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TB1 C. elegans ceh-6(mg60)/dpy-5(e61) unc-29(e1072) I. Show Description
ceh-6(mg60) is lethal. Maintain by picking WT and check that it throws 1/4 Dpys. mg60 is a 1.3 kb deletion that removes part of the conserved POU-specific domain. PCR with primers PCR6-5 GAA-TTC-ATG-AAA-TCG-GAG-GCG-T (->) and PCR6-3 GTG-AGA-AGT-GAA-GAG-GAT-TGT-A (<-) yields a band of about 1.6 kb instead of 280 bp as in N2. Backcrossed more than 10 times; in addition, the left arm of LG I was recombined with lin-28 to remove the mutator locus.