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JH3055 C. elegans meg-3(tm4259) X. Show Description
Mild embryonic P granule defect. Reference: Wang JT, et al. eLife 2014;3:e04591.
JH3475 C. elegans meg-3(ax3055) meg-4(ax3052) X. Show Description
Embryonic P granules not segregated, 30% maternal effect sterility on average, RNAi insensitivity. meg-3(ax3055) and meg-4(ax3052) are precise deletions of the entire coding sequence made by CRISPR/Cas9, designed to be cut again to make insertions at the endogenous locus. References: Smith, J. et al. Elife. 2016 Dec 3;5:e21337. doi: 10.7554/eLife.21337. PMID: 27914198 Ouyang JPT, et al. Dev Cell. 2019 Sep 23;50(6):716-728.e6. PMID: 31402283
JH3477 C. elegans meg-3(ax3051[meg-3::OLLAS]) meg-4(ax3052) X. Show Description
P granule size reduced, detection of MEG-3 by anti-OLLAS antibody. References: Smith, J. et al. Elife. 2016 Dec 3;5:e21337. doi: 10.7554/eLife.21337. PMID: 27914198 Schmidt H, bioRxiv 2020.10.15.340570 (2020) doi:10.1101/2020.10.15.340570.
JH3553 C. elegans meg-3(ax4503[del(1-544)::OLLAS]) meg-4(ax4504) X. Show Description
Description: 20% maternal effect sterility on average, RNAi insensitivity, MEG-3 does not form cytoplasmic gradient. meg-3(ax4503) is an in-frame deletion in the endogenous meg-3 locus removing amino acids (1-544); MEG-3 does not form a cytoplasmic gradient but does still form granules in early embryos and co-localizes with PGL-3. References: Smith, J. et al. Elife. 2016 Dec 3;5:e21337. doi: 10.7554/eLife.21337. PMID: 27914198 Schmidt H, bioRxiv 2020.10.15.340570 (2020) doi:10.1101/2020.10.15.340570.
JH3861 C. elegans meg-3(ax4502[meg-3(F705A,Y708A,Y713A, N725A)::OLLAS]) meg-4(ax3052) X. Show Description
20% Maternal effect sterility on average, embryonic P granule defect, RNAi insensitivity. Engineered mutations in the endogenous meg-3 locus disrupt the binding and localization of PGL proteins to P granules in the early embryo while MEG-3 itself is still forms an asymmetric cytoplasmic gradient and granules. References: Smith, J. et al. Elife. 2016 Dec 3;5:e21337. doi: 10.7554/eLife.21337. PMID: 27914198 Schmidt H, bioRxiv 2020.10.15.340570 (2020) doi:10.1101/2020.10.15.340570.
JH3153 C. elegans meg-3(tm4259) X; axIs2076. Show Description
axIs2076 [meg-3p::GFP::meg-3::meg-3 3'UTR + unc-119(+)]. Maintain at 25C and pick non-Unc to retain transgene expression. Reference: Wang JT, et al. eLife 2014;3:e04591.
JH3503 C. elegans meg-3(ax3054[meg-3::meGFP]) X. Show Description
meGFP inserted between P121 and V122 of endogenous MEG-3. Reference: Putnam A, et al. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2019 Mar;26(3):220-226. Smith et al. Elife. 2016 Dec 3;5. pii: e21337.
JH3644 C. elegans fog-2(q71) V; meg-3(ax4320[meg-3::mCherry]) X. Show Description
mCherry inserted at C terminus of endogenous meg-3 locus. fog-2(q71) is male/female strain. Maintain by mating. XX animals are female. XO animals are WT males. Reference: Putnam A, et al. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2019 Mar;26(3):220-226.
JH3147 C. elegans ltIs37 IV; meg-3(tm4259) X; axIs1522. Show Description
axIs1522 [pie-1p::GFP::pgl-1::pgl-1 3'UTR + unc-119(+)]. ltIs37 [pie-1p::mCherry::his-58 + unc-119(+)] IV. Maintain at 25C and pick non-Unc to retain transgene expression. Reference: Wang JT, et al. eLife 2014;3:e04591.
