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JR1763 C. elegans wcDf1 dpy-1(e1)/daf-7(e1372) par-2(it46) III. Show Description
At 25C, heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, dead eggs and Dauers (which will give only dead eggs if they exit dauer). e1372 and it46 are both temperature sensitive.
LV15 C. elegans unc-45(st601)/daf-7(e1372) par-2(it46) III. Show Description
st601 is a non-conditional two-fold arrest lethal. Maintain at 25C to see daf-7 par-2 segregants (Daf-7(+) escapers will be Par). WT heterozygotes segregate WT, DafPar, 1/4 lethal eggs and two-fold arrest hatchlings. [3/97: dauers are not giving dead eggs-they are giving more dauers. The par-2 mutation may be lost.]
LV18 C. elegans unc-45(wc1) dpy-1(e1)/daf-7(e1372) par-2(it46) III. Show Description
Maintain at 25C. At 25C, heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Dauers (dauer escapers will be Par and give only dead eggs), and DpyUcs which arrest as dead eggs (range from twitching multicellulars to 3-folds that hatch). [There is a greater percentage of hatchlings when the mother is heterozygous (wc1 dpy-1/+). There may also be the possibility of near complete maternal rescue (near full-sized, sterile Dpys), but this has not been routinely observed in the balanced strain (as opposed to wc1 dpy-1/+).] Maintain by picking WT at 25C and scoring for correct segregation of progeny. [3/97: The dauers are not giving dead eggs-they are giving other dauers. Appears that the Par mutation is no longer present.]
LV19 C. elegans unc-45(wc2) dpy-1(e1)/daf-7(e1372) par-2(it46) III. Show Description
Maintain at 25C. At 25C, heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Dauers (escapers will be Par and give only dead eggs) and DpyUncs which are dead eggs (a range of embryonic lethality from multicellular twitchers to 3-folds that do not hatch). Maintain by picking WT at 25C and scoring for correct segregation of progeny. [3/97: the dauers are giving dead eggs.]