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AD319 C. elegans spe-38(syb6556[spe-38::wrmScarlet-I]) I; him-5(e1490) V. Show Description
wrmScarlet-I tag inserted into endogenous spe-38 locus. Him. wrmScarlet-I expression labels membranous organelles (MOs) in the sperm. Reference: Zuo Y, et al. Biomolecules. 2023; 13(4):623.
CGC135 C. elegans let-7(umn45[let-7p::egl-13-NLS::mScarlet-I::c-myc-NLS::linker::mODC(422-461)(E428A/E430A/E431A)::let-858 3' UTR])/tmC24 [F23D12.4(tmIs1240) unc-9(tm9719)] X. Show Description
tmIs1240 [myo-2p::venus, X: F23D12.4] X. Nuclear mScarlet-I fused to a PEST was inserted in place of the endogenous let-7 pre-miRNA via CRISPR/CAS9. Heterozygotes are wild-type GFP+ mScarlet+ and segregate wild-type GFP+ mScarlet+ heterozygotes, mScarlet+ non-GFP dead larvae (umn45 homozygotes) and Mec(Unc) non-mScarlet GFP+ (tmC24 homozygotes). Maintain by picking wild-type GFP+ mScarlet+. Left Flanking: GCAAGCAGGCGATTGGTGGACGGTC, Right Flanking: AGCTGCGTCGTCTTGCTCTCACAAc. sgRNA: AAAATTGCATAGTTCACCGG.
CGC136 C. elegans mir-84(umn46[mir-84p+SL1::egl-13-NLS::mScarlet-I::c-myc-NLS::linker::mODC(422-461)(E428A/E430A/E431A)::let-858 3' UTR]) X. Show Description
Nuclear mScarlet-I fused to a PEST was inserted in place of the endogenous mir-84 pre-miRNA via CRISPR/CAS9. Left Flanking: GTTGAGACATGTATATGTTTTTGTT, Right Flanking: GCTACTATTCATCATACGTCTGCCT. sgRNA: ATTCATCATACGTCTGCCTG.
CGC137 C. elegans mir-241(umn47[mir-241p+SL1::egl-13-NLS::mScarlet-I::c-myc-NLS::linker::mODC(422-461)(E428A/E430A/E431A)::let-858 3' UTR]) V. Show Description
Nuclear mScarlet-I fused to a PEST was inserted in place of the endogenous mir-241 pre-miRNA via CRISPR/CAS9. Left Flanking: CTATTTTTTTCACTTGGATTAGGGG, Right Flanking: GGGATGCTCTTTTTGTACCAAACCG. sgRNA: CCTCAACTTTGACACCCCCG.
CGC152 C. elegans mir-48(umn59[mir-48p+SL1::EGL-13NLS::mScarlet-I::cMycNLS::Lox511I::let-858 3'UTR]) V. Show Description
Nuclear mScarlet-I was inserted in place of the endogenous mir-48 pre-miRNA via CRISPR/CAS9.  Left Flanking: CACAGGTAAGTCAATTAACCAATTG, Right Flanking: TTATTATTATGTTTCATTCAATAAC. sgRNA: GGGAATGCGAGCTAGGCTGG.
CGC153 C. elegans mir-48(umn60[mir-48p+SL1::EGL-13NLS::mScarlet-I::cMycNLS::linker::mODC(422-461)(E428A/E430A/E431A):: lox511I::let-858 3'UTR]) V. Show Description
Nuclear mScarlet-I was inserted in place of the endogenous mir-48 pre-miRNA via CRISPR/CAS9.  Left Flanking: CACAGGTAAGTCAATTAACCAATTG, Right Flanking: TTATTATTATGTTTCATTCAATAAC. sgRNA: GGGAATGCGAGCTAGGCTGG.
