OG1110 |
C elegans |
ogt-1(dr20) III; drIs4 IV; drEx468. Show Description
drIs4 [gpdh-1p::GFP + col-12p::DsRed] IV. drEx468 [ogt-1p::ogt-1(cDNA)::ogt-1 3'UTR + rol-6(su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain. Over-expression of OGT-1 in presumptive null mutant ogt-1(dr20) background. gpdh-1p::GFP is induced during hypertonic stress. Constitutive col-12p::DsRed expression. Reference: Urso SJ, et al. (2020). The O-GlcNAc transferase OGT is a conserved and essential regulator of the cellular and organismal response to hypertonic stress. bioRxiv, 2020.2005.2001.072033.
OG1119 |
C. elegans |
ogt-1(dr20) III; drIs4 IV; drEx469. Show Description
drIs4 [gpdh-1p::GFP + col-12p::DsRed] IV. drEx469 [dpy-7p::ogt-1(cDNA)::ogt-1 3'UTR + rol-6(su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain. Hypodermal expression of OGT-1 rescues presumptive null allele ogt-1(dr20). gpdh-1p::GFP is induced during hypertonic stress. Constitutive col-12p::DsRed expression. Reference: Urso SJ, et al. (2020). The O-GlcNAc transferase OGT is a conserved and essential regulator of the cellular and organismal response to hypertonic stress. bioRxiv, 2020.2005.2001.072033.
OG1120 |
C. elegans |
ogt-1(dr20) III; drIs4 IV; drEx470. Show Description
drIs4 [gpdh-1p::GFP + col-12p::DsRed] IV. drEx470 [nhx-2p::ogt-1(cDNA)::ogt-1 3'UTR + rol-6(su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain. Intestinal expression of OGT-1 provides tissue-specific rescue in ogt-1(dr20) presumptive null background. gpdh-1p::GFP is not induced during hypertonic stress. Constitutive col-12p::DsRed expression. Reference: Urso SJ, et al. (2020). The O-GlcNAc transferase OGT is a conserved and essential regulator of the cellular and organismal response to hypertonic stress. bioRxiv, 2020.2005.2001.072033.
OG1121 |
C. elegans |
ogt-1(dr20) III; drIs4 IV; drEx471. Show Description
drIs4 [gpdh-1p::GFP + col-12p::DsRed] IV. drEx471 [myo-3p::ogt-1(cDNA)::ogt-1 3'UTR + rol-6(su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain. Muscle-specific expression of OGT-1 provides tissue-specific rescue in ogt-1(dr20) presumptive null background. gpdh-1p::GFP is not induced during hypertonic stress. Constitutive col-12p::DsRed expression. Reference: Urso SJ, et al. (2020). The O-GlcNAc transferase OGT is a conserved and essential regulator of the cellular and organismal response to hypertonic stress. bioRxiv, 2020.2005.2001.072033.
OG1122 |
C. elegans |
ogt-1(dr20) III; drIs4 IV; drEx472. Show Description
drIs4 [gpdh-1p::GFP + col-12p::DsRed] IV. drEx472 [rab-3p::ogt-1(cDNA)::ogt-1 3'UTR + rol-6(su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain. Neuronal expression of OGT-1 provides tissue-specific rescue in ogt-1(dr20) presumptive null background. gpdh-1p::GFP is not induced during hypertonic stress. Constitutive col-12p::DsRed expression. Reference: Urso SJ, et al. (2020). The O-GlcNAc transferase OGT is a conserved and essential regulator of the cellular and organismal response to hypertonic stress. bioRxiv, 2020.2005.2001.072033.
OG1124 |
C.elegans |
ogt-1(dr84[ogt-1::GFP]) III. Show Description
Endogenous ogt-1 locus tagged with C-terminal GFP. OGT-1::GFP is expressed ubiquitously in somatic tissues with a nuclear localization. The OGT::GFP allele is functional. Superficially wild-type. Sanger sequence confirmed. Reference: Urso SJ, et al. (2020). The O-GlcNAc transferase OGT is a conserved and essential regulator of the cellular and organismal response to hypertonic stress. bioRxiv, 2020.2005.2001.072033.
