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BC3217 C. elegans unc-60(m35) dpy-11(e224) V; sDp30 (V;X). Show Description
Unc strain. This strain was generated by the Genetic Toolkit project, which should be acknowledged in any publications resulting from its use: The Genetic Toolkit is funded by the NIH National Center for Research Resources (NCRR) (USA) to Ann M. Rose, David L. Baillie, and Donald L. Riddle. Report all experimental results to David Baillie.
DR181 C. elegans unc-60(m35) dpy-11(e224) V. Show Description
Dpy. Unc-slow moving.
DR35 C. elegans unc-60(m35) V. Show Description
Moves slowly. Recessive. Lays eggs.
HH16 C. elegans cdc-25.2(b262) unc-60(m35) V. Show Description
Unc. Temperature sensitive-maintain at 15C.
HH17 C. elegans unc-60(m35) cdc-25.2(b262) dpy-11(e224) V. Show Description
Dpy. Unc. Temperature sensitive-maintain at 15C.
QP220 C. elegans unc-60(m35) dpy-11(e224) rol-9(sc148) V. Show Description
Unc. Dpy. Rol(ts).
CER162 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; cerIs7. Show Description
cerIs7 [lsm-1::GFP(fosmid) + unc-119(+)]. cerIs7 rescues all the temperature-sensitive phenotypes of lsm-1(tm3585). Reporter contains full-length lsm-1 tagged with GFP. GFP was inserted into a fosmid containing lsm-1. GFP is expressed diffusely in the cytoplasm of somatic cells. Under heat shock conditions, GFP accumulates forming cytoplasmic foci. Reference: Cornes E, et al. RNA. 2015 Sep;21(9):1544-53.
CER36 C. elegans lsm-1(tm3585) II; lsm-3(tm5166) IV. Show Description
Maintain at 15C. Temperature sensitive. Reduced brood size, Sma. Reference: Cornes E, et al. RNA. 2015 Sep;21(9):1544-53.
CZ18401 C. elegans rpl-29(tm3555) IV. Show Description
Homozygous viable Reference: Noma et al Elife. 2017 Aug 2;6. pii: e26376. doi: 10.7554/eLife.26376.
CZ18550 C. elegans juSi123 II; rpl-29(tm3555) IV. Show Description
juSi123 [rpl-29::GFP] II. Strong GFP signal allowing visualization of ribosomes. GFP inserted at C-terminus of RPL-29. Reference: Noma et al Elife. 2017 Aug 2;6. pii: e26376. doi: 10.7554/eLife.26376.
DA2250 C. elegans mgl-2(tm355) I; mgl-1(tm1811) X. Show Description
Superficially wild-type; multiple subtle phenotypes related to nutritional response. References: Kang C, You YJ, Avery L. Genes Dev. 2007 Sep 1;21(17):2161-71. Kang C, Avery L. Genes Dev. 2009 Jan 1;23(1):12-7.
FG928 C.elegans inx-1(tm3524) X. Show Description
Derived by out-crossing parental strain FX18538 five times.
JIM356 C. elegans ujIs113 II; ujIs153. Show Description
ujIs113 [pie-1p::mCherry::H2B::pie-1 3'UTR + nhr-2p::his-24::mCherry::let-858 3'UTR + unc-119(+)] II. ujIs153 [ceh-13::TY1::EGFP::3xFLAG + unc-119(+)]. TY1::EGFP::3xFLAG tag inserted in frame at C-terminus of coding sequence in fosmid ID#WRM0622c06 by recombineering. Expression of transgene confirmed by GFP.
LC33 C. elegans bas-1(tm351) III. Show Description
Serotonin-deficient by anti-serotonin straining. Likely also dopamine-deficient (but not tested).
NM3576 C. elegans jsIs1072 I. Show Description
jsIs1072 [vha-6p::aex-5::Venus + Cbr-unc-119(+)]. Wild type strain that expresses AEX-5::VENUS fusion in intestine under the control of the vha-6 promoter. AEX-5::VENUS is secreted and also detectable in the coelomocytes. Created by ballistic transformation. Plasmid sequence and description of the transgene found in PMID 18852466.
OS11082 C. elegans mgl-2(tm355) I; kyEx4787; kyEx4786. Show Description
kyEx4787 [rig-3p::iGluSnFR + unc-122p::dsRed]. kyEx4786 [rig-3p:: RCaMP1e + unc-122p::GFP]. Pick animals with dsRed+ and GFP+ coelomocytes to maintain arrays. mgl-2(tm355) shows low rate of reversals. Strain carrying transgenes to monitor glutamate input and Ca activity in AVA. Reference: Katz M, et al. Nat Commun. 2019 Apr 23;10(1):1882.