JH3225 C. elegans meg-3(tm4259) meg-4(ax2026) X. Show Description
P granule defect. High sterility. Reference: Wang JT, et al. eLife 2014;3:e04591.
JH3229 C. elegans meg-1(vr10) meg-3(tm4259) X. Show Description
P granule defect. Some sterility. Reference: Wang JT, et al. eLife 2014;3:e04591.
JH3149 C. elegans ltIs37 IV; meg-3(tm4259) meg-4(ax2026) X; axIs1522. Show Description
axIs1522 [pie-1p::GFP::pgl-1::pgl-1 3'UTR + unc-119(+)]. ltIs37 [pie-1p::mCherry::his-58 + unc-119(+)] IV. Maintain at 25C and pick non-Unc to retain transgene expression. Reference: Wang JT, et al. eLife 2014;3:e04591.
JH3150 C. elegans ltIs37 IV; meg-1(vr10) meg-3(tm4259) X; axIs1522. Show Description
axIs1522 [pie-1p::GFP::pgl-1::pgl-1 3'UTR + unc-119(+)]. ltIs37 [pie-1p::mCherry::his-58 + unc-119(+)] IV. Maintain at 25C and pick non-Unc to retain transgene expression. Reference: Wang JT, et al. eLife 2014;3:e04591.
JH3155 C. elegans ltIs37 IV; pptr-1(tm3103) V; meg-3(tm4259) X; axIs1522. Show Description
axIs1522 [pie-1p::GFP::pgl-1::pgl-1 3'UTR + unc-119(+)]. ltIs37 [pie-1p::mCherry::his-58 + unc-119(+)] IV. Maintain at 25C and pick non-Unc to retain transgene expression. Reference: Wang JT, et al. eLife 2014;3:e04591.
BFF40 C. elegans mjIs134 II; meg-3(tm4259) meg-4(ax2026) X. Show Description
mjIs134 [mex-5p::GFP::(Gly)5Ala::his-58::tbb-2 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. Germ granule defective. ~30% sterility, maintain by picking gravid adults with visible embryos. Nuclear GFP expression in the germline. Reference: Lev I, et al. Curr Biol. 2019 Sep 9;29(17):2880-2891.e4. PMID: 31378614
BFF49 C. elegans mjIs134 II; hrde-1(tm1200) III; meg-3(tm4259);meg-4(ax2026) X. Show Description
mjIs134 [mex-5p::GFP::(Gly)5Ala::his-58::tbb-2 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. Maintain at 15C. Heritable RNAi deficient, germ granule defective, high sterility. Expresses nuclear GFP in the germline. Reference: Lev I, et al. Curr Biol. 2019 Sep 9;29(17):2880-2891.e4. PMID: 31378614
BFF57 C. elegans srd-1(eh1) II; bqSi577 IV; meg-3(tm4259) meg-4(ax2026) X. Show Description
bqSi577 [myo-2p::GFP + unc-119(+)] IV. Germline granules defective, ~30% sterility. Males fail to be attracted by hermaphrodite-secreted volatile sex pheromones. Express GFP in pharyngeal muscles. Reference: Toker IA, et al. Dev Cell. 2022 Feb 7;57(3):298-309.e9. PMID: 35134343
BFF70 C. elegans bqSi577 IV; meg-3(tm4259) meg-4(ax2026) X. Show Description
bqSi577 [myo-2p::GFP + unc-119(+)] IV. Germ granule defective, ~30 sterility. Express GFP in pharyngeal muscles. Reference: Toker IA, et al. Dev Cell. 2022 Feb 7;57(3):298-309.e9. PMID: 35134343
JH3016 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; axIs2076. Show Description
axIs2076 [meg-3p::GFP::meg-3::meg-3 3'UTR + unc-119(+)]. Maintain at 25C and pick non-Unc to retain transgene expression. Reference: Wang JT, et al. eLife 2014;3:e04591.
