VC4032 |
C. elegans |
hrpf-2(gk5105[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP]) IV. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 2633 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: TCCATATGCAGAATGAGCAGCTGTGGGATA ; Right flanking sequence: GGTGCGGATTGAGTTTTCACTGCAATTTCC. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4034 |
C. elegans |
rbm-12(gk5107[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP]) I. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 6866 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: AAAATTCCTGATGGGGCTGTGCATATTATT ; Right flanking sequence: TGAGCTACTACAGAAGAAAAATGATAATAA. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4036 |
C. elegans |
H23N18.4(gk5109[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP]) V. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 2206 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: CAGTTGCATAAAAAACTACAAAATGATGCT ; Right flanking sequence: TTTGGGAAAATAAAACATGCCCAGAACTTG. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4038 |
C. elegans |
C10C5.3(gk5112[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP]) IV. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 1852 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: GAATACGGTAAGTAATGTCTTATGCCTGCG ; Right flanking sequence: CCAGGTATTGAAATCTACCAAACGCTGATC. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4040 |
C. elegans |
F32B4.4(gk5114[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP]) I. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 4487 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: ACCCCGTCTCATCTAAAGTTTGTGTACATA ; Right flanking sequence: CTCGGAGATCACCATCACCACCGCAACAGC. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4042 |
C. elegans |
C34D10.2(gk5116[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP]) X. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 6402 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: TCGATTATTTTCAACGCTGGCCAACCGCCG ; Right flanking sequence: CTCGTCAACTCATCTTCTACCAAATTTCAC. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4045 |
C. elegans |
F21D5.9(gk5119[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP]) IV. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 731 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: TCATCGTCTTCAATCAGATTGATGTCAACA ; Right flanking sequence: CTTGGTTCTGGAATCCAATTTTCTTGATTT. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4047 |
C. elegans |
lgc-5(gk5121[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP]) IV. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 2700 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: CAGATTATTTTCATATAGTTGATTCCTGAC ; Right flanking sequence: GCTGGATATAAGCATCGCAGAGACACTCAG. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4049 |
C. elegans |
C10C5.5(gk5123[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP]) IV. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 1552 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: TTTTTTTACAAGTTGTATAAAAGACCGCTC ; Right flanking sequence: ACTTTTCCCCAATGATCAACACACCGTTTC. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4050 |
C. elegans |
C29F9.6(gk5124[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP]) III. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 1241 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: TGCGATTTTCCCAAATTTACTGATCCGATG ; Right flanking sequence: TATGGAAGGCACTTCCAAGGACTTCCAGGG. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4054 |
C. elegans |
cpt-5(gk5128[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP]) V. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 2432 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: GTCAATAAAATGTAGCATTAAGTGTAGCCA ; Right flanking sequence: ATGTATGTTTTCCGAATTATTTTTCGCAAA. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4055 |
C. elegans |
igcm-2(gk5129[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP]) X. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 4249 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: TTGGAGCTGATTTAATATTTGAATGTAAGG; Right flanking sequence: TTATGGTTCGTAATATTTGTTGTTGTTTTC. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4056 |
C. elegans |
igcm-4(gk5130[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP]) X. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 2727 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: AATTATTGTTTCTTTGTTGAATATGGTATG ; Right flanking sequence: TCTTTACCTGCTCTCCATTTTTAGACCATT. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4058 |
C. elegans |
gcst-1(gk5132[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27P::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP]) V. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 1302 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: CCACACTGCTCAATGCGTCGCGCTGCTTCT ; Right flanking sequence: ATTTCCCTGGAGCTGAACATATTGTGAAGC. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4060 |
C. elegans |
