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Strain Species Genotype
BC4882 C. elegans dpy-17(e164) let-799(s2852) ncl-1(e1865) unc-32(e189) III; sDp3 (III;f). Show Description
Maintain by picking Uncs.
BC4883 C. elegans let-831(s2853) dpy-17(e164) ncl-1(e1865) unc-32(e189) III; sDp3 (III;f). Show Description
Maintain by picking Uncs.
BC4997 C. elegans dpy-17(e164) let-755(s2861) unc-32(e189) III; sDp3 (III;f). Show Description
Maintain by picking Uncs. DpyUncs arrest at early-mid larval stages.
BC917 C. elegans let-61(s65) unc-22(s7)/+ + IV. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT and Lethal Twitchers. Lethal late larval. Maintain by picking WT which throw Lethal Twitchers. Hets twitch in 1% Nicotine.
BC918 C. elegans let-63(s170) unc-22(s7)/+ + IV. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT and Lethal Twitchers. Lethal mid larval. Maintain by picking WT which throw Lethal Twitchers. Hets twitch in 1% Nicotine.
BC933 C. elegans unc-22(s7) let-66(s176)/+ + IV. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT and Lethal Twitchers. Lethal early larval. Heterozygotes twitch in 1% nicotine.
BC934 C. elegans let-59(s175) unc-22(s7)/+ + IV. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT and dead eggs. Hets twitch in 1% nicotine. Maintain by picking Twitchers in 1% Nicotine.
BC954 C. elegans let-64(s216) unc-22(s7)/+ + IV. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT (twitch in 1% nicotine) and segregate WT and thin, twitcher sterile adults. Pick twitchers in 1% nicotine to maintain.
BC964 C. elegans let-56(s46) unc-22(s7)/unc-5(e152) dpy-4(e1166) IV. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate more WT, DpyUncs and Lethal Twitchers. Lethal late larval. Heterozygotes Twitch in 1% Nicotine. Pick WT to maintain.
BC965 C. elegans let-59(s49) unc-22(s7)/unc-5(e152) dpy-4(e1166) IV. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, DpyUnc and Lethal Twitchers. Lethal early larval. Hets twitch in 1% Nicotine. Pick WT to maintain.
BC966 C. elegans let-60(s59) unc-22(s7)/unc-5(e152) dpy-4(e1166) IV. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, DpyUnc, and Lethal Twitchers. Lethal mid-larval (leaky). Heterozygotes twitch in nicotine.
BC987 C. elegans unc-22(s7) let-52(s42)/+ + IV. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT and Lethal Twitchers. Lethal early larval. Hets twitch in 1% Nicotine. Pick WT to maintain.
BN30 C. elegans npp-15(ok1954) III/hT2 [bli-4(e937) let-?(q782) qIs48] (I;III). Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and GFP+. ok1954 homozygotes arrest as larvae. Pick GFP+ heterozygotes to maintain. qIs48 is an insertion of ccEx9747 with markers: myo-2::GFP expressed brightly in the pharynx throughout development, pes-10::GFP expressed in embryos, and a gut promoter driving GFP in the intestine, and is homozygous lethal. Reference: Rodenas E, et al. Mol Biol Cell. 2012 Mar;23(5):930-44.
BN358 C. elegans ima-2(ok256) I/hT2[bli-4(e937) let-?(q782) qIs48] (I;III). Show Description
Homozygous lethal deletion chromosome balanced by bli-4- and GFP-marked translocation. Heterozygotes are WT with pharyngeal GFP signal, and segregate WT GFP, arrested hT2 aneuploids, and non-GFP sterile homozygotes (produce only dead embryos). Homozygous hT2[bli-4 let-? qIs48] inviable. Pick WT GFP and check for correct segregation of progeny to maintain. Derived from strain XA3503. Reference: ima-2(ok256) is described in Askjaer et al., Mol Biol Cell. 2002 Dec;13(12):4355-70.
