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SS712 C. elegans ife-1(bn127) III. Show Description
Temperature sensitive sterility. Should be cultured at 15C or 20C. At 25C, spermatocytes fail in cytokinesis and accumulate as multinucleate cells unable to mature to spermatids. Milder defect in oogenesis is not temperature sensitive. Oocyte production is slowed, but appear relatively normal and are fertile. Inefficient translation of several maternal mRNAs (mex-1, oma-1, pos-1, and pal-1). Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E (eIF4E) gene (isoform 1, germ cell specific, P granule associated; F53A2.6). Homozygous 590 bp deletion starts at nt 191 in exon 1 and extends through exon 2 and into the 3' UTR to nt 780. The deletion removes over 70% of the coding region for IFE-1, including the helices and sheets that make up the mRNA platform and a Trp residue essential for m7GTP cap binding, suggesting it is a null mutation. Deletion breakpoint determined by sequencing by SS is: aagtggcctcaacgcgttgt//tgatgaaaattaattgtatt. The ife-1 gene is the third in an operon, but the deletion is contained completely within the ife-1 gene.
RB1606 C. elegans ife-1&F53A2.7(ok1978) III. Show Description
F53A2.6, F53A2.7. Homozygous. Outer Left Sequence: TTCGTGAAGCATATTGCGAG. Outer Right Sequence: GCCCCTTGATAGTGATTCCA. Inner Left Sequence: CCATTTCCTATTTTCCCCGT. Inner Right Sequence: GTATTGTGCGCCCAACTTCT. Inner Primer PCR Length: 2150 bp. Deletion Size: 1047 bp. Deletion left flank: TGCTCCAGTCGCCGAGAAATCCGCCGTCTA. Deletion right flank: TGGGACAGACTGCAGAGAAGTTGGGCGCAC. Attribution: This strain was provided by the C. elegans Reverse Genetics Core Facility at the University of British Columbia, which is part of the international C. elegans Gene Knockout Consortium, which should be acknowledged in any publications resulting from its use. Paper_evidence WBPaper00041807
KX155 C. elegans ife-1(eu20[mKate2:Myc3x:ife-1]) III, ife-3(eu21[GFP::Flag3x::ife-3]) V Show Description
In-frame CRISPR/Cas9 fusions into the genes encoding the eIF4E paralogs IFE-1 and IFE-3. Red and Green fluorescence, respectively. Strong fluorescence for both in the hermaphrodite and male gonads, but with distinct expression character and germ granule association. Germ cell cytoplasmic expression and lesser somatic expression are also observed. Both insertions are homozygous by PCR confirmation.
SHG2427 C. elegans ife-1(ust446[ife-1::GFP::3xFlag]) III. Show Description
GFP::3xFlag inserted into endogenous ife-1 locus using CRISPR/CAS9 engineering. Reference: Huang X, et al. 2024. Dev Cell. Compartmentalized localization of perinuclear proteins within germ granules in C. elegans.