ANR153 |
C. elegans |
rde-1(ne300) V.; neIs9 X; pkIs2386. Show Description
pkIs2386 [unc-54p::alphasynuclein::YFP + unc-119(+)]. neIs9 [myo-3::HA::rde-1 + rol-6(su1006)] X. Rollers. YFP expression in the muscles. Derived by crossing parental strains NL5901 and WM118 to produce a Parkinson's model with muscle-only RNAi. Reference: Snow S, et al. (2024). Neuronal CBP-1 is required for enhanced body muscle proteostasis in response to reduced translation downstream of mTOR. Frontiers in Bioscience-Landmark.
ARM118 |
C. elegans |
wamSi118 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
wamSi118 [eft-3p::mCerulean3::unc-54 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. Expresses a single copy of mCerulean3 from eft-3 promoter; construct utilizes the unc-54 terminator and 3'UTR. Can be used as a standard for multicolor imaging and quantitative microscopy. Reference: Sands B, et al. 2018. Translational Medicine of Aging Volume 2, January 2018, Pages 110.
CYA14 |
C. elegans |
rde-1(ne300) V; neIs9 X; ldrIs1. Show Description
neIs9 [myo-3p::HA::rde-1 + rol-6(su1006)] X. ldrIs1 [dhs-3p::dhs-3::GFP + unc-76(+)]. Rollers. RDE-1 activity is rescued in the body-wall muscle, making animals RNAi-deficient except for body-wall muscle cells. Derived by crossing parental strains WM118 and LIU1. dhs-3::GFP is expressed mainly in intestinal cells and localized to intestinal lipid droplets.
DR1099 |
C. elegans |
ama-1(m118m526) IV. Show Description
More resistant to alpha-amanitin than ama-1(m118). Will grow in the presence of 0.5% triton-X 100 with 100 ug/ml amanitin whereas ama-1(m118) will not. DR1099
displays temperature-sensitive defects consistent with defective RNA Pol II
function. Sterile at 25C (maternal effect sterile). Fertile at 20C, but produces few viable progeny (~80% eggs that do not hatch). Periodically check for Emb to prevent spontaneously suppressed animals from taking over a population. Reference: Rogalski TM, et al. Genetics. 1990 Dec;126(4):889-98.
DR432 |
C. elegans |
ama-1(m118) IV. Show Description
DR640 |
C. elegans |
ama-1(m118) unc-5(e53) IV. Show Description
Hypercontracted and amanitin resistant.
DR645 |
C. elegans |
ama-1(m118) unc-8(e15) IV. Show Description
DR680 |
C. elegans |
dpy-13(e184) ama-1(m118) IV. Show Description
Dpy phenotype ranges from very tiny to normal dpy-13. Resistant to alpha-amanitin.
DR690 |
C. elegans |
unc-17(e113) unc-5(e53)/dpy-13(e184) ama-1(m118) let-272(m243) IV. Show Description
Heterozygotes are semi-Dpy and segregate semi-Dpy, Unc, and DpyLet.
DR691 |
C. elegans |
unc-17(e113) unc-5(e53)/dpy-13(e184) ama-1(m118) let-287(m244) IV. Show Description
Heterozygotes are semi-Dpy and segregate semi-Dpy, Unc and DpyLet. The DpyLets are sterile adults. Maintain by picking semi-Dpy.
DR692 |
C. elegans |
unc-17(e113) unc-5(e53)/dpy-13(e184) ama-1(m118) let-275(m245) IV. Show Description
Heterozygotes are semi-Dpy and segregate semi-Dpy, Unc and DpyLets. Lethal mid-larval. Maintain by picking semi-Dpy.
DR694 |
C. elegans |
unc-17(e113) unc-5(e53)/dpy-13(e184) ama-1(m118) let-281(m247) IV. Show Description
Heterozygotes are semi-Dpy and segregate semi-Dpy, Unc and DpyLet. The DpyLets are adult steriles. Maintain by picking semi-Dpy.
DR695 |
C. elegans |
unc-17(e113) unc-5(e53)/dpy-13(e184) ama-1(m118) let-285(m248) IV. Show Description
Heterozygotes are semi-Dpy and segregate semi-Dpy, Unc and DpyLet. The DpyLet are adult steriles. Maintain by picking semi-Dpy.
DR697 |
C. elegans |
cha-1(m324) dpy-13(e184) ama-1(m118)/nT1 IV; +/nT1 V. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Vul and Lethals.
