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AGD1048 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; glp-1(e2141) III; uthEx649. Show Description
uthEx649 [rpn-6p::tdTomato + rol-6(su1006)]. Temperature-sensitive. Maintain at 15C; sterile at 25C. Rollers. Pick rollers to maintain array. Reference: Vilchez D, et al. Nature. 2012 Sep 13;489(7415):263-8.
AGK650 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; zdIs13 IV; armEx257. Show Description
zdIs13 [tph-1p::GFP] IV. armEx257 [dpy-7p::daf-16b::tagRFP + myo-2::GFP]. Pick animals with GFP+ pharynx to maintain. armEx257 rescues the daf-16(mu86) HSN undermigration phenotype. dpy-7p::daf-16b::tagRFP expression is localized to nuclei in hypodermal tissue during the comma, 1.5 and 2-fold stages, becoming cytoplasmic or perinuclear by the 3-fold stage and persisting into adulthood. Reference: Kennedy LM, et al. Cell Rep. 2013 Sep 12;4(5):996-1009.
CF1038 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I. Show Description
Dauer defective. Short lived.
CF1137 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; daf-2(e1370) III; muIs61. Show Description
muIs61 [daf-16a::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Temperature-sensitive. Maintain at 15 C. Rollers. Reference: Lin K, Hsin H, Libina N, Kenyon C. Nat Genet. 2001 Jun;28(2):139-45.
CF1139 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; muIs61. Show Description
muIs61 [(pKL78) daf16::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. muIs61 rescues daf-16(mu86). muIs61 is a gamma-induced insertion of muEx50. muIs61 insertion point has not been mapped.
CF1295 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; daf-2(e1370) III; muEx108. Show Description
muEx108 [(pKL99-2) daf-16::GFP/daf16bKO + rol-6(su1006)]. Grows okay at 20C. Rollers should form dauers at 25C. Pick Rollers to maintain.
CF1308 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; muEx116. Show Description
muEx116 [daf-16a::GFP(T54A S240A T242A S314A) + rol-6(su1006)]. Grows at all temperatures. Carries extrachromosomal array. Pick Rollers to maintain.
CF1330 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; muEx128. Show Description
muEx128 [(pKL79) daf-16a::GFP) + rol-6(su1006)]. Grows okay at 20C. Pick Rollers to maintain.
CF1371 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; muEx151. Show Description
muEx151 [(pKL106-8) daf-16aAM::GFP/bKO + rol-6(su1006)]. Grows okay at 20C. Pick Rollers to maintain.
CF1380 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; daf-2(e1370) III; muEx158. Show Description
muEx158 [daf-16cAM::GFP + sur-5p::GFP] (AM = AKT-site mutant). Pick GFP+ worms to maintain. Sterile at 25C; grow at 20C or less. muEx158 contains GFP-tagged daf-16 c isoform (described as a1 isoform in Lin, et al. Nat Genet. 2001) with 4 Ser/Thr residues mutated to Ala, which completely rescues dauer formation and partially restores longevity of daf-16; daf-2 double mutants. Reference: Lin K, et al. Nat Genet. 2001 Jun;28(2):139-45.
CF1407 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; muIs71 X. Show Description
muIs71 [(pKL99) daf-16ap::GFP::daf-16a(bKO)) + rol-6(su1006)]. Grows okay at 20C. Spontaneous integrant. Rollers.
CF1442 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; daf-2(e1370) III; muEx169. Show Description
muEx169 [unc-119p::GFP::daf-16 + rol-6(su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain. May grow better at 15C.
CF1449 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; daf-2(e1370) III; muEx176. Show Description
muEx176 [daf-16p::GFP::daf-16 + rol-6(su1006)]. Pick rollers to maintain -- Low transmission rate! Maintain at 15C. Forms dauers at 25C. Reference: Lin K, et al. Nat Genet. 2001 Jun;28(2):139-45.
