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Strain Species Genotype
CF1667 C. elegans mig-15(mu342) X. Show Description
QL descendants migrate anteriorly; defects in HSN migration, male tail formation and PLM axon outgrowth. Egl. Unc. Pvl. Weak Dpy.
NJ298 C. elegans mig-15(rh80) X. Show Description
Abnormal body shape. Unc. Severity of phenotype: rh326 > rh80 > rh148.
NJ490 C. elegans mig-15(rh148) X. Show Description
Abnormal body shape. Unc. Severity of phenotype: rh326 > rh80 > rh148.
NJ834 C. elegans mig-15(rh326) X. Show Description
Abnormal body shape. Unc. Severity of phenotype: rh326 > rh80 > rh148.
CF1665 C. elegans muIs32 II; mig-15(mu327) X. Show Description
muIs32 [mec-7p::GFP + lin-15(+)]. QL descendants migrate anteriorly; defects in HSN migration, male tail formation and PLM axon outgrowth. Egl. Unc. Pvl. Weak Dpy.
LE1212 C. elegans lqIs3 IV; mig-15(rh148) X. Show Description
Unc. Egl. lqIs3[osm-6::GFP].
LE1213 C. elegans lqIs3 IV; mig-15(rh80) X. Show Description
lqIs3 [osm-6::GFP] IV. Unc. Egl.
NJ824 C. elegans rhIs15. Show Description
rhIs15 [mig-15::GFP]. Superficially. GFP is brighter at 25C.