OG1135 |
C. elegans |
ogt-1(dr86[K957M]) III; drIs4 IV. Show Description
drIs4 [gpdh-1p::GFP + col-12p::DsRed] IV. K957M mutation introduced into the endogenous ogt-1 locus using CRISPR/Cas9; Sanger sequence confirmed. The K957M mutation ablates the O-GlcNAcylation activity of OGT-1 as measured by the RL2 O-GlcNAc antibody. gpdh-1p::GFP reporter is induced in the hypodermis and intestines during hypertonic stress. col-12p::GFP is constitutively expressed in the hypodermis. Reference: Urso SJ, et al. (2020). The O-GlcNAc transferase OGT is a conserved and essential regulator of the cellular and organismal response to hypertonic stress. bioRxiv, 2020.2005.2001.072033.
OG1139 |
C.elegans |
ogt-1(dr84[ogt-1::GFP] dr89[K957M]) III. Show Description
K957M mutation introduced into the endogenous ogt-1 locus tagged with C-terminal GFP. The K957M mutation ablates the O-GlcNAcylation activity of OGT-1 as measured by the RL2 O-GlcNAc antibody. OGT-1(K957M)::GFP is expressed ubiquitously in somatic tissues with a nuclear localization. Sanger sequence confirmed. Reference: Urso SJ, et al. (2020). The O-GlcNAc transferase OGT is a conserved and essential regulator of the cellular and organismal response to hypertonic stress. bioRxiv, 2020.2005.2001.072033.
OG1140 |
C. elegans |
ogt-1(dr90[H612A]) III; drIs4 IV. Show Description
drIs4 [gpdh-1p::GFP + col-12p::DsRed] IV. H612A mutation introduced into the endogenous ogt-1 locus using CRISPR/Cas9; Sanger sequence confirmed. The H612A mutation decreases, but does not completely ablate, the O-GlcNAcylation activity of OGT-1 as measured by the RL2 O-GlcNAc antibody. gpdh-1p::GFP reporter is induced in the hypodermis and intestines during hypertonic stress. col-12p::GFP is constitutively expressed in the hypodermis. Reference: Urso SJ, et al. (2020). The O-GlcNAc transferase OGT is a conserved and essential regulator of the cellular and organismal response to hypertonic stress. bioRxiv, 2020.2005.2001.072033.
OG1141 |
C. elegans |
ogt-1(dr84[ogt-1::GFP] dr91[H612A]) III. Show Description
drIs4 [gpdh-1p::GFP + col-12p::DsRed] IV. H612A mutation introduced into the endogenous ogt-1 locus tagged with C-terminal GFP. OGT-1(H612A)::GFP is expressed ubiquitously in somatic tissues with a nuclear localization. The H612A mutation decreases, but does not completely ablate, the O-GlcNAcylation activity of OGT-1 as measured by the RL2 O-GlcNAc antibody. Sanger sequence confirmed. Reference: Urso SJ, et al. (2020). The O-GlcNAc transferase OGT is a conserved and essential regulator of the cellular and organismal response to hypertonic stress. bioRxiv, 2020.2005.2001.072033.
OG1156 |
C. elegans |
ogt-1(dr93[delta-TPR domain]) III; drIs4 IV. Show Description
drIs4 [gpdh-1p::GFP + col-12p::DsRed] IV. TPR domain deleted in the endogenous ogt-1 locus using CRISPR/Cas9; Sanger sequence confirmed. The TPR domain deletion (128 aa - 583 aa) ablates the O-GlcNAcylation activity of OGT-1 as measured by the RL2 O-GlcNAc antibody. Defective gpdh-1p::GFP induction in the hypodermis and intestine during hypertonic stress. Constitutive col-12p::DsRed expression. Impaired adaptation to hypertonic stress. Reference: Urso SJ, et al. (2020). The O-GlcNAc transferase OGT is a conserved and essential regulator of the cellular and organismal response to hypertonic stress. bioRxiv, 2020.2005.2001.072033.
