VS22 |
C. elegans |
saeg-1(hj12) V. Show Description
Suppressor of activated EGL-4. Reference: Hao Y, et al. PLoS Genet. 2011 May;7(5):e1002065.
VS29 |
C. elegans |
hjSi56 IV. Show Description
hjSi56 [vha-6p::3xFLAG::TEV::GFP::dgat-2::let-858 3'UTR]. Targeting construct derived from pCFJ178. Reference: Xu N, et al. J Cell Biol. 2012 Sep 3;198(5):895-911.
VT3118 |
C. elegans |
unc-119(ed3) III; mir-83(n4638) IV; mir-34(gk437) X; maEx246. Show Description
maEx246 (cdc-42p::GFP::H2B::cdc-42(mutated) 3`UTR + cdc-42p::mCherry::H2B::cdc-42 3`UTR + pBluescript + pIF9 unc-119(+) + pCFJ150 + pCFJ210). Pick non-Unc to maintain. Reference: Burke SL, Hammell M, Ambros V. Genetics. 2015 Jun 15.
VT3136 |
C. elegans |
unc-119(ed3) III; maEx246. Show Description
maEx246 (cdc-42p::GFP::H2B::cdc-42(mutated) 3`UTR + cdc-42p::mCherry::H2B::cdc-42 3`UTR + pBluescript + pIF9 unc-119(+) + pCFJ150 + pCFJ210). Pick non-Unc to maintain. Reference: Burke SL, Hammell M, Ambros V. Genetics. 2015 Jun 15.
VT3145 |
C. elegans |
unc-119(ed3) III; mir-83(n4638) IV; mir-34(gk437) X; maEx247. Show Description
maEx247 (pat-3p::GFP::H2B::pat-3(mutated) 3`UTR + pat-3p::mCherry::H2B::pat-3 3`UTR + pBluescript + pIF9 unc-119(+) + pCFJ150 + pCFJ210). Pick non-Unc to maintain. DTC migration defects. Reference: Burke SL, Hammell M, Ambros V. Genetics. 2015 Jun 15.
VT3178 |
C. elegans |
unc-119(ed3) III; maEx247. Show Description
maEx247 (pat-3p::GFP::H2B::pat-3(mutated) 3`UTR + pat-3p::mCherry::H2B::pat-3 3`UTR + pBluescript + pIF9 unc-119(+) + pCFJ150 + pCFJ210). Pick non-Unc to maintain. Reference: Burke SL, Hammell M, Ambros V. Genetics. 2015 Jun 15.
WH16 |
C. elegans |
stu-9(oj13) II. Show Description
Temperature sensitive - maintain at 16C. L1 shift-up to 25C produces sterile animals that are slightly Unc (omega backers). L4 shift-up produces leaky Mel phenotype.
WH32 |
C. elegans |
stu-10(oj14) I. Show Description
Temperature sensitive - maintain at 16C. L1 shift-up to 25C produces sterile animals that are Unc (slow omega backers). L4 shift-up produces leaky Mel phenotype.
WH33 |
C. elegans |
stu-11(oj18). Show Description
Temperature sensitive - maintain at 16C. L1 shift-up to 25C produces incompletely penetrant sterile Unc phenotype. L4 shift-up produces leaky Mel phenotype. Unmapped.
XA3101 |
C. elegans |
paf-1(tj11) I. Show Description
Superficially WT.
XA3102 |
C. elegans |
paf-2(tj12)/lon-2(e678) X. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Lon and dead eggs. Maintain by picking WT.
ZT49 |
C. elegans |
ego-1(fj114[PA::ego-1]) I. Show Description
Four amino-acid residues (G24V27) near the N-terminus of EGO-1 were replaced with a PA-tag sequence (GVAMPGAEDDVV derived from human podoplanin) in the endogenous ego-1 gene. The PA-tag insertion can be checked by PCR with the following primers: TTCAAAATGCCGCTGCCTTC and GTCCTCTTCGCATCTTTATCAG, followed by digestion with Sau96I. The wild-type ego-1 gene contains a Sau96I site within its PCR region, while the PA-tagged ego-1 does not. This strain was used for immunofluorescence analysis of EGO-1. Reference: Tabara H, et al. (2023) A small RNA system ensures accurate homologous pairing and unpaired silencing of meiotic chromosomes. EMBO J, e105002.
