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CB81 C. elegans unc-18(e81) X. Show Description
Recessive, paralysed, kinky, thin at all stages, able to lay eggs.
EM122 C. elegans stDp2 (X;II)/+ II; him-5(e1490) V; unc-18(e81) dpy-6(e14) X. Show Description
Strain throws WT, DpyUncs and males (and some Lon-don't know where these come from??). Maintain by picking WT. non-Unc non-Dpy males mate at low frequency and will transmit stDp2.
KG421 C. elegans gsa-1(ce81) I. Show Description
Coordinated hyperactive locomotion. Hypersensitive to mechanical stimuli. Most mature adults have vulval bump. Mature animals are slightly short and egl-d. Terminal phenotype is usually bag of worms. Population tends to severely crash within 2-3 weeks of starvation. Dominant, gain-of-function allele. Heterozygotes are difficult to distinguish from homozygotes. Mutation is R182C. This same mutation causes constitutive Gs activity in vertebrates. Sequence in WT: CCT TCG GTG TCG. Sequence in ce81: CCT TCG GTG TTG.
MT1460 C. elegans egl-17(e1313) lon-2(e678) unc-18(e81) X. Show Description
Egl. Lon. Unc.
MT455 C. elegans lon-2(e678) unc-18(e81) X. Show Description
Unc. Long.
PJ1030 C. elegans ccIs55 V; unc-18(e81) X. Show Description
ccIs55 [unc-54::lacZ + sup-7(st5)] V. Unc. Slow growing.
RW6002 C. elegans stDp2 (X;II)/+ II; unc-18(e81) X. Show Description
Segregates WT and Unc. Maintain by picking WT.
CB3497 C. elegans dpy-25(e817) II. Show Description
Dpy. Severe. Semidominant. Inviable at 15C.
CB5009 C. elegans let-552(e2542)/dpy-25(e817) II. Show Description
At 20C or 25C heterozygotes are semi-Dpy and segregate semi-Dpys (heterozygotes), Dpys (dpy-25/dpy-25) and animals which arrest as Dpyish young larvae (let-552/let-552). Maintain by picking semi-Dpy. At 15C it is difficult to distinguish between let-552 homozygotes and dpy-25 homozygotes (e817 is inviable at 15C).
CB6452 C. elegans dpy-25(e817) II; xol-1(y9) X. Show Description
Severe dumpy; dominant, hence crossing with wild-type males yields dumpy hermaphrodites and dead eggs (dpy-25/+; xol-1/0).
KG4731 C. elegans unc-116(ce815[LoxP+sup-1(e995)+LoxP]) III. Show Description
Lox P sites in 3' UTR and 4th intron flank kinesin motor domain sequences; sup-1(e995) mini-gene inserted in second intron. Appears wild-type on plates and in quantitative locomotion assays. Can be used to conditionally delete gene sequences encoding the conventional kinesin motor domain in a tissue specific manner by driving expression of Cre recombinase in the tissue of interest. Reference: Stec N, et al. (Submitted). An Intron Compatible Marker for Long Distance CRISPR Mediated Gene Editing in Caenorhabditis elegans.
LE815 C. elegans mig-2(lq13) X. Show Description
PD8601 C. elegans ccDf1/dpy-25(e817) II. Show Description
Heterozygotes are medium-Dpy and segregate medium-Dpy, strong-Dpy and dead eggs. Maintain by picking medium Dpy.
PD8602 C. elegans ccDf2/dpy-25(e817) II. Show Description
Heterozygotes are medium-Dpy and segregate medium-Dpy, strong-Dpy and dead eggs. Maintain by picking medium Dpy.
PD8603 C. elegans ccDf3/dpy-25(e817) II. Show Description
Heterozygotes are medium-Dpy and segregate medium-Dpy, strong-Dpy and dead eggs. Maintain by picking medium Dpy.
PD8604 C. elegans ccDf4/dpy-25(e817) II. Show Description
Heterozygotes are medium-Dpy and segregate medium-Dpy, strong-Dpy and dead eggs. Maintain by picking medium Dpy.
PD8605 C. elegans ccDf5/dpy-25(e817) II. Show Description
Heterozygotes are medium-Dpy and segregate medium-Dpy, strong-Dpy and dead eggs. Maintain by picking medium Dpy.
