COP227 |
C. elegans |
oaSi41 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
oaSi41 [par-5p::GFP::par-5::par-5 3' UTR.2(prespliced) + unc-119(+)] II. MOS single copy insertion of PAR-5 under control of the PAR-5 3'UTR.2 isoform exclusively. Reference: Mikl, M. and Cowan, CR. Cell Rep. 2014 Sep 11;8(5):1380-90.
COP262 |
C. elegans |
unc-119(ed3) III; knuSi221. Show Description
knuSi221 [fib-1p::fib-1(genomic)::eGFP::fib-1 3' UTR + unc-119(+)]. Single copy insertion. fib-1 promoter, genomic sequence, and 3'UTR was inserted into pCFJ151 (ttTi5606) targeting vector and inserted into ttTi5605. Allen AK, Nesmith JE, and A Golden. 2014 G3:4(12)2329-43.
CV203 |
C. elegans |
rjSi1 II. Show Description
rjSi1 [cra-1p::cra-1::GFP::cra-1 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. Single copy insertion. cra-1 promoter, cra-1::GFP and 3'UTR was cloned into pCFJ150 (ttTi5605) vector and inserted into ttTi5605 of EG4322 strain. Outcrossed three times to N2 Bristol; could still carry unc-119(ed9) in the background. Superficially wild-type. This CRA-1::GFP fusion construct has been shown to be functional and its localization reflects endogenous CRA-1 localization. rjSi1 transgene can rescue synapsis defects of cra-1 mutants and restore cross-over events (six bivalents instead of the 11 to 12 univalents characteristic of cra-1 mutants). Brood size and embryonic lethality were significantly, albeit not completely, restored in the rescued line suggesting that the GFP tag might affect other CRA-1 functions. Reference: Gao J, et al. PLOS Genetics 11(3): e1005029.
CY251 |
C. elegans |
sqt-1(sc13) age-1(mg44) II; bvIs2. Show Description
bvIs2 contains [ric-19p::age-1(cDNA)::myc::unc-54 3'UTR + mec-7::GFP]. sqt-1(sc13) causes recessive left-handed rollers. bvIs2 rescues mg44 dauer arrest and partially rescues mg44 longevity. Array can be detected by PCR (Fwd: 5'-GCA CAG TTT TAC GAA AGG AAC-3' / Rev: 5'-ACC ATC GTT TGC AGT TGT GG-3'). Reference: Iser WB, Gami MS, Wolkow CA. Dev Biol. 2007 Mar 15;303(2):434-47.
CY262 |
C. elegans |
sqt-1(sc13) age-1(mg44) II; bvIs1. Show Description
bvIs1 contains [ges-1p::age-1(cDNA)::unc-54 3'UTR + mec-7::GFP]. sqt-1(sc13) causes recessive left-handed rollers. bvIs1 rescues mg44 dauer arrest and partially rescues mg44 longevity. Array can be detected by PCR (Fwd: 5'-GTC ATT TTG GCA CCA TAG GAG-3' / Rev: 5'-ACC ATC GTT TGC AGT TGT GG-3'). Reference: Iser WB, Gami MS, Wolkow CA. Dev Biol. 2007 Mar 15;303(2):434-47.
CYA11 |
C. elegans |
ldrIs1; eeeIs1. Show Description
ldrIs1 [dhs-3p::dhs-3::GFP + unc-76(+)]. eeeIs1 [unc-54p::Htt513(Q15)::YFP::unc-45 3'UTR]. Derived by crossing parental strains LIU1 and EAK102. YFP is fused to a fragment of mutant human Huntingtin protein; expression in body wall muscle cells. dhs-3::GFP is expressed mainly in intestinal cells and localized to intestinal lipid droplets.
CYA12 |
C. elegans |
ldrIs1; eeeIs2. Show Description
ldrIs1 [dhs-3p::dhs-3::GFP + unc-76(+)]. eeeIs2 [unc-54p::Htt513(Q128)::YFP::unc-54 3'UTR]. Motility defect. Derived by crossing parental strains LIU1 and EAK103. YFP is fused to a fragment of mutant human Huntingtin protein; expression in body wall muscle cells of the pharynx in adults and punctate expression in body wall muscle cells of larval animals. dhs-3::GFP is expressed mainly in intestinal cells and localized to intestinal lipid droplets.
