ABR212 |
C. elegans |
acd-1(sta6) delm-2(ok1822) I. Show Description
acd-1 and delm-2 are tandem paralogs. This double mutant was created by CRISPR-engineered deletion of acd-1 in a delm-2(ok1822) background (parental strain RB1523). acd-1(sta6) is predicted to be a null allele (~200bp indel causing frameshift in exon 4).
ABR225 |
C. elegans |
acd-1(sta6) delm-2(ok1822) I; delm-1(ok1266) IV. Show Description
acd-1 and delm-2 are tandem paralogs. This double mutant was created by CRISPR-engineered deletion of acd-1 in a delm-2(ok1822) background (parental strain RB1523). acd-1(sta6) is predicted to be a null allele (~200bp indel causing frameshift in exon 4). This triple mutant strain was made by crossing the acd-1(sta6) delm-2(ok1822) double mutant with delm-1(ok1226) parental strain RB1177.
AD292 |
C. elegans |
spe-51(as39) IV; him-5(e1490) V; asEx95. Show Description
asEx95 [T22B11.1(genomic) + myo-3p::GFP]. Pick GFP+ animals to maintain. as39 is a non-conditional allele of spe-51. Mutant hermaphrodites and males are severely subfertile due to a sperm defect. The extrachromosomal array asEx95 effectively rescues the fertility defect. Him. Reference: Mei X, et al. Curr Biol. 2023 Jul 3;S0960-9822(23)00780-7. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2023.06.029. PMID: 37453427.
AFS205 |
C. elegans |
zen-4(cle5) IV. Show Description
Temperature-sensitive embryonic-lethal mutant. Maintain at 15C. Shift L4s to 25C overnight to observe mutant phenotype of embryos produced by adults. Mutants lack a central spindle during early embryonic mitosis and exhibits a late cytokinesis defect (cleavage furrows regress after ingressing in nearly to the center of dividing embryonic cells). This strain can be used for CRISPR-Cas9 co-conversion. There is a causal mis-sense mutation present in zen-4(cle5), GAC to AAC (D520N), and one silent mutation, GCA to GCT at codon 519, that introduces an AluI site for RFLP analysis. A previous deposited version of this strain, zen-4(ok153), possessed two mis-sense mutations: GAC to AAC (D520N) and GAT to AAT (D735N). Reference: Farboud B, et al. Genetics Early online November 30, 2018; https://doi.org/10.1534/genetics.118.301775.
AFS222 |
C. elegans |
zen-4(cle10) IV. Show Description
Temperature-sensitive embryonic-lethal mutant. Maintain at 15C. Shift L4s to 25C overnight to observe mutant phenotype of embryos produced by adults. Mutants lack a central spindle during early embryonic mitosis and exhibits a late cytokinesis defect (cleavage furrows regress after ingressing in nearly to the center of dividing embryonic cells). This strain can be used for CRISPR-Cas9 co-conversion. There is a causal mis-sense mutation present in zen-4(cle10), GAC to AAC (D520N), and two silent mutations. One silent mutation is a CGA to CGG mutation at codon 523 that creates a recognition site for a Cas9 guide RNA, in order to use zen-4(cle10ts) as a CRISPR/Cas9 co-conversion marker. The other silent mutation is a GCA to GCT mutation at codon 519 that introduces an AluI site for RFLP analysis. Reference: Farboud B, et al. Genetics Early online November 30, 2018; https://doi.org/10.1534/genetics.118.301775.
AML551 |
C. elegans |
gur-3(ok2245) X; wtfIs5. Show Description
wtfIs5 [rab-3p::NLS::GCaMP6s + rab-3p::NLS::tagRFP]. Integrated calcium indicator GCaMP6s and calcium-insensitive fluorescent protein RFP in the nuclei of all neurons in a gur-3(ok2245) mutant background. Derived from parental strain AML14 by integration of wtfEx4. Reference: Gauthey W, et al. Curr Biol. 2024 Jan 8;34(1):R14-R15. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2023.10.043. PMID: 38194919.
