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Strain Species Genotype
DA1302 C. elegans avr-14(ad1305) I; avr-15(ad1051) V. Show Description
Moderate resistance to ivermectin. NOTE: originally described as carrying ad1302, but reported to actually be ad1305; see strain JD740 for verified avr-14(ad1302) I; avr-15(ad1051) V double mutant. Do not distribute this strain; other labs should request it from the CGC.
DA1316 C. elegans avr-14(ad1305) I; avr-15(vu227) glc-1(pk54) V. Show Description
Highly resistant to ivermectin. This strain cannot be sent to commercial recipients without approval from UT Southwestern. Do not distribute this strain; other labs should request it from the CGC. Received new stock 5/21/08. [NOTE: The correct genotype of this strain is avr-14(ad1305) I; avr-15(vu227) glc-1(pk54) V. This strain was incorrectly annotated as avr-14(ad1302) I; avr-15(ad1051) glc-1(pk54) V. when submitted to the CGC.]
JD608 C. elegans avr-14(ad1302) I; avr-15(ad1051) glc-1(pk54) V. Show Description
Slow pumping. High reversal frequency. Ivermectin resistant. This strain is a replacement for the strain DA1316 currently in the CGC stock and whose genotype is actually avr-14(ad1305) I; avr-15(vu227) glc-1(pk54) V. Reference: Dent et al., 2000, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 97(6): 2674-2679.