CYA13 |
C. elegans |
frSi17 II; rde-1(ne300) V; ldrIs1. Show Description
frSi17 [mtl- 2p::rde-1 3'UTR] II. ldrIs1 [dhs-3p::dhs-3::GFP + unc-76(+)]. RDE-1 activity is rescued in the intestine, making animals RNAi-deficient except for intestinal tissues. Derived by crossing parental strains IG1839 and LIU1. dhs-3::GFP is expressed mainly in intestinal cells and localized to intestinal lipid droplets. frSi17 inserted into ttTi5605 site.
CYA6 |
C. elegans |
rexEx4. Show Description
rexEx4 [myo-2p::mCherry::P2A::Flag::UltraID::unc-54 3'UTR]. Pick mCherry+ to maintain. Mosaic expression of red fluorescence (mCherry) in pharynx. P2A is the self-cleaving peptide sequence.
CYA7 |
C. elegans |
rexEx5. Show Description
rexEx5 [ges-1p::mCherry::P2A::Flag::UltraID::unc-54 3'UTR]. Pick mCherry+ to maintain. Mosaic expression of red fluorescence (mCherry) in the intestine. P2A is the self-cleaving peptide sequence.
CYA8 |
C. elegans |
rexEx6. Show Description
rexEx6 [myo-3p::mCherry::P2A::Flag::UltraID::unc-54 3'UTR]. Pick mCherry+ to maintain. Mosaic expression of red fluorescence (mCherry) in body-wall muscle; punctate mCherry signals in some animals. P2A is the self-cleaving peptide sequence.
CZ24092 |
C. elegans |
gip-2(lt19[gip-2::GFP::loxP::Cbr-unc-119(+)::loxP]) I; ltSi953 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
ltSi953 [mec-18p::vhhGFP4::ZIF-1::operon-linker::mKate2::tbb-2 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. GFP tag inserted into the C-terminus of the endogenous gip-2 locus using CRISPR-Cas9 engineering. Tissue-specific expression of GFP nanobody::ZIF-1 fusion promotes ubiquitylation and subsequent degradation of GFP-tagged gip-2 protein in touch receptor neurons. Touch receptor neurons are red labeled with mKate2. Reference: Development. 2017 Jul 15;144(14):2694-2701. PMID: 28619826.
CZ24274 |
C. elegans |
dhc-1(lt45[dhc-1::GFP]) I; ltSi953 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
ltSi953 [mec-18p::vhhGFP4::ZIF-1::operon-linker::mKate2::tbb-2 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. GFP tag inserted into the C-terminus of the endogenous dhc-1 locus using CRISPR-Cas9 engineering. Tissue-specific expression of GFP nanobody::ZIF-1 fusion promotes ubiquitylation and subsequent degradation of GFP-tagged dhc-1 protein in touch receptor neurons. Touch receptor neurons are red labeled with mKate2. Reference: Development. 2017 Jul 15;144(14):2694-2701. PMID: 28619826.
CZ26389 |
C. elegans |
esyt-2(ju1408) III. Show Description
CRISPR-engineered deletion of esyt-2 from middle of 5'UTR to middle of 3'UTR using guide RNAs crCP01 (GGTTTCAGTAATTGTGGGCT) and
crCP02 (GTGCACTTACGGGTTGTAGG). Superficially wild-type. Reference: Piggott CA, et al. Genetics. 2021 Apr 19;iyab063. doi: 10.1093/genetics/iyab063. PMID: 33871019.
DCL569 |
C. elegans |
mkcSi13 II; rde-1(mkc36) V. Show Description
mkcSi13 [sun-1p::rde-1::sun-1 3'UTR + unc-119(+)] II. Germline rescue of the rde-1(mkc36) indel mutation, allowing germline-specific RNAi. Reference: Zou L, et al. Scientific Reports Volume 9, Article number: 2354 (2019) "Construction of a germline-specific RNAi tool in C. elegans."
DCR9089 |
C elegans |
olaIs138 IV. Show Description
olaIs138 [ttx-3p::SL2::HYlight::let-858 3'UTR + elt-7p::mCherry] IV. Expression of HYlight, a codon-optimized biosensor that responds to changing levels of FBP in cells, in the neuron pair AIY. Derived by UV/TMP insertion of the olaEx5367 transgene. Reference: Wolfe AD, et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2024 Jan 16;121(3):e2314699121. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2314699121. PMID: 38198527.
