications resulting from its use. Paper_evidence WBPaper00041807
RB1816 |
C. elegans |
gpa-16(ok2349) I. Show Description
Y95B8A.5 Homozygous. Outer Left Sequence: agcgcaatggggtgtattat. Outer Right Sequence: cgaatcggaccaaacactct. Inner Left Sequence: agcgaaacgaagatccaaga. Inner Right Sequence: attcgtgatcgagtgtggtg. Inner Primer PCR Length: 3358. Deletion size: about 1700 bp. Attribution: This strain was provided by the C. elegans Gene Knockout Project at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, which was part of the International C. elegans Gene Knockout Consortium, which should be acknowledged in any publications resulting from its use. Paper_evidence WBPaper00041807