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CB4851 C. elegans C. elegans wild isolate. Show Description
Wild type-slightly Unc. Tc1 pattern high copy; different from RW7000. Bergerac isolate obtained by S. Brenner from Brun group. Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate. CB subclone of Bergerac N62 (Tc1 pattern HCB). To obtain ECA243, a sequenced isolate of this wild strain, please visit the C. elegans Natural Diversity Resource at
CB4852 C. elegans Show Description
Wild type. Low Tc1 copy number; pattern X. [Obtained from Rothamsted by S. Brenner as 'Panagrellus redivivus'. Cross fertile with C. elegans N2.] Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate. CB subclone of N3 (Tc1 pattern X).
CB4853 C. elegans C. elegans wild isolate. Show Description
Isolated from Carl Johnson's organic garden in Altadena, CA in 1974. Wild type. Low copy Tc1; pattern III. Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate. CB subclone of GA-12 (Tc1 pattern III). To obtain ECA245, a sequenced isolate of this wild strain, please visit the C. elegans Natural Diversity Resource at
CB4854 C. elegans Show Description
Isolated from Carl Johnson's organic garden in Altadena, CA in 1974. Wild type. Low copy Tc1, pattern V. Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate. CB subclone of GA-9 (Tc1 pattern V).
CB4855 C. elegans C. elegans wild isolate. Show Description
NOTE: Whole-genome analysis indicates that this stock is genotypically CB4858. Users interested in this strain are encouraged to obtain a verified CB4855-derivied strain. To obtain ECA247, a sequenced isolate of this wild strain, please visit the C. elegans Natural Diversity Resource at Isolated from compost in Palo Alto, CA in 1982(?). Wild type (plg-1(e2001)). Low copy Tc1, pattern VI. Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate CB subclone of Sta-5 (Tc1 pattern VI). Original stock isolated by T. Doniach.
CB4856 C. elegans Show Description
Isolated from a pineapple field in Hawaii in 1972 by L. Hollen. Wild type. Low copy Tc1; pattern IX. C. elegans wild isolate. CB subclone of HA-8 (Tc1 pattern IX). See also WBPaper00005369. [NOTE (4-2014): Users reported abnormalities in CB4856 in late 2013 and early 2014. The current working stock at the CGC was thawed in 2-2014 from stock frozen in 1995.]
CB4857 C. elegans C. elegans wild isolate. Show Description
Isolated from decaying mushroom during rain in Claremont, CA in November 1972. Wild type. Low copy Tc1, pattern II. Reference WBG 10(2) 140-141 and 11(5) 60. Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate. CB subclone of Cl2a (Tc1 pattern II). To obtain ECA249, a sequenced isolate of this wild strain, please visit the C. elegans Natural Diversity Resource at
CB4858 C. elegans C. elegans wild isolate. Show Description
Isolated from Caltech flowerbed in the summer of 1971 (1973??) in Pasadena, CA. Wild type. Low copy Tc1; pattern XI. Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate. EM subclone of PA1 (Tc1 pattern XI). To obtain ECA251, a sequenced isolate of this wild strain, please visit the C. elegans Natural Diversity Resource at
CF301 C. elegans mab-5(e2088) III; unc-31(e169) IV; him-5(e1490) V; muIs9 X. Show Description
muIs9 [hs-mab-5 + C14G10]. Heat-shock inducible mab-5. C14G10 contains a WT copy of unc-31. muIs9 integrated by gamma irradiation.
CFJ108 C. elegans kstSi60 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
kstSi60 [LoxP + Cbr-unc-119(+) + LoxP + mlc-2p::GFP(kst32)] II. N2-like, no MLC-2::GFP fluorescence. mlc-2p::GFP(kst32) is a partial, non-functional GFP reporter used for section in MosTI, an updated technique for targeted single-copy and extra-chromosomal array insertion. Cbr-unc-119(+) is flanked by LoxP sites, facilitating removal by recombination. Reference: El Mouridi S, et al. 2022.
