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Strain Species Genotype
MJ63 C. elegans mus-101(k12) I. Show Description
Temperature sensitive sterile. Maintain at 15C.
UTK12 C. elegans cwn-1(ok546) II; cwn-2(ok895) IV; mbr-1(qa5901) X: utkEx7. Show Description
utkEx7 [mbr-1p::GFP + cwn-1p(1.4kb)::cwn-1 + rol-6(su1006)]. Rollers.
VC15 C. elegans haf-8(gk12) IV. Show Description
Y57G11C.1. Superficially wild type. Attribution: This strain was provided by the C. elegans Reverse Genetics Core Facility at the University of British Columbia, which is part of the international C. elegans Gene Knockout Consortium, which should be acknowledged in any publications resulting from its use. Paper_evidence WBPaper00041807
ABR225 C. elegans acd-1(sta6) delm-2(ok1822) I; delm-1(ok1266) IV. Show Description
acd-1 and delm-2 are tandem paralogs. This double mutant was created by CRISPR-engineered deletion of acd-1 in a delm-2(ok1822) background (parental strain RB1523). acd-1(sta6) is predicted to be a null allele (~200bp indel causing frameshift in exon 4). This triple mutant strain was made by crossing the acd-1(sta6) delm-2(ok1822) double mutant with delm-1(ok1226) parental strain RB1177.
BC10214 C. elegans dpy-5(e907) I; sEx10214. Show Description
sEx10214 [rCes ZK1248.14::GFP + pCeh361]. Maintain by picking WT. WT animals are GFP+. Strain construction supported by Genome British Columbia and Genome Canada. Please acknowledge McKay et al, Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 68: 159-169 2004 (WBPaper00006525).
BC12039 C. elegans dpy-5(e907) I; sEx12039. Show Description
sEx12039 contains [rCes ZK121.1::GFP + pCeh361]. Maintain by picking WT. WT animals are GFP+. Strain construction supported by Genome British Columbia and Genome Canada. Please acknowledge McKay et al, Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 68: 159-169 2004 (WBPaper00006525).
BC12312 C. elegans dpy-5(e907) I; sEx12312. Show Description
sEx12312[rCesK12C11.4::GFP + pCeh361]. Maintain by picking WT. WT animals are GFP+. Strain construction supported by Genome British Columbia and Genome Canada. Please acknowledge McKay et al, Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 68: 159-169 2004 (WBPaper00006525).
BC12494 C. elegans dpy-5(e907) I; sEx12494. Show Description
sEx12494 [rCes K12H4.5::GFP + pCeh361]. Maintain by picking WT. WT animals are GFP+. Strain construction supported by Genome British Columbia and Genome Canada. Please acknowledge McKay et al, Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 68: 159-169 2004 (WBPaper00006525).
BC13952 C. elegans dpy-5(e907) I; sEx13952. Show Description
sEx13952[rCesK12G11.2::GFP + pCeh361]. Maintain by picking WT. WT animals are GFP+. Strain construction supported by Genome British Columbia and Genome Canada. Please acknowledge McKay et al, Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 68: 159-169 2004 (WBPaper00006525).
BC15527 C. elegans dpy-5(e907) I; sEx15527. Show Description
sEx15527 [rCes K12C11.2::GFP + pCeh361]. Maintain by picking WT. WT animals are GFP+. Strain construction supported by Genome British Columbia and Genome Canada. Please acknowledge McKay et al, Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 68: 159-169 2004 (WBPaper00006525).
BC15570 C. elegans dpy-5(e907) I; sEx15570. Show Description
sEx15570 contains [rCes K12B6.1::GFP + pCeh361]. Maintain by picking WT. WT animals are GFP+. Strain construction supported by Genome British Columbia and Genome Canada. Please acknowledge McKay et al, Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 68: 159-169 2004 (WBPaper00006525).
BC5301 C. elegans sEx376. Show Description
sEx376 [ZK1290 (II) + pCes1943[rol-6(su1006)]]. 10 ng/ul ZK1290 + 90 ng/ul pCes1943[rol-6(su1006dm)] injected into hermaphrodite from BC842 (N2 male strain). pCes1943 carries rol-6(su1006) [an EcoRI insert from pRF4] and a kanamycin cassette. Select Rollers to maintain. Presence of cosmid confirmed by PCR. This transgenic strains were constructed in collaboration with the C. elegans Genome Sequencing Consortium Labs in St. Louis, MO and Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. Funding for the creation of this transgenic strain was provided by a grant to Ann Rose and David Baillie from the Canadian Genome Analysis and Technology Program (CGAT), and from a grant from NSERC (Canada) to David Baillie. If you use this strain in work which you publish, please acknowledge these grants.
