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KR677 C. elegans let-548(h356) dpy-5(e61) unc-13(e450) I; sDp2 (I;f). Show Description
Animals with the duplication are Unc. Animals which have lost the duplication are DpyUnc and arrest in early larval development.
JH3562 C. elegans gtbp-1(ax5000[gtbp-1::tagRFP]) IV; meg-3(ax3054[meg-3::meGFP]) X. Show Description
tagRFP tag inserted into endogenous gtbp-1 locus. meGFP tag inserted between P121 and V122 of endogenous MEG-3. Reference: Lee, CYS, et al. Elife. 020 Jan 24:9:e52896. doi: 10.7554/eLife.52896. PMID: 31975687.
OH3568 C. elegans otIs114 I; cog-1(ot155) II. Show Description
otIs114 [lim-6p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Loss of cog-1 leads to the disruption of ASER fate markers and the ectopic expression of ASEL cell fate markers in ASER. otIs114 reporter, normally expressed in ASEL and excretory gland cells, is also ectopically expressed in ASER in ot155. Rollers. Animals look Dpy.