CFJ111 C. elegans kstSi61 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
kstSi61 [LoxP + Cbr-unc-119(+) + LoxP + hygroR(kst31)] II. N2-like, no hygromycin resistance (HygroR). hygroR(kst31) is a partial, non-functional hygromycin-resistance construct used for section in MosTI, an updated technique for targeted single-copy and extra-chromosomal array insertion. Cbr-unc-119(+) is flanked by LoxP sites, facilitating removal by recombination. Reference: El Mouridi S, et al. 2022.
CFJ184 C. elegans kstSi84 I; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
kstSi84 [LoxP + Cbr-unc-119(+) + LoxP + mlc-2p::GFP(kst32)] I. N2-like, no MLC-2::GFP fluorescence. mlc-2p::GFP(kst32) is a partial, non-functional GFP reporter used for section in MosTI, an updated technique for targeted single-copy and extra-chromosomal array insertion. Cbr-unc-119(+) is flanked by LoxP sites, facilitating removal by recombination. Reference: El Mouridi S, et al. 2022.
CFJ191 C. elegans kstSi32 I; unc-119(ed3) III; kstEx45. Show Description
kstSi32 [Cbr-unc-119(kst13)] I. kstEx45 [hsp-16.41p::Cas9::gpd-2::TagRFP-T::smu-1 3'UTR + mlc-1p::mCherry + NeoR]. Pick mCherry+ to maintain. Unc. Cbr-unc-119(kst13) is a partial unc-119 used for section in MosTI, an updated technique for targeted single-copy and extra-chromosomal array insertion. Reference: El Mouridi S, et al. 2022.
CFJ192 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; kstSi37 IV; kstEx46. Show Description
kstSi37 [Cbr-unc-119(kst13)] IV. kstEx46 [hsp-16.41p::Cas9::gpd-2::TagRFP-T::smu-1 3'UTR + mlc-1p::mCherry + NeoR]. Pick mCherry+ to maintain. Unc. Cbr-unc-119(kst13) is a partial unc-119 used for section in MosTI, an updated technique for targeted single-copy and extra-chromosomal array insertion. Reference: El Mouridi S, et al. 2022.
CFJ42 C. elegans kstSi42 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
kstSi42 [Cbr-unc-119(kst13)] II. Unc. Cbr-unc-119(kst13) is a partial unc-119 used for section in MosTI, an updated technique for targeted single-copy and extra-chromosomal array insertion. Reference: El Mouridi S, et al. 2022.
CFJ77 C. elegans kstSi32 I; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
kstSi32 [Cbr-unc-119(kst13)] I. Unc. Cbr-unc-119(kst13) is a partial unc-119 used for section in MosTI, an updated technique for targeted single-copy and extra-chromosomal array insertion. Reference: El Mouridi S, et al. 2022.
CFJ94 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; kstSi37 IV. Show Description
kstSi37 [Cbr-unc-119(kst13)] IV. Unc. Cbr-unc-119(kst13) is a partial unc-119 used for section in MosTI, an updated technique for targeted single-copy and extra-chromosomal array insertion. Reference: El Mouridi S, et al. 2022.
COP227 C. elegans oaSi41 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
oaSi41 [par-5p::GFP::par-5::par-5 3' UTR.2(prespliced) + unc-119(+)] II. MOS single copy insertion of PAR-5 under control of the PAR-5 3'UTR.2 isoform exclusively. Reference: Mikl, M. and Cowan, CR. Cell Rep. 2014 Sep 11;8(5):1380-90.
COP262 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; knuSi221. Show Description
knuSi221 [fib-1p::fib-1(genomic)::eGFP::fib-1 3' UTR + unc-119(+)]. Single copy insertion. fib-1 promoter, genomic sequence, and 3'UTR was inserted into pCFJ151 (ttTi5606) targeting vector and inserted into ttTi5605. Allen AK, Nesmith JE, and A Golden. 2014 G3:4(12)2329-43.