BC5482 C. elegans sEx533. Show Description
sEx533 [ZK1251 (IV) + pCes1943[rol-6(su1006)]]. "low" ng/ul ZK1251 + 83 ng/ul pCes1943[rol-6(su1006dm)] injected into hermaphrodite from BC842 (N2 male strain). pCes1943 carries rol-6(su1006) [an EcoRI insert from pRF4] and a kanamycin cassette. Select Rollers to maintain. Presence of cosmid confirmed by PCR. This transgenic strains were constructed in collaboration with the C. elegans Genome Sequencing Consortium Labs in St. Louis, MO and Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. Funding for the creation of this transgenic strain was provided by a grant to Ann Rose and David Baillie from the Canadian Genome Analysis and Technology Program (CGAT), and from a grant from NSERC (Canada) to David Baillie. If you use this strain in work which you publish, please acknowledge these grants.
CA1319 C. elegans plk-2(ok1936) I; ieSi21 IV; sun-1(ok1282) V. Show Description
ieSi21 [sun-1::mRuby] IV. Homozygous animals developed normally, their self-progeny showed reduced viability, and many survivors were males (8%).
CF2052 C. elegans kri-1(ok1251) I. Show Description
Reference: Berman JR, Kenyon C. Cell. 2006 Mar 10;124(5):1055-68.
CF2065 C. elegans kri-1(ok1251) I; glp-1(e2141) III. Show Description
Temperature-sensitive. Sterile at 25C. [NOTE: can be grown at 20C, but 15C might be better for long-term propagation.] kri-1(ok1251) suppresses the longevity of glp-1(e2141) mutants.
CF2135 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) kri-1(ok1251) I; glp-1(e2141) III; muIs109. Show Description
muIs109 [daf-16p::GFP::DAF-16 cDNA + odr-1p::RFP]. Sterile at 25C; grow at 20C or less.
CF2265 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) kri-1(ok1251) I; glp-1(e2141) III; muEx158. Show Description
muEx158 [daf-16AM::GFP + sur-5p::GFP]. Pick GFP+ worms to maintain. Sterile at 25C; grow at 20C or less.
CF2310 C. elegans kri-1(ok1251) I; glp-1(e2141) III; muEx353. Show Description
muEx353 [kri-1(cDNA, a-isoform)::GFP + odr-1p::RFP]. Pick RFP+ to maintain. Temperature sensitive. Sterile at 25C; maintain at 15-20C. Reference: Berman JR and Kenyon C. Cell. 2006 Mar 10;124(5):1055-68.
DM7070 C. elegans pha-1(e2123) III; raEx70. Show Description
raEx70 [T05G5.1p::ZK1236.7(cDNA)::GFP + pha-1(+) + rol-6(su1006)]. Temperature-sensitive pha-1 mutant rescued by extrachromosomal array carrying pha-1(+), dominant rol-6, and cDNA::GFP fusion driven by muscle promoter (T05G5.1). Grow at 25 degrees to maintain. At 15 degrees maintain by picking Rol-6 animals. WBPaper00038444.
EK123 C. elegans cmEx6. Show Description
cmEx6 [(pBR126) mbk-2p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Maintain by picking Rollers.
EU1383 C. elegans act-2(ok1229) V. Show Description
Strain is homozygous viable due to redundancy of act- and act-3 genes. AT 15C, all embyros produced by homozygous mothers hatch; at 26C, 88% of embryos hatch. Deletion which removes 544 nucleotides of act-2 plus the predicted 3' UTR and 705 nucleotides 3' of that. This removes 163/376 amino acids of the act-2 sequence (calculated with ATG methionine included). Sequence of deletion is (text inside of slashes is deleted, with 5' and 3' sequences shown): (exon#2)5'....gtgaaatcgtgcgtgacatc/aaggagaagctttgtt........ ...tggatagacattggtgt/gcgcactccttctggat.....3'(872 nucleotides from stop codon). Removes 489/1131 coding base pairs, beginning in second exn and extending beyond the 3' UTR.
FK129 C. elegans tax-4(ks11) III. Show Description
FX19472 C. elegans tmIn10 II. Show Description
Break points: In(ZK1240.1 F29A7.8) II. Covered region (Mb) 0.4 (2.3..2.8) Obtained by TMP/UV. [NOTE: the genotype originally listed for this strain in Table 2 of Dejima, et al. was incorrect.] Reference: Dejima K, et al. Cell Rep. 2018 Jan 2;22(1):232-241.