ech-1.1(gk5134[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP]) V. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 2429 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: AATTGGTTTTAGCTATAAAATTGTCCTCCA ; Right flanking sequence: TGCGGTAGTGACAAGCAAGGGCGATTTCAA. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4063 |
C. elegans |
cul-3(gk5137[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP])/+ V. Show Description
Apparent homozygous lethal or sterile deletion as unbalanced heterozygote. Deletion of 5552 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Pick viable fertile GFP+ animals to maintain. Left flanking sequence: TGATATTCTGATGTATATGGATCGGATCTA. Right flanking sequence: CTTCATGCCGTCACCAATCATCATCAAGCA. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4064 |
C. elegans |
ceh-54(gk5138[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP]) X. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 3125 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: ATTATTCTGGAAATCGGCAAAAAACCAGTT ; Right flanking sequence: GTATAGATAATGCGCTTATTCAAAGTGAGC. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4065 |
C. elegans |
ampd-1(gk5139[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP])/+ II. Show Description
Apparent homozygous lethal or sterile deletion as unbalanced heterozygote. Deletion of 5156 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2::GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Pick viable fertile GFP+ animals to maintain. Left flanking sequence: CAAAAGTCTGATGAAGATTCTGAGCCACCA. Right flanking sequence: TACCAATGTTCCAGATATTCGTGTCAGCTT. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4067 |
C. elegans |
cus-2(gk5141[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP]) I. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 4196 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: AGAATCTCAAAAAATCGATGAAATCCATGA ; Right flanking sequence: CGGCGTCGTATCGGTAACCTTTCCAACGAC. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4069 |
C. elegans |
aps-1(gk5143[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP])/+ V. Show Description
Apparent homozygous lethal or sterile deletion as unbalanced heterozygote. Deletion of 738 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2::GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Pick viable fertile GFP+ animals to maintain. Left flanking sequence: CATGATGCAATACATGCTTCTCTTCAGTCG. Right flanking sequence: TTGGGATAATGAAGATAATAGTAACATAAT. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4071 |
C. elegans |
C06A6.4(gk5145[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP]) IV. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 2765 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: AAATGAAATTTTAGTTAACATTGGCCAGTT ; Right flanking sequence: CACGGAACCGTGTCACTCCAATATCTTCAC. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4073 |
C. elegans |
fezf-1(gk5147[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP]) IV. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 2724 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: AACTAAAGGCAAATCTGGATATAAACCGCC ; Right flanking sequence: ATCGTATAACCTTGCATTCCACATGTTCAC. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4074 |
C. elegans |
cdh-9(gk5148[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP]) X. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 4415 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: TGACTTGTTACATTGAATTCTGAAGGTAGT ; Right flanking sequence: CACCGGGTCCCAAAAGATCACAAGGTGCCC. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4077 |
C. elegans |
lbp-8(gk5151[loxP + myo-3p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP]) V. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 438 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-3 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: ATTAACAACTCAATTAATTCAGTCCTTCCT ; Right flanking sequence: CTGGGAGCGTCATTTGTCGTAGAGAGTTTG. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4078 |
C. elegans |
lbp-6(gk5152[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP]) I. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 924 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: GGGAATTGAGAATCTATTCGCGAACGTACT ; Right flanking sequence: TCCAACGAATTCTTGAGACATGGTGATGGT. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4079 |
C. elegans |
lbp-7(gk5153[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP]) V. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 774 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: TGTGAAAACTTGACTTCTGTGGTTTGCAAG ; Right flanking sequence: CGAGTGGGAGAGAGAATAATTTATTTTTAA. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4082 |
C. elegans |
cyn-13(gk5156[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP]) IV. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 889 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: GATCCTTCATAACCGAATCCTCGTTCTCCT ; Right flanking sequence: GGGATTTCTGAGCAGTTTGCAGGTGGATTT. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4096 |
C. elegans |
