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QC156 C. elegans acs-13(et54) nhr-49(et8) I; mdt-15(et14) III. Show Description
This triple mutant strain contains an excess polyunsaturated fatty acids in its cell membranes accompanied by excess lipid peroxidation, cell permeability, increased autophagy and other defects. The acs-13(et54) mutation (G125R) can be detected using PCR with the following primers: WT FWD: 5´CTA CCA GGG TGT TCG CCA TG 3; acs-13 mutant FWD: 5´CTA CCA GGG TGT TCG CCA TA 3; acs-13 REV: 5´TCA AAC TTG GGC ATT GCT CC 3´. Annealing 65°C, expected product 395 bp. The nhr-49(et8) C9873765T [WS200] mutation can be detected by PCR using the following primers: nhr-49 Fwd: 5’-CAGATTATGATTCGTGATGCTAGA-3; nhr-49 WT Rev: 5’-GAGATGAAAGATGTTGCTGTAGAG-3; nhr-49 Mut Rev: 5’-GAGATGAAAGATGTTGCTGTAGAA-3’. Annealing 65°C, expected products ~300 bp. The mdt-15(et14) C5832666T [WS200] mutation can be detected by PCR using the following primers: mdt-15(et14) Mut Fwd: 5’-GTGCCTCCAGATCCACAGCT-3’; mdt-15(et14) WT Fwd: 5’-GTGCCTCCAGATCCACAGCC-3’; mdt-15 Rev: 5’-CACCCATTGGAGCACCACT-3’. Annealing 65°C, expected product ~400 bp. Reference: Devkota R, et al. Genetics (in press). Volume 219, Issue 1, September 2021.
QD1 C. elegans adbp-1(qj1) II. Show Description
Reference: Ohta H, et al. Genetics. 2008 Oct;180(2):785-96.
QG122 C. kamaaina Show Description
Caenorhabditis sp. 15 Isolated in Kaui (Hawaii) from unidentified wild rotten fruit.
QG4628 C. sp. 76 Caenorhabditis sp. 76 wild isolate. Show Description
Male/Female, maintain by mating. Isofemale line isolated from rotting pwuhr fruit (Fagraea berteroana) in Kitti, Pohnpei, Micronesia (N 6.9066, E 158.1817), December 2023. Gonochoristic species in the Elegans Group (sister to C. kamaaina + C. oiwi). Reference: Rockman M, et al. 2024. New species from Pohnpei, Micronesia. In preparation.
QG4644 C. sp. 74 Caenorhabditis sp. 74 wild isolate. Show Description
Male/Female, maintain by mating. Isofemale line isolated from rotting breadfruit flowers in Kitti, Pohnpei, Micronesia (N 6.8632, E 158.1765), December 2023. Gonochoristic species in the Japonica Group. Reference: Rockman M, et al. 2024. New species from Pohnpei, Micronesia. In preparation.
QG4708 C. sp. 72 Caenorhabditis sp. 72 wild isolate. Show Description
Male/Female, maintain by mating. Isofemale line isolated from rotting Citrus aurantifolia in Kitti, Pohnpei, Micronesia (N 6.8652, E 158.173), December 2023. Gonochoristic species in the Japonica Group. Reference: Rockman M, et al. 2024. New species from Pohnpei, Micronesia. In preparation.
QG4797 C. sp. 73 Caenorhabditis sp. 73 wild isolate. Show Description
Male/Female, maintain by mating. Isofemale line isolated from a rotting fruit at the Botanical Garden in Kolonia, Pohnpei, Micronesia (), December 2023. Gonochoristic species in the Japonica Group. Reference: Rockman M, et al. 2024. New species from Pohnpei, Micronesia. In preparation.
QG4848 C. sp. 75 Caenorhabditis sp. 75 wild isolate. Show Description
Male/Female, maintain by mating. Isofemale line isolated from rotting kotop (Clinostigma ponapensis) fruit in Kitti, Pohnpei, Micronesia (N 6.8577, E 158.2156), December 2023. Gonochoristic species in the Japonica Group. Reference: Rockman M, et al. 2024. New species from Pohnpei, Micronesia. In preparation.
QG555 C. sp. 24 Show Description
Isolated by Annalise Paaby from an orange peel collected beneath a fig tree on State Street, Santa Barbara, CA (34.421629, -119.702021) in July 2010.