DE112 |
C. elegans |
sup-46(qa710) I; dnSi4 II; unc-119(ed9) III. Show Description
dnSi4 [gna-1::GFP::gna-1 3UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] inserted into ttTi5605 on LG II. Unknown if unc-119(ed9) III is homozygous or heterozygous in this strain.
DE116 |
C. elegans |
dnSi9II; unc-119(ed9) III. Show Description
dnSi9 [sup-46::GFP::sup-46 3UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] inserted into ttTi5605 on LG II. Strong nuclear-localized GFP expression (expression from dnIs22 is brighter).
DLW109 |
C. elegans |
wrdSi23 I; unc-104(knu973[unc-104::AID]) II. Show Description
wrdSi23 [eft-3p::TIR1:F2A:mTagBFP:tbb2 3' UTR:: loxP] I. wrdSi23 is inserted at ttTi4348 (I: -5.32 cM). Pan-somatic expression of TIR1 co-factor for AID, and expression of AID-tagged blue protein in somatic nuclei. Auxin-inducible degradation (AID) tag inserted at C-terminus of endogenous unc-104 locus by CRISPR/Cas9. Can be used for auxin-induced immobilization of worms for live imaging. References: Cahoon CK and Libuda DE. bioRxiv 2021.05.25.445686; doi: Ashley GE, et al. Genetics. 2021 Mar 31;217(3):iyab006. doi: 10.1093/genetics/iyab006. PMID: 33677541
DLW110 |
C. elegans |
wrdSi23 I; unc-18(knu969[unc-18::AID]) X. Show Description
wrdSi23 [eft-3p::TIR1:F2A:mTagBFP:tbb2 3' UTR:: loxP] I. wrdSi23 is inserted at ttTi4348 (I: -5.32 cM). Pan-somatic expression of TIR1 co-factor for AID, and expression of AID-tagged blue protein in somatic nuclei. Auxin-inducible degradation (AID) tag inserted at C-terminus of endogenous unc-18 locus by CRISPR/Cas9. Can be used for auxin-induced immobilization of worms for live imaging. References: Cahoon CK and Libuda DE. bioRxiv 2021.05.25.445686; doi: Ashley GE, et al. Genetics. 2021 Mar 31;217(3):iyab006. doi: 10.1093/genetics/iyab006. PMID: 33677541
DLW112 |
C. elegans |
reSi7 I; unc-104(knu973[unc-104::AID]) II. Show Description
reSi7 [rgef-1p::TIR1::F2A::mTagBFP2::AID*::NLS::tbb-2 3'UTR] (I:-5.32). Neuronal-specific expression of TIR1 co-factor for AID, and tissue-specific AID-tagged blue protein in neuronal nuclei. Auxin-inducible degradation (AID) tag inserted at C-terminus of endogenous unc-104 locus by CRISPR/Cas9. Can be used for auxin-induced immobilization of worms for live imaging. Strain generated by crossing endogenously tagged unc-104::AID into DV3805. reSi7 is at -5.32 cM. References: Cahoon CK and Libuda DE. bioRxiv 2021.05.25.445686; doi: Ashley GE, et al. Genetics. 2021 Mar 31;217(3):iyab006. doi: 10.1093/genetics/iyab006. PMID: 33677541
DLW114 |
C. elegans |
reSi7 I; unc-18(knu969[unc-18::AID]) X. Show Description
reSi7 [rgef-1p::TIR1::F2A::mTagBFP2::AID*::NLS::tbb-2 3'UTR] (I:-5.32). Neuronal-specific expression of TIR1 co-factor for AID, and tissue-specific AID-tagged blue protein in neuronal nuclei. Auxin-inducible degradation (AID) tag inserted at C-terminus of endogenous unc-18 locus by CRISPR/Cas9. Can be used for auxin-induced immobilization of worms for live imaging. Strain generated by crossing endogenously tagged unc-104::AID into DV3805. reSi7 is at -5.32 cM. References: Cahoon CK and Libuda DE. bioRxiv 2021.05.25.445686; doi: Ashley GE, et al. Genetics. 2021 Mar 31;217(3):iyab006. doi: 10.1093/genetics/iyab006. PMID: 33677541
DLW124 |
C. elegans |
wrdSi22 I; unc-52(knu968[AID::unc-52]) II. Show Description