CV203 C. elegans rjSi1 II. Show Description
rjSi1 [cra-1p::cra-1::GFP::cra-1 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. Single copy insertion. cra-1 promoter, cra-1::GFP and 3'UTR was cloned into pCFJ150 (ttTi5605) vector and inserted into ttTi5605 of EG4322 strain. Outcrossed three times to N2 Bristol; could still carry unc-119(ed9) in the background. Superficially wild-type. This CRA-1::GFP fusion construct has been shown to be functional and its localization reflects endogenous CRA-1 localization. rjSi1 transgene can rescue synapsis defects of cra-1 mutants and restore cross-over events (six bivalents instead of the 11 to 12 univalents characteristic of cra-1 mutants). Brood size and embryonic lethality were significantly, albeit not completely, restored in the rescued line suggesting that the GFP tag might affect other CRA-1 functions. Reference: Gao J, et al. PLOS Genetics 11(3): e1005029.
CX5000 C. elegans slt-1(eh15) X. Show Description
slt-1 mutants have no dissecting-scope phenotype. They have a 40% penetrant defect in the ventral guidance of the AVM neuron scored with mec-4::GFP, a mild defect in CAN cell migration that is enhanced by a ceh-23::GFP transgene, and a mild defect in midline crossing by PVQ neurons scorable with sra-6::GFP. slt-1(eh15) is a complex rearrangement that duplicates the endogenous slt-1 gene, but disrupts both duplicated copies. The two copies are linked on X but the exact distance between them is not known. The duplication probably extends >13 kb based on Southern blotting. Deletion breakpoints for the first copy of slt-1 are as follows: nucleotides 26219 to 28163 and 28197 to 28294 in cosmid C26G2 are deleted. The second copy of slt-1 contains the following structure: nucleotides 28197 to 28294 in C26G2 are deleted, followed by a duplication of nucleotides 28300 to 28396 in C26G2 that begins 5 nucleotides after the deletion. Both copies of slt-1 are mutant, as confirmed by both DNA sequence and RT-PCR analysis of slt-1 mRNA. Scoring for homozygosity of the slt-1 allele by PCR is difficult because of the two copies of the gene and because the small deletion and the small duplication of the second copy of slt-1 are the same size. The mutant can be followed indirectly by X linkage (very closely linked to unc-3). It may be possible to make a specific primer within the duplicated region that detects a unique band in the slt-1 mutant.
DQM1035 C. elegans bmdSi284 I. Show Description
bmdSi284 [loxN::rpl-28p::TIR1(F79G)::T2A::DHB::2xmKate2] I. bmdSi284 is a single copy CRISPR/Cas9 insertion that ubiquitously co-expresses the mutant version of TIR1 for improved auxin-inducible degradation via 5-Ph-IAA and a CDK activity sensor consisting of a fragment of human DNA helicase B (DHB) fused to two copies of mKate2. Reference: Martinez MAQ, et al. Biology Open. 2022 Dec 15;11(12):bio059668. doi: 10.1242/bio.059668.