QG702 C. panamensis Caenorhabditis panamensis wild isolate. Show Description
Isofemale line. Isolated by M. Rockman from a rotting palm fruit (?) on the Snyder-Molino trail on Barro Colorado Island, Panama (9°09.656' N, 79°50.490'W) on 4/24/12. Previously known as Caenorhabditis sp. 28.
QG704 C. becei Caenorhabditis becei wild isolate. Show Description
Isofemale line. Isolated by M. Rockman from a rotten Gustavia superba flower on Barro Colorado Island, Panama (9°09.222'N, 79°49.564'W) on 4/25/12. Previously known as Caenorhabditis sp. 29.
QK52 C. elegans rde-1(ne219) V; xkIs99. Show Description
xkIs99 [wrt-2p::rde-1::unc-54 3'UTR]. NOTE: This strain was originally published as JM43 in Melo JA, Ruvkun G. Reference: Melo JA, Ruvkun G. Cell. 2012 Apr 13;149(2):452-66.
QP1208 C. elegans sws-1(ea12) V. Show Description
Increased lethality and male frequency. Synthetic lethal with helq-1(tm2134). Sensitive to camptothecin. Interacts with rip-1 and rfs-1. Reference: McClendon TB, et al. Genetics. 2016 May;203(1):133-45.
QQ250 C. elegans gin-1(cv10). Show Description
Gin is Glucose INtolerant. gin-1(cv10) is a Diet/nutrition-dependent maternal effect embryonic lethal. Lethality is significantly increased with growth on OP50 seeded on glucose supplemented plates. Grown on HB101, HT115 or fresh OP50 (seeded less than five days)
QQ251 C. elegans vab-9(ju6) II; mcIs50. Show Description
mcIs50 [lin-26p::vab-10(actin-binding domain)::GFP + myo-2p::GFP + pBluescript]. Variably Abnormal with body shape defects and bobbed tail at all stages. Reference: Vuong-Brender TTK, et al. PLoS One. 2018 Feb 21;13(2):e0193279.
QQ254 C. elegans agl-1(tm4809) II. Show Description
Mitani Laboratory allele. Gro, Maternal-effect, diet/nutrition-dependent embryonic lethal. Strain segregates near 100% lethality when grown on glucose, UV-treated OP50, older OP50, and DA837. Lethality is suppressed on fresh OP50 (less than 5 days from seeding), HB101, and HT115.
QQ255 C. elegans gsy-1(gk397885) II. Show Description
Maternal-effect, diet/nutrition-dependent embryonic lethal. Strain segregates increased embryonic lethality when grown on glucose, UV-treated OP50, older OP50, and DA837. Lethality is suppressed on fresh OP50 (less than 5 days from seeding), HB101, and HT115.
QQ257 C. elegans gin-2(cv11). Show Description
Gin is Glucose INtolerant. gin-2(cv11) is a Diet/nutrition-dependent maternal effect embryonic lethal. Lethality is significantly increased with growth on OP50 seeded on glucose supplemented plates. 20C, Grown on HB101, HT115 or fresh OP50 (seeded less than five days).
QQ258 C. elegans vab-9(ju6) II. Show Description
Tail whip knobbed at all stages except adult male (adult male tail tip slightly swollen). Reference: Simske JS, et al. Nat Cell Biol. 2003 Jul;5(7):619-25.
QR109 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; vhIs24. Show Description
vhIs24 [vha-6p::GFP::rab-5 Q78L + Cbr-unc-119(+)].  Large endosomes in the intestinal cells.
QR15 C. elegans tbc-2(tm2241) II. Show Description
Large yolk platelets in oocytes. Premature yolk degradation in embryos. Large endosomes in coelomocytes and intestine. Reference: Chotard L, et al. Mol Biol Cell. 2010 Jul 1;21(13):2285-96.
QR25 C. briggsae Show Description
C. briggsae wild isolate from Montreal, Canada (C. Rocheleau).
QU10 C. elegans izEx5. Show Description
izEx5 [lgg-1p::GFP::lgg-1 + odr-1p::RFP]. Pick RFP+/GFP+ animals to maintain. Reference: Lapierre LR, Curr Biol. 2011 Sep 27;21(18):1507-14.
QU11 C. elegans glp-1(e2141) III; izEx5. Show Description
izEx5 [lgg-1p::GFP::lgg-1 + odr-1p::RFP]. Maintain at 15C or 20C. Sterile at 25C. Pick RFP+/GFP+ animals to maintain. Reference: Lapierre LR, Curr Biol. 2011 Sep 27;21(18):1507-14.