AML554 |
C. elegans |
lite-1(ce314) gur-3(ok2245) X; wtfIs5. Show Description
wtfIs5 [rab-3p::NLS::GCaMP6s + rab-3p::NLS::tagRFP]. Integrated calcium indicator GCaMP6s and calcium-insensitive fluorescent protein RFP in the nuclei of all neurons in a lite-1(ce314) gur-3(ok2245) double mutant background. Derived from parental strain AML14 by integration of wtfEx4. Reference: Gauthey W, et al. Curr Biol. 2024 Jan 8;34(1):R14-R15. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2023.10.043. PMID: 38194919.
AML580 |
C. elegans |
wtfIs491. Show Description
wtfIs491 [inx-1p::twk-18(gf)::mCherry + unc-122p::RFP]. AIB(-) activated potassium channel. Expression of twk-18 gain-of-function mutant in AIB neurons causes permanent inhibition. RFP expression in coelomocytes. Reference: Chen KS, et al. Olfactory learning alters navigation strategies and behavioral variability in C. elegans. ArXiv, Feb 23:arXiv:2311.07117v2. PMID: 38013890.
AML70 |
C. elegans |
lite-1(ce314) X; wtfIs5. Show Description
wtfIs5 [rab-3p::NLS::GCaMP6s + rab-3p::NLS::tagRFP]. Integrated calcium indicator GCaMP6s and calcium-insensitive fluorescent protein RFP in the nuclei of all neurons in a lite-1(ce314) mutant background. Derived from parental strain AML14 by integration of wtfEx4. Reference: Gauthey W, et al. Curr Biol. 2024 Jan 8;34(1):R14-R15. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2023.10.043. PMID: 38194919.
AV112 |
C. elegans |
mre-11(ok179) IV/nT1 [unc-?(n754) let-?] (IV;V). Show Description
Heterozygotes are Unc and segregate Uncs (heterozygotes), non-Unc mre-11 homozygotes, and dead eggs (nT1 homozygotes). mre-11 homozygotes produce about 200 fertilized eggs but only about 2-3% of these eggs survive to adulthood (this mutation cannot be maintained in a homozygous condition). Occasionally non-Unc progeny that do not demonstrate the mre-11(ok179) mutant phenotype arise when grown in large liquid cultures. mre-11 is the predicted gene ZC302.1
AY1 |
C. elegans |
nol-6(ac1) II. Show Description
Temperature sensitive mutant. Grow at 15 to 20C. Sterile at 25C.
AY161 |
C. elegans |
mul-1(syb1027) IV. Show Description
F49F1.6. mul-1(syb1027) [IV:4121342..4123166] is a CRISPR/Cas9-engineered ?1,650-bp deletion mutant of isoforms A and B (565 bp and 952 bp deleted, with generated termination codon), leaving a predicted truncated protein of 46 amino acids. Derived by out-crossing parental strain PHX1027 (Suny Biotech) with N2 six times. Reference: Hoffman CL, et al. mBio. 2020 Mar 3;11(2):e00060-20. PMID: 32127446
AY162 |
C. elegans |
mul-1(syb1027) IV; acEx162. Show Description
acEx162 [mul-1p::mul-1::SL2::GFP + myo-2p::mCherry]. Pick mCherry+ to maintain. GFP expression in the intestine. acEx162 transgene rescues mul-1(lf). mul-1(syb1027) [IV:4121342..4123166] is a CRISPR/Cas9 ?1,650-bp deletion mutant of isoforms A and B (565?bp and 952?bp deleted, with generated termination codon), leaving a predicted truncated protein of 46 amino acids. Reference: Hoffman CL, et al. mBio. 2020 Mar 3;11(2):e00060-20. PMID: 32127446
BJS737 |
C. elegans |
mpk-1(sbj10) III. Show Description
Temperature sensitive allele of mpk-1, bypasses UV sensitivity of csb-1 mutant at 20-25C. Reference: Bianco JN & Schumacher B. Nucleic Acids Res. 2018 May 21. doi: 10.1093/nar/gky404.