CGC159 C. elegans mir-61&mir-250(umn66[mir-61p::SL1::EGL-13NLS::lox2272::mScarlet-I::cMycNLS::Lox511I::let-858 3'UTR::lox2722]) II. Show Description
mScarlet replacement of mir-61 and mir-250 pre-miRNAs. SEC has been removed, leaving the SL1::EGL-13NLS::lox2272::mScarlet-I::cMycNLS::let-858 3'UTR transcriptional reporter in the locus
CGC161 C. elegans mir-266(umn68[mir-266p::SL1::EGL13NLS::lox2272)] X. Show Description
Deletion of mir-266 pre-miRNA. A cassette containing mScarlet-I and an SEC flanked by lox2272 was introduced into the mir-266 loci using CRISPR/Cas9. This line was generated by excising mScarlet-I and the SEC leaving a SL1::EGL13NLS::lox2272 scar.
CGC162 C. elegans mir-266(umn69[mir-266p::SL1::EGL13NLS::lox2272::mScarlet-I::cMycNLS::let-858 3' UTR::lox2272]) X. Show Description
mScarlet replacement of mir-266 pre-miRNA. A cassette containing mScarlet-I and an SEC flanked by lox2272 was introduced into the mir-266 loci using CRISPR/Cas9. This line was generated by excising SEC leaving the SL1::EGL13NLS::mScarlet-I::cMycNLS::let-858 3' UTR transcriptional reporter in the loci.
CGC163 C. elegans mir-271(umn70[mir-271p::SL1::EGL13NLS::lox2272)] X. Show Description
Deletion of mir-271 pre-miRNA. A cassette containing mScarlet-I and an SEC flanked by lox2272 was introduced into the mir-271 loci using CRISPR/Cas9. This line was generated by excising mScarlet-I and the SEC leaving a SL1::EGL13NLS::lox2272 scar.
CGC164 C. elegans mir-271(umn71[mir-271p::SL1::EGL13NLS::lox2272::mScarlet-I::cMycNLS::let-858 3' UTR::lox2272]) X. Show Description
mScarlet replacement of mir-271 pre-miRNA. A cassette containing mScarlet-I and an SEC flanked by lox2272 was introduced into the mir-271 loci using CRISPR/Cas9. This line was generated by excising SEC leaving the SL1::EGL13NLS::mScarlet-I::cMycNLS::let-858 3' UTR transcriptional reporter in the loci.
CGC165 C. elegans mir-784(umn72[mir-784p::SL1::EGL13NLS::lox2272]) X. Show Description
Deletion of mir-784 pre-miRNA. A cassette containing mScarlet-I and an SEC flanked by lox2272 was introduced into the mir-784 loci using CRISPR/Cas9. This line was generated by excising mScarlet-I and the SEC leaving a SL1::EGL13NLS::lox2272 scar.
CGC166 C. elegans mir-784(umn73[mir-784p::SL1::EGL13NLS::lox2272::mScarlet-I::cMycNLS::let-858 3' UTR::lox2272])]) X. Show Description
mScarlet replacement of mir-784 pre-miRNA. A cassette containing mScarlet-I and an SEC flanked by lox2272 was introduced into the mir-784 loci using CRISPR/Cas9. This line was generated by excising SEC leaving the SL1::EGL13NLS::mScarlet-I::cMycNLS::let-858 3' UTR transcriptional reporter in the loci.
CGC167 C. elegans mir-787(umn74[mir-787p::SL1::EGL13NLS::lox2272]) X. Show Description
Deletion of mir-787 pre-miRNA. A cassette containing mScarlet-I and an SEC flanked by lox2272 was introduced into the mir-787 loci using CRISPR/Cas9. This line was generated by excising mScarlet-I and the SEC leaving a SL1::EGL13NLS::lox2272 scar.
CGC168 C. elegans mir-787(umn75[mir-787p::SL1::EGL13NLS::lox2272::mScarlet-I::cMycNLS::let-858 3' UTR::lox2272])]) X. Show Description
mScarlet replacement of mir-787 pre-miRNA. A cassette containing mScarlet-I and an SEC flanked by lox2272 was introduced into the mir-787 loci using CRISPR/Cas9. This line was generated by excising SEC leaving the SL1::EGL13NLS::mScarlet-I::cMycNLS::let-858 3' UTR transcriptional reporter in the loci.