FX19668 C. elegans tmC6 [dpy-2(tmIs1189)] II. Show Description
Break points: In(sri-57 asm-1 In(ZK1240.1 F29A7.8)) II. Covered region (Mb) 4.6 (2.3..6.9) Balancer marked with myo-2p::Venus. Dpy. Reference: Dejima K, et al. Cell Rep. 2018 Jan 2;22(1):232-241.
FX30138 C. elegans tmC6 [dpy-2(tmIs1208)] II. Show Description
Break points: In(sri-57 asm-1 In(ZK1240.1 F29A7.8)) II. Covered region (Mb) 4.6 (2.3..6.9) Balancer marked with myo-2p::mCherry. Dpy. Reference: Dejima K, et al. Cell Rep. 2018 Jan 2;22(1):232-241.
FX30143 C. elegans tmC6 II. Show Description
Break points: In(sri-57 asm-1 In(ZK1240.1 F29A7.8)) II. Covered region (Mb) 4.6 (2.3..6.9) Reference: Dejima K, et al. Cell Rep. 2018 Jan 2;22(1):232-241.
FX30144 C. elegans tmC6 [dpy-2(tm9710)] II. Show Description
Break points: In(sri-57 asm-1 In(ZK1240.1 F29A7.8)) II. Covered region (Mb) 4.6 (2.3..6.9) Dpy. Reference: Dejima K, et al. Cell Rep. 2018 Jan 2;22(1):232-241.
GJ7 C. elegans gpa-2(pk16) gpa-3(pk35) gpa-13(pk1270) V; gpa-5(pk376) gpa-6(pk480) X. Show Description
Lans H, et al. Genetics. 2004 Aug;167(4):1677-87.
GS7960 C. elegans exc-6(gk386) cyk-1(or596) III; inft-2(ok1296) V; arIs198. Show Description
Maintain at 15C. cyk-1(or596) is temperature-sensitive embryonic lethal. arIs198 [glt-3p::CFP + glt-3p::LifeAct::TagRFP]; expresses cytoplasmic CFP and LifeAct::TagRFP in the excretory canal cell under control of the glt-3 promoter. Shortened excretory canals. Strain is quite sick even at the permissive temperature.
HS1790 C. elegans mig-1(e1787) lin-17(n671) mom-5(ne12) I/hT2 [bli-4(e937) let-?(q782) qIs48] (I;III); cfz-2(ok1201) V. Show Description
mig-1 confirmed by complementation tests, and cfz-2 by PCR. Segregates WT GFP+ heterozygotes, non-GFP Unc Sys, very rare GFP+ homozygous hT2, and dead eggs. Maintain by picking wild-type GFP+. Reference: Yamamoto et al. PLoS Genet. 2011 Oct;7(10):e1002308.
HS2067 C. elegans mig-1(e1787) lin-17(n671) mom-5(ne12) I/hT2 [bli-4(e937) let-?(q782) qIs48] (I;III); cfz-2(ok1201) wIs51 V; lin-18(e620) X. Show Description
wIs51 [SCMp::GFP + unc-119(+)] V. GFP expression in seam cells. Heterozygotes are GFP+(pharynx) wild-type and segregate GFP+(pharynx) wild-type, GFP-(pharynx) Sys Psa Unc and dead eggs. PIck GFP+(pharynx) wild-type to maintain. Presence of cfz-2 was confirmed by PCR; mig-1 by complementation test. Reference: Yamamoto Y, et al. PLoS Genet. 2011 Oct;7(10):e1002308.
HS2372 C. elegans mig-1(e1787) I; cfz-2(ok1201) wIs51 V; lin-18(e620) X. Show Description
wIs51 [SCMp::GFP + unc-119(+)] V. GFP expression in seam cells. Bivulva. Presence of cfz-2 was confirmed by PCR. mig-1 and lin-18 were confirmed by sequencing. Reference: Yamamoto Y, et al. PLoS Genet. 2011 Oct;7(10):e1002308.
JK1219 C. elegans unc-34(e315) lag-2(q387) V/nT1 [unc-?(n754) let-?] (IV;V). Show Description
Heterozygotes are Unc. [Note from Kimble lab: Min Han did a complementation test on this strain and found that unc-34(e315) is lost from this strain.] Do not distribute this strain; other labs should request it from the CGC. This strain cannot be distributed to commercial organizations. This strain cannot be used for any commercial purpose or for work on human subjects.