BN359 C. elegans ima-2(ok256) I/hT2[bli-4(e937) let-?(q782) qIs48] (I;III); qaIs3502. Show Description
qaIs3502 [pie-1p::YFP::lmn-1 + pie-1p::CFP::H2B + unc-119(+)]. Germline expression of YFP::lmn-1. CFP::HIS is silenced in qaIs3502. Homozygous lethal deletion chromosome balanced by bli-4- and GFP-marked translocation. Heterozygotes are WT with pharyngeal GFP signal, and segregate WT GFP, arrested hT2 aneuploids, and non-GFP sterile homozygotes (produce only dead embryos). Homozygous hT2[bli-4 let-? qIs48] inviable. Pick WT GFP and check for correct segregation of progeny to maintain. Derived from strains XA3502 and XA3503. Reference: ima-2(ok256) is described in Askjaer et al., Mol Biol Cell. 2002 Dec;13(12):4355-70.
BN360 C. elegans ima-2(ok256) I/hT2[bli-4(e937) let-?(q782) qIs48] (I;III); qaIs3502; ojIs1. Show Description
ojIs1 [pie-1p::GFP::tbb-2 + unc-119(+)]. qaIs3502 [pie-1p::YFP::lmn-1 + pie-1p::CFP::H2B + unc-119(+)]. Germline expression of YFP::lmn-1. CFP::HIS is silenced in qaIs3502. Homozygous lethal deletion chromosome balanced by bli-4- and GFP-marked translocation. Heterozygotes are WT with pharyngeal GFP signal, and segregate WT GFP, arrested hT2 aneuploids, and non-GFP sterile homozygotes (produce only dead embryos). Homozygous hT2[bli-4 let-? qIs48] inviable. Pick WT GFP and check for correct segregation of progeny to maintain. Derived from strains XA3502 and XA3503. Reference: ima-2(ok256) is described in Askjaer et al., Mol Biol Cell. 2002 Dec;13(12):4355-70.
BS3347 C. elegans lin-45(dx84) IV/nT1 [unc-?(n754) let-?] (IV;V). Show Description
Heterozygotes are Unc and segregate Unc heterozygotes, non-Unc Steriles (lin-45 homozygotes), larval lethals, and dead eggs. dx84 is a strong lin-45 raf allele: dx84 homozygotes from dx84/+ heterozygotes are 47% larval lethal and among the adults, 100% are Sterile and Vul.
BS5182 C. elegans sec-61.G(oz1) sma-1(e30) V/nT1 [unc-?(n754) let-?] (IV;V). Show Description
Heterozygotes are Unc and segregate Unc, dead eggs and Sma. sec-61.G sma-1 homozygotes grow up to be sterile adults, with endomitotic oocytes in the gonad arm. sec-61.G also known as emo-1.
BS5183 C. elegans lin-45(oz201) IV/nT1 [unc-?(n754) let-?] (IV;V). Show Description
Heterozygotes are Unc and segregate Unc, non-Unc Steriles, larval lethals, and dead eggs. oz201 is a strong lin-45 raf allele: oz201 homozygotes from oz201/+ heterozygotes segregate 55% larval lethal and the remaining adults are all Sterile and Vul.
BS5431 C. elegans prp-17(oz273) I/hT2 [bli-4(e937) let-?(q782) qIs48] (I;III). Show Description
Homozygous sterile mutation balanced by bli-4- and GFP-marked translocation. Heterozygotes are WT with pharyngeal GFP signal, and segregate WT GFP, arrested hT2 aneuploids, and non-GFP sterile oz273 homozygotes. Homozygous hT2[bli-4 let-? qIs48] inviable. Pick WT GFP and check for correct segregation of progeny to maintain.