CGC170 C. elegans mir-788(umn77[mir-788p+SL1::EGL13NLS::lox2272::mScarlet-I::cMycNLS::let-858 3' UTR::lox2272]) X. Show Description
Nuclear mScarlet-I was inserted in place of the endogenous mir-788 pre-miRNA via CRISPR/CAS9. Left Flanking: TCTGTGCGTATTACAAATTTTCAGCTGGAA, Right Flanking: GAATAGCAGTTTTCAAAATTGTGAGTTGCT. sgRNA: CTGCAAATGGAAGTTAGAAG.
CGC172 C. elegans mir-799(umn79[mir-799p+SL1::EGL13NLS::lox2272mScarlet-I::cMycNLS::let-858 3' UTR::lox2272]) X. Show Description
Nuclear mScarlet-I was inserted in place of the endogenous mir-799 pre-miRNA via CRISPR/CAS9. Left Flanking: ATTTTCTATTTATTGGTATAAAATATGTTA, Right Flanking: AAGAAGTACACTTCATATGCTCCTAACAAT. sgRNA: GTGAACCCTGATAAAGCTAG.
CGC177 C. elegans lin-4(umn84[lin-4p::SL1::EGL-13NLS::lox2272::mScarlet-I::cMycNLS::Lox511I::let-858 3'UTR::lox2722])/mIn1[dpy-10(e128) umnIs33] II. Show Description
umnIs33 [myo-2p::GFP + NeoR, II: 11755713 (intergenic)] II. Nuclear mScarlet-I was inserted in place of the endogenous lin-4 pre-miRNA via CRISPR/CAS9. Heterozygotes are wild-type mScarlet+ GFP+, and segregate wild-type mScarlet+ GFP+, Lin-4 mScarlet+ non-GFP (umn84 homozygotes), and Dpy non-mScarlet GFP+ (mIn1 homozygotes). Maintain by picking wild-type mScarlet+ GFP+. Left Flanking: AGAGTTTTGGTTGGTTTATGAGTTT, Right Flanking: CCAGGACGGTTTGAGCAGATCtttt. sgRNA: TGAGGTCTCAGGGAACAGGC.
CGC180 C. elegans mir-82(umn87[mir-82p+SL1::EGL13NLS::lox2272mScarlet-I::cMycNLS::let-858 3' UTR::lox2272]) X. Show Description
Nuclear mScarlet-I was inserted in place of the endogenous mir-82 pre-miRNA via CRISPR/CAS9. Left Flanking: TATCATTCTCTCTACTACTAGTGAACTCAT, Right Flanking: TTATCAAGAAAATTCAAGAAAATTCAAAAG. sgRNA: CTGTAGATCACAGAGAAAAC.
GLW53 C. elegans egl-19(utx45[egl-19(A&B)::mScarlet-I-C1::3xMyc] IV. Show Description
Internal tag of EGL-19 at N-terminal side of exon 3 via CRISPR/Cas9 knock-in of mScarlet at egl-19 locus. Tags isoforms a and b. Insertion verified by PCR and fluorescence. Left flank: 5' ttatttgaatgagcaaaaaataaatttcag 3'; Right flank: 5' GCCGCAGTGGCAGCTTCATCATCACAAGAT 3’ (1 silent mutation); gRNA: TTGTGATGATGAAGCTGCCA; Cas9/sgRNA plasmid: pGLOW69; mScarlet^SEC^3xMyc plasmid: pGLOW60; SEC insertion allele strain (balanced): GLW52.
GLW79 C. elegans sod-5(utx61[mScarlet-I-C1::3xMyc::sod-5]) II. Show Description
N-terminal tag of SOD-5 via CRISPR/Cas9 knock-in of mScarlet at sod-5 locus. Insertion verified by PCR and fluorescence. Left flank: 5' tgtgctaacgaaaattttactaaaaggaaa 3'; Right flank: 5' ATGGATATTCTCTCTGATATTGCAAATGCC 3’ (1 silent mutation); sgRNA: tacCTGTGGAAGAACGGCAT; Cas9/sgRNA plasmid: pGLOW122; mScarlet^SEC^3xMyc plasmid: pGLOW129; SEC insertion allele strain: GLW78.
