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LP527 C elegans mes-1(cp240[mes-1::mNG-C1^3xFlag] X. Show Description
FP knock-in. Reference: Heppert JK, et al. 2017 Genetics. In press.
RB1906 C. elegans mes-1(ok2467) X. Show Description
F54F7.5. Homozygous. Outer Left Sequence: CAGAAACCATTTCCCTCGAA. Outer Right Sequence: CTGAAGACACTTGCTCAGCG. Inner Left Sequence: CCACAGTCGAAGGTTTGGAT. Inner Right Sequence: TGGCAAAAGAATCATGGTCA. Inner Primer PCR Length: 3220 bp. Deletion Size: 1722 bp. Deletion left flank: GGCACAATATCAATCAGATTCTGACAAAAA. Deletion right flank: CGGTACGTGATTTAGTTGTTTTTTTTTCTC. Insertion Sequence: A. Attribution: This strain was provided by the C. elegans Gene Knockout Project at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, which was part of the International C. elegans Gene Knockout Consortium, which should be acknowledged in any publications resulting from its use. Paper_evidence WBPaper00041807
SS149 C. elegans mes-1(bn7) X. Show Description
Temperature-sensitive. Maintain at 15C. The embryos from homozygous mutant mothers display defects in the unequal cell divisions of P2 and P3, defects in partitioning of germ granules during these divisions, and defects in formation of the germ-line precursor cell P4. The embryos that lack P4 develop into sterile adults. These defects are incompletely expressed and sensitive to temperature. Homozygous mothers produce about 10% sterile progeny at 16C and 70% sterile progeny at 25C. The temperature-sensitive period is early in embryogenesis, from fertilization to about the 28-cell stage. See also WBPaper00002282.
MAH68 C. elegans mes-1(bn7) X; adIs2122. Show Description
adIs2122 [lgg-1p::GFP::lgg-1 + rol-6(su1006)]. Rollers. Maintain at 15C or 20C. Approx. 50% sterility at 25C. Reference: Lapierre LR, Curr Biol. 2011 Sep 27;21(18):1507-14.
CF1700 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; mes-1(bn7) X; muEx248. Show Description
muEx248 [(pNL209) daf-16::GFP::daf-16(cDNA) + podr-1::RFP]. Pick green (body) / red (head neurons) animals. Transmission efficiency ~50%. Can be grown at 20C with some sterility (30-50%). The higher the temperture, the greater the sterility.