DR703 |
C. elegans |
unc-17(e113) unc-5(e53)/dpy-13(e184) ama-1(m118) let-274(m256) IV. Show Description
Heterozygotes are semi-Dpy and segregate semi-Dpy, Unc, and DpyLets. Lethal early larval. Maintain by picking semi-Dpy.
DR705 |
C. elegans |
unc-17(e113) unc-5(e53)/dpy-13(e184) ama-1(m118) let-282(m258) IV. Show Description
Heterozygotes are semi-Dpy and segregate semi-Dpy, Unc and DpyLet. Lethal early larval. Maintain by picking semi-Dpy.
DR706 |
C. elegans |
unc-17(e113) unc-5(e53)/dpy-13(e184) ama-1(m118) let-280(m259) IV. Show Description
Heterozygotes are semi-Dpy and segregate semi-Dpy, Unc and DpyLets. The DpyLets are adult steriles. Maintain by picking semi-Dpy.
DR709 |
C. elegans |
unc-17(e113) unc-5(e53)/dpy-13(e184) ama-1(m118) let-279(m261) IV. Show Description
Heterozygotes are semi-Dpy and segregate semi-Dpy, Unc and DpyLets. The DpyLets are adult steriles. Maintain by picking semi-Dpy.
DR710 |
C. elegans |
unc-17(e113) unc-5(e53)/dpy-13(e184) ama-1(m118) let-277(m262) IV. Show Description
Heterozygotes are semi-Dpy and segregate semi-Dpys, Uncs and Lets. Lethal mid-larval. Maintain by picking semi-Dpy.
DR711 |
C. elegans |
unc-17(e113) unc-5(e53)/dpy-13(e184) ama-1(m118) let-273(m263) IV. Show Description
Heterozygotes are semi-Dpy and segregate semi-Dpy, Unc and DpyLet. Lethal early larval. Maintain by picking semi-Dpy.
DR715 |
C. elegans |
unc-17(e113) unc-5(e53)/dpy-13(e184) ama-1(m118) let-284(m267) IV. Show Description
Heterozygotes are semi-Dpy and segregate semi-Dpy, Unc and DpyLet. Lethal early larval. Maintain by picking semi-Dpy.
DR717 |
C. elegans |
unc-17(e113) unc-5(e53)/dpy-13(e184) ama-1(m118) let-286(m269) IV. Show Description
Heterozygotes are semi-Dpy and segregate semi-Dpy, Unc and DpyLet. The DpyLet are adults which lay eggs that do not hatch. Maintain by picking semi-Dpy.
DR767 |
C. elegans |
unc-17(e113) unc-5(e53)/dpy-13(e184) ama-1(m118) let-288(m306) IV. Show Description
Heterozygotes are semi-Dpy and segregate semi-Dpy, Unc, and DpyLets. DpyLets are adult steriles. Maintain by picking semi-Dpy.
DR787 |
C. elegans |
dpy-13(e184) ama-1(m118) let-276(m240)/nT1 IV; +/nT1 V. Show Description
Heterozygotes are semi-Dpy and segregate semi-Dpy, Vul, DpyLet and dead eggs. Lethal early larval. Maintain by picking semi-Dpy.
DR795 |
C. elegans |
dpy-13(e184) ama-1(m118) let-276(m239)/nT1 IV; +/nT1 V. Show Description
Heterozygotes are semi-Dpy and segregate semi-Dpy, Vul, and dead eggs. Homozygous let-276 are dead eggs. Maintain by picking semi-Dpy.
DR814 |
C. elegans |
dpy-13(e184) ama-1(m118) mDf8 IV/nT1 [let-?(m435)] (IV;V). Show Description
Heterozygotes are semi-Dpy and segregate semi-Dpy, early larval lethals and dead eggs. This strain was generated by the Genetic Toolkit project, which should be acknowledged in any publications resulting from its use: The Genetic Toolkit is funded by the NIH National Center for Research Resources (NCRR) (USA) to Ann M. Rose, David L. Baillie, and Donald L. Riddle. Report all experimental results to Don Riddle.
DR942 |
C. elegans |
let-278(m265) dpy-13(e184) ama-1(m118)/nT1 IV; +/nT1 V. Show Description
Heterozygotes are semi-Dpy and segregate semi-Dpy, Vul, DpyLet and dead eggs. The DpyLets are Sterile adults. Maintain by picking semi-Dpy.