JH3019 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; axIs2076; axIs2077. Show Description
axIs2076 [meg-3p::GFP::meg-3::meg-3 3'UTR + unc-119(+)]. axIs2077 [pie-1p::GFP::pgl-3::pie-1 3'UTR]. Maintain at 25C and pick non-Unc to retain transgene expression. Reference: Wang JT, et al. eLife 2014;3:e04591.
JH3064 C. elegans pptr-1(tm3103) V; axIs2076. Show Description
axIs2076 [meg-3p::GFP::meg-3::meg-3 3'UTR + unc-119(+)]. Maintain at 25C and pick non-Unc to retain transgene expression. Reference: Wang JT, et al. eLife 2014;3:e04591.
JH3230 C. elegans pgl-3(bn104) V; axIs2076. Show Description
axIs2076 [meg-3p::GFP::meg-3::meg-3 3'UTR + unc-119(+)]. Maintain at 25C and pick non-Unc to retain transgene expression. Reference: Wang JT, et al. eLife 2014;3:e04591.
JH3562 C. elegans gtbp-1(ax5000[gtbp-1::tagRFP]) IV; meg-3(ax3054[meg-3::meGFP]) X. Show Description
tagRFP tag inserted into endogenous gtbp-1 locus. meGFP tag inserted between P121 and V122 of endogenous MEG-3. Reference: Lee, CYS, et al. Elife. 020 Jan 24:9:e52896. doi: 10.7554/eLife.52896. PMID: 31975687.
JH3614 C. elegans par-1(ax4202[par-1(T983A)]) V/nT1[qIs51] (IV;V); meg-3(ax3054[meg-3::meGFP]) X. Show Description
meGFP inserted between P121 and V122 of endogenous MEG-3. qIs51 [myo-2p::GFP + pes-10p::GFP + F22B7.9p::GFP]. Heterozygotes are wild-type GFP+ and segregate non-GFP par-1 homozygotes (viable, lay dead embryos), wild-type GFP+ heterozygotes, and arrested nT1[qIs51] aneuploids. Pick wild-type GFP+ and check for correct segregation of progeny to maintain. Replacement of threonine 983 with alanine eliminates PAR-1 asymmetry. Reference: Folkman AW & Seydoux G. Development. 2019 Mar 25;146(6):dev171116. doi: 10.1242/dev.171116. PMID: 30814118
JH4072 C. elegans pgl-3(ax4517[pgl-3::3xFLAG]) V; meg-3(ax3054[meg-3::meGFP]) X. Show Description
3xFlag tag inserted at C-terminus of endogenous pgl-3 locus. Inserted into parental strain JH3503 meg-3(ax3054[meg-3::meGFP]). Reference: Ouyang JPT, et al. Nature Cell Biology 2022 (24)1129–1140. DOI: 10.1038/s41556-022-00940-w.
JH4073 C. elegans pgl-3(ax4516[pgl-3(delta448-693)::3xFLAG]) V; meg-3(ax3054[meg-3::meGFP]) X. Show Description
3xFlag tag inserted at truncated C-terminus of endogenous pgl-3 locus. Inserted into parental strain JH3503 meg-3(ax3054[meg-3::meGFP]). Reference: Ouyang JPT, et al. Nature Cell Biology 2022 (24)1129–1140. DOI: 10.1038/s41556-022-00940-w.
SHG2238 C. elegans meg-3(ust407[meg-3::GFP::3xFlag]) X. Show Description
GFP::3xFlag inserted into endogenous meg-3 locus using CRISPR/CAS9 engineering. Reference: Huang X, et al. 2024. Dev Cell. Compartmentalized localization of perinuclear proteins within germ granules in C. elegans. Reference: Huang X, et al. 2024. Dev Cell. Compartmentalized localization of perinuclear proteins within germ granules in C. elegans.