ZT57 |
C. elegans |
csr-1(fj126) IV/nT1 [qIs51] (IV;V). Show Description
Heterozygotes are wild-type with pharyngeal GFP signal, and segregate WT GFP, arrested nT1[qIs51] aneuploids, and non-GFP csr-1(fj126) homozygotes (sterile, but some animals lay a small number of dead eggs). Homozygous nT1[qIs51] inviable. Pick WT GFP and check for correct segregation of progeny to maintain. fj126 was generated by the insertion of a synthetic nuclear export signal (NES). Instead of six amino-acid residues (R8I13) near the N-terminus of CSR-1b, an NES sequence (LNELALKLAGLDI) from the cAMP-dependent protein kinase inhibitor alpha in mammals was inserted into the endogenous csr-1 gene. The DNA sequence encoding the NES has a HindIII site. The fj126 mutation can be checked by PCR with the following primers: AAGAAATACCAATGCGGAGGCA and CCGCTGAGGAACGAGATGG, followed by digestion with HindIII. Reference: Tabara H, et al. (2023) A small RNA system ensures accurate homologous pairing and unpaired silencing of meiotic chromosomes. EMBO J, e105002.
ZT58 |
C. elegans |
fjDf1 fjDf2 fjDf3 fjDf4 X. Show Description
CeRep55 quadruple deletion: fjDf1 (also known as fj115); fjDf2 (aka fj85); fjDf3 (aka fj123); fjDf4 (aka fj120) X. This strain lacks four major clusters of CeRep55 repeats on the X chromosome. The condensation of unpaired X chromosomes in male testes is insufficient. CeRep55 is a class of minisatellite sequences consisting of a 27-nt tandem repeat that is present on all chromosomes. Some CeRep55 clusters express long non-coding RNAs and small RNAs. Each of the four deletion sites was designed to acquire a sequence tag (TGTACAGGAAACAGCTATGACC; similar to M13 reverse) instead of the CeRep55 tandem repeats. The deletions of CeRep55 clusters can be checked by PCR with the following primers: fjDf1 in Y73B3A, CAACCTGACTCTCGCCAAGAC and GGAGAAGTAGGCGTGTCAGTTA; fjDf2 in Y75D11A, CAAGTGCCAAACTAGACTGCTC and TTCAAAACGCTACGCGATACCAG; fjDf3 in Y81B9A, AAATGCCCCTATCTCACAGTGG and GACTGCTAGAATCTGACTCGTC; fjDf4 in Y49A10A, CAACCTGACTCTCGCCAAGAC and GGAGAAGTAGGCGTGTCAGTTA. The PCR check can also be performed with the M13 reverse primer and the right-side primer. Reference: Tabara H, et al. (2023) A small RNA system ensures accurate homologous pairing and unpaired silencing of meiotic chromosomes. EMBO J, e105002.
ZT63 |
C. elegans |
csr-1(fj150) IV. Show Description
RNAi deficient (Rde). Him. Partially-inaccurate paring of meiotic chromosomes. fj150 is a mutation changing WK to FS and generating a new FspI site in the second K-rich region between the PAZ and Piwi domains. The fj150 mutation can be detected by PCR with the following primers: TCGGATGTTGACTACAACGC and GAAGGTAGAAACTTCATTCCAGCAC, followed by digestion with FspI. Reference: Tabara H, et al. (2023) A small RNA system ensures accurate homologous pairing and unpaired silencing of meiotic chromosomes. EMBO J, e105002.