BS5435 C. elegans prp-17(oz273) I/hT2 (I;III); glp-1(oz264) III/hT2 [bli-4(e937) let-?(q782) qIs48] (I;III). Show Description
glp-1(oz264) is a gain-of-function allele. Homozygous sterile mutation balanced by bli-4- and GFP-marked translocation. Heterozygotes are WT with pharyngeal GFP signal, and segregate WT GFP, arrested hT2 aneuploids, and non-GFP sterile oz273; oz264 homozygotes. Homozygous hT2[bli-4 let-? qIs48] inviable. Pick WT GFP and check for correct segregation of progeny to maintain.
BW163 C. elegans ctDf1 V/nT1 [unc-?(n754) let-?] (IV;V). Show Description
Heterozygotes are Unc and segregate Uncs (heterozygotes) and dead eggs (ctDf1 homozygotes or nT1 homozygotes).
BW1747 C. elegans dpy-18(e364)/eT1 III; unc-46(e177) let-427(s1057)/eT1 V. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Unc-36, Sterile DpyUncs and dead eggs. Maintain by picking WT.
CA1117 C. elegans dsb-1(we11) IV/nT1[unc-?(n754) let-?] (IV;V). Show Description
Heterozygotes are Unc and segregate Uncs, dead eggs, and non-Uncs (dsb-1 homozygotes), which produce 99% inviable embryos due to meiotic nondisjunction. Pick Unc to maintain and check for correct segregation of progeny. we11 is a TCA to TAA nonsense mutation in the dsb-1 coding sequence that introduces a premature stop after leucine 96. Reference: Stamper EL, et al. PLoS Genet. 2013;9(8):e1003679.
CA649 C. elegans ubc-9(tm2610) IV/nT1 [unc-?(n754) let-?] (IV;V). Show Description
Heterozygotes are Unc and segregate Uncs, dead eggs, and Pvul slow growing tm2610 homozygotes. Pick Unc to maintain and check for correct segregation of progeny. Reference: Bhalla N, et al. PLoS Genet. 2008 4(10) e1000235.
CB2779 C. elegans let-201(e1716) unc-54(e1092)/eDf24 I. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT. eDf24 homozygotes arrest as early larvae. eDf24 = let(e2000).
CB2780 C. elegans let-203(e1717) unc-54(e1092)/eDf24 I. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT. eDf24 homozygotes arrest as early larvae. eDf24 = let(e2000).
CB2781 C. elegans unc-54(e1092) let-208(e1718)/eDf24 I. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT. eDf24 homozygotes arrest as early larvae. eDf24 = let(e2000).
CB2782 C. elegans let-204(e1719) unc-54(e1092)/eDf24 I. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT. eDf24 homozygotes arrest as early larvae. eDf24 = let(e2000).
CB2784 C. elegans let-202(e1720) unc-54(e1092)/eDf24 I. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT. eDf24 homozygotes arrest as early larvae. eDf24 = let(e2000).
CB2785 C. elegans let-206(e1721) unc-54(e1092)/eDf24 I. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT. eDf24 homozygotes arrest as early larvae. eDf24 = let(e2000).
CB2786 C. elegans let-205(e1722) unc-54(e1092)/eDf24 I. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT. eDf24 homozygotes arrest as early larvae. eDf24 = let(e2000).
CB2787 C. elegans let-207(e1723) unc-54(e1092)/eDf24 I. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT. eDf24 homozygotes arrest as early larvae. eDf24 = let(e2000).
CB3313 C. elegans ect-2(e1778)/dpy-10(e128) II. Show Description
Poorly balanced. Hets are WT and segregate WT, Dpys and ect-2 homozygotes. ect-2 homozygotes are sterile Uncs which reach adulthood, sometimes giving polynucleate oocytes. ect-2 pka let-21.
CB3988 C. elegans tra-3(e1107) IV/nT1 [unc-?(n754) let-?] (IV;V). Show Description
Hets are Unc and segregate Unc, WT hermaphrodites and dead eggs. The WT hermaphrodites segregate only abnormal sterile males or intersexes. Maintain by picking Unc.