CF1514 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; daf-2(e1370) III; muEx211. Show Description
muEx211[pNL213(ges-1p::GFP::daf-16) + rol-6(su1006)]. Grows at 15C (probably also at 20C). Pick Rollers to maintain.
CF1515 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; daf-2(e1370) III; muEx212. Show Description
muEx212[pNL212(myo-3p::GFP::daf-16) + rol-6(su1006)]. Grows at 15C (probably also at 20C). Pick Rollers to maintain.
CF1588 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; daf-2(e1370) III; muIs84. Show Description
muIs84 [(pAD76) sod-3p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Dim green expression in head, tail and around vulva. Daf-d. Can grow at 20C.
CF1595 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; daf-2(e1370) III; muEx227. Show Description
muEx227 [(pNL213) ges-1p::GFP::daf-16) + rol-6(su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain.
CF1660 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; daf-2(e1370) III; muIs84; muEx211. Show Description
muIs84 [(pAD76) sod-3p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. muEx211 [ges-1p::daf-16::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain. Partial rescue of lifespan phenotype. Some animals show variable daf-16 expression in the intestine. Grows okay at 15C. [NOTE: muEx211 is quite unstable. Be sure to pick Rollers to avoid losing the array.]
CF1700 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; mes-1(bn7) X; muEx248. Show Description
muEx248 [(pNL209) daf-16::GFP::daf-16(cDNA) + podr-1::RFP]. Pick green (body) / red (head neurons) animals. Transmission efficiency ~50%. Can be grown at 20C with some sterility (30-50%). The higher the temperture, the greater the sterility.
CF1724 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; daf-2(e1370) III; muIs105. Show Description
muIs105 [daf-16p::GFP::daf-16 + rol-6(su1006)]. Rollers; Rol phenotype is not always evident). Integrated line derived from CF1449. Maintain at 15C. Forms dauers at 25C. Reference: Lin K, et al. Nat Genet. 2001 Jun;28(2):139-45.
CF1827 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; daf-2(e1370) III; muEx268. Show Description
muEx268 [ges-1p::GFP::daf-16(cDNA) + odr-1::RFP]. daf-16 GFP expressed in intestine. Partial rescue of lifespan phenotype. Grows okay at 15C. Pick RFP to maintain.
CF1874 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; muIs84. Show Description
muIs84 [(pAD76) sod-3p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Green expression in head, tail and around vulva.
CF1880 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; glp-1(e2141) III. Show Description
Sterile at 25C; grow at 20C or less. glp-1(e2141) longevity suppressed by daf-16(mu86).
CF1935 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; glp-1(e2141) III; muIs109. Show Description
muIs109 [daf-16p::GFP::DAF-16 cDNA + odr-1p::RFP]. Sterile at 25C; grow at 20C or less.
CF2005 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; daf-2(e1370) III; muIs120. Show Description
muIs120 [ges-1p::GFP::daf-16 + rol-6(su1006)]. Maintain at 15-20C. Rollers. Long-lived. Gamma irradiation-induced integration of muEx211. Rescues daf-16a1/c in the intestine (described in Libina et al, 2003). Reference: Zhang P, et al. Cell Metab, 2013. 17(1): p. 85-100.
CF2060 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; muEx158. Show Description
muEx158 [daf-16cAM::GFP + sur-5p::GFP] (AM = AKT-site mutant). Pick GFP+ worms to maintain. Sterile at 25C; grow at 20C or less. muEx158 contains GFP-tagged daf-16 c isoform (described as a1 isoform in Lin, et al. Nat Genet. 2001) with 4 Ser/Thr residues mutated to Ala, which rescues daf-16 mutants from defective dauer formation and also partially rescues longevity defect of daf-16; glp-1 double mutants. Reference: Berman JR, & Kenyon C. Cell. 2006 Mar 10;124(5):1055-68.
CF2061 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; glp-1(e2141) III; muEx158. Show Description
muEx158 [daf-16AM::GFP + sur-5p::GFP]. Pick GFP+ worms to maintain. Sterile at 25C; grow at 20C or less.