ZT64 |
C. elegans |
csr-1(fj150) IV; fjDf1 fjDf2 fjDf3 fjDf4 X. Show Description
fj150 is a mutation changing WK to FS and generating a new FspI site in the second K-rich region between the PAZ and Piwi domains. fj150 is enhanced by the CeRep55 quadruple deletion. The fj150 mutation can be detected by PCR with the following primers: TCGGATGTTGACTACAACGC and GAAGGTAGAAACTTCATTCCAGCAC, followed by digestion with FspI. This strain lacks four major clusters of CeRep55 repeats on the X chromosome. The condensation of unpaired X chromosomes in male testes is insufficient. CeRep55 is a class of minisatellite sequences consisting of a 27-nt tandem repeat that is present on all chromosomes. Some CeRep55 clusters express long non-coding RNAs and small RNAs. Each of the four deletion sites was designed to acquire a sequence tag (TGTACAGGAAACAGCTATGACC; similar to M13 reverse) instead of the CeRep55 tandem repeats. The deletions of CeRep55 clusters can be checked by PCR with the following primers: fjDf1 in Y73B3A, CAACCTGACTCTCGCCAAGAC and GGAGAAGTAGGCGTGTCAGTTA; fjDf2 in Y75D11A, CAAGTGCCAAACTAGACTGCTC and TTCAAAACGCTACGCGATACCAG; fjDf3 in Y81B9A, AAATGCCCCTATCTCACAGTGG and GACTGCTAGAATCTGACTCGTC; fjDf4 in Y49A10A, CAACCTGACTCTCGCCAAGAC and GGAGAAGTAGGCGTGTCAGTTA. The PCR check can also be performed with the M13 reverse primer and the right-side primer. Reference: Tabara H, et al. (2023) A small RNA system ensures accurate homologous pairing and unpaired silencing of meiotic chromosomes. EMBO J, e105002.
ZT65 |
C. elegans |
him-1(e879) I; fjDf1 fjDf2 fjDf3 fjDf4 X. Show Description
The CeRep55_X quadruple-deletion mutant does not exhibit a clear Him phenotype, but the Him phenotype of the him-1(e879) mutant is enhanced by the CeRep55_X quadruple deletions. CeRep55 quadruple deletion: fjDf1 (also known as fj115); fjDf2 (aka fj85); fjDf3 (aka fj123); fjDf4 (aka fj120) X. This strain lacks four major clusters of CeRep55 repeats on the X chromosome. The condensation of unpaired X chromosomes in male testes is insufficient. CeRep55 is a class of minisatellite sequences consisting of a 27-nt tandem repeat that is present on all chromosomes. Some CeRep55 clusters express long non-coding RNAs and small RNAs. Each of the four deletion sites was designed to acquire a sequence tag (TGTACAGGAAACAGCTATGACC; similar to M13 reverse) instead of the CeRep55 tandem repeats. The deletions of CeRep55 clusters can be checked by PCR with the following primers: fjDf1 in Y73B3A, CAACCTGACTCTCGCCAAGAC and GGAGAAGTAGGCGTGTCAGTTA; fjDf2 in Y75D11A, CAAGTGCCAAACTAGACTGCTC and TTCAAAACGCTACGCGATACCAG; fjDf3 in Y81B9A, AAATGCCCCTATCTCACAGTGG and GACTGCTAGAATCTGACTCGTC; fjDf4 in Y49A10A, CAACCTGACTCTCGCCAAGAC and GGAGAAGTAGGCGTGTCAGTTA. The PCR check can also be performed with the M13 reverse primer and the right-side primer. The e879 mutation can be checked by PCR with the following primers: AAATCAGGAGTGGGCATCAG and GGGAAGATTCCGATGAGTGA, followed by digestion with MvaI. The wild-type him-1 gene contains an MvaI site within its PCR region, while the e879 allele does not. Reference: Tabara H, et al. (2023) A small RNA system ensures accurate homologous pairing and unpaired silencing of meiotic chromosomes. EMBO J, e105002.