CB4883 C. elegans let-551(e2517)/dpy-21(e428) rol-9(sc148) V. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Lethals (L2/L3 arrest at 20C, some survive to sterile adults at 15C), and DpyRol. Not balanced well: get recombinants. Must maintain by picking hets at each generation and check for proper segregants in F1.
CB5009 C. elegans let-552(e2542)/dpy-25(e817) II. Show Description
At 20C or 25C heterozygotes are semi-Dpy and segregate semi-Dpys (heterozygotes), Dpys (dpy-25/dpy-25) and animals which arrest as Dpyish young larvae (let-552/let-552). Maintain by picking semi-Dpy. At 15C it is difficult to distinguish between let-552 homozygotes and dpy-25 homozygotes (e817 is inviable at 15C).
CB5166 C. elegans dif-1(e2562) IV/nT1 [unc-?(n754) let-?] (IV;V). Show Description
Heterozygotes are Unc and segregate Uncs, dead eggs, and WT (dif-1/dif-1). The WT animals give 100% dead eggs. dif-1 is a maternal effect embryonic lethal gene and e2562 is a putative null allele.
CB5378 C. elegans unc-42(e270) let-560(e2658) V/nT1 (IV;V). Show Description
let-560(e2658) was a spontaneous mutation in strain DH424. let-560 homozygotes are late embryonic lethal. Strain segregates WT, Vul and dead eggs.
CB5535 C. elegans hda-1(e1795) V/nT1 [unc-?(n754) let-?] (IV;V). Show Description
Heterozygotes are Unc and segregate Unc, non-Unc Sterile Gon, and dead eggs.
CE1857 C. elegans ect-2(e1778)/unc-4(e120) sqt-1(sc13) II. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Roller Uncs, and ect-2 homozygotes (sterile Uncs which reach adulthood, sometimes giving polynucleate oocytes). ect-2 pka let-21. This strain cannot be distributed to commercial organizations. This strain cannot be used for any commercial purpose or for work on human subjects.
CER123 C. elegans ham-3(he159) III/hT2 [bli-4(e937) let-?(q782) qIs48] (I; III). Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT, GFP+ in the pharynx and segregate WT (GFP+ in the pharynx), dead eggs (homozygotes for hT2) and ham-3(he159) homozygotes, which are Sma, Egl, Adl, Pvl. Maintain by picking GFP+ worms and checking for correct segregation, since the hT2 balancer is lost at low frequencies. he159 allele was isolated by John Satterlee from a deletion library at Sander van den Heuvel's lab. Reference: Ertl I, et al. Genetics. 2016 Mar;202(3):961-75.
CF367 C. elegans mig-14(mu71) II. Show Description
QL descendants anterior, QR descendants slightly posterior to WT. HSN posterior (50%), BDU posterior (50%), DTCs make extra turns. Mild Egl. Male Mating: ME2. mig-14, mom-3, pvl-2, and let-553 are the same gene.