BP600 |
C. elegans |
aff-1(tm2214) II. Show Description
A 1.2 kb deletion in aff-1 (C44B7.3) which introduce stop codon after alanine 47. AFF-1 is a type I membrane protein necessary and sufficient for specific cell fusion events during embryonic and larval development. Temperature sensitivity was not detected. At 20° the fusion of hyp5 in the embryo does not occur as well as anchor cell (AC) fusion, vulval cells fusion of the A and D rings and the terminal fusion between the seam cells late in L4. 6% L1 rod-like lethal and 0% embryonic lethal. Adults are completely Egl, and partially Unc, Pvl. In addition, only 2% of AC in the mutant worms undergo fusion. These animals give very low brood size (16 progeny per worm) and 3.4% of the worms are sterile. This strain gives very small brood size and hence grows slowly. Originally from Shohei Mitani, Tokyo Women's Medical College, Tokyo, Japan.
BR5602 |
C. elegans |
tax-4(p678) III; byEx836. Show Description
byEx836 [odr-4p::tax-4::GFP + myo-2p::mCherry]. Pick mCherry+ animals to maintain. Rescues tax-4 null mutant. Expresses tax-4(+) in AWA, AWB, AWC, ADF, ASG, ASH, ASI, ASJ, ASK, ADL, PHA, and PHB sensory neurons, but not AFD sensory neurons. Reference: Liu S, Schulze E, Baumeister R. PLoS One. 2012;7(3):e32360.
BU7222 |
C. elegans |
pat-3(st564) III; kqEx73. Show Description
kqEx73 [pat-3(sp) + rab-3::RFP + cki-1::GFP]. Pick RFP+ to maintain. kqEx73 carries a form of pat-3 gene with splicing defects; rescues pat-3 null allele. pat-3(sp) is a frameshift mutation in the splice acceptor region (ag to aa) that abolishes conserved interaction domains such as the NPxY motifs and creates a splice variant with an extra 19 amino acids. The pat-3(sp) animals not only produce mutant pat-3, but also express the regular splice form due to utilization of an unusual splice acceptor. Abnormal Distal Tip Cell migration and pat-3 gene splicing (intron 7) defects. Reference: Kihira S, et al. PLoS One. 2012;7(8):e42425.
CB1600 |
C. elegans |
tra-2(f70) II. Show Description
Transforms XX to males. Variable expression. Masculinized self-fertile hermaphrodite. tra-2(f70) was crossed into the N2 background to construct a dpy-10 tra-2 unc-4 triple mutant, then crossed to remove the flanking dpy and unc (Jonathan Hodgkin).
CB3737 |
C. elegans |
sup-29(e1986) tra-3(e1903) IV. Show Description
WT phenotype. tra-3 amber mutant carrying homozygous linked amber suppressor.
CB4088 |
C. elegans |
him-5(e1490) V. Show Description
From CB1490, which is a double mutant of him-5 with ali-1. CB4088 has been outcrossed to remove ali-1.
CB4834 |
C. elegans |
tra-3(e1108); eEx24. Show Description
eEx24 [tra-3(+) + rol-6(su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain. Roller hermaphrodites producing more Rol hermaphrodites and non-Rol hermaphrodites that produce broods of 100% Tra-3 XX pseudomales. Tra-3 mutant rescued by transgenic tra-3(+); useful source of homozygous m+z- tra-3 XX hermaphrodites. Reference: Barnes & Hodgkin (1996) PMID: 8887539.
CB5475 |
C. elegans |
her-1(e1518) V; sdc-2(y15) X. Show Description
Obligate XO hermaphrodite. Low fertility, segregating many dead XX and nullo-X zygotes. Double mutant combining two null or near-null mutations. Reference: van den Berg MCW, et al. Genetics. 2006 Jun;173(2):677-83. doi: 10.1534/genetics.106.056093. PMID: 16582430.
CB6144 |
C. elegans |
dpy-31(e2770) III; eEx512. Show Description
eEx512 [dpy-31(+) + sur-5p::GFP]. Pick GFP+ to maintain. Lethal dpy-31 mutant rescued by array containing dpy-31(+) 6.5 kb fragment. Reference: Novelli et al. (2004) PMID: 15579684.