CF2093 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; daf-2(e1370) III; muIs131. Show Description
muIs131 [unc-119p::GFP::daf-16 + rol-6(su1006)]. Maintain at 15-20C. Rollers. Modestly long-lived. Gamma irradiation-induced integration of muEx184. Rescues daf-16a1/c in neurons (described in Libina et al, 2003). Reference: Zhang P, et al. Cell Metab, 2013. 17(1): p. 85-100.
CF2102 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; daf-2(e1370) III; muIs126. Show Description
muIs126 [myo-3p::GFP::daf-16 + rol-6(su1006)]. Maintain at 15-20C. Rollers. Gamma irradiation-induced integration of muEx215. Rescues daf-16a1/c in muscles (described in Libina et al, 2003). Reference: Zhang P, et al. Cell Metab, 2013. 17(1): p. 85-100.
CF2135 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) kri-1(ok1251) I; glp-1(e2141) III; muIs109. Show Description
muIs109 [daf-16p::GFP::DAF-16 cDNA + odr-1p::RFP]. Sterile at 25C; grow at 20C or less.
CF2247 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; glp-1(e2141) III; muEx248. Show Description
muEx248 [daf-16::GFP::DAF-16 cDNA + odr-1p::RFP]. Sterile at 25C; grow at 20C or less. Pick RFP+/GFP+ animals to maintain.
CF2248 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; glp-1(e2141) III; daf-12(rh61rh411) X; muEx158. Show Description
muEx158 [daf-16AM::GFP + sur-5p::GFP]. Pick GFP+ worms to maintain. Sterile at 25C; grow at 20C or less.
CF2263 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; glp-1(e2141) III; daf-9(rh50) X; muEx158. Show Description
muEx158 [daf-16AM::GFP + sur-5p::GFP]. Pick GFP+ worms to maintain. Sterile at 25C; grow at 20C or less.
CF2265 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) kri-1(ok1251) I; glp-1(e2141) III; muEx158. Show Description
muEx158 [daf-16AM::GFP + sur-5p::GFP]. Pick GFP+ worms to maintain. Sterile at 25C; grow at 20C or less.
CF2278 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; glp-1(e2141) III; daf-12(rh61rh411) X; muEx248. Show Description
muEx248 [daf-16p::GFP::DAF-16 cDNA + odr-1p::RFP]. Sterile at 25C; grow at 20C or less. Pick RFP+/GFP+ animals to maintain.
CF2288 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; glp-1(e2141) III; daf-9(rh50) X; muEx248. Show Description
muEx248 [daf-16p::GFP::DAF-16 cDNA + odr-1p::RFP]. Sterile at 25C; grow at 20C or less. Pick RFP+/GFP+ animals to maintain.
CF2570 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; daf-2(e1370) III; muIs142. Show Description
muIs142 [ges-1p::GFP::daf-16(cDNA) + odr-1p::RFP]. Maintain at 15-20C. Gamma irradiation-induced integration of muEx268. Rescues daf-16a1/c in the intestine (described in Libina et al, 2003). Reference: Zhang P, et al. Cell Metab, 2013. 17(1): p. 85-100.
ENL62 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; sma-10(ok2224) IV. Show Description
Derived from RB1739 and CF1038.
ENL67 C. elegans daf-16(mgDf47) I; sma-10(ok2224) IV; muIs61. Show Description
muIs61 [(pKL78) daf16::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. muIs61 rescues daf-16(mu86). muIs61 is a gamma-induced insertion of muEx50. Derived from RB1739 and CF1139.
ET507 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; cki-2(ok2105) II; glp-1(ar202) III. Show Description
Temperature-sensitive. Maintain at 15C. Animals form germline tumors that prevent fertility at restrictive temerature (25C). This is the first strain reported to be used for the isolation of germ cells for in vitro culture. This strain allows germ cells to remain viable for longer periods than other tumorous mutant strains tested. Reference: Chaudhari SH, et al. Dev Cell. 2016 Jul 11;38(1):33-46.
