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Strain Species Genotype
SP1237 C. elegans dyf-4(m158) V. Show Description
Defective in dye filling (FITC or DiO) of amphid and phasmid neurons. Chemotaxis defective.
OE3001 C. elegans him-8(e1489) IV; dyf-4(m158) V. Show Description
Defective in dye filling (FITC or DiO) of amphid and phasmid neurons. Chemotaxis defective. Throws males.
JT11069 C. elegans xbx-1(ok279) V. Show Description
Dyf. Osm. Reduced mating efficiency (ME 2-3). Deletion extends over 1610 bp in the intron between exons 3 and 4 and ending 30 bp after the STOP codon (cosmid F02D8 pb 25954-27563 are deleted). Complements dyf-4(m158).
OE3002 C. elegans him-8(e1489) IV; xbx-1(ok279) V. Show Description
Dyf. Osm. Throws males. Reduced mating efficiency (ME 2-3). Deletion extends over 1610 bp in the intron between exons 3 and 4 and ending 30 bp after the STOP codon (cosmid F02D8 pb 25954-27563 are deleted). Complements dyf-4(m158).