CB6216 |
C. elegans |
bus-8B(e2887) X; eEx541. Show Description
eEx541 [bus-8(+) + sur-5p::GFP]. Pick GFP+ to maintain. Nearly inviable, severely dumpy bus-8 mutant rescued by array. Reference: Partridge et al. (2008) PMID: 18395708.
CB6747 |
C. elegans |
glf-1(tm2412) IV; nbEx146. Show Description
nbEx146 [glf-1p::glf-1(+) + sur-5p::GFP]. Pick GFP+ animals to maintain. Array rescues glf-1(null) mutant. Reference: Novelli et al. (2009) PMID: 19751718.
CB7427 |
C. elegans |
unc-17(e245) IV; eEx849. Show Description
eEx849 [C28H8.4(sdmV186E)]. unc-17 missense mutant suppressed by missense C28H8.4 transgene. Pick non-Unc hermaphrodites to maintain. Animals that have lost the array are severely Unc (coilers). Reference: Stroud et al (in preparation).
CB7430 |
C. elegans |
unc-17(e245) IV; eEx855. Show Description
eEx855 [erd-2(sdmV186E) + sur-5p::GFP]. unc-17 missense mutant partly suppressed by missense erd-2 (a.k.a. sup-2) transgene. Pick GFP+ (weak Unc) hermaphrodites to maintain. Animals that have lost the array are severely Unc (coilers). Reference: Stroud et al (in preparation).
CB7476 |
C. elegans |
him-8(e1489) IV; galt-1(op497) V. Show Description
Him. Resistant to fungal toxin CGL2; weakly resistant to Leucobacter Verde1. Him strain derived from pmk-1;galt-1 double mutant. References: Butschi et al (2010). O'Rourke et al (in preparation).
CER522 |
C. elegans |
ubh-4(cer140) rpn-9(gk401)/mIn1 [mIs14 dpy-10(e128)] II. Show Description
Homozygous viable mutation balanced by GFP- and dpy-10-marked inversion. Heterozygotes are WT with relatively dim pharyngeal GFP signal, and segregate WT dim GFP, Dpy bright GFP (mIn1 homozygotes), and non-GFP cer140 gk401 homozygotes (synthetic sterile). Pick WT dim GFP and check for correct segregation of progeny to maintain. Generated by CRISPR-mediated deletion of ubh-4 in gk401 mutant background. Reference: Martinez-Fernandez C, et al. Cells. 2023 Mar 18;12(6):929. doi: 10.3390/cells12060929. PMID: 36980270
CF1380 |
C. elegans |
daf-16(mu86) I; daf-2(e1370) III; muEx158. Show Description
muEx158 [daf-16cAM::GFP + sur-5p::GFP] (AM = AKT-site mutant). Pick GFP+ worms to maintain. Sterile at 25C; grow at 20C or less. muEx158 contains GFP-tagged daf-16 c isoform (described as a1 isoform in Lin, et al. Nat Genet. 2001) with 4 Ser/Thr residues mutated to Ala, which completely rescues dauer formation and partially restores longevity of daf-16; daf-2 double mutants. Reference: Lin K, et al. Nat Genet. 2001 Jun;28(2):139-45.
CF2060 |
C. elegans |
daf-16(mu86) I; muEx158. Show Description
muEx158 [daf-16cAM::GFP + sur-5p::GFP] (AM = AKT-site mutant). Pick GFP+ worms to maintain. Sterile at 25C; grow at 20C or less. muEx158 contains GFP-tagged daf-16 c isoform (described as a1 isoform in Lin, et al. Nat Genet. 2001) with 4 Ser/Thr residues mutated to Ala, which rescues daf-16 mutants from defective dauer formation and also partially rescues longevity defect of daf-16; glp-1 double mutants. Reference: Berman JR, & Kenyon C. Cell. 2006 Mar 10;124(5):1055-68.
CF2805 |
C. elegans |
dop-2(vs105) V; dop-4(ok1321) dop-1(vs100) dop-3(vs106) X Show Description
Quadruple mutant removing four different dopamine receptor genes.
CF978 |
C. elegans |
unc-24(e138) IV; bar-1(mu349) X. Show Description
Unc. QL descendants in a mutant position (anterior of ALM). Okay to grow at 15 or 20C.
