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CX4 C. elegans odr-7(ky4) X. Show Description
odr-7 mutants fail to respond to odorants sensed by the AWA neurons.
BJS737 C. elegans mpk-1(sbj10) III. Show Description
Temperature sensitive allele of mpk-1, bypasses UV sensitivity of csb-1 mutant at 20-25C. Reference: Bianco JN & Schumacher B. Nucleic Acids Res. 2018 May 21. doi: 10.1093/nar/gky404.
CX2398 C. elegans odr-8(ky41) IV. Show Description
CX3937 C. elegans lim-4(ky403) X. Show Description
Coily movement; aberrent head movement. The AWB neurons are transformed towards the AWC neuron fate by many criteria.
CX4103 C. elegans kyIs150 IV; sax-1(ky491) X. Show Description
kyIs150 [tax-2(delta)::GFP + lin-15(+)]. sax-1 is temperature-sensitive. ky491 was isolated by PCR from a deletion library. [NOTE: (12/29/2020) This strain has been found to actually be carrying the ky491 deletion allele of sax-1, not the ky211 point mutation as previously reported.] ky491 is a 1263 bp deletion in sax-1 (left flanking sequence: atgaagcccagg ctgtgaataaattgaatg, right flanking sequence: ccaatcacagtcagcctccgataaaatgtc). Do not distribute this strain; other labs should request it from the CGC. This strain cannot be distributed to commercial organizations. This strain cannot be used for any commercial purpose or for work on human subjects.
KY46 C. elegans cab-1(tg46) X. Show Description
Defecation motor program defects (Aex), pale and starved-looking, tends to stay still but not Unc.
KY47 C. elegans aex-1(tg47) I. Show Description
aBoc and Exp defective. Constipated.
KY48 C. elegans aex-1(tg48) I. Show Description
aBoc and Exp defective. Constipated.
KY49 C. elegans aex-1(tg49) I. Show Description
aBoc and Exp defective. Constipated.