wrdSi22 [eft-3p::TIR1:F2A:mTagBFP::tbb2 3' UTR::SEC[LoxP + let-858 term + sqt-1(d) + hs::Cre + hygR + unc-54 term + LoxP]] I. wrdSi22 is inserted at ttTi4348 (-5.32 cM). Pick Rollers to maintain animals retaining the SEC in the insertion. SEC can be removed by heat shock-induced excision according to the protocol in Dickinson et. al. Genetics 2015. Pan-somatic expression of TIR1 co-factor for AID, and expression of AID-tagged blue protein in somatic nuclei. Auxin-inducible degradation (AID) tag inserted at N-terminus of endogenous unc-52 locus by CRISPR/Cas9. References: Cahoon CK and Libuda DE. bioRxiv 2021.05.25.445686; doi: Ashley GE, et al. Genetics. 2021 Mar 31;217(3):iyab006. doi: 10.1093/genetics/iyab006. PMID: 33677541
DQM104 |
C. elegans |
bmdSi15 I. Show Description
bmdSi15 [loxN + eef-1A.1p::GFP(1-10)::unc-54 3? UTR + let-858 terminator + myo-2p::mCherry::3xHA::tbb-2 3? UTR + loxP] I. bmdSi15 is a CRISPR-based integration into the ttTi4348 site (I:-5.32). Somatic expression of sfGFP(1-10) driven by the eft-3 promoter. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated recombination was used to insert eef-1a.1p::GFP into the standard MosSCI insertion site ttTi4348. Reference: Reference: Costa DS, et al. Development. 2023 May 1;150(9):dev201570. doi: 10.1242/dev.201570. PMID: 37039075.
DQM1118 |
C. elegans |
icbSi228 II; unc-119(ed3) III; ama-1(ers49[ama-1::degron::gfp]) IV. Show Description
icbSi228 [ttTi5605_right::wrt-2p::wCherry::Dam:linker:egl-13NLS::vhhGFP4::unc-54::unc-119 3'UTR::unc-119::unc-119p::ttTi5605_left)] II. Wild-type growth and movement.
DQM1126 |
C. elegans |
icbSi228 II; unc-119(ed3) III; had-1(bmd134[had-1::GFP::loxP]) V. Show Description
icbSi228 [ttTi5605_right::wrt-2p::wcherry::Dam:linker:egl-13NLS:vhhGFP4::unc-54::unc1193'UTR::unc-119::unc-119p::ttTi5605_left)] II. Wild-type growth and movement.
DV3799 |
C. elegans |
reSi1 I. Show Description
reSi1 [col-10p::TIR1::F2A::mTagBFP2::AID*::NLS::tbb-2 3'UTR] (I:-5.32). Hypodermal-specific expression of TIR1 co-factor for AID, and tissue-specific AID-tagged blue protein in hypodermal nuclei.
DV3800 |
C. elegans |
reSi2 II. Show Description
reSi2 [col-10p::TIR1::F2A::mTagBFP2::AID*::NLS::tbb-2 3'UTR] (II:0.77). Hypodermal-specific expression of TIR1 co-factor for AID, and tissue-specific AID-tagged blue protein in hypodermal nuclei.
DV3801 |
C. elegans |
reSi3 I. Show Description
reSi3 [unc-54p::TIR1::F2A::mTagBFP2::AID*::NLS::tbb-2 3'UTR] (I:-5.32). Muscle-specific expression of TIR1 co-factor for AID, and tissue-specific AID-tagged blue protein in muscle nuclei.
DV3803 |
C. elegans |
reSi5 I. Show Description
reSi5 [ges-1p::TIR1::F2A::mTagBFP2::AID*::NLS::tbb-2 3'UTR] (I:-5.32). Intestinal-specific expression of TIR1 co-factor for AID, and tissue-specific AID-tagged blue protein in intestinal nuclei.
DV3805 |
C. elegans |
reSi7 I. Show Description
reSi7 [rgef-1p::TIR1::F2A::mTagBFP2::AID*::NLS::tbb-2 3'UTR] (I:-5.32). Neuronal-specific expression of TIR1 co-factor for AID, and tissue-specific AID-tagged blue protein in neuronal nuclei. NOTE: PCR detection of this insert using the published primers has been reported to be defective. Neuronal-specific expression of blue fluorescent protein is still observed and neuronal-specific depletion of AID-tagged proteins has been reported. As such, the construct is inferred to be functional but will need to be tracked in strain constructions via a different method.
