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KB2 C. elegans glh-2(um2) I. Show Description
BRC546 C. elegans antIs30 II; unc-119(ed9) III. Show Description
antIs30 [attP-f + Cbr-unc-119(+) + glh-2p::phiC31 + rol-6(partial) + myo-2p::GFP + attP-r] II. antIs30 was inserted into ttTi5605 on LG II using MosSCI. GFP expression in pharynx is very weak (as it is single copy) and is easiest to see during the L1-L3 stages. This strain contains a phiC31 docking site and can be used for precise single-copy integration of transgenes via recombination mediated cassette exchange. The docking site contains inverted phiC31-attP sites flanking phiC31 integrase expressed from the glh-2 germline promoter. Integration constructs need to have inverted phiC31-attB sites that flank the intended sequence to be inserted. Reference: Yang FJ, et al. "phiC31 integrase for recombination mediated single copy insertion and genome manipulation in C. elegans." Genetics 2021.
BRC566 C. elegans antIs31 II; unc-119(ed9) III. Show Description
antIs31 [attP-f + Cbr-unc-119(ant40) + glh-2p::phiC31 + rol-6(partial) + myo-2p::GFP + attP-r] II. Unc. antIS31 has been found to self-excise; check for GFP expression periodically to retain the insertion. GFP expression in pharynx is very weak (as it is in single copy) and is easiest to see during the L1-L3 stages. This strain contains a phiC31 docking site and can be used for precise single-copy integration of transgenes via recombination mediated cassette exchange. The docking site contains inverted phiC31-attP sites flanking phiC31 integrase expressed from the glh-2 germline promoter. Integration constructs need to have inverted phiC31-attB sites that flank the intended sequence to be inserted. antIs31 was derived by CRISPR/Cas9 knockout of Cbr-unc-119 in antIs30 creating ant40, a 691 bp deletion in Cbr-unc-119. Because antIs31 does not rescue unc-119(ed3), BRC566 facilitates the use of Unc-119 rescue as a selection marker for transgene insertions. Reference: Yang FJ, et al. "phiC31 integrase for recombination mediated single copy insertion and genome manipulation in C. elegans." Genetics 2021.
NM5471 C. elegans jsSi1669 IV. Show Description
jsSi1669 [loxP::mex-5p::FLP::D5::sl2::mNG::glh-2::3’ rpl-28p::FRT::GFP::his-58::FRT3] IV. Single component RMCE landing site on Chr IV adjacent to the site of the commonly used ttTi10882 MosSCi insertion site.
NM5500 C. elegans jsSi1691 II. Show Description
jsSi1691 [loxP::mex-5p::FLP::D5::sl2::mNG::glh-2::3' rpl-28p::FRT::GFP::his-58::FRT3] II. Single component RMCE landing site on Chr II adjacent to the site of the commonly used ttTi5605 MosSCi insertion site.
NM5548 C. elegans jsSi1726 II. Show Description
jsSi1726 [loxP myo-2p::FRT::nlsCyOFP::myo-2 3' + mex-5p::FLP D5::glh-2 3' FRT3] II. Single component rapid RMCE landing site on Chromosome II adjacent to ttTi5605. Created from jsSi1579 (and jsSi1706) by two rounds of RMCE. Unpublished as of 5-2-2022. See for sequence of insertion.
NM5549 C. elegans jsSi1727 I. Show Description
jsSi1727 [mosL::loxP::myo-2p::FRT::nlsCyOFP::myo-2 3' + mex-5p::FLP D5::glh-2 3' FRT3::mosR] I. Single component rapid RMCE landing site on Chromosome I at jsTi1453. Created from jsTi1453 (and jsSi1710) by two rounds of RMCE. Unpublished as of 5-2-2022. See for sequence of insertion.
NM5753 C. elegans jsSi1837 IV. Show Description
jsSi1837 [loxP::mec-4Sp::FRT::nlsCyOFP::myo-2 3' + mex-5p::FLP D5::glh-2 3' FRT3] IV. Single component rapid RMCE landing site on Chromosome IV adjacent to cxTi10882. Created from jsSi1669 (and jsIs1824) by two rounds of RMCE. Unpublished as of 5-2-2022. See for sequence of insertion.
