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KR345 C. elegans let-361(h97) dpy-5(e61) unc-13(e450) I; sDp2 (I;f). Show Description
Animals with the Dup are Unc. Animals which have lost the Dup are DpyUnc and arrest in late larval development.
MAH97 C. elegans rrf-1(pk1417) I; muIs109. Show Description
muIs109 [daf-16p::GFP::DAF-16 cDNA + odr-1p::RFP]. Reference: Kumsta C, Hansen M. PLoS One. 2012;7(5):e35428.
NJ261 C. elegans dpy-24(rh97) I. Show Description
DTC reflexes but goes wrong way dorsal.
OH9729 C. elegans otIs302. Show Description
otIs302 [lsy-6::GFP (fosmid) + F25B3.3::DsRed2]; injected with bacterial DNA to form a complex array. otIs302 and otIs301 are different integrants of the same extrachromosomal array and behave similarly. Maintain at 15-20C. Reference: Tursun B, et al. Science. 2011 Jan 21;331(6015):304-8.