CF980 |
C. elegans |
egl-20(n585) IV; bar-1(mu349) X. Show Description
Egl. QL descendants in a mutant position (anterior of ALM). Okay to grow at 15 or 20C.
CH1315 |
C. elegans |
zmp-1(cg115) III. Show Description
Superficially wild-type. 2366 bp deletion (965-3330 of U41266(EGAP1)) caused by imprecise excision of Tc1. Deletion can be detected by PCR with primers DSP4 (AATTAGTTGACGAGACAAGTCAGG) and B3 (AGTGAAGGCAGAATGTACTCC) --306 kb WT vs 1.2 kb mutant.
CL2179 |
C. elegans |
smg-1(cc546) I; dvIs179. Show Description
dvIs179 [myo-3p::GFP::3' UTR(long) + rol-6(su1006)]. Maintain at 16C. Superficially wild-type Roller; expression of GFP in body wall muscles increases with temperature. References: Link CD, et al. (2006) J Biol Chem. Jan 20;281(3):1808-16. Hassan WM, et al. (2014) Neurobiology of Aging. [NOTE: The temperature-sensitive allele cc546 causes an M1957L change in SMG-1. The lesion is an atg>ttg transversion in exon 35. Flanking sequences follow with the mutation site indicated with a capital A: ttggtggtcggttacaaaacgatattcaaga tcactggcagtcatgagtAtggttggatcagttttaggactcggtgatcg acatttggacaatttattg The lesion is detectable via SNP-snip with the mutation causing loss of an MslI site. Primers are for a 323 bp product. Digest with MslI to 86+237 in the wild type, uncut as 323 in the mutant. DJR701(f): CAGTCGTGAGCTTTGGATGCGTGC DJR702(r): TCGGGGATACGCAGATTCTTTCCC. Pedone ... Reiner G3 (2021).]
CL2337 |
C. elegans |
smg-1(cc546) I; dvIs38. Show Description
dvIs38 [myo-3p::GFP::degron::3' UTR(long) + rol-6(su1006)]. Maintain at 16C. Rollers. Temperature-dependent expression of aggregating GFP in body wall muscle (weak at 16C, strong at 25C). Animals become paralyzed if upshifted as larvae to 25C due to expression of aggregating GFP. References: Link CD, et al. (2006) J Biol Chem. Jan 20;281(3):1808-16. Hassan WM, et al. (2014) Neurobiology of Aging. [NOTE: The temperature-sensitive allele cc546 causes an M1957L change in SMG-1. The lesion is an atg>ttg transversion in exon 35. Flanking sequences follow with the mutation site indicated with a capital A: ttggtggtcggttacaaaacgatattcaaga tcactggcagtcatgagtAtggttggatcagttttaggactcggtgatcg acatttggacaatttattg The lesion is detectable via SNP-snip with the mutation causing loss of an MslI site. Primers are for a 323 bp product. Digest with MslI to 86+237 in the wild type, uncut as 323 in the mutant. DJR701(f): CAGTCGTGAGCTTTGGATGCGTGC DJR702(r): TCGGGGATACGCAGATTCTTTCCC. Pedone ... Reiner G3 (2021).]
CL2355 |
C. elegans |
smg-1(cc546) dvIs50 I. Show Description
dvIs50 [pCL45 (snb-1::Abeta 1-42::3' UTR(long) + mtl-2::GFP] I. Maintain at 16C. Pan-neuronal expresion of human Abeta peptide. Constitutive intestinal expression of GFP from marker transgene. Strain shows deficits in chemotaxis, associative learning, and thrashing in liquid. Strain also has incomplete sterility due to germline proliferation defects and embryonic lethality. Maintain at 16 C to reduce selection against transgene, although this does not alter the partial sterility. Reference: Wu Y., et al. J Neurosci. 2006 Dec 13;26(50):13102-13. [NOTE: The temperature-sensitive allele cc546 causes an M1957L change in SMG-1. The lesion is an atg>ttg transversion in exon 35. Flanking sequences follow with the mutation site indicated with a capital A: ttggtggtcggttacaaaacgatattcaaga tcactggcagtcatgagtAtggttggatcagttttaggactcggtgatcg acatttggacaatttattg The lesion is detectable via SNP-snip with the mutation causing loss of an MslI site. Primers are for a 323 bp product. Digest with MslI to 86+237 in the wild type, uncut as 323 in the mutant. DJR701(f): CAGTCGTGAGCTTTGGATGCGTGC DJR702(r): TCGGGGATACGCAGATTCTTTCCC. Pedone ... Reiner G3 (2021).]