HGA8004 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; glp-1(e2141) III; lynEx1. Show Description
lynEx1 [(pJG01)nhr-80p::nhr-80::GFP + myo-2p::DsRed]. Sterile at 25C. Maintain at 20C or lower. Pick animals with red pharynx to maintain. Lifespan of animals carrying the array is longer than that of daf-16; glp-1 double mutants. Reference: Goudeau J, et al. PLoS Biol. 2011 Mar;9(3):e1000599.
KN478 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; huIs33. Show Description
huIs33 [sod-3::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain.
MAH20 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; adIs2122. Show Description
adIs2122 [lgg-1p::GFP::lgg-1 + rol-6(su1006)]. Rollers. Reference: Lapierre LR, Curr Biol. 2011 Sep 27;21(18):1507-14.
MAH50 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; glp-1(e2141) III; adIs2122. Show Description
adIs2122 [lgg-1p::GFP::lgg-1 + rol-6(su1006)]. Rollers. Maintain at 15C or 20C. Sterile at 25C. Reference: Lapierre LR, Curr Biol. 2011 Sep 27;21(18):1507-14.
MQD812 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; daf-2(e1370) III; hqIs180. Show Description
hqIs180 [sdhb-1p::mtLS::cpYFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Rollers. About three mitoflash events per anterior pharynx per 200 seconds on adult day 3 when cultured on standard NGM plates at 20 ºC. In hqIs180, mtLS is a mitochondrial localization sequence from SDHB-1 and cpYFP is circularly permuted yellow fluorescent protein, a superoxide sensor (Wang W. et al., Cell, 2008). The cpYFP signal is detected in most or all tissues, but most strongly in the pharyngeal muscles. Reference: Shen E-Z, et al. Nature. 2014 Feb 12. doi: 10.1038/nature13012.
SD1778 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; daf-2(e1370) III; stIs10161. Show Description
stIs10161 [egl-27p::HIS-24::mCherry + unc-119(+)]. mCherry visible at low magnification. Reference: Xu X, Kim SK. PLoS Genet. 2012;8(12):e1003108.
XE1593 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; wpSi14 II; daf-2(e1370) III. Show Description
wpSi14 [rgef-1p::GFP::daf-16A + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. Reference: Byrne AB, et al. Neuron. 2014 Feb 5;81(3):561-73. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2013.11.019. PMID: 24440228
ZM8874 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; daf-2(e1370) III; hpEx3371. Show Description
hpEx3371 [rgef-1p::GFP::daf-16a::unc-54 3' UTR + myo-2p::mCherry]. Pick RFP+ and keep at 15C to maintain. Can be kept at 20C, but some animals will form dauers. Transgenic animals have GFP in gut and RFP in pharynx and will form dauers at 25C. Non-transgenic animals are dauer-defective (Daf-d). Reference: Hung WL. et al., Development (2014) 141 (8): 1767–1779.
ZM9441 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; daf-2(e1370) III; hpEx3370. Show Description
hpEx3370 [dpy-30p::daf-16a::unc-54 3' UTR + myo-2p::mCherry]. Pick RFP+ and keep at 15C to maintain. Can be kept at 20C, but some animals will form dauers. Transgenic strain expressing DAF-16A isoform from pan-tissue dpy-30 promoter. Transgenic animals have RFP in pharynx and will form dauers at 25C. Non-transgenic animals are dauer-defective (Daf-d). Reference: Hung WL. et al., Development (2014) 141 (8): 1767–1779.
ZM9442 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; daf-2(e1370) III; hpEx3373. Show Description
hpEx3373 [ges-1p::GFP::daf-16a::unc-54 3' UTR + myo-2p::mCherry]. Pick RFP+ and keep at 15C to maintain. Can be kept at 20C, but some animals will form dauers. Transgenic animals have GFP in gut and RFP in pharynx and will form dauers at 25C. Non-transgenic animals will not form dauers. Reference: Hung WL. et al., Development (2014) 141 (8): 1767–1779.