GLW85 C. elegans pqe-1(utx65[mScarlet-I-C1::3xMyc::pqe-1]) III. Show Description
N-terminal tag of PQE-1 via CRISPR/Cas9 knock-in of mScarlet at pqe-1 locus. Insertion verified by PCR and fluorescence. Genotyping primers: fwd – 5’ CCAGATGCGAAAGCGAACAG 3’ ; rev – 5’ TGTACTTACCGGAATCGGCG 3’. Left flank: 5' ttaataatcattccagcaagtatctcagcc 3'; Right flank: 5' ATGTTTAATGGCGGCTATGGATCTGGAAAC 3’; sgRNA: atctcagccATGTTTAATGG; Cas9/sgRNA plasmid: pGLOW143; mScarlet^SEC^3xMyc plasmid: pGLOW142; SEC insertion allele strain: GLW84.
GLW89 C. elegans ubql-1(utx69[mScarlet-I-C1::3xMyc::ubql-1]) I. Show Description
N-terminal tag of UBQL-1 via CRISPR/Cas9 knock-in of mScarlet at ubql-1 locus. Insertion verified by PCR and fluorescence. Genotyping primers: fwd – 5’ AGGGCGAGAGATTATCGGGA 3’; rev – 5’ CGGATCGTTGAGAATGTGTCC 3’. Left flank: 5' gtcggttttttaatatttctcaaatttaag 3'; Right flank: 5' ATGGCTACAGAGAGTGCACTCATCAAAGTTCACGTGAAATCACCCT 3’ (7 silent mutations); sgRNA: TCAACGTCATACTTGTTCGA; Cas9/sgRNA plasmid: pGLOW134; mScarlet^SEC^3xMyc plasmid: pGLOW145; SEC insertion allele strain: GLW88.
GLW91 C. elegans hrpa-1(utx71[hrpa-1::mScarlet-I-C1::3xMyc]) IV. Show Description
C-terminal tag of HRPA-1 via CRISPR/Cas9 knock-in of mScarlet at hrpa-1 locus. Insertion verified by PCR and fluorescence. Genotyping primers: fwd – 5’ GTCTCCACCAAACGCCTGTA 3’ ; rev – 5’ CTAGCCTGTGTCCCATCAGC 3’. Left flank: 5' AATGGGCCCACGCCCAGGGAGGAAACAGAAACTAT 3' (5 silent mutations); Right flank: 5' TAAattaattccttaagcccctctaagtgt 3’; sgRNA: CAGTGGGCTCATGCTCAAGG; Cas9/sgRNA plasmid: pGLOW144; mScarlet^SEC^3xMyc plasmid: pGLOW153; SEC insertion allele strain: GLW90.
GLW93 C. elegans clic-1(utx73[mScarlet-I-C1::3xMyc::clic-1]) V. Show Description
N-terminal tag of CLIC-1 via CRISPR/Cas9 knock-in of mScarlet at clic-1 locus. Insertion verified by PCR and fluorescence. Genotyping primers: fwd – 5’ CTCGTACCAATCGTCCGCAA 3’; rev – 5’ CCATCTTGTTGCTTGGCGAAA 3’. Left flank: 5' ccagggtataaaacacaaaaaaactacaaa 3'; Right flank: 5' ATGTCGGATCCAGTCGCGGATTTTTTGGCT 3’ (1 silent mutation); sgRNA: ctacaaaATGTCGGATCCAG; Cas9/sgRNA plasmid: pGLOW128; mScarlet^SEC^3xMyc plasmid: pGLOW156; SEC insertion allele strain: GLW92.
GT330 C. elegans aSi8 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
aSi8 [lox2272::Cbr-unc-119(+)::lox2272::mec-7p:: NLS::GCaMP7s::egl-13-NLS::SL2::NLS::mScarlet-I:: egl-13-NLS] II. mec-7 promoter driving nuclear-localized expression of GCaMP7f in ALM, PLM, AVM & PVM neurons. Reference: Ding J, et al. GE (Bethesda). 2023 Sep 30;13(10):jkad183. doi: 10.1093/g3journal/jkad183. PMID: 37565483.