CL2621 |
C. elegans |
smg-1(cc546) I; dvIs75. Show Description
dvIs75 [myo-3::Abeta 1-42 G37L::3' UTR(long) + mtl-2::GFP)]. Temperature-inducible induction of human Abeta peptide in body wall muscle; paralysis in ~32 hr if induced as L3 larvae. Maintain at 16 C to prevent strong Abeta induction and larval paralysis/arrest. Reference: Fonte V., et al. Mol Neurodegener. 2011 Aug 23;6(1):61. [NOTE: The temperature-sensitive allele cc546 causes an M1957L change in SMG-1. The lesion is an atg>ttg transversion in exon 35. Flanking sequences follow with the mutation site indicated with a capital A: ttggtggtcggttacaaaacgatattcaaga tcactggcagtcatgagtAtggttggatcagttttaggactcggtgatcg acatttggacaatttattg The lesion is detectable via SNP-snip with the mutation causing loss of an MslI site. Primers are for a 323 bp product. Digest with MslI to 86+237 in the wild type, uncut as 323 in the mutant. DJR701(f): CAGTCGTGAGCTTTGGATGCGTGC DJR702(r): TCGGGGATACGCAGATTCTTTCCC. Pedone ... Reiner G3 (2021).]
CL2659 |
C. elegans |
smg-1(cc546) I; dvIs770. Show Description
dvIs770 [myo-3::Abeta 1-42 wt::3' UTR(long) + mtl-2::GFP]. Maintain at 16 C to prevent strong Abeta induction and larval paralysis/arrest. Temperature-inducible induction of human Abeta peptide in body wall muscle; paralysis in 18-24 hr if induced as L3 larvae. NOTE: dvIs770 was originally described as dvIs70 in Fonte et al, 2011. The name of this array was changed to dvIs770 to avoid confusion with dvIs70 [hsp-16.2p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)] carried in strain CL2070. Reference: Fonte V., et al. Mol Neurodegener. 2011 Aug 23;6(1):61. [NOTE: The temperature-sensitive allele cc546 causes an M1957L change in SMG-1. The lesion is an atg>ttg transversion in exon 35. Flanking sequences follow with the mutation site indicated with a capital A: ttggtggtcggttacaaaacgatattcaaga tcactggcagtcatgagtAtggttggatcagttttaggactcggtgatcg acatttggacaatttattg The lesion is detectable via SNP-snip with the mutation causing loss of an MslI site. Primers are for a 323 bp product. Digest with MslI to 86+237 in the wild type, uncut as 323 in the mutant. DJR701(f): CAGTCGTGAGCTTTGGATGCGTGC DJR702(r): TCGGGGATACGCAGATTCTTTCCC. Pedone ... Reiner G3 (2021).]
CL4176 |
C. elegans |
smg-1(cc546) I; dvIs27 X. Show Description
dvIs27 [myo-3p::A-Beta (1-42)::let-851 3'UTR) + rol-6(su1006)] X. Rollers. Temperature sensitive: needs to be propagated at 15C. Upshift larval animals to check that the worms get paralyzed and give offspring that arrest as eggs/early larvae. This strain produces low levels of beta amyloid peptide even when grown at low temperature, and therefore there is always some selection for loss of transgene copies. It is recommended to maintain growing stock plates at 15-16 degrees C by transferring small numbers of animals each generation rather than by "chunking", which increases the effective population size and therefore the chance of a relatively rare transgene loss, and then this revertant taking over the population. The strain should also be frozen shortly after being received. This strain can only be sent to academic users and not to commercial organizations. [NOTE: The temperature-sensitive allele cc546 causes an M1957L change in SMG-1. The lesion is an atg>ttg transversion in exon 35. Flanking sequences follow with the mutation site indicated with a capital A: ttggtggtcggttacaaaacgatattcaaga tcactggcagtcatgagtAtggttggatcagttttaggactcggtgatcg acatttggacaatttattg The lesion is detectable via SNP-snip with the mutation causing loss of an MslI site. Primers are for a 323 bp product. Digest with MslI to 86+237 in the wild type, uncut as 323 in the mutant. DJR701(f): CAGTCGTGAGCTTTGGATGCGTGC DJR702(r): TCGGGGATACGCAGATTCTTTCCC. Pedone ... Reiner G3 (2021).]
