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AV221 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) meT8 (III); meIs4 meT8 (IV); meIs1. Show Description
meIs1 [pie-1p::GFP::lacI + unc-119(+)]. meIs4 [lac-O + rol-6(su1006) + lacO] IV. Pick Rol worms to maintain. This strain throws both Rol and non-Rol worms, seemingly due to random silencing of rol-6(su1006) in the lacO array, meIs4. The strain expresses GFP::LacI in the gonad and embryos that is observed as foci (of lacO target) and nuclear haze. The expression level of GFP::LacI occasionally becomes low possibly due to random silencing of meIs1. If this happens, heat shock the strain at 25°C for 3 days, and pick a clone that exhibits bright GFP signals. Even at the highest expression level, GFP signal is too weak to detect with a fluorescent dissection microscope, and it is necessary to use a regular compound fluorescent microscope with an oil immersion 60X or 100X objective. The NA of the objective should be higher than 1.4. Reference: Bilgir C, et al. G3 (Bethesda). 2013 Mar 11. pii: g3.112.005165v1.
QC121 C. elegans nhr-49(et8) I; paqr-2(tm3410) III. Show Description
paqr-2(tm3410) homozygotes are unable to grow at 15°C and exhibit a withered tail tip phenotype at 20°C and 25°C. nhr-49(et8) is a gain-of-function allele and suppresses the cold-adaptation defect and tail-tip defects of paqr-2(tm3410) mutants. nhr-49(et8); paqr-2(tm3410) double mutants can be propagated at 15°C and have a weak tail tip defect. Reference: Svensk E, et al. PLoS Genet. 2013 Sep;9(9):e1003801.
QC155 C. elegans nhr-49(et8) I; mdt-15(et14) III. Show Description
This double mutant strain contains an excess polyunsaturated fatty acids in its cell membranes accompanied by excess lipid peroxidation, cell permeability, increased autophagy and other defects. The nhr-49(et8) C9873765T [WS200] mutation can be detected by PCR using the following primers: nhr-49 Fwd: 5’-CAGATTATGATTCGTGATGCTAGA-3; nhr-49 WT Rev: 5’-GAGATGAAAGATGTTGCTGTAGAG-3; nhr-49 Mut Rev: 5’-GAGATGAAAGATGTTGCTGTAGAA-3’. Annealing 65°C, expected products ~300 bp. The mdt-15(et14) C5832666T [WS200] mutation can be detected by PCR using the following primers: mdt-15(et14) Mut Fwd: 5’-GTGCCTCCAGATCCACAGCT-3’; mdt-15(et14) WT Fwd: 5’-GTGCCTCCAGATCCACAGCC-3’; mdt-15 Rev: 5’-CACCCATTGGAGCACCACT-3’. Annealing 65°C, expected product ~400 bp. Reference: Devkota R, et al. Genetics (in press). Volume 219, Issue 1, September 2021.
QC156 C. elegans acs-13(et54) nhr-49(et8) I; mdt-15(et14) III. Show Description
This triple mutant strain contains an excess polyunsaturated fatty acids in its cell membranes accompanied by excess lipid peroxidation, cell permeability, increased autophagy and other defects. The acs-13(et54) mutation (G125R) can be detected using PCR with the following primers: WT FWD: 5´CTA CCA GGG TGT TCG CCA TG 3; acs-13 mutant FWD: 5´CTA CCA GGG TGT TCG CCA TA 3; acs-13 REV: 5´TCA AAC TTG GGC ATT GCT CC 3´. Annealing 65°C, expected product 395 bp. The nhr-49(et8) C9873765T [WS200] mutation can be detected by PCR using the following primers: nhr-49 Fwd: 5’-CAGATTATGATTCGTGATGCTAGA-3; nhr-49 WT Rev: 5’-GAGATGAAAGATGTTGCTGTAGAG-3; nhr-49 Mut Rev: 5’-GAGATGAAAGATGTTGCTGTAGAA-3’. Annealing 65°C, expected products ~300 bp. The mdt-15(et14) C5832666T [WS200] mutation can be detected by PCR using the following primers: mdt-15(et14) Mut Fwd: 5’-GTGCCTCCAGATCCACAGCT-3’; mdt-15(et14) WT Fwd: 5’-GTGCCTCCAGATCCACAGCC-3’; mdt-15 Rev: 5’-CACCCATTGGAGCACCACT-3’. Annealing 65°C, expected product ~400 bp. Reference: Devkota R, et al. Genetics (in press). Volume 219, Issue 1, September 2021.