GT332 C. elegans aSi10 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
aSi10 [lox2272 Cbr-unc-119(+) lox2272 + loxP::unc-54 3’UTR::Split 3’ HygR::tjp2a_guide::Split 3’ mScarlet-I::egl-13nls::tbb-2 3’UTR]?II. Strain contains a specialized safe harbor transgene landing pad for integration of promoters to drive mScarlet. Reference: Stevenson ZC, et al. bioRxiv 2022.10.30.514301; doi: Paper accepted at eLife.
GT337 C. elegans aSi13 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
aSi13 [lox2272 + loxN 3' (delta)Cbr-unc-119(+) + 3' (delta)mNeonGreen::PEST] aSi14[lox2272 + loxP 3’ (delta)HygR + 3’ (delta)mScarlet-I::PEST]?II. Unc. Strain contains a set of dual specialized safe harbor transgene landing pads for integration of promoters: one driving mScarlet and rescuing hygromycin resistance upon integration, the other driving mNeonGreen and rescuing the unc phenotype upon integration. Reference: Stevenson ZC, et al. bioRxiv 2022.10.30.514301; doi: Paper accepted at eLife.
GT347 C. elegans aSi23 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
aSi23 [lox2272::Cbr-unc-119(+)::lox2272::mec-7p:: NLS::GCaMP7f::egl-13-NLS::SL2::NLS::mScarlet-I:: egl-13-NLS] II. mec-7 promoter driving nuclear-localized expression of GCaMP7f in ALM, PLM, AVM & PVM neurons. Reference: Ding J, et al. GE (Bethesda). 2023 Sep 30;13(10):jkad183. doi: 10.1093/g3journal/jkad183. PMID: 37565483.
GT350 C. elegans aSi26 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
aSi26 [lox2272::Cbr-unc-119(+)::lox2272::mec-7p:: NLS::GCaMP7s::ras-2-CAAX::SL2::mScarlet-I::ras-2-CAAX] II. mec-7 promoter driving membrane-localized expression of GCaMP7f in ALM, PLM, AVM & PVM neurons. Reference: Ding J, et al. GE (Bethesda). 2023 Sep 30;13(10):jkad183. doi: 10.1093/g3journal/jkad183. PMID: 37565483.
GT372 C. elegans aSi31 II; unc-119(ed3) III Show Description
aSi31 [lox2272::Cbr-unc-119(+)::lox2272::mec-7p:: NLS::GCaMP7f::ras-2-CAAX::SL2::mScarlet-I::ras-2-CAAX] II. mec-7 promoter driving membrane-localized expression of GCaMP7f in ALM, PLM, AVM & PVM neurons. Reference: Ding J, et al. GE (Bethesda). 2023 Sep 30;13(10):jkad183. doi: 10.1093/g3journal/jkad183. PMID: 37565483.
GT375 C. elegans aSi27 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
aSi27 [lox2272::Cbr-unc-119(+)::lox2272::mec-7p::GCaMP7s::SL2::mScarlet-I] II. mec-7 promoter driving expression of GCaMP7s in ALM, PLM, AVM & PVM neurons. Reference: Ding J, et al. GE (Bethesda). 2023 Sep 30;13(10):jkad183. doi: 10.1093/g3journal/jkad183. PMID: 37565483.
GT377 C. elegans aSi36 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
aSi36 [lox2272::Cbr-unc-119(+)::lox2272::mec-7p::GCaMP7f::SL2::mScarlet-I] II. mec-7 promoter driving expression of GCaMP7f in ALM, PLM, AVM & PVM neurons. Reference: Ding J, et al. GE (Bethesda). 2023 Sep 30;13(10):jkad183. doi: 10.1093/g3journal/jkad183. PMID: 37565483.
LP896 C. elegans unc-94(cp439[unc-94::mNG-C1]) I; cap-1(cp436[mScarlet-I-C1::cap-1]) IV. Show Description
mNG reporter inserted into endogenous unc-94b locus. m-Scarlet-I reporter inserted into endogenous cap-1 locus. Reference: Zhang P, et al. 2023 Sep 4;222(9):e202302102. doi: 10.1083/jcb.202302102. PMID: 37351566.