DQM298 C.elegans bmdSi86 I. Show Description
bmdSi86 [LoxN::rps-27p::DHB::GFP::P2A::H2B::mKate2] I. bmdSi86 is a single-copy CRISPR/Cas9-engineered insertion of a codon-optimized CDK sensor (amino acids 994–1087 of human DNA Helicase B (DHB) fused to GFP) co-expressed with his-58 (H2B) fused to two copies of mKate2. Reference: Adikes RC, et al. "Visualizing the metazoan proliferation-terminal differentiation decision in vivo." bioRxiv 2019.12.18.881888
DQM543 C. elegans bmdSi147 I. Show Description
bmdSi147 [loxN::rps-27p::DHB::2xmKate2::P2A::H2B::GFP] I. bmdSi147 is a single-copy CRISPR/Cas9-engineered insertion of a codon-optimized CDK sensor (amino acids 994–1087 of human DNA Helicase B (DHB) fused to two copies of mKate2) co-expressed with his-58 (H2B) fused to GFP. Reference: Adikes RC, et al. "Visualizing the metazoan proliferation-terminal differentiation decision in vivo." bioRxiv 2019.12.18.881888
DQM583 C. elegans bmdSi141 I. Show Description
bmdSi141 [loxN::eft-3p::his-58::GFP] I. Slow growing. Maintain at 15-20C. bmdSi141 is a single-copy CRISPR/Cas9-engineered insertion of HIS-58 C-terminally tagged with codon-optimized GFP and driven by the ubiquitous eft-3 promoter. Reference: Azmi MA, et al. bioRxiv 2020.10.17.344069; doi:
DQM594 C. elegans bmdSi170 I. Show Description
bmdSi170 [loxN::eft-3p::his-58::GFP::3xHA] I. Superficially wild-type. bmdSi170 is a single-copy CRISPR/Cas9-engineered insertion of HIS-58 C-terminally tagged with non-codon-optimized GFP and driven by the ubiquitous eft-3 promoter. Reference: Azmi MA, et al. bioRxiv 2020.10.17.344069; doi:
DQM662 C.elegans bmdSi200 I; bmdSi168 II. Show Description
bmdSi200 [loxN::pcn-1p::pcn-1::GFP] I. bmdSi168 [loxN::rps-27p::DHB::2x-mKate2] II. bmdSi200 is a single copy CRISPR/Cas9-engineered insertion of a full length pcn-1::GFP translational fusion under its own promoter. bmdSi168 is a single-copy CRISPR/Cas9-engineered insertion of a codon optimized CDK sensor (amino acids 994–1087 of human DNA Helicase B (DHB) fused to two copies of mKate2). Reference: Adikes RC, et al. "Visualizing the metazoan proliferation-terminal differentiation decision in vivo." bioRxiv 2019.12.18.881888
EG4887 C. elegans oxIs322 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
oxIs322 [myo-2p::mCherry::H2B + myo-3p::mCherry::H2B + Cbr-unc-119(+)]. Wild type worms with mCherry fluorescence in pharyngeal and body wall muscle. Visible on dissection microscope at high magnification. Complex transgene insertion in place of Mos1 allele ttTi5605. Useful for following "invisible" insertions at ttTi5605 site by Mos1 Single Copy gene Insertion (MosSCI). Please note: The insertion was a complex event pulling in more than one transgene and parts of the array. Therefore, the exact molecular structure of the insert is not known. Therefore the strain should NOT be used as a control for insert copy number or other detailed molecular controls of MosSCI insertions. Succesfully used as a balancer for the ttTi5605 locus.
EG6070 C. elegans oxSi221 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
oxSi221 [eft-3p::GFP + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. Broad, bright GFP fluorescence clearly visible on dissection scope. Single copy insert into MosSCI site ttTi5605 on Chr. II. Can be used as balancer.
EG6109 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; oxSi230 X. Show Description
oxSi230 [eft-3p::GFP + Cbr-unc-119(+)] X. Broad, bright GFP fluorescence. Clearly visible on dissection scope. Single copy insert into MosSCI site ttTi14024 on Chr. X. Can be used as balancer.
EG6171 C. elegans oxSi257 I; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
oxSi257 [eft-3p::GFP + Cbr-unc-119(+)] I. Broad, bright GFP fluorescence. Clearly visible on dissection scope. Single copy insert into MosSCI site ttTi4391 on Chr. I. Can be used as balancer.
EG6173 C. elegans oxSi259 I; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
oxSi259 [eft-3p::GFP + Cbr-unc-119(+)] I. Broad, bright GFP fluorescence. Clearly visible on dissection scope. Single copy insert into MosSCI site ttTi4348 on Chr. I. Can be used as balancer.