eef-1A.2(gk5157[loxP + myo-3p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP]) X. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 1624 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-3 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: CTCTCAGCCTAAAACATATTTAAGCCTCCC ; Right flanking sequence: GATCATCCGGAAAGGTCACCAAGTCCGCCC. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4098 |
C. elegans |
hrpk-1(gk5045[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP])/tmC18 [dpy-5(tmIs1236)] I. Show Description
Homozygous sterile deletion balanced by tmC18. Heterozygotes are wild-type with pharyngeal GFP+RFP+, and segregate GFP+RFP+ heterozygotes, GFP+ gk5045 homozygotes (most commonly sterile, but occasional animals will lay eggs that hatch, and a population of homozygotes can be maintained), and tmC18 homozygotes (Dpy-5 with myo-2 mCherry). Pick fertile wild-type GFP+RFP+ to maintain. Deletion of 1976 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: TCAAAATGATGATCAAAGTGGGAGCCGCTA ; Right flanking sequence: GGTGGATCTGTCTAGGTTCTGGTGTTCGTA. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4099 |
C. elegans |
C29E4.12(gk5046[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP])/qC1[dpy-19(e1259) glp-1(q339)] III. Show Description
Homozygous lethal deletion balanced by qC1. Deletion of 304 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: TTGTACATTTTCAAAATTAAAGTATGGCCT ; Right flanking sequence: TGGCGAGAAGAGTGTTGAAGAGGCTGCTGC. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4100 |
C. elegans |
lron-9(gk5062[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP])/tmC18 [dpy-5(tmIs1236)] I. Show Description
Homozygous lethal deletion balanced by tmC18. Heterozygotes are WT with pharyngeal GFP, and segregate GFP heterozygotes, GFP gk5062 homozygotes (arrest stage undetermined), and tmC18 homozygotes (Dpy-5 with myo-2 mCherry). Pick fertile wild-type GFP+ to maintain. Deletion of 2039 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: TGCTGTCGTATTTTTGTTACAGTACCTACG ; Right flanking sequence: GGTGGTTGGAAGATTCCATCAGCACGTGAT. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4101 |
C. elegans |
lron-2(gk5159[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP])/+ V. Show Description
Apparent homozygous lethal or sterile deletion as unbalanced heterozygote. Deletion of 2328 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2::GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Pick viable fertile GFP+ animals to maintain. Left flanking sequence: ATTAAAAAGAAACGCTTTGATTTACCTAGA. Right flanking sequence: GAAGGATTGTGAAACTTTGGAAGGCATTCG. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4102 |
C. elegans |
C49H3.4(gk5160[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP])/+ IV. Show Description
Apparent homozygous lethal or sterile deletion as unbalanced heterozygote. Deletion of 1088 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2::GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Pick viable fertile GFP+ animals to maintain. Left flanking sequence: CCGTGGCCGAAAAAAATCCAGAACTTATCG. Right flanking sequence: TTCGGTGGAAAGAAGGTGGAAATTGGCCTA. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4104 |
C. elegans |
AC8.1(gk5162[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP]) X. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 7222 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: TTTCCTAGAATCGACCGCTTTCAGTGTATT ; Right flanking sequence: TGGGCCCAGTTTTCGGACGGTGGTTTTGCG. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4106 |
C. elegans |
fkh-6(gk5164[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP]) II. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 2034 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: GAAAATTTCACAACTAACTAGTAAGGACTC ; Right flanking sequence: TGACTGGAAAGAGCTCTTTTATTTTCAAAA. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4109 |
C. elegans |
syg-1(gk5167[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP]) X. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 2190 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: TTGATTTTAAGAATACTTTCTTTTCCATAT ; Right flanking sequence: CACGGTTTCTTGAGAGATTTCTGGTTTTGC. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4110 |
C. elegans |
gsa-1(gk5168[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP])/+ I. Show Description
Apparent homozygous lethal or sterile deletion as unbalanced heterozygote. Deletion of 2926 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2::GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Pick viable fertile GFP+ animals to maintain. Left flanking sequence: TGATCCGATTGCGAACGTTCGATCCCCAAC. Right flanking sequence: CAAAGTCGACGTTGTGCGACAGAACAACTA. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4128 |
C. elegans |
irk-2(gk5210[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP]) X. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 2391 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: GTACCTGCAACCGAACATGCGCTTCCGCCA ; Right flanking sequence: TCCGTTGAGCTGTGAAAATATCAGTTACAG. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4131 |