WM118 |
C. elegans |
rde-1(ne300) V; neIs9 X. Show Description
neIs9 [myo-3::HA::rde-1 + rol-6(su1006)] X. Transgene rescues muscle RNAi defect. Rollers.
CHS1021 |
C. elegans |
f59b2.13(yum1180) w10c4.1(yum1181) III; d1014.2(yum1182) f40a3.7(yum1179) V. Show Description
Engineered null mutations in predicted GPCR genes. Reference: Pu L, et al. Nat Commun. 2023 Dec 18;14(1):8410. PMID: 38110404.
CHS1022 |
C. elegans |
srg-2(yum1183) srg-5(yum1184) srg-6(yum1185) srg-7(yum1186) srg-8(yum1187) srg-9(yum1188) III. Show Description
Engineered null mutations in predicted GPCR genes. Reference: Pu L, et al. Nat Commun. 2023 Dec 18;14(1):8410. PMID: 38110404.
CHS1023 |
C. elegans |
srx-45(yum1190) III; srx-47(yum1192) srx-46(yum1191) srx-44(yum1189) V. Show Description
Engineered null mutations in predicted GPCR genes. Reference: Pu L, et al. Nat Commun. 2023 Dec 18;14(1):8410. PMID: 38110404.
DR641 |
C. elegans |
ama-1(m118m221) unc-8(e15)/nT1 IV; +/nT1 V. Show Description
Heterozygotes are semi-Unc and segregate semi-Unc and Vul and dead eggs. (Does not segregate Unc homozygotes because linked to the unc is a lethal in the amanitin gene.)
DR682 |
C. elegans |
dpy-13(e184) ama-1(m118m235) IV/nT1 [qIs51] (IV;V). Show Description
Temperature sensitive. Sensitive to alpha-amanitin. Heterozygotes are semi-Dpy and segregate semi-Dpy, Vul, dead embryos, and Dpy. Dpy progeny arrest in mid-larval stages at >20C. Reference: Bowman EA, Riddle DR, Kelly WG. G3 November 2011 1:411-416.Reference: Bowman EA, Riddle DR, Kelly WG. G3 November 2011 1:411-416.
DR683 |
C. elegans |
dpy-13(e184) ama-1(m118m236)/nT1 IV; +/nT1 V. Show Description
Temperature sensitive . Sensitive to alpha-amanitin. Heterozygotes are semi-Dpy and segregate semi-Dpy, Vul, dead eggs and Dpys. Dpys are sterile adults at 15C and 20C. Dpys are early larval lethals at 25C.
DR685 |
C. elegans |
dpy-13(e184) ama-1(m118m238)/nT1 IV; +/nT1 V. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Vul, Dpy and dead eggs. Dpys produce progeny at 15C and 20C, but are sterile at 25C. Strain is sensitive to alpha-amanitin.
DR699 |
C. elegans |
dpy-13(e184) ama-1(m118m252)/nT1 IV; +/nT1 V. Show Description
Heterozygotes are Dpy and segregate Dpy, Vul and dead eggs. Homozygous dpy-13 ama-1 animals are embryonic lethals. Strain is sensitive to alpha-amanitin.
DR730 |
C. elegans |
dpy-13(e184) ama-1(m118m238) IV. Show Description
Dpy. Sensitive to alpha-amanitin. Temperature sensitive, maintain at 15C. Fertile at 20C. Emb at restricitve temperature (25C). Reference: Bowman EA, Riddle DR, Kelly WG. G3 November 2011 1:411-416.
DR731 |
C. elegans |
dpy-13(e184) ama-1(m118m251) IV. Show Description
Dpy. Sensitive to alpha-amanitin. Temperature sensitive, maintain at 15C. Fertile at 20C. Emb at restrictive temperature (25C). Reference: Bowman EA, Riddle DR, Kelly WG. G3 November 2011 1:411-416.
DR806 |
C. elegans |
dpy-13(e184) ama-1(m118m328)/nT1 IV; +/nT1 V. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Vul, DpyLet and dead eggs. Lethal early larval (L1) at 20C and 25C. Maintain by picking WT.