MLC1480 C. elegans lucIs39. Show Description
lucIs39 [tbx-37p::mNeonGreen::2xNLS::tbx-37 3'UTR + pal-1p::mScarlet-I::2xNLS::tbb-2 3'UTR + med-2p::mScarlet-I::2xNLS::tbb-2 3'UTR]. Wild-type morphology. Integrated array allows for labeling and sorting of ABa and ABp descendants by FACS. Reference: Charest J, et al. Dev Cell. 2020 Sep 24;S1534-5807(20)30672-9. PMID: 33002421
TV24781 C. elegans wyIs891 III; unc-10(wy1235[unc-10::FLPon::mScarlet-I]) syd-2(wy1292[*wy1052])X. Show Description
wyIs891 [unc-86p::FLP + odr-1p::RFP] III. FLPon::mScarlet-I tag inserted into endogenous unc-10 locus. GFP tag inserted into N-terminus of endogenous syd-2 locus with (517-836) region deleted. Reference: McDonald NA, et al. Nature. 2020 Dec;588(7838):454-458. PMID: 33208945.
TV24783 C. elegans wyIs891 III; unc-10(wy1235[unc-10::FLPon::mScarlet-I]) syd-2(wy1052[GFP::syd-2]) X. Show Description
wyIs891 [unc-86p::FLP + odr-1p::RFP] III. FLPon::mScarlet-I tag inserted into endogenous unc-10 locus. GFP tag inserted into N-terminus of endogenous syd-2 locus. Reference: McDonald NA, et al. Nature. 2020 Dec;588(7838):454-458. PMID: 33208945.
TV24785 C. elegans wyIs891 III; elks-1(wy1232[FLPon::mScarlet-I::elks-1]) IV; syd-2(wy1052[GFP::syd-2]) X. Show Description
wyIs891 [unc-86p::FLP + odr-1p::RFP] III. mScarlet-I::FLPon tag inserted into endogenous elks-1 locus. GFP tag inserted into endogenous syd-2 locus. Reference: McDonald NA, et al. Nature. 2020 Dec;588(7838):454-458. PMID: 33208945.
TV24786 C. elegans wyIs891 III; cla-1(wy1233[cla-1::FLPon::mScarlet-I]) IV; syd-2(wy1052[GFP::syd-2]) X. Show Description
wyIs891 [unc-86p::FLP + odr-1p::RFP] III. FLPon::mScarlet-I tag inserted into endogenous cla-1 locus. GFP tag inserted into endogenous syd-2 locus. Reference: McDonald NA, et al. Nature. 2020 Dec;588(7838):454-458. PMID: 33208945.
TV24919 C. elegans wyIs891 III; unc-10(wy1235[unc-10::FLPon::mScarlet-I]) syd-2(wy5) X. Show Description
wyIs891 [unc-86p::FLP + odr-1p::RFP] III. FLPon::mScarlet-I tag inserted into endogenous unc-10 locus. Reference: McDonald NA, et al. Nature. 2020 Dec;588(7838):454-458. PMID: 33208945.
TV25205 C. elegans rab-3(wy1332[mScarlet-I::FLPon::rab-3B]) II; wyIs891 III; syd-2(wy1052[GFP::syd-2]) X. Show Description
wyIs891 [unc-86p::FLP + odr-1p::RFP] III. mScarlet-I::FLPon tag inserted into endogenous rab-3 locus specifically tagging isoform B, which is most abundant in neurons. GFP tag inserted into N-terminus of endogenous syd-2 locus. Reference: McDonald NA, et al. Nature. 2020 Dec;588(7838):454-458. PMID: 33208945.
TV25445 C. elegans wyIs891 III; unc-10(wy1235[unc-10::FLPon::mScarlet-I]) syd-2(wy1323) X. Show Description
wyIs891 [unc-86p::FLP + odr-1p::RFP] III. FLPon::mScarlet-I tag inserted into endogenous unc-10 locus. GFP tag inserted into endogenous syd-2 locus with (517-836) region replaced by worm-optimized FUS 1-163. Reference: McDonald NA, et al. Nature. 2020 Dec;588(7838):454-458. PMID: 33208945.
TV25716 C. elegans syd-1(wy1320[syd-1::FLPon::mScarlet-I]) II; wyIs891 III; syd-2(wy5) X. Show Description
wyIs891 [unc-86p::FLP + odr-1p::RFP] III. FLPon::mScarlet-I tag inserted into endogenous syd-1 locus. Reference: McDonald NA, et al. Nature. 2020 Dec;588(7838):454-458. PMID: 33208945.
TV25717 C. elegans unc-13(wy1322[unc-13::FLP::mScarlet-I]) I; wyIs891 III; syd-2(wy5) X. Show Description
wyIs891 [unc-86p::FLP + odr-1p::RFP] III. FLP::mScarlet-I tag inserted into endogenous unc-13 locus. Reference: McDonald NA, et al. Nature. 2020 Dec;588(7838):454-458. PMID: 33208945.
TV25719 C. elegans wyIs891 III; unc-10(wy1235[unc-10::FLPon::mScarlet-I]) syd-2(wy1398) X. Show Description
wyIs891 [unc-86p::FLP + odr-1p::RFP] III. FLPon::mScarlet-I tag inserted into endogenous unc-10 locus. syd-2(wy1398) is a GFP tag inserted into endogenous syd-2 locus with SYD-2(517-539), SYD-2(617-655), and SYD-2(731-801) regions deleted. Reference: McDonald NA, et al. Nature. 2020 Dec;588(7838):454-458. PMID: 33208945.
TV25743 C. elegans unc-13(wy1322) I; wyIs891 III; syd-2(wy1292) X. Show Description
wyIs891 [unc-86p::FLP + odr-1p::RFP] III. FLPon::mScarlet-I tag inserted into endogenous unc-10 locus. syd-2(wy1292) is a CRISPR-engineered deletion of SYD-2(517-836). Reference: McDonald NA, et al. Nature. 2020 Dec;588(7838):454-458. PMID: 33208945.
UTX113 C. elegans par-3(djd33[mScarlet-I-GLO::Myc::par-3]) III. Show Description
mScarlet-I-GLO and Myc tags inserted into endogenous par-3 locus. mScarlet-I-GLO is a germline-optimized variant coded to be less prone to silencing in the germline. Reference: Chang Y & Dickinson DJ. Cell Rep. 2022 Apr 12;39(2):110652. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.110652. PMID: 35417695.
VT3751 C. elegans maIs105 V; hbl-1(ma430[hbl-1::mScarlet-I]) X. Show Description
maIs105 [col-19::GFP] V. hbl-1(ma430) is a CRISPR/Cas9-edited allele, which contains a linker and the mScarlet-I sequence integrated in-frame with hbl-1. Reference: Ilbay O & Ambros V. Curr Biol. 2019 Jun 3;29(11):1735-1745.e4.
VT3869 C. elegans wIs51 V; hbl-1(ma430ma475[hbl-1::mScarlet-I::partial deletion of hbl-1 3'UTR]) X Show Description
wIs51 [SCMp::GFP + unc-119(+)] V. GFP expression in seam cells. Retarded Heterochronic defects: extra seam cells and partial or no alae in young adults. hbl-1(ma430ma475) is a CRISPR/Cas9-edited allele, which contains a linker and the mScarlet-I sequence integrated in-frame with hbl-1 and part of the 3' UTR removed. Reference: Ilbay O & Ambros V. Development. 2019 Nov 6;146(21).
VT3922 C. elegans lin-28(n719) I; daf-12(ma497[daf-12::gfp]) hbl-1(ma430[hbl-1::mScarlet-I]) X. Show Description
Precocious heterochronic phenotypes as preciously reported for lin-28(n719). Endogenous daf-12 locus tagged with GFP. hbl-1(ma430) is a CRISPR/Cas9-edited allele, which contains a linker and the mScarlet-I sequence integrated in-frame with hbl-1. Reference: Ilbay O & Ambros V. Development. 2019 Nov 6;146(21).