BP395 |
C. elegans |
hyEx167. Show Description
hyEx167 [4.5kb aff-1p::GFP transcriptional fusion + rol-6(su1006)]. Shows cytoplasmic GFP expression in embryonic hyp5. In L1 hermaphrodite larva, aff-1::GFP is expressed in pharyngeal muscle 3 and 5, in sheath cells of chemosensory neurons, and in tail neurons. In L3 hermaphrodites, the transgene is expressed in the anchor cell; this expression proceeds in L4 along with expression in the utse cells, the seam cells and cells of vulval rings A and D. In adults, aff-1::GFP is expressed in the sheath cells of chemosensory neurons and in head interneurons, uterus toroids 2 and 4, in the vulva VulD, utse, and seam cells. Worms of hyEx167 are slightly Egl. Maintain by picking Rollers.
BP600 |
C. elegans |
aff-1(tm2214) II. Show Description
A 1.2 kb deletion in aff-1 (C44B7.3) which introduce stop codon after alanine 47. AFF-1 is a type I membrane protein necessary and sufficient for specific cell fusion events during embryonic and larval development. Temperature sensitivity was not detected. At 20° the fusion of hyp5 in the embryo does not occur as well as anchor cell (AC) fusion, vulval cells fusion of the A and D rings and the terminal fusion between the seam cells late in L4. 6% L1 rod-like lethal and 0% embryonic lethal. Adults are completely Egl, and partially Unc, Pvl. In addition, only 2% of AC in the mutant worms undergo fusion. These animals give very low brood size (16 progeny per worm) and 3.4% of the worms are sterile. This strain gives very small brood size and hence grows slowly. Originally from Shohei Mitani, Tokyo Women's Medical College, Tokyo, Japan.