OG1157 |
C. elegans |
ogt-1(dr84[ogt-1::GFP] dr94[delta-TPR domain]) III. Show Description
TPR domain deleted in the endogenous ogt-1 locus tagged with C-terminal GFP. The TPR domain deletion spans 128 aa - 583 aa. OGT-1(delta-TPR)::GFP is expressed ubiquitously in somatic tissues with a nuclear localization. The TPR domain deletion ablates the O-GlcNAcylation activity of OGT-1 as measured by the RL2 O-GlcNAc antibody. Sanger sequence confirmed. Reference: Urso SJ, et al. (2020). The O-GlcNAc transferase OGT is a conserved and essential regulator of the cellular and organismal response to hypertonic stress. bioRxiv, 2020.2005.2001.072033.
OG969 |
C. elegans |
ogt-1(dr20) III; drIs4 IV. Show Description
drIs4 [gpdh-1p::GFP + col-12p::DsRed] IV. ogt-1(dr20) was isolated in an ENU screen in parental strain OG119 for mutants with decreased induction of the gpdh-1p::GFP reporter during hypertonic stress. dr20 is a presumptive null allele [Q600STOP]. OG969 has decreased gpdh-1p::GFP induction during hypertonic stress and impaired adaptation to hypertonic stress. Constitutive col-12p::DsRed expression. Reference: Urso SJ, et al. (2020). The O-GlcNAc transferase OGT is a conserved and essential regulator of the cellular and organismal response to hypertonic stress. bioRxiv, 2020.2005.2001.072033.
OG971 |
C. elegans |
ogt-1(dr15) III; drIs4 IV. Show Description
drIs4 [gpdh-1p::GFP + col-12p::DsRed] IV. ogt-1(dr20) was isolated in an ENU screen in parental strain OG119 for mutants with decreased induction of the gpdh-1p::GFP reporter during hypertonic stress. dr15 is a presumptive null allele [R267STOP]. OG971 has decreased gpdh-1p::GFP induction during hypertonic stress and impaired adaptation to hypertonic stress. Constitutive col-12p::DsRed expression. Reference: Urso SJ, et al. (2020). The O-GlcNAc transferase OGT is a conserved and essential regulator of the cellular and organismal response to hypertonic stress. bioRxiv, 2020.2005.2001.072033.
RB1342 |
C. elegans |
ogt-1(ok1474) III. Show Description
K04G7.3 Homozygous. Outer Left Sequence: gccaaagaattgatttcgga. Outer Right Sequence: tgctcttgcaccacaaccta. Inner Left Sequence: acctgtccgagaccattctg. Inner Right Sequence: ccaacgctattgctcctctc. Inner Primer PCR Length: 2730. Estimated Deletion Size: about 1300 bp. Attribution: This strain was provided by the C. elegans Gene Knockout Project at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, which was part of the International C. elegans Gene Knockout Consortium, which should be acknowledged in any publications resulting from its use. Paper_evidence WBPaper00041807
RB653 |
C. elegans |
ogt-1(ok430) III. Show Description
K04G7.3. Homozygous. Outer Left Sequence: gccaaagaattgatttcgga. Outer Right Sequence: tgctcttgcaccacaaccta. Inner Left Sequence: acctgtccgagaccattctg. Inner Right Sequence: ccaacgctattgctcctctc. Inner primer WT PCR product: 2730. Attribution: This strain was provided by the C. elegans Gene Knockout Project at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, which was part of the International C. elegans Gene Knockout Consortium, which should be acknowledged in any publications resulting from its use. Paper_evidence WBPaper00041807