EG6401 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; oxSi346 IV. Show Description
oxSi346 [eft-3p::GFP + Cbr-unc-119(+)] IV. Broad, bright GFP fluorescence. Clearly visible on dissection scope. Single copy insert into MosSCI site cxTi10816 on Chr. IV. Can be used as balancer.
EG8078 C. elegans oxTi185 I; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
oxTi185 [ttTi5605 + NeoR(+) + unc-18(+)]. Unc. Grows best at 20C on HB101. Strain contains a universal MosSCI insertion site that is compatible with targeting vectors for the ttTi5605 site (for example, pCFJ150 derivatives). This site is generally permissive for germline expression. Transgenic animals are NeoR and carry an extra copy of unc-18(+). Please see for more details.
EG8079 C. elegans oxTi179 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
oxTi179 [ttTi5605 + NeoR(+) + unc-18(+)]. Unc. Grows best at 20C on HB101. Strain contains a universal MosSCI insertion site that is compatible with targeting vectors for the ttTi5605 site (for example, pCFJ150 derivatives). This site is generally permissive for germline expression. Transgenic animals are NeoR and carry an extra copy of unc-18(+). Please see for more details.
EG8080 C. elegans oxTi444 unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
oxTi444 [ttTi5605 + NeoR(+) + unc-18(+)]. Unc. Grows best at 20C on HB101. Strain contains a universal MosSCI insertion site that is compatible with targeting vectors for the ttTi5605 site (for example, pCFJ150 derivatives). This site is generally permissive for germline expression. Transgenic animals are NeoR and carry an extra copy of unc-18(+). Please see for more details.
EG8081 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; oxTi177 IV. Show Description
oxTi177 [ttTi5605 + NeoR(+) + unc-18(+)]. Unc. Grows best at 20C on HB101. Strain contains a universal MosSCI insertion site that is compatible with targeting vectors for the ttTi5605 site (for example, pCFJ150 derivatives). This site is generally permissive for germline expression. Transgenic animals are NeoR and carry an extra copy of unc-18(+). Please see for more details.
EG8082 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; oxTi365 V. Show Description
oxTi365 [ttTi5605 + NeoR(+) + unc-18(+)]. Unc. Grows best at 20C on HB101. Strain contains a universal MosSCI insertion site that is compatible with targeting vectors for the ttTi5605 site (for example, pCFJ150 derivatives). This site is generally permissive for germline expression. Transgenic animals are NeoR and carry an extra copy of unc-18(+). Please see for more details.
EG8083 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; oxTi354 V. Show Description
oxTi354 [myo-2p::GFP::H2B + ttTi5605 + unc-18(+)]. Unc. Grows best at 20C on HB101. Strain contains a universal MosSCI insertion site that is compatible with targeting vectors for the ttTi5605 site (for example, pCFJ150 derivatives). This site is generally permissive for germline expression. Transgenic animals contain a myo-2p::GFP::H2B construct next to the insertion site and carry an extra copy of unc-18(+). Please see for more details.
EGD224 C. elegans egxSi100 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
egxSi100 [mex-5p::GFP::pos-1 + unc-119(+)] II. Single-copy transgene expressing GFP::POS-1. Reference: Han et al, Current Biology 2017.
EGD226 C. elegans egxSi101 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
egxSi101 [mex-5p::GFP::pos-1(F121N & F164N) + unc-119(+)] II. Single-copy transgene expressing mutated POS-1 with GFP tag. GFP::POS-1 is uniformly distributed in the one-cell zygote. Reference: Han et al, Current Biology 2017.
EGD263 C. elegans egxSi100 II; unc-119(ed3) III; mex-5(egx1[F294N & F339N]) IV. Show Description
egxSi100 [mex-5p::GFP::pos-1 + unc-119(+)] II. Single-copy transgene expressing GFP::POS-1. mex-5(egx1[F294N, F339N]) modifies the endogenous mex-5 locus to disrupt zinc finger motifs. Reference: Han et al, Current Biology 2017.