DR811 |
C. elegans |
dpy-13(e184) ama-1(m118m332) IV/nT1 [qIs51] (IV;V). Show Description
Sensitive to alpha-amanitin. Heterozygotes are semi-Dpy and segregate semi-Dpy, Vul, dead embryos, and Dpy. Dpy progeny arrest in L1 stage at >20C. Reference: Bowman EA, Riddle DR, Kelly WG. G3 November 2011 1:411-416.Reference: Bowman EA, Riddle DR, Kelly WG. G3 November 2011 1:411-416.
DR877 |
C. elegans |
dpy-13(e184) ama-1(m118m367) IV/nT1 [qIs51] (IV;V). Show Description
Sensitive to alpha-amanitin. Heterozygotes are semi-Dpy and segregate semi-Dpy, Vul, dead embryos, and Dpy. Dpy progeny arrest in L1 stage at >20C. Reference: Bowman EA, Riddle DR, Kelly WG. G3 November 2011 1:411-416.Reference: Bowman EA, Riddle DR, Kelly WG. G3 November 2011 1:411-416.
DR880 |
C. elegans |
dpy-13(e184) ama-1(m118m370) IV/nT1 [qIs51] (IV;V). Show Description
Sensitive to alpha-amanitin. Heterozygotes are semi-Dpy and segregate semi-Dpy, Vul, dead embryos, and Dpy. Dpy progeny arrest in L1 stage at >20C. Reference: Bowman EA, Riddle DR, Kelly WG. G3 November 2011 1:411-416.Reference: Bowman EA, Riddle DR, Kelly WG. G3 November 2011 1:411-416.
DR892 |
C. elegans |
dpy-13(e184) ama-1(m118m396) IV/nT1 [qIs51] (IV;V). Show Description
Temperature sensitive. Sensitive to alpha-amanitin. Heterozygotes are semi-Dpy and segregate semi-Dpy, Vul, dead embryos, and Dpy. Dpy progeny are maternal effect Emb at 20C and arrest in mid-larval stages at 25C. Reference: Bowman EA, Riddle DR, Kelly WG. G3 November 2011 1:411-416.Reference: Bowman EA, Riddle DR, Kelly WG. G3 November 2011 1:411-416.
DR966 |
C. elegans |
dpy-13(e184) ama-1(+) IV. Show Description
Dpy. Sensitive to alpha-amanitin. [NOTE: formerly described as ama-1(m118m370m414), it has been determined that m414 was reversion of m367 back to wild-type sequence.] Reference: Bowman EA, Riddle DR, Kelly WG. G3 November 2011 1:411-416.
DR976 |
C. elegans |
dpy-13(e184) ama-1(m118m370m417) IV. Show Description
Dpy. Sensitive to alpha-amanitin. Reference: Bowman EA, Riddle DR, Kelly WG. G3 November 2011 1:411-416.
GW597 |
C. elegans |
gwIs39 III; dpy-13(eI84) ama-1(m118m251) IV; gwIs58. Show Description
gwIs39 [baf-1::gfp-lacI::let-858 3'UTR + vit-5::GFP] III. gwIs58 [hsp-16.2p::mCherry::256xLacO::4xLexA + unc-119(+)]. Small transgene/large array. Slow growing and dumpy. Expresses GFP-LacI from early embryogenesis and throughout development, which forms a small spot at the lacO array. Worms have green intestine (from late L4 stage). Might still carry unc-119(ed3) in background. Reference: Rohner S, et al. J Cell Biol. 2013 Mar 4;200(5):589-604. doi: 10.1083/jcb.201207024. PMID: 23460676
JMC245 |
C. elegans |
alg-4(tm1184) III; csr-1(tor67[csr-1 exon2::gfp::3xflag (IV:7958598)], csr-1(mg660[G120*])) alg-3(tm1155) IV; wago-10(tor133) V. Show Description
Quadruple mutant of four spermatogenesis-specific ago genes. Reference: Charlesworth AG, et al. Nucleic Acids Res. 2021 Sep 7;49(15):8836-8865. PMID: 34329465
WM191 |
C. elegans |
sago-2(tm894) ppw-1(tm914) ppw-2(tm1120) wago-2(tm2686) wago-1(tm1414) I; wago-11(tm1127) wago-5(tm1113) wago-4(tm1019) II; hrde-1(tm1200) sago-1(tm1195) III; wago-10(tm1186) V; nrde-3(tm1116) X. Show Description
Maintain at 15 C. MAGO12 mutant. RNAi resistant. Temperature sensitive. Reference: Gu, et al. 2009 Mol Cell 36:234-44.