OS11091 C. elegans mgl-2(tm355) I; glt-1(ok206) X; kyEx4787; kyEx4786. Show Description
kyEx4787 [rig-3p::iGluSnFR + unc-122p::dsRed]. kyEx4786 [rig-3p:: RCaMP1e + unc-122p::GFP]. Pick animals with dsRed+ and GFP+ coelomocytes to maintain arrays. mgl-2(tm355) mutation rescues the high reversal rate of glt-1(ok206). Strain carrying transgenes to monitor glutamate input and Ca activity in AVA. Reference: Katz M, et al. Nat Commun. 2019 Apr 23;10(1):1882.
RM3571 C. elegans sup-1(e995 e2636) III. Show Description
Putative null allele; e995 e2636 homozygotes are superficially wild type in appearance, development, and behavior (except for a modest 20-25% decrease in swimming rate), and do not suppress unc-17(e245). e995 corresponds to G84E (gga>>gaa) and e2636 corresponds to W58stop (tgg>>tag). PCR methods for scoring e995 and e2636 mutations in individual worms are presented in the Supporting Information File of Mathews et al., 2012. Reference: Mathews EA, et al. Genetics. 2012 Dec;192(4):1315-25.
RM3643 C. elegans sup-1(e995 e2636) III; unc-17(e245) IV. Show Description
Indistinguishable from unc-17(e245) single mutants (small, slow-growing, coily uncoordinated, jerky going backward, aldicarb-resistant). For additional information, see descriptions of the RM908 unc-17(e245) IV and RM3671 sup-1(e995 e2636)) III single mutant strains. PCR methods for scoring e245, e995, and e2636 mutations in individual worms are presented in the Supporting Information File of Mathews et al., 2012. Derived by crossing RM908 (6x outcrossed) and RM3571 (6x outcrossed). Reference: Mathews EA, et al. Genetics. 2012 Dec;192(4):1315-25.
SSM352 C. elegans rpa-2(ok1627) rpa-4(iow24) I/hT2 [bli-4(e937) let-?(q782) qIs48] (I;III). Show Description
Homozygous sterile double mutant balanced by bli-4- and GFP-marked translocation. Heterozygotes are wild-type with pharyngeal GFP signal, and segregate wild-type GFP heterozygotes, arrested hT2 aneuploids, and non-GFP ok1627 homozygotes. Homozygous hT2[bli-4 let-? qIs48] inviable. Pick wild-type GFP and check for correct segregation of progeny to maintain. rpa-4(iow24) deletion generated by CRISPR/Cas9 in the rpa-2(ok1627) mutant background. Reference: Hefel et al., Nucleic Acids Res. 2021 Jan 21;gkaa1293. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkaa1293.
UV26 C. elegans him-19(tm3538) I. Show Description
Reference: Tang L, et al. Mol Biol Cell. 2010 Mar 15;21(6):885-96.
VB1336 C. elegans nnt-1(tm358) X. Show Description
Sensitive to oxidative stress.
VZ454 C. elegans gsr-1(tm3574)/qC1 dpy-19(e1259) glp-1(q339) nIs281 III. Show Description
nIs281 [myo-2::RFP] integrated near qC1. Recombination between nIs281 and qC1 has been reported. Fails to complemement all markers on qC1. Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Dpy Sterile, and tm3574 homozygotes. gsr-1(tm3574) is embryonic lethal. gsr-1(m+,z-) animals are viable and reach adulthood with no visible phenotype and lay eggs that invariably arrest at the pregastrula stage; they are slightly short-lived, have increased mitochondrial fragmentation, decreased mitochondrial DNA content and have induced mitochondrial UPR measured by hsp-6::GFP levels. gsr-1(m-,z-) have aberrant perinuclear distribution of interphasic chromatin. NOTE: The RFP-labeled balancer is reportedly not entirely stable in this strain and will occasionally segregate recombinants of two types: sterile RFP+ animals (most likely homozygous qC1 [nIs281] worms that are able to grow to adulthood but do not develop germline), and non-RFP animals that lay viable progeny. Maintain by picking fertile RFP+ animals and confirming that non-RFP progeny lay 100% arrested embryos. Reference: Mora-Lorca JA, et al. Free Radic Biol Med. 2016 Jul;96:446-61.