CGC128 C. elegans +/hT2 [umnIs15] I; dcr-1(pk1351)/hT2 [bli-4(e937) let-?(h661)] III. Show Description
umnIs15 [myo-2p::GFP + NeoR, III: 9421936 (intergenic)] I. Heterozygotes are WT GFP+ and segregate WT GFP+, dcr-1 homozygotes (protruding vulva, sterile/egl, rupture at vulva), lethal GFP+ hT2 homozygotes (arrest stage unknown) and dead eggs (aneuploids). Will throw an occasional GFP+ Pvul. Pick WT GFP+ and check for correct segregation of progeny to maintain. Derived from parental strains CGC26 and NL687. [NOTE: 3/1995: Apparently the lethal mutation is closely linked but not within the balanced region of hT2. It can occasionally recombine away so that the strain will segregate Bli-4 hT2 homozygotes. (Mark Edgley)]
CGC135 C. elegans let-7(umn45[let-7p::egl-13-NLS::mScarlet-I::c-myc-NLS::linker::mODC(422-461)(E428A/E430A/E431A)::let-858 3' UTR])/tmC24 [F23D12.4(tmIs1240) unc-9(tm9719)] X. Show Description
tmIs1240 [myo-2p::venus, X: F23D12.4] X. Nuclear mScarlet-I fused to a PEST was inserted in place of the endogenous let-7 pre-miRNA via CRISPR/CAS9. Heterozygotes are wild-type GFP+ mScarlet+ and segregate wild-type GFP+ mScarlet+ heterozygotes, mScarlet+ non-GFP dead larvae (umn45 homozygotes) and Mec(Unc) non-mScarlet GFP+ (tmC24 homozygotes). Maintain by picking wild-type GFP+ mScarlet+. Left Flanking: GCAAGCAGGCGATTGGTGGACGGTC, Right Flanking: AGCTGCGTCGTCTTGCTCTCACAAc. sgRNA: AAAATTGCATAGTTCACCGG.
CGC136 C. elegans mir-84(umn46[mir-84p+SL1::egl-13-NLS::mScarlet-I::c-myc-NLS::linker::mODC(422-461)(E428A/E430A/E431A)::let-858 3' UTR]) X. Show Description
Nuclear mScarlet-I fused to a PEST was inserted in place of the endogenous mir-84 pre-miRNA via CRISPR/CAS9. Left Flanking: GTTGAGACATGTATATGTTTTTGTT, Right Flanking: GCTACTATTCATCATACGTCTGCCT. sgRNA: ATTCATCATACGTCTGCCTG.
CGC137 C. elegans mir-241(umn47[mir-241p+SL1::egl-13-NLS::mScarlet-I::c-myc-NLS::linker::mODC(422-461)(E428A/E430A/E431A)::let-858 3' UTR]) V. Show Description
Nuclear mScarlet-I fused to a PEST was inserted in place of the endogenous mir-241 pre-miRNA via CRISPR/CAS9. Left Flanking: CTATTTTTTTCACTTGGATTAGGGG, Right Flanking: GGGATGCTCTTTTTGTACCAAACCG. sgRNA: CCTCAACTTTGACACCCCCG.
CGC152 C. elegans mir-48(umn59[mir-48p+SL1::EGL-13NLS::mScarlet-I::cMycNLS::Lox511I::let-858 3'UTR]) V. Show Description
Nuclear mScarlet-I was inserted in place of the endogenous mir-48 pre-miRNA via CRISPR/CAS9.  Left Flanking: CACAGGTAAGTCAATTAACCAATTG, Right Flanking: TTATTATTATGTTTCATTCAATAAC. sgRNA: GGGAATGCGAGCTAGGCTGG.
CGC153 C. elegans mir-48(umn60[mir-48p+SL1::EGL-13NLS::mScarlet-I::cMycNLS::linker::mODC(422-461)(E428A/E430A/E431A):: lox511I::let-858 3'UTR]) V. Show Description
Nuclear mScarlet-I was inserted in place of the endogenous mir-48 pre-miRNA via CRISPR/CAS9.  Left Flanking: CACAGGTAAGTCAATTAACCAATTG, Right Flanking: TTATTATTATGTTTCATTCAATAAC. sgRNA: GGGAATGCGAGCTAGGCTGG.
CGC159 C. elegans mir-61&mir-250(umn66[mir-61p::SL1::EGL-13NLS::lox2272::mScarlet-I::cMycNLS::Lox511I::let-858 3'UTR::lox2722]) II. Show Description
mScarlet replacement of mir-61 and mir-250 pre-miRNAs. SEC has been removed, leaving the SL1::EGL-13NLS::lox2272::mScarlet-I::cMycNLS::let-858 3'UTR transcriptional reporter in the locus