QU13 C. elegans glp-1(bn18) III; izEx5. Show Description
izEx5 [lgg-1p::GFP::lgg-1 + odr-1p::RFP]. Maintain at 15C or 20C. Sterile at 25C. Pick RFP+/GFP+ animals to maintain. Reference: Lapierre LR, Curr Biol. 2011 Sep 27;21(18):1507-14.
QV65 C. elegans vsIs33 V; gpIs1. Show Description
vsIs33 [dop-3::RFP] V. gpIs1 [hsp-16.2p::GFP]. Inducible GFP fluorescence after >1 hour heat shock at 35C. Reference: Leung CK, et al. PLoS One. 2013 Apr 29;8(4):e62166.
QW1075 C. elegans lite-1(ce314) X; zdIs5; zfEx416. Show Description
zdIs5 [mec-4p::GFP + lin-15(+)] I. zfEx416 [rig-3p::GFP::SL2::mCherry]. Pick animals with red fluorescence to maintain zfEx416. Reference: Shipley FB, et al. Front Neural Circuits. 2014 Mar 24;8:28.
QW309 C. elegans zfIs18. Show Description
zfIs18 [mec-4p::ChR2::YFP + lin-15(+)]. Reference: Shipley FB, et al. Front Neural Circuits. 2014 Mar 24;8:28.
QW625 C. elegans zfIs42. Show Description
zfIs42 [rig-3p::GCaMP3::SL2::mCherry + lin-15(+)]. Reference: Shipley FB, et al. Front Neural Circuits. 2014 Mar 24;8:28.
QX1182 C. sp. 8 Show Description
Male-female strain. Isolated by M. Rockman from rotting tomatoes in New Jersey, USA, July 2007. NOTE: To freeze this strain, heat shock at 37°C for 1 hr and add CaCl2 2mM in freezing solution.
QX1211 C. elegans Show Description
C. elegans wild isolate. Reference: Andersen EC, et al. Nat Genet. 2012 Jan 29;44(3):285-90.
QX1233 C. elegans Show Description
C. elegans wild isolate. Reference: Andersen EC, et al. Nat Genet. 2012 Jan 29;44(3):285-90.
QX2263 C. sp. 27 Caenorhabditis sp. 27 wild isolate. Show Description
Male-female strain. Maintain by mating. Isolated from garden soil in Buenos Aires, Argentina on 3/2/2012.
RA111 C. elegans C46E10.8(tm442) II. Show Description
tm442 is a 411 bp deletion and 13 bp insertion. Outcrossed to mC6g males. Reference: Large and Mathies (2010) Dev Biol 339(1):51-64.
RA112 C. elegans C46E10.9(tm1692) II. Show Description
tm1692 is a 656 bp deletion and 13 bp insertion. Outcrossed to mC6g males. Reference: Large and Mathies (2010) Dev Biol 339(1):51-64.
RA180 C. elegans ehn-3(rd2) IV. Show Description
~20% gonadogenesis defects, primarily one-armed gonads. Reference: Large and Mathies (2010) Dev Biol 339(1):51-64.
RA382 C. elegans rdIs7 I; unc-119(ed3) III; rde-1(ne219) V. Show Description
rdIs7 [hnd-1::rde-1 + unc-119(+)] I. Rescued for RNAi in the mesoderm and SGPs. Reference: Large EE and Mathies LD. G3 (Bethesda). 2014 Mar 20;4(3):471-83.
RA437 C. elegans swsn-3(tm3647) III. Show Description
Homozygous viable, non-Psa (Sawa), no gonadogenesis defects. Reference: Large EE and Mathies LD (2014 Jan 8). G3, doi: 10.1534/g3.113.009852.
RA440 C. elegans swsn-2.2(tm3395) I/hT2 [bli-4(e937) let-?(q782) qIs48] (I;III). Show Description
Homozygous lethal deletion chromosome balanced by hT2. GFP+ heterozygotes are wild-type that segregate wild-type GFP+, arrested hT2 aneuploids, and non-GFP tm3309 homozygotes. tm3395 homozygotes are maternal effect lethal (late embryo & larval lethal) and have progeny with gonadogenesis defects. Pick wild-type GFP+ animals to maintain. Reference: Large EE and Mathies LD (2014 Jan 8). G3, doi: 10.1534/g3.113.009852.