JK1223 C. elegans lag-2(q411) V/nT1 [unc-?(n754) let-?] (IV;V). Show Description
Heterozygotes are Unc. [Used to be listed in Kimble lab as unc-5(e53); lag-2(q411 dpy-11(e224)/DnT1. Needs to be checked.] Do not distribute this strain; other labs should request it from the CGC. This strain cannot be distributed to commercial organizations. This strain cannot be used for any commercial purpose or for work on human subjects.
JK1227 C. elegans lag-1(q385)/dpy-13(e184) unc-24(e138) IV. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, DpyUnc and early larval lethals. Received new stock 5/98. Check carefully for segregation of Dpy Unc progeny; dpy-13 can be lost easily. Do not distribute this strain; other labs should request it from the CGC. This strain cannot be distributed to commercial organizations. This strain cannot be used for any commercial purpose or for work on human subjects.
JK1277 C. elegans lag-2(q420) V. Show Description
Temperature sensitive. Maintain at 15C. Do not distribute this strain; other labs should request it from the CGC. This strain cannot be distributed to commercial organizations. This strain cannot be used for any commercial purpose or for work on human subjects.
KK1216 C. elegans par-3(it298[par-3::GFP]) III. Show Description
Superficially wild-type. Made in N2 background.
KK1218 C. elegans par-3(it300[par-3::mCherry]) III. Show Description
Superficially wild-type. Made in N2 background.
KK1228 C. elegans pkc-3(it309[GFP::pkc-3]) II. Show Description
Superficially wild-type. Note that double homozygous mutants of pkc-3(it309) with par-2(it315) exhibited partially penetrant and variable maternal effect lethality and maternal effect sterility that was stronger than it315 alone. Thus, although the GFP tag on pkc-3 shows no effect in an otherwise wild-type background, it does seem to somewhat compromise the activity of the protein it tags. Made in N2 background.
KK1248 C. elegans par-6(it310[par-6::GFP]) I. Show Description
Superficially wild-type. Made in N2 background. [NOTE: There was an error in the information originally submitted to the CGC for this strain. The correct allele name is par-6(it310), not par-6(it319).]
KK1254 C. elegans par-2(it315[mCherry::par-2]) III. Show Description
par-2(it315) exhibits a weak maternal effect sterility, suggesting that the tag reduces the protein activity. Note, however, that double homozygous mutants of it315 with pkc-3(it309) or par-6(it310) exhibited partially penetrant and variable maternal effect lethality and maternal effect sterility that was stronger than it315 alone. Thus, although the GFP tags on pkc-3 and par-6 show no effect in an otherwise wild-type background, they do seem to somewhat compromise the activity of the proteins they tag. Made in N2 background.
KK1262 C. elegans par-1(it324[par-1::GFP::par-1 exon11a]) V. Show Description
Superficially wild-type. Made in N2 background.
KK1273 C. elegans par-2(it328[GFP::par-2]) III. Show Description
Superficially wild-type. Made in N2 background.
KX38 C. elegans ifg-1(ok1211)/mIn1 [mIs14 dpy-10(e128)] II. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and GFP+. ok1211 homozygotes arrest at L2 stage. mIn1 animals are Dpy and GFP+.
NL1999 C. elegans acy-1(pk1279)/dpy-17(e164) III. Show Description
Heterozygotes are wild-type and segregate Dpys, wild-type, and arrested larvae that hardly move or pump. Suppressor of activated Gs. sgs-1 also called acy-1.
NL2330 C. elegans gpa-13(pk1270) V. Show Description
NM1568 C. elegans ehs-1(ok146) II. Show Description
An approx. 1-8 kb deletion in the ZK1248.3 gene which encodes a C. elegans homolog of the Eps15 (vertebrate) and pan1 (S. cervesisiae) gene. No obvious behavioral or morphological phenotypes.
NR222 C. elegans rde-1(ne219) V; kzIs9. Show Description
kzIs9 [(pKK1260) lin-26p::NLS::GFP + (pKK1253) lin-26p::rde-1 + rol-6(su1006)]. Rollers. Hypodermis specific RNAi.
OP214 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; wgIs214. Show Description
wgIs214 [K12H6.12::TY1::EGFP::3xFLAG(92C12) + unc-119(+)]. TY1::EGFP::3xFLAG tag inserted in frame at C-terminus of coding sequence by recombineering. Expression of transgene confirmed by GFP. References: Sarov, M, et al. Nat Methods (2006) 10:839-44. Gerstein MB, et al. Science. 2010 Dec 24;330(6012):1775-87. Strain was constructed as part of the Regulatory Element Project, part of modENCODE (