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KK1273 C. elegans par-2(it328[GFP::par-2]) III. Show Description
Superficially wild-type. Made in N2 background.
NWG316 C. elegans pkc-3(crk77[I331A,T394A]) II; par-2(it328[gfp::par-2]) III. Show Description
GFP tag inserted into endgonenous par-2 locus in an analogue-sensitive background. pkc-3(crk77[I331A,T394A]) is a CRISPR-engineered analog-sensitive allele containing both I331A (gatekeeper site) and T394A (suppressor site) mutations, allowing rapid and reversible chemical inhibition of PKC-3 activity. Reference: Ng K, et al. (2022). An analog sensitive allele permits rapid and reversible chemical inhibition of PKC-3 activity in C. elegans. Reference: Ng K, et al. microPublication Biology. 10.17912/micropub.biology.000610