RA446 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; rdIs4 X. Show Description
rdIs4 [ehn-3a::Venus + unc-119(+)] X. Expresses Venus (YFP) in Z1/Z4 beginning in embryogenesis and continuing through the L1 larval stage. Reference: Large EE and Mathies LD. G3 (Bethesda). 2014 Mar 20;4(3):471-83.
RA454 C. elegans swsn-1(tm4567)/rol-9(sc148) V. Show Description
Heterozygotes are mostly wild-type but occasionally lack a gonad arm; segregate tm4567 homozygotes (larval/embryonic lethal) and rol-9 homozygotes (Rol). Pick non-Rol to maintain and screen for larval lethals (or by PCR) for tm4567 deletion. Reference: Large EE and Mathies LD (2014 Jan 8). G3, doi: 10.1534/g3.113.009852.
RA459 C. elegans ham-3(tm3309) III/hT2 [bli-4(e937) let-?(q782) qIs48] (I;III). Show Description
Homozygous lethal deletion chromosome balanced by hT2. GFP+ heterozygotes are wild-type that segregate wild-type GFP+, arrested hT2 aneuploids, and non-GFP tm3309 homozygotes. tm3309 homozygotes are maternal effect lethal (late embryo & larval lethal) and have gonadogenesis defects. Previously known as swsn-2.1(tm3309). Pick wild-type GFP+ animals to maintain. Reference: Large EE and Mathies LD (2014 Jan 8). G3, doi: 10.1534/g3.113.009852.
RA491 C. elegans swsn-7(tm4263)/mIn1 [mIs14 dpy-10(e128)] II. Show Description
Heterozygotes are wild-type GFP+ that segregate wild-type GFP+ heterozygotes, GFP- tm4263 homozygotes (MEL), and Dpy GFP+ mIn1 homozygotes. Reference: Large EE and Mathies LD (2014 Jan 8). G3, doi: 10.1534/g3.113.009852.
RA520 C. elegans swsn-4(tm305) IV/nT1 [qIs51] (IV;V). Show Description
Heterozygotes are mostly wild-type GFP+, but occasionally have missing gonad arms. Pick wild-type GFP+ to maintain. Heterozygotes segregate wild-type GFP+, GFP- tm305 homozygotes (embryonic lethal) and arrested nT1 aneuploids. Reference: Large EE and Mathies LD (2014 Jan 8). G3, doi: 10.1534/g3.113.009852.
RA521 C. elegans let-526(tm4795) I/hT2 [bli-4(e937) let-?(q782) qIs48] (I;III). Show Description
Homozygous lethal deletion chromosome balanced by hT2. GFP+ heterozygotes are wild-type and segregate wild-type GFP+, arrested hT2 aneuploids, and non-GFP tm4795 homozygotes. tm4795 homozygotes arrest as early larvae. Pick wild-type GFP+ animals to maintain. Reference: Large EE and Mathies LD (2014 Jan 8). G3, doi: 10.1534/g3.113.009852.
RA7 C. elegans rdEx1. Show Description
rdEx1 [GFP::tra-1 + rol-6(su1006)]. Rollers. Array can cause sterility. Maintain by picking gravid Rollers. GFP::tra-1 fusion protein. Reference: Mathies LD, et al. Development. 2004 Sep;131(17):4333-43.
RAF1 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; rrrIs1. Show Description
rrrIs1 [pie-1p::GFP::Histone H2B::cye-1 3'UTR + unc-119(+)]. Slightly Unc.
RAF2 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; rrrIs2. Show Description
rrrIs2 contains [pie-1p::GFP::Histone H2B::cye-1 3'UTR (S1mt+deltaS2-3)+ unc-119(+)]. Slightly Unc.
RAF3 C. elegans gld-1(q485) I/hT2 [bli-4(e937) let-?(q782) qIs48] (I;III); fem-1(hc17) IV. Show Description
Maintain at 15C. Pick fertile GFP+ hermaphrodites to maintain. Segregates WT GFP+ heterozygotes, non-glowing sterile gld-1 homozygotes, very rare GFP+ homozygous hT2, and dead eggs. fem-1 is temperature sensitive; causes feminization. gld-1 homozygotes form germline tumors. Reference: Biedermann et al., Dev Cell 17, 355-364 (2009).
RAF4 C. elegans cey-3(rrr11) cey-2(ok902) I. Show Description
Reduced brood size. cey-3(rrr11) was created using TALENs in the cey-2(ok902) mutant background to produce the double mutant. Reference: Arnold A, et al. Nucleic Acids Res. 2014 Dec 1;42(21):13353-69.