NM5879 C. elegans jsSi1900 II. Show Description
jsSi1900 [loxP::cup-4p::FRT::cyOFP::tbb-2 3' + mex-5p::FLP::D5::glh-2 3' FRT3] II. Reference: Nonet ML. Rapid generation of C. elegans single copy transgenes combining RMCE and drug selection. bioRxiv 2023.03.05.531207; doi:
NM5922 C. elegans jsSi1944 II. Show Description
jsSi1944 [loxP::mec-4Sp::FRT::nls::cyOFP::myo-2 3' + mex-5p::FLP::D5::glh-2 3' FRT3] II. Reference: Nonet ML. Rapid generation of C. elegans single copy transgenes combining RMCE and drug selection. bioRxiv 2023.03.05.531207; doi:
NM5934 C. elegans jsSi1962 I. Show Description
jsSi1962 [mosL::loxP::FRT + myo-2p::nls::CyOFP::let-858 3' + mex-5p::FLP::D5::glh-2 3' + FRT3 mosR] I. Reference: Nonet ML. Rapid generation of C. elegans single copy transgenes combining RMCE and drug selection. bioRxiv 2023.03.05.531207; doi:
NM5937 C. elegans jsSi1971 I. Show Description
jsSi1971 [mosL::loxP + mec-4Sp::FRT::nls::cyOFP::myo-2 3' + mex-5p::FLP::D5::glh-2 3' + FRT3 mosR] I. Reference: Nonet ML. Rapid generation of C. elegans single copy transgenes combining RMCE and drug selection. bioRxiv 2023.03.05.531207; doi:
NM5938 C. elegans jsSi1978 V. Show Description
jsSi1978 [loxP::FRT + myo-2p::nls::cyOFP::let-858 3' + mex-5p::FLP::D5::glh-2 3' + FRT3] V. Reference: Nonet ML. Rapid generation of C. elegans single copy transgenes combining RMCE and drug selection. bioRxiv 2023.03.05.531207; doi:
NM5943 C. elegans jsSi1986 IV. Show Description
jsSi1986 [loxP + myo-2p::FRT::nlsCyOFP::myo-2 3' + mex-5p::FLP::D5 glh-2 3' + FRT3] IV. Reference: Nonet ML. Rapid generation of C. elegans single copy transgenes combining RMCE and drug selection. bioRxiv 2023.03.05.531207; doi:
NM5944 C. elegans jsSi1987 V. Show Description
jsSi1987 [loxP + mec-4Sp::FRT::nls::cyOFP::myo-2 3' + mex-5p::FLP::D5::glh-2 3' + FRT3] V. Reference: Nonet ML. Rapid generation of C. elegans single copy transgenes combining RMCE and drug selection. bioRxiv 2023.03.05.531207; doi:
NM5945 C. elegans jsSi1988 IV. Show Description
jsSi1988 [loxP + cup-4p::FRT::cyOFP::tbb-2 3' + mex-5p::FLP::D5::glh-2 3' + FRT3] IV. Reference: Nonet ML. Rapid generation of C. elegans single copy transgenes combining RMCE and drug selection. bioRxiv 2023.03.05.531207; doi:
NM5946 C. elegans jsSi1985 V. Show Description
jsSi1985 [loxP + myo-2p::FRT::nls::CyOFP myo-2 3' + mex-5p::FLP::D5::glh-2 3' + FRT3] V. Reference: Nonet ML. Rapid generation of C. elegans single copy transgenes combining RMCE and drug selection. bioRxiv 2023.03.05.531207; doi:
NM5989 C. elegans jsSi1963 IV. Show Description
jsSi1963 [loxP + FRT::myo-2p::nls::CyOFP::let-858 3' + mex-5p::FLP::D5::glh-2 3' + FRT3] IV. Reference: Nonet ML. Rapid generation of C. elegans single copy transgenes combining RMCE and drug selection. bioRxiv 2023.03.05.531207; doi:
NM6007 C. elegans jsSi1901 II. Show Description
jsSi1901 [loxP + FRT + myo-2p::nls::cyOFP::let-858 3' + mex-5p::FLP::D5::glh-2 3' + FRT3] II. Reference: Nonet ML. Rapid generation of C. elegans single copy transgenes combining RMCE and drug selection. bioRxiv 2023.03.05.531207; doi:
NM6024 C. elegans jsSi2029 IV. Show Description
jsSi2029 [loxP::myo-2p::FRT::Scarlet 2x::tbb-2 3' + rps-0p::hygR::unc-54 3' + mex-5p::nls::Cre::glh-2 3' + FRT3] IV. Reference: Nonet ML. Rapid generation of C. elegans single copy transgenes combining RMCE and drug selection. bioRxiv 2023.03.05.531207; doi:
NM6037 C. elegans jsSi2049 V. Show Description
jsSi2049 [loxP::myo-2p::FRT::Scarlet 2x::tbb-2 3' + rps-0p::hygR::unc-54 3' + ori <{Amp} mex-5p::nls::Cre::glh-2 3' + FRT3] V. Reference: Nonet ML. Rapid generation of C. elegans single copy transgenes combining RMCE and drug selection. bioRxiv 2023.03.05.531207; doi:
NM6168 C. elegans jsSi2027 II; him-8(e1489) IV. Show Description
jsSi2027 [loxP::myo-2p::FRT::Scarlet 2x::tbb-2 3' + rps-0p::hygR::unc-54 3' + ori <{Amp} + mex-5p::nls::Cre::glh-2 3' + FRT3] II. Him. Reference: Nonet ML. Rapid generation of C. elegans single copy transgenes combining RMCE and drug selection. bioRxiv 2023.03.05.531207; doi:
SHG2429 C. elegans glh-2(ust448[glh-2::GFP::3xFlag]) I. Show Description
GFP::3xFlag inserted into endogenous glh-2 locus using CRISPR/CAS9 engineering. Reference: Huang X, et al. 2024. Dev Cell. Compartmentalized localization of perinuclear proteins within germ granules in C. elegans.