CL6180 |
C. elegans |
smg-1(cc546) I; dvIs19 III; skn-1(zu67)/nT1 [unc-?(n754) let-?] (IV;V); dvIs27 X. Show Description
dvIs19 [(pAF15) gst-4p::GFP::NLS] III. dvIs27 [myo-3p::A-Beta (1-42)::let-851 3'UTR) + rol-6(su1006)] X. Roller with weak constitutive GFP expression. Balanced strain, segregates Rol Uncs [skn-1(zu67) heterozygotes], Rol nonUncs [skn-1(zu67) homozygotes] and dead eggs. Maintain by picking Rol Uncs. Paralyzed if upshifted as larvae to 25C. References: Dostal, V and Link CD (2010) J Vis Exp. Oct 9;(44). Dostal V, Roberts CM, Link CD (2010) Genetics Nov;186(3):857-66. [NOTE: The temperature-sensitive allele cc546 causes an M1957L change in SMG-1. The lesion is an atg>ttg transversion in exon 35. Flanking sequences follow with the mutation site indicated with a capital A: ttggtggtcggttacaaaacgatattcaaga tcactggcagtcatgagtAtggttggatcagttttaggactcggtgatcg acatttggacaatttattg The lesion is detectable via SNP-snip with the mutation causing loss of an MslI site. Primers are for a 323 bp product. Digest with MslI to 86+237 in the wild type, uncut as 323 in the mutant. DJR701(f): CAGTCGTGAGCTTTGGATGCGTGC DJR702(r): TCGGGGATACGCAGATTCTTTCCC. Pedone ... Reiner G3 (2021).]
CL802 |
C. elegans |
smg-1(cc546) I; rol-6(su1006) II. Show Description
Rollers. Maintain under normal conditions. Standard control for CL4176; originally used CL1175 as the control, but subsequently it was found that CL1175 can produce some A-Beta. Reference: Fonte V., et al. Mol Neurodegener. 2011 Aug 23;6(1):61. [NOTE: The temperature-sensitive allele cc546 causes an M1957L change in SMG-1. The lesion is an atg>ttg transversion in exon 35. Flanking sequences follow with the mutation site indicated with a capital A: ttggtggtcggttacaaaacgatattcaaga tcactggcagtcatgagtAtggttggatcagttttaggactcggtgatcg acatttggacaatttattg The lesion is detectable via SNP-snip with the mutation causing loss of an MslI site. Primers are for a 323 bp product. Digest with MslI to 86+237 in the wild type, uncut as 323 in the mutant. DJR701(f): CAGTCGTGAGCTTTGGATGCGTGC DJR702(r): TCGGGGATACGCAGATTCTTTCCC. Pedone ... Reiner G3 (2021).]
CP38 |
C. briggsae |
Cbr-tra-1(nm2)/Cbr-let(nm28) III. Show Description
When singled, hermaphrodites should throw 2/3 hermaphrodites and 1/2 nm2 XX males. The lethal appears to balance the nm2 allele pretty well, but precise recombination mapping has not been performed. The XX males maintain their phenotypic resemblance to the unbalanced strain and are probably not fertile due to obvious gonadal deficiencies. This strain has been successfully grown at 15C and 20C. Both strains appear to have complete penetrance of the mutant phenotypes.
