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Strain Species Genotype
MT1080 C. elegans sdc-1(n485) X. Show Description
Variable egg laying defective. Abnormal vulva. Males mate.
MT1081 C. elegans egl-5(n486) III. Show Description
Egl-moderate bloating, uncoordinated coiler phenotype. Males do not mate.
MT1082 C. elegans egl-1(n487) V. Show Description
Egg-laying defective. Retains late stage eggs. Semi-dominant. Males mate successfully. Egg-laying serotinin sensitive and imipramine resistant.
MT1083 C. elegans egl-8(n488) V. Show Description
Egg laying defective. Retains late stage eggs.
MT1085 C. elegans unc-8(n491) IV. Show Description
Coiler Unc. Dominant.
MT1086 C. elegans unc-8(n492) IV. Show Description
Semi-dominant curly Unc.
MT10865 C. elegans unc-76(e911) V; nEx1039. Show Description
nEx1039 contains [ced-10p::GFP::ced-10 + unc-76(+)]. Maintain at 20 C. Described in Lunquist et al., Development 128, 4475-4488 (2001).
MT10869 C. elegans ced-10(n3417)/lin-1(e1275) dpy-13(e184) IV. Show Description
Heterozygotes are semi-Dpy. Throws DpyLins and DTC-defective progeny.
MT1088 C. elegans unc-1(n494) X. Show Description
Coiler Unc. Semi-dominant.
MT1089 C. elegans unc-58(n495) X. Show Description
Dominant Unc. Paralysed.
MT1092 C. elegans unc-43(n498) IV. Show Description
Gain of function allele. Small, almost paralyized. Egl. Semi-dominant. daf-C at 27C.
MT1093 C. elegans unc-108(n501) I. Show Description
Dominant Slow.
MT1098 C. elegans unc-105(n506) II. Show Description
Semi-dominant Unc.
MT10996 C. elegans sqv-5(n3611)/hT2 I; +/hT2 [bli-4(e937) let-?(h661)] III. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Sqv Mel, and dead eggs.
MT11068 C. elegans ced-12(n3261) I. Show Description
Defects in engulfment, persistent cell coprses observed in embyros, larvae, and adult hermaphrodite gonads. Distal tip cell migration defects.
MT11090 C. elegans mcd-1(n3376) II; nIs106 X. Show Description
nIs106 [lin-11::GFP + lin-15(+)] X. Egl, Him. lin-11::GFP expressed in vulva, head neurons, VC neurons. n3376 enhances ced-3(n2427). Reference: (2007) Genetics 175(4)::1719-33.
MT111 C. elegans lin-8(n111) II. Show Description
WT phenotype. Synthetic Muv.
MT11147 C. elegans dpl-1(n3643) II. Show Description
Animals are Unc.
MT11190 C. elegans mod-5(n3314) dpy-5(e61) I. Show Description
Dpy. Serotonin hypersensitive. 5-HT hypersensitivity phenotype. Hyperslowing in locomotion assay.
MT112 C. elegans lin-9(n112) III. Show Description
WT. Synthetic Muv with lin-8 or lin-38.
MT1122 C. elegans sup-11(n403) I; unc-93(e1500) III. Show Description
Phenotype: small, scrawny, thin, lays few eggs. unc-93(e1500) rubberband phenotype is completely suppressed by sup-11(n403) so only sup-11 phenotype is visible. n403 is semidominant.
MT11318 C. elegans nIs133 I; ceh-30(n3714) X. Show Description
nIs133 [pkd-2::GFP]. Reference: Schwartz HT & Horvitz HR (2007) Genes Dev 21(23):3181-94.
MT1132 C. elegans unc-93(e1500) sup-18(n463) III. Show Description
MT1141 C. elegans bli-3(n529) I. Show Description
MT1147 C. elegans lin-14(n355n534) X. Show Description
MT1149 C. elegans lin-14(n536) X. Show Description
Vulva abnormal.
MT1153 C. elegans lin-14(n536n540) X. Show Description
n540 is an intragenic revertant of semi-dominant n536.
MT11713 C. elegans mep-1(n3702) IV/nT1 [unc-?(n754) let-?] (IV;V). Show Description
Heterozygotes are Unc and segregate Unc, PvlSte, and dead eggs.
MT1175 C. elegans lin-25(n545) V. Show Description
Temperature sensitive: at 25C adult hermaphrodites are vulvaless, at 15C 8% of adult hermaphrodites are vulvaless.
MT11757 C. elegans ced-9(n3400)/qC1 [dpy-19(e1259) glp-1(q339)] III. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT. Segregates Dpy Steriles.
MT1179 C. elegans egl-14(n549) X. Show Description
Egg laying defective. Most progeny released, but released late (lima bean or later). Males mate poorly.
MT11826 C. elegans sqv-7(n3789)/mnC1 [dpy-10(e128) unc-52(e444)] II. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, DpyUncs, and Sqv which are sterile (probably Mel). The bases 17746 to 19294 of the C52E12 cosmid sequence are deleted and 19295 to 19316 are duplicated. The N terminal 239 bases of coding sequence for sqv-7 are left intact; they are predicted to encode 79 amino acids (of 329 amino acids total) of SQV-7 (followed by a frameshift).
MT11836 C. elegans ark-1(n3701) IV. Show Description
MT1191 C. elegans exc-4(n561) I. Show Description
Exc canal outgrowth abnormal.
MT1196 C. elegans lin-11(n566) I. Show Description
MT1200 C. elegans egl-28(n570) II. Show Description
Egg laying defective. Retains late stage eggs. Temperature sensitive.
MT1201 C. elegans egl-9(n571) V. Show Description
MT1202 C. elegans egl-24(n572) III. Show Description
Egg laying defective. Retains late stage eggs.
MT12024 C. elegans unc-24(e138) dpy-20(e1282) IV. Show Description
Dpy (ts). Unc (amber).
MT1203 C. elegans paqr-2(n573) III. Show Description
Egg laying defective. Retains late stage eggs. Forms bags of worms. Tails variably abnormal. CGC rec'd new stock 8/97.
MT1205 C. elegans egl-7(n575) III. Show Description
Egg laying defective. Retains late stage eggs. Partially temperature sensitive. Semidominant.
MT1206 C. elegans egl-21(n576) IV. Show Description
Egl. Reference: Genetics (1983) 104:619-47.
MT1207 C. elegans unc-31(n577) IV. Show Description
Temperature sensitive. pka egl-22.
MT1208 C. elegans egl-38(n578) mec-3(n3197) IV. Show Description
Egl. Strain contains both a mec mutation and an egl mutation. Touch insensitive. Abnormal vulva. Forms bags of worms.
MT1212 C. elegans egl-19(n582) IV. Show Description
Egg laying defective. Retains late stage eggs. Slow and Floppy; Long.
MT1215 C. elegans egl-20(n585) IV. Show Description
Egg laying defective. Retains late stage eggs. partially ts
MT1216 C. elegans egl-9(n586) V. Show Description
Egg laying defective. Retains late stage eggs. Temperature sensitive->non or weakly egl at 15C
MT1217 C. elegans egl-11(n587) V. Show Description
Egg laying defective. Retains late stage eggs. Partially temperature sensitive.
MT1218 C. elegans egl-3(n588) V. Show Description
Semi-dominant Egl.
MT1219 C. elegans egl-3(n589) V. Show Description