JCB459 C. elegans C18E9.4(bet80) II. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 492 bp in parental strain N2. Left flanking sequence: agccgtttaagatcccaaac; Right flanking sequence: ggatggtcatcattagaatt. sgRNA #1: ttgctgtagattgagtagtt; sgRNA #2: cacggaaccacctcatggga.
JCB461 C. elegans Y116F11B.14(bet83) V. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 1493 bp in parental strain N2. Left flanking sequence: attaatttttgaatttcctaca; Right flanking sequence: tgacgggctaatattgaatta. sgRNA #1: attacactataataatgtgt; sgRNA #2: aaacgacaaactcattatga.
JCB487 C. elegans K02D10.1(bet88) III. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 2796 bp in parental strain N2. Left flanking sequence: tatgaactttaagaccaact; Right flanking sequence: ggatgggatgcaactgttgc. sgRNA #1: actcatactataagttcagt; sgRNA #2: ctacttgggcaaagccagga.
SV1361 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; heIs105 IV. Show Description
heIs105 [rps-27::loxP::NLS::mCherry::let858 UTR::loxP::NLS::GFP::let-858 UTR + unc-119(+)] IV. Strain is viable at 15-25 C. heIs105 carries a read-out construct which allows the visualization of the CRE lox mediated recombination by a switch from red to green. Reference: Ruijtenberg S & van den Heuvel S. Cell. 2015 Jul 16;162(2):300-13.
SV1440 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; heIs105 IV; heSi141 X. Show Description
heIs105 [rps-27::loxP::NLS::mCherry::let858 UTR::loxP::NLS::GFP::let-858 UTR + unc-119(+)] IV. heSi141 [hlh-8(short)::FLAG::CRE::tbb-2 + unc-119(+)] X. Maintain at 15-25C. Expression of CRE recombinase in the mesoblast lineage driven by the hlh-8 promoter. heIs105 carries a read-out construct which allows the visualization of the CRE lox mediated recombination in the mesoblast lineage by a switch from red to green. This read-out construct is silenced in the germline. Reference: Ruijtenberg S & van den Heuvel S. Cell. 2015 Jul 16;162(2):300-13.
SV1450 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; heIs145 IV Show Description
heIs145 [rps-27::loxP::NLS::mCherry::let858 UTR::eft-3::tagBFP::tbb-2 UTR::loxP::NLS::GFP::let-858 UTR + unc-119(+)] IV. Maintain at 15-25C. heIs145 expresses a read-out construct used to visualize CRE activity and specificity, and to test whether CRE expression is likely to induce loss of a gene of interest (tagBFP in this case) in a given tissue. Expression of CRE will result in a change from mCherry to GFP and loss of tagBFP expression in those cells where CRE is active. Reference: Ruijtenberg S & van den Heuvel S. Cell. 2015 Jul 16;162(2):300-13.
SV1578 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; heIs105 IV; swsn-1(os22) heSi164 V; heSi141 X. Show Description
heIs105 [rps-27::loxP::NLS::mCherry::let858 UTR::loxP::NLS::GFP::let-858 UTR + unc-119(+)] IV. heSi164 [rps-27::loxN::NLS::mCherry::let858 UTR::swsn-1p::swsn-1::unc-54 UTR::loxN::NLS::GFP::let-858 UTR + unc-119(+)] V. heSi141 [hlh-8(short)::FLAG::CRE::tbb-2 + unc-119(+)] X. Maintain the line at 15C and shift to 25C for mutant analysis. Expression of CRE recombinase in the mesoblast lineage driven by the hlh-8 promoter. heSi164 carries a swsn-1 rescue construct which ensures rescue of the temperature-sensitive swsn-1(os22) mutation. Upon expression of CRE (in this case in the mesoblast lineage) the swsn-1 gene will be excised, creating a mesoblast specific mutant of swsn-1. This recombination event can be visualized by a switch from red to green in those mesoblast cells in which swsn-1 was lost. The animals are healthy at 15C, but embryonic lethal and larval arrested at 23-25C. swsn-1(os22) causes mild overproliferation in the mesoblast lineage. The swsn-1 rescuing transgene is unable to rescue germline development of swsn-1(os22) mutants. Reference: Ruijtenberg S & van den Heuvel S. Cell. 2015 Jul 16;162(2):300-13.