EGD271 C. elegans egxSi109 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
egxSi109 [mex-5p::GFP::pos-1(S199A, S210A, S216A, S237A & T242A) + unc-119(+)] II. Single-copy transgene expressing mutated POS-1 with GFP tag. GFP::POS-1 is uniformly distributed in the cytoplasm of the one-cell zygote. Reference: Han et al, Current Biology 2017.
EGD273 C. elegans egxSi110 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
egxSi110 [mex-5p::GFP::pos-1(S199D, S210D, S216D, S237D & T242D) + unc-119(+)] II. Single-copy transgene expressing mutated POS-1 with GFP tag. GFP::POS-1 is uniformly distributed in the cytoplasm of the one-cell zygote. Reference: Han et al, Current Biology 2017.
EGD282 C. elegans egxSi100 II; unc-119(ed3) III; mex-5(egx2[T186A]) IV. Show Description
egxSi100 [mex-5p::GFP::pos-1 + unc-119(+)] II. Single-copy transgene expressing GFP::POS-1 forms a weaker gradient in the cytoplasm of the one-cell zygote than in wild-type. Reference: Han et al, Current Biology 2017.
EGD334 C. elegans egxSi100 II; plk-1(egx3[C52V, L115G]); unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
egxSi100 [mex-5p::GFP::pos-1 + unc-119(+)] II. Single-copy transgene expressing GFP::POS-1. Reference: Han et al, Current Biology 2017.
ERC102 C. elegans ieSi57 II; smc-3(syb5520[smc-3::GGGGS::AID::emGFP]) III. Show Description
ieSi57 [eft-3p::TIR1::mRuby::unc-54 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. Single copy transgene inserted into chromosome II (oxTi179) expressing modified Arabidopsis thaliana TIR1 tagged with mRuby in the soma. Degron and emGFP tag inserted into endogenous smc-3 locus. Derived by crossing parental strains PHX5520 with CA1200. Reference:
ERC103 C. elegans ieSi57 II; wapl-1(syb6035[wapl-1::GGGGS::AID::emGFP]) IV. Show Description
ieSi57 [eft-3p::TIR1::mRuby::unc-54 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. Single copy transgene inserted into chromosome II (oxTi179) expressing modified Arabidopsis thaliana TIR1 tagged with mRuby in the soma. Degron and emGFP tag inserted into endogenous smc-3 locus. Derived by crossing parental strains PHX6035 with CA1200. Reference:
ERC82 C. elegans ieSi57 II; ers54[dpy-27::degron::GFP] III. Show Description
ieSi57 [eft-3p::TIR1::mRuby::unc-54 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. Degron::GFP tag inserted into the endogenous dpy-27 locus. Dumpy, Him, X chromosome dosage compensation hypomorph. ieSi57 is a single-copy transgene insertion into chromosome II (oxTi179) expressing modified Arabidopsis thaliana TIR1 tagged with mRuby in the soma. This strain can be used for auxin-inducible degradation (AID) of target proteins in somatic tissues. Reference: Morao AK, et al. Mol Cell. 2022 Nov 17;82(22):4202-4217.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2022.10.002. PMID: 36302374.
ERC83 C. elegans ieSi57 ers55[top-2::degron::GFP] II. Show Description
ieSi57 [eft-3p::TIR1::mRuby::unc-54 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. Degron tag inserted into the endogenous top-2 locus. ieSi57 is a single-copy transgene insertion into chromosome II (oxTi179) expressing modified Arabidopsis thaliana TIR1 tagged with mRuby in the soma. This strain can be used for auxin-inducible degradation (AID) of target proteins in somatic tissues. Reference: Morao AK, et al. Mol Cell. 2022 Nov 17;82(22):4202-4217.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2022.10.002. PMID: 36302374.