PD8607 C. elegans ccDf7/dpy-25(e817) II. Show Description
Heterozygotes are medium-Dpy and segregate medium-Dpy, strong-Dpy and dead eggs. Maintain by picking medium Dpy. Rec'd new stock 8/2000.
PD8611 C. elegans ccDf11/dpy-25(e817) II. Show Description
Heterozygotes are medium-Dpy and segregate medium-Dpy, strong-Dpy and dead eggs. Maintain by picking medium Dpy.
RG3310 C. elegans C28F5.4(ve810[LoxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + LoxP]) II. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 2762 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break in parental strain N2. Left flanking Sequence: TCCTCTTTCGTGATTCTTTTTGAAATGCCA ; Right flanking sequence: TTCCTAAGAAGAGCATATGCTCGCAGAAGT. sgRNA #1: GGACGCAATAAAGAAGTGCG; sgRNA #2: CTGCCAAATATCCGTCAGAG. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
RG3311 C. elegans fars-2(ve811[LoxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + LoxP])/sC4(s2172) [dpy-21(e428)] V. Show Description
Homozygous Ste, Pvl, Unc. Deletion of 3213 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break in parental strain N2. Heterozygotes are wild-type dim GFP+, and segregate wild-type dim GFP+, bright GFP+ Ste, Pvl, and Unc animals (ve811 homozygotes) and arrested non-GFP (stage unknown, some uncharacterized non-GFP hermaphrodites develop into fertile adults) (sC4 homozygotes). Maintain by picking wild-type dim GFP+. Left flanking Sequence: ggtttttcagtgctcttcgtattacCTCCT ; Right flanking sequence: TTCGTCTTTCGAGTAGAGCCGAACACCTTC. sgRNA #3: TGAAAGAGCACTTACCAAGG; sgRNA #4: CTACTCGGCAAAAAGCCGGA. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
RG3312 C. elegans gdh-1(ve812[LoxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + LoxP])/nT1[umnIs49]IV; +/nT1 V. Show Description
umnIs49 [myo-2p::mKate2 + NeoR, V: 1005689 (intergenic)] IV. Homozygous larval arrest. Deletion of 1963 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break in parental strain N2. Heterozygotes are wild-type GFP+ mKate2+, and segregate wild-type GFP+ mKate2+, GFP+ non-mKate arrested larvae (ve812 homozygotes), Vul non-GFP mKate2+ (nT1 homozygotes) and dead eggs (aneuploids).  Maintain by picking wild-type GFP+ mKate2+. Maintain by picking wild-type GFP+ mKate2+. Left flanking Sequence: TTTAATTACAAAATATTTTATTTTCAGGTA ; Right flanking sequence: GTACCCACTTCTCACTCATCTCATGGCTCT. sgRNA #1: ATGTTGAGCACTCTTTCCAG; sgRNA #2: TTATGTGAAGGTGAATCCAG. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
RG3313 C. elegans arrd-4(ve813[LoxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + LoxP]) II. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 1616 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break in parental strain N2. Left flanking Sequence: TGCAACGTTGACCTTCAAAGCAGTAGCTTC ; Right flanking sequence: cggcagtttgctgcaacttattgcccaacc. sgRNA #3: TCCAATGCAGTTGCTTGAGT; sgRNA #4: acctcgtcgtttcagccaac. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
RG3314 C. elegans asp-19(ve814[LoxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + LoxP]) V. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 521 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break in parental strain N2. Left flanking Sequence: CCAAAACCTAGACCAACAATGGTTGCAATT ; Right flanking sequence: AGTGCATCTCATGAAAAAAATAGAGACGGG. sgRNA #1: ACCATTACAAAGCAAGAGCT; sgRNA #2: TGCTGTTTTGTAGCTCACTC. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
RG3315 C. elegans gpd-4(ve815[LoxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + LoxP]) II. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 963 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break in parental strain N2. Left flanking Sequence: ATTTCATTCAAGTTTTCTTACAGACTCAAA ; Right flanking sequence: TGGAGCATGCATTTCGCTCAACCCGAACTT. sgRNA #1: AAAATGTCGAAAGCCAACGT; sgRNA #2: GTATCGAAAATGGACGAGTG. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