ZT68 |
C. elegans |
csr-1(fj162) ?. Show Description
RNAi deficient (Rde). High incidence of males (Him). fj162 at the second K-rich region is an in-frame duplication (comprising of a small duplication and a tiny inverted duplication) generating 61 extra amino acids. The fj162 mutation can be checked by PCR with the following primers: TCGGATGTTGACTACAACGC and GAAGGTAGAAACTTCATTCCAGCAC.
ZT69 |
C. elegans |
csr-1(fj162) ?; fjDf1 fjDf2 fjDf3 fjDf4 X. Show Description
fj162 at the second K-rich region is an in-frame duplication (comprising of a small duplication and a tiny inverted duplication) generating 61 extra amino acids. The CeRep55_X quadruple-deletion mutant does not exhibit a clear Him phenotype, but the Him phenotype of the csr-1(fj162) mutant is enhanced by the CeRep55_X quadruple deletions. The fj162 mutation can be checked by PCR with the following primers: TCGGATGTTGACTACAACGC and GAAGGTAGAAACTTCATTCCAGCAC. This strain lacks four major clusters of CeRep55 repeats on the X chromosome. The condensation of unpaired X chromosomes in male testes is insufficient. CeRep55 is a class of minisatellite sequences consisting of a 27-nt tandem repeat that is present on all chromosomes. Some CeRep55 clusters express long non-coding RNAs and small RNAs. Each of the four deletion sites was designed to acquire a sequence tag (TGTACAGGAAACAGCTATGACC; similar to M13 reverse) instead of the CeRep55 tandem repeats. The deletions of CeRep55 clusters can be checked by PCR with the following primers: fjDf1 in Y73B3A, CAACCTGACTCTCGCCAAGAC and GGAGAAGTAGGCGTGTCAGTTA; fjDf2 in Y75D11A, CAAGTGCCAAACTAGACTGCTC and TTCAAAACGCTACGCGATACCAG; fjDf3 in Y81B9A, AAATGCCCCTATCTCACAGTGG and GACTGCTAGAATCTGACTCGTC; fjDf4 in Y49A10A, CAACCTGACTCTCGCCAAGAC and GGAGAAGTAGGCGTGTCAGTTA. The PCR check can also be performed with the M13 reverse primer and the right-side primer. Reference: Tabara H, et al. (2023) A small RNA system ensures accurate homologous pairing and unpaired silencing of meiotic chromosomes. EMBO J, e105002.
ZT72 |
C. elegans |
dpy-5(e61) I; fjDf1 fjDf2 fjDf3 fjDf4 X. Show Description
This strain carries a dpy-5 mutation to facilitate genome modification in CeRep55 quadruple deletion background: fjDf1 (also known as fj115); fjDf2 (aka fj85); fjDf3 (aka fj123); fjDf4 (aka fj120) X. This strain lacks four major clusters of CeRep55 repeats on the X chromosome. The condensation of unpaired X chromosomes in male testes is insufficient. CeRep55 is a class of minisatellite sequences consisting of a 27-nt tandem repeat that is present on all chromosomes. Some CeRep55 clusters express long non-coding RNAs and small RNAs. Each of the four deletion sites was designed to acquire a sequence tag (TGTACAGGAAACAGCTATGACC; similar to M13 reverse) instead of the CeRep55 tandem repeats. The deletions of CeRep55 clusters can be checked by PCR with the following primers: fjDf1 in Y73B3A, CAACCTGACTCTCGCCAAGAC and GGAGAAGTAGGCGTGTCAGTTA; fjDf2 in Y75D11A, CAAGTGCCAAACTAGACTGCTC and TTCAAAACGCTACGCGATACCAG; fjDf3 in Y81B9A, AAATGCCCCTATCTCACAGTGG and GACTGCTAGAATCTGACTCGTC; fjDf4 in Y49A10A, CAACCTGACTCTCGCCAAGAC and GGAGAAGTAGGCGTGTCAGTTA. The PCR check can also be performed with the M13 reverse primer and the right-side primer. Reference: Tabara H, et al. (2023) A small RNA system ensures accurate homologous pairing and unpaired silencing of meiotic chromosomes. EMBO J, e105002.