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Strain Species Genotype
MT1444 C. elegans egl-2(n693) V. Show Description
Dominant egg laying defective. Makes bags of worms. Males mate poorly.
MT6923 C. elegans egl-2(n2656) V. Show Description
Semi-dominant Egl. Semi-dominant Exp.
MT1927 C. elegans egl-2(n693n904) V. Show Description
CG197 C. elegans egl-2(rg4) him-5(e1490) V. Show Description
No longer able to suppress male muscle seizures in the absence of food.
CG490 C. elegans unc-103(n1213) III; egl-2(rg4) him-5(e1490) V; rgEx173. Show Description
rgEx173 [unc-103ep::egl-2(cDNA) + gtl-1p::CFP]. Pick animals with cyan fluorescence in their intestines. rgEx173 rescues food deprivation's ability to suppress unc-103(n1213)-induced male sex muscle seizures.
CG1438 C. elegans egl-2(rg444) him-5(e1490) V. Show Description
rg444 is an endogenous genomic CRISPR/Cas9 knock in of YFP fused to the C-terminus of the EGL-2 K+ Channel in N2 background. Faint YFP fluorescent puncta can be detected on muscle membranes and neural cell bodies and processes at high power magnification in all stages. Him. Reference: Goncalves J, et al. iScience 2020 Mar 19;23(4):100990. PMID: 32240955
PHX5229 C. elegans degl-2(syb5229[degl-2::SL2::gfp::H2B]) IV. Show Description
CRISPR/Cas9 engineered tagged endogenous locus.
CB4053 C. elegans egl-26(e1952) II; tra-3(e1767) IV. Show Description
Self-fertile intersexual XX animals. Tra-3 masculinized phenotype suppressed by egl-26 mutation. Reference: Hodgkin (1986) PMID: 3770465.
CB5311 C. elegans egl-26(e1952e2650) II; him-8(e1489) IV. Show Description
Partial intragenic revertant. Weak Egl phenotype, less severe than egl-26(e1952). Reference: Hodgkin (1986) PMID: 3770465.
CF1045 C. elegans muIs49. Show Description
muIs49 [unc-22(+) egl-20::GFP]. Rescuing translational egl-20::GFP fusion. Not known to which LG muIs49 is attached. A few cells in the tail will light up with GFP.
CF1135 C. elegans egl-20(n585) IV; muEx68. Show Description
muEx68 [(pJW33) myo-2p::egl-20::GFP + (7PD10.46) unc-22 (antisense)]. Use nicotine or levamisole to pick twitchers. Reference: Whangbo J & Kenyon C, (1999) Mol Cell 4(5):851-8.
CF1170 C. elegans egl-20(n585) IV; muEx79. Show Description
muEx79 [(pJW33) myo-2p::egl-20::GFP + (7PD10.46) unc-22 (antisense)]. Use nicotine or levamisole to pick twitchers. Reference: Whangbo J & Kenyon C, (1999) Mol Cell 4(5):851-8.
CF1192 C. elegans egl-27(n170) II; muIs35 V. Show Description
muIs35 [mec-7::GFP + lin-15(+)].
CF263 C. elegans egl-20(mu39) IV. Show Description
QL migration defect. HSN migratin defect.
CF980 C. elegans egl-20(n585) IV; bar-1(mu349) X. Show Description
Egl. QL descendants in a mutant position (anterior of ALM). Okay to grow at 15 or 20C.
EW57 C. elegans dpy-20(e1362) IV; deEx102. Show Description
deEx102[dpy20(+); ajm-1::GFP; HinfI digested complex DNA; egl-20p::4xNLSGFP]. Pick non-Dpy to maintain.
EW77 C. elegans lin-44(n1792) I; egl-20(n585) IV/nT1 [qIs51] (IV;V); dpy-11(e1180) mom-2(or42) V/nT1 [qIs51] (IV;V). Show Description
EW79 C. elegans cwn-1(ok546) II; egl-20(n585) IV/nT1 [qIs51] (IV;V); dpy-11(e1180) mom-2(or42) V/nT1 [qIs51] (IV;V). Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and GFP+. Segregate more WT and GFP+, Dpys, and dead eggs. Dpys give only embryonic lethals.
HS1675 C. elegans egl-20(n585) cwn-2(ok895) IV. Show Description
Egl. Unc. Reference: Yamamoto Y, et al. PLoS Genet. 2011 Oct;7(10):e1002308.
HS1680 C. elegans lin-44(n1792) zdIs5 I; cwn-1(ok546) II; egl-20(n585) cwn-2(ok895) IV/nT1 [qIs51] (IV;V); mom-2(ne874) V/nT1. Show Description
zdIs5 [mec-4p::GFP + lin-15(+)] I. Homozygous nT1[qIs51] are inviable. mec-4::GFP is expressed in touch neurons. Heterozygotes are strong Egl Psa GFP+ and segregate dead eggs and non-GFP Unc Egl Psa that give only dead eggs at 25C.
HS2326 C. elegans cwn-1(ok546) II; egl-20(n585) cwn-2(ok895) IV/nT1 [qIs51] (IV;V); vpIs1 X. Show Description
vpIs1 [elt-3::GFP + lin-15(+)] X. Heterozygotes are WT with pharyngeal GFP signal, and segregate WT GFP, arrested nT1[qIs51] aneuploids, and non-GFP ok546 homozygotes (Unc Egl). Homozygous nT1[qIs51] inviable. Pick WT GFP and check for correct segregation of progeny to maintain. Reference: Yamamoto Y, et al. PLoS Genet. 2011 Oct;7(10):e1002308.