C. elegans |
natb-1(gk5213[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP])/+ V. Show Description
Apparent homozygous lethal or sterile deletion as unbalanced heterozygote. Deletion of 560 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2::GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Pick viable fertile GFP+ animals to maintain. Left flanking sequence: TTCAGGATCGCGAGAAAGCGACTTCCGCAT. Right flanking sequence: CGTCGAATGGCCGGAGAGTTGTCATTTTTA. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4137 |
C. elegans |
ptr-9(gk5220[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP]) III. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 2787 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: GATAATATCAAGTCGTGTATTTGTAGCTGC ; Right flanking sequence: GATGTCTGAAAATGTTTTAAATAATTCATA. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4139 |
C. elegans |
ptr-22(gk5222[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP]) V. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 4054 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: GCAAAAACGGCGGAAAAAATGGAGATGAGG ; Right flanking sequence: ATACTGGAGTAGTCGAAAGTACACCATTTC. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4141 |
C. elegans |
nipa-1(gk5224[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP]) III. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 3485 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: GAAAAAAAGAACAAAAACTGGGTGAGGATC ; Right flanking sequence: ATACCCATAACCGCCTTCCGATGCCCGTTG. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4143 |
C. elegans |
ptr-21(gk5226[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP]) I. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 3539 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: TGCATCGGATCAAGTATTTGGAAGAAGCAC ; Right flanking sequence: CTCAGTTGGCCTAGCGACCGCTTCGATTTT. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4144 |
C. elegans |
C50D2.2(gk5227[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP]) II. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 1425 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: GAACGTGTATTTCGTCTGAAAAACTTGCCG ; Right flanking sequence: GGAGGAAAACTTCGATTCAGCATTCCATTC. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4147 |
C. elegans |
F23F1.6(gk5230[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP]) II. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 1753 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: ATCATGAAGACATTGATGAGTAGACCAAGG ; Right flanking sequence: TCAAATGTCTTTTTACGAAACAAGACATCG. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4148 |
C. elegans |
ptr-20(gk5231[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP])/+ II. Show Description
Apparent homozygous lethal or sterile deletion as unbalanced heterozygote. Deletion of 3301 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2::GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Pick viable fertile GFP+ animals to maintain. Left flanking sequence: TGAAGCACTCGGTGAAGTTTCGCAGGCTCA. Right flanking sequence: TCGTACTAATGTCCCTTCTAGTGTTGGTAT. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4151 |
C. elegans |
ptr-15(gk5234[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP])/+ V. Show Description
Apparent homozygous lethal or sterile deletion as unbalanced heterozygote. Deletion of 2870 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2::GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Pick viable fertile GFP+ animals to maintain. Left flanking sequence: AATGAGAGTGCATACGACCCAGAATACAAT. Right flanking sequence: CCTCGGTTCGCATATTCAGAATACCGAAGG. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4152 |
C. elegans |
gex-3(gk5235[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP])/+ IV. Show Description
[NOTE: Please see RG5044 for balanced version of this strain.] Apparent homozygous lethal or sterile deletion as unbalanced heterozygote. Deletion of 2546 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2::GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Pick viable fertile GFP+ animals to maintain. Left flanking sequence: GTCGACGTTCGAATATGTACAAGAAAAGTC. Right flanking sequence: TGCTTCATCTGGTCATATGGTTTGGAGTGA. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4155 |
C. elegans |
gbh-2(gk5238[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP]) II. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 1500 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: GGCTTGTATCAGGTTTCACATGGGTTACCG ; Right flanking sequence: CAGGGAAGTCACAAACTTCTTTATGAATAT. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
VC4159 |
C. elegans |
lbp-9(gk5245[loxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + loxP]) V. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 406 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break. Left flanking sequence: CAGAGAAACATGCCAATTCAAACCGATCTT ; Right flanking sequence: ACGGAGTCAAGTGCACTCGCGTCTACGAGA. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.