RG3316 C. elegans lrp-1(ve816[LoxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + LoxP])/hT2 [umnIs73] I; +/hT2 [bli-4(e937) let-?(h661)] III. Show Description
umnIs73 [myo-2p::mKate2 + NeoR, III: 9421936 (intergenic)] I. Homozygous larval arrest, Mlt. Deletion of 15775 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break in parental strain N2. Heterozygotes are wild-type GFP+ mKate2+, and segregate wild-type GFP+ mKate2+, GFP+ non-mKate2 arrested larvae (ve816 homozygotes), non-GFP mKate2+ arrested animals (arrest stage unknown)(hT2 homozygotes) and dead eggs (aneuploids). Pick wild-type GFP+ mKate2+ and check for correct segregation of progeny to maintain. [NOTE: Apparently the lethal mutation is closely linked but not within the balanced region of hT2. It can occasionally recombine away so that the strain will segregate Bli-4 hT2 homozygotes. (Mark Edgley)] Left flanking Sequence: CTTGGTTGTCAAGCAGGTTGCCATCCATCA ; Right flanking sequence: CACGTCAGCATCTGCAATGTCACCAAACAG. sgRNA #1: CACGTACATTCACCTCCATG; sgRNA #2: GATGGCTGATCATTTGATGG. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
RG3317 C. elegans F44E5.5(ve817[LoxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + LoxP]) II. Show Description
Homozygous viable. Deletion of 2259 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break in parental strain N2. Left flanking Sequence: TTCGAGAAAAAGAAAGAGGGAGACAGAGTG ; Right flanking sequence: AATGTTGTTCTAATAAATTTACAAAAATCT. sgRNA #1: TCTAGAAGATGTTACGGGAA; sgRNA #2: AACAGGCATACATTAAAAGT. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
RG3318 C. elegans +/mT1 [umnIs52] II; prx-10&wrs-2(ve818[LoxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + LoxP])/mT1 [dpy-10(e128)] III. Show Description
umnIs52 [myo-2p::mKate2 + NeoR, III: 8856215 (intergenic)] II. Homozygous late larval arrest/sterile. Deletion of 3348 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break in parental strain N2. Heterozygotes are wild-type GFP+ mKate2+, and segregate wild-type GFP+ mKate2+ heterozygotes, GFP+ non-mKate2 arrested larvae/sterile adults (ve818 homozygotes), sterile Dpy non-GFP mKate2+ (mT1 homozygotes), and dead eggs (aneuploids). Maintain by picking wild-type GFP+ mKate2+ and check for correct segregation of progeny. Left flanking Sequence: TCAGCGAAGAGATGAAGAGTATATTGAAGA ; Right flanking sequence: ACTGAAAATGGTGAAAAGGCTCGAGAAATT. sgRNA #1: TATTACAGAAAGATTGAGCA; sgRNA #2: TAGCACTTTGTCAACCTGAA. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.
RG3319 C. elegans +/mT1 [umnIs52] II; wrs-2(ve819[LoxP + myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3' UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3' UTR + LoxP])/mT1 [dpy-10(e128)] III. Show Description
umnIs52 [myo-2p::mKate2 + NeoR, III: 8856215 (intergenic)] II. Homozygous Ste, Pvl. Deletion of 1420 bp with Calarco/Colaiacovo selection cassette conferring myo-2 GFP and G418 resistance inserted at break in parental strain N2. Heterozygotes are wild-type GFP+ mKate2+, and segregate wild-type GFP+ mKate2+ heterozygotes, GFP+ non-mKate2 sterile adults (ve819 homozygotes), sterile Dpy non-GFP mKate2+ (mT1 homozygotes), and dead eggs (aneuploids). Maintain by picking wild-type GFP+ mKate2+ and check for correct segregation of progeny. Left flanking Sequence: AGTTGATCAACACGCTATTTCACTTGGACC ; Right flanking sequence: ACTGAAAATGGTGAAAAGGCTCGAGAAATT. sgRNA #1: ACTTCCAGCAAATGAGGTTG; sgRNA #2: TAGCACTTTGTCAACCTGAA. Please reference Au et al., G3 9(1): 135-144 2019 in any work resulting from use of this mutation.