CX5000 |
C. elegans |
slt-1(eh15) X. Show Description
slt-1 mutants have no dissecting-scope phenotype. They have a 40% penetrant defect in the ventral guidance of the AVM neuron scored with mec-4::GFP, a mild defect in CAN cell migration that is enhanced by a ceh-23::GFP transgene, and a mild defect in midline crossing by PVQ neurons scorable with sra-6::GFP. slt-1(eh15) is a complex rearrangement that duplicates the endogenous slt-1 gene, but disrupts both duplicated copies. The two copies are linked on X but the exact distance between them is not known. The duplication probably extends >13 kb based on Southern blotting. Deletion breakpoints for the first copy of slt-1 are as follows: nucleotides 26219 to 28163 and 28197 to 28294 in cosmid C26G2 are deleted. The second copy of slt-1 contains the following structure: nucleotides 28197 to 28294 in C26G2 are deleted, followed by a duplication of nucleotides 28300 to 28396 in C26G2 that begins 5 nucleotides after the deletion. Both copies of slt-1 are mutant, as confirmed by both DNA sequence and RT-PCR analysis of slt-1 mRNA. Scoring for homozygosity of the slt-1 allele by PCR is difficult because of the two copies of the gene and because the small deletion and the small duplication of the second copy of slt-1 are the same size. The mutant can be followed indirectly by X linkage (very closely linked to unc-3). It may be possible to make a specific primer within the duplicated region that detects a unique band in the slt-1 mutant.
CX5463 |
C. elegans |
slt-1(ok255) X. Show Description
Viable. Can be scored only using special neuronal markers such as zdIs5 [mec-4p::GFP + lin-15(+)], which labels the touch cells and shows that they have aberrant anterior processes in the slt-1 mutant.
CYA11 |
C. elegans |
ldrIs1; eeeIs1. Show Description
ldrIs1 [dhs-3p::dhs-3::GFP + unc-76(+)]. eeeIs1 [unc-54p::Htt513(Q15)::YFP::unc-45 3'UTR]. Derived by crossing parental strains LIU1 and EAK102. YFP is fused to a fragment of mutant human Huntingtin protein; expression in body wall muscle cells. dhs-3::GFP is expressed mainly in intestinal cells and localized to intestinal lipid droplets.
CYA12 |
C. elegans |
ldrIs1; eeeIs2. Show Description
ldrIs1 [dhs-3p::dhs-3::GFP + unc-76(+)]. eeeIs2 [unc-54p::Htt513(Q128)::YFP::unc-54 3'UTR]. Motility defect. Derived by crossing parental strains LIU1 and EAK103. YFP is fused to a fragment of mutant human Huntingtin protein; expression in body wall muscle cells of the pharynx in adults and punctate expression in body wall muscle cells of larval animals. dhs-3::GFP is expressed mainly in intestinal cells and localized to intestinal lipid droplets.
CZ1774 |
C. elegans |
vab-1(e856) ptp-3(op147)/mIn1 [mIs14 dpy-10(e128)] II. Show Description
mIs14 [myo-2::GFP + pes-10::GFP]. Homozygous lethal double mutant balanced by GFP- and dpy-10-marked inversion. Pick wild-type GFP+ to maintain. Heterozygotes are wild-type with pharyngeal GFP signal, and segregate wild-type GFP+, Dpy bright GFP+ (mIn1 homozygotes), and non-GFP homozygous vab-1 ptp-1 double mutants. vab-1 ptp-1 double mutants (non-GFP) are embryonic lethal. Reference: Harrington RJ, et al. Development. 2002 May;129(9):2141-53.
CZ25708 |
C. elegans |
prg-1(ju1574) I. Show Description
Temperature sensitive sterility: maintain at 15-20C. prg-1(ju1574) mutant animals become sterile at the fifth generation grown at 25C. prg-1(ju1574) contains two mutations in the PIWI domain active site (RNaseH/slicer) [D583A, Y585A]. Mutation of the first conserved aspartate of the catalytic triad (D-D-H motif) to alanine (D583A) created an A-D-H motif which abolishes slicer activity in Argonaute proteins. WT:
GTAATGCTCGCTGACGACAA Reverse genotyping primer: TTGACGAACTGTGGAACCAA Reference: Kim KW, et al. Neuron. 2018 Feb 7;97(3):511-519.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2018.01.014.