JA1194 C. elegans egl-27(we3) II. Show Description
egl-27(we3) animals have variable body morphology defects with cold sensitive embryonic/L1 lethality (5% die at 22C, 90% at 15C). Maternal effect vab-7(ed6) enhancer; semi-lethal with vab-7(ed6).
KN369 C. elegans muIs32 II; egl-20(hu105) IV. Show Description
muIs32 [mec-7p::GFP + lin-15(+)]. Egl. Anterior migration of the QL.d, defects in QR.d and HSN migration.
KN387 C. elegans muIs32 II; egl-20(hu120) IV. Show Description
muIs32 [mec-7p::GFP + lin-15(+)]. Egl. Anterior migration of the QL.d, defects in QR.d and HSN migration.
KN594 C. elegans cwn-1(ok546) II; egl-20(n585) IV. Show Description
KN720 C. elegans dpy-20(e1282) IV; huIs60. Show Description
huIs60 [egl-20p::egl-20::protA + dpy-20(+)].
KP2018 C. elegans egl-21(n476) IV. Show Description
Mutation confirmed by Nonet lab.
KS100 C. elegans egl-27(ok151)/mnC1 [dpy-10(e128) unc-52(e444)] II. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Egl and DpyUnc. Temperature sensitive Egl. Do not grow at 15C.
KS46 C. elegans lin-44(n1792) I; egl-20(n585) IV. Show Description
KS99 C. elegans egl-27(ok151) II. Show Description
Cold sensitive - do not grow at 15C. Egl.
LE2685 C elegans egl-20(lq42) lqIs80 IV; lqIs58 V. Show Description
lqIs80 [SCMp::GFP::caax] IV. lqIs58 [gcy-32::CFP] V. PQR migration defects: PQR in the head in the normal position of AQR. lq42 is a premature stop codon in egl-20. GFP expression in seam cells. CFP expression in AQR, PQR and URXL/R. Reference: Josephson M, et al. PLos One. 2016 Feb 10;11(2):e0148658. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0148658. PMID: 26863303.
LE3845 C. elegans rdvIs1 III; egl-20(gk453010) IV; lqIs58 V. Show Description
rdvIs1 [egl-17p::Myri-mCherry::pie-1 3'UTR + egl-17p::mig-10::YFP::unc-54 3'UTR + egl-17p::mCherry-TEV-S::his-24 + rol-6(su1006)] III. Rollers, red fluorescence in vulvae. YFP cannot be detected. lqIs58 [gcy-32::CFP] V. Reference: Josephson MP, et al. PLoS One. 2016 Feb 10;11(2):e0148658.
MH1152 C. elegans egl-26(ku228) II. Show Description
83% Egl. 4% Sterile.
MH1564 C. elegans kuIs36 II. Show Description
kuIs36 [egl-26::GFP + unc-119(+)] II. Transcriptional fusion of GFP to egl-26 gene. Nuclear localized. Embryonic expression. Expressed in somatic gonad (uterus and spermatheca) and vulva in vulE and vulB in L4. Spermatheca expression persists into adulthood. Expressed in pharyngeal-intestinal junction cells and in tail.
MT1071 C. elegans egl-21(n476) IV. Show Description
Egl. Fails to complement daf-14 as well; small deletion or background?? [NOTE: The CGC has received reports that n476 might be heterozygous in this strain. KP2018 is an outcrossed version of this strain and has been confirmed as homozygous for n476.].
MT1076 C. elegans egl-26(n481) II. Show Description
Egg laying defective. Makes bags of worms. Abnormal vulva.
MT1077 C. elegans lin-29(n482) II. Show Description
Egg laying defective. Makes bags of worms. Abnormal vulva. Previously called egl-29.
MT1200 C. elegans egl-28(n570) II. Show Description
Egg laying defective. Retains late stage eggs. Temperature sensitive.
MT1202 C. elegans egl-24(n572) III. Show Description
Egg laying defective. Retains late stage eggs.
MT1206 C. elegans egl-21(n576) IV. Show Description
Egl. Reference: Genetics (1983) 104:619-47.
MT1207 C. elegans unc-31(n577) IV. Show Description
Temperature sensitive. pka egl-22.
MT1215 C. elegans egl-20(n585) IV. Show Description
Egg laying defective. Retains late stage eggs. partially ts
MT1231 C. elegans egl-23(n601) IV. Show Description
Egg laying defective. Makes bags of worms. Dominant. Sluggish.
MT1241 C. elegans egl-21(n611) IV. Show Description
Egg laying defective. Retains late stage eggs. Temperature sensitive-non or weak Egl at 15C.
MT1502 C. elegans egl-26(n481) unc-4(e120) II. Show Description
Egl. Abnormal vuvla.
MT1593 C. elegans egl-23(n601) dpy-4(e1166) IV. Show Description
n601 is dominant: Egl, sluggish. e1166 is semidominant.
MT1600 C. elegans unc-8(e49) egl-21(n611) IV. Show Description
Temperature-sensitive Egl. Reference: Genetics (1983) 104:619-47.
MT170 C. elegans egl-27(n170) II. Show Description
Egg laying defective. Retains late stage eggs. Males do not mate.
MT1727 C. elegans dpy-10(e128) lin-29(n482) II. Show Description
Dpy. Egg laying defective. Makes bags of worms. Abnormal vulva. Previously called egl-29(n482).
OH12860 C. elegans pha-1(e2123) III; otIs356 V; otEx5897. Show Description
otIs356 [rab-3p(prom1)::2xNLS::TagRFP] V. Pan-neuronal nuclear RFP expression. otEx5897 [egl-21(fosmid)::SL2::NLS::YFP::H2B + pha-1(+)]. Maintain at 25C to select for array. Pan-neuronal nuclear YFP expression. Reference: Stefanakis N., Carrera I., Hobert O. Neuron. 2015 Aug 19;87(4):733-50.