DV3825 |
C. elegans |
reSi11 II. Show Description
reSi11 [unc-54p::TIR1::F2A::mTagBFP2::AID*::NLS::tbb-2 3'UTR] (II:0.77). Muscle-specific expression of TIR1 co-factor for AID, and tissue-specific AID-tagged blue protein in muscle nuclei.
DV3826 |
C. elegans |
reSi12 II. Show Description
reSi12 [ges-1p::TIR1::F2A::mTagBFP2::AID*::NLS::tbb-2 3'UTR] (II:0.77). Intestinal-specific expression of TIR1 co-factor for AID, and tissue-specific AID-tagged blue protein in intestinal nuclei.
DWP294 |
C. elegans |
rhIs2. Show Description
rhIs2 [pat-3::HA::GFP]. rhIs2 contains cosmid-derived full-length pat-3, including 5 kb 5UTR and 1 kb 3 UTR, with HA and GFP(S65C) tags inserted prior to the pat-3 stop codon. Reference: Plenefisch JD, et al. Development. 2000 127(6):1197-207. doi: 10.1242/dev.127.6.1197.
DZ841 |
C. elegans |
tra-1(ez72[biotag::GFP::TEV::3xflag::tra-1]) III; zuIs236. Show Description
tra-1(ez72[biotag::GFP::TEV::3xflag::tra-1]) III. zuIs236 [his-72(1 kb 5'UTR)::BIRA::GFP::his-72(1 kb 3'UTR) + unc-119(+)]. Location of zuIs236 is not known, but is not in LG III.
EAG16 |
C. elegans |
eagIs6[*fxIs10] II. Show Description
eagIs6 [spn-4p::jGCaMP7s::pie-1 3'UTR + HygR [*fxIs10] ] II. CaFE reporter (calcium inducible fluorescence in germline). Calcium-inducible fluorescent jGCaMP7s protein codon-optimized for elegans and expressed in germline enables visualization of calcium wave upon fertilization. Reference: Toperzer KM, et al. Biol Open. 2023 Sep 15;12(9):bio059832. PMID: 37602653.
EAG25 |
C. elegans |
eagIs6[*fxIs10] ujIs113 II. Show Description
eagIs6 [spn-4p::jGCaMP7s::pie-1 3'UTR + HygR [*fxIs10] ] II. ujIs113 [pie-1p::mCherry::H2B::pie-1 3'UTR + nhr-2p::his-24::mCherry::let-858 3'UTR + unc-119(+)]. CaFE reporter (calcium inducible fluorescence in germline). Calcium-inducible fluorescent jGCaMP7s protein codon-optimized for elegans and expressed in germline enables visualization of calcium wave upon fertilization. H2::mCherry marks germline nuclei. Reference: Toperzer KM, et al. Biol Open. 2023 Sep 15;12(9):bio059832. PMID: 37602653.
EAG28 |
C. elegans |
eagIs6[*fxIs10] II; ltIs44 IV. Show Description
eagIs6 [spn-4p::jGCaMP7s::pie-1 3'UTR + HygR [*fxIs10] ] II. ltIs44 [pie-1p::mCherry::PH(PLC1delta1) + unc-119(+)] IV. CaFE reporter (calcium inducible fluorescence in germline). Calcium-inducible fluorescent jGCaMP7s protein codon-optimized for elegans and expressed in germline enables visualization of calcium wave upon fertilization. mCherry::PH marks cell membranes. Reference: Toperzer KM, et al. Biol Open. 2023 Sep 15;12(9):bio059832. PMID: 37602653.
EAK102 |
C. elegans |
eeeIs1. Show Description
eeeIs1 [unc-54p::Htt513(Q15)::YFP::unc-45 3'UTR]. YFP expression in body wall muscle cells. YFP is fused to a fragment of mutant human Huntingtin protein. Reference: Lee AL. et al. PLoS One. 2017 Mar 10;12(3):e0173644. [NOTE: The transgene in this strain was previously described as using the unc-45 promoter, but it is actually the unc-54 promoter.]
EAK103 |
C. elegans |
eeeIs2. Show Description
eeeIs2 [unc-54p::Htt513(Q128)::YFP::unc-45 3'UTR]. Motility defect. YFP expression in body wall muscle cells. YFP is fused to a fragment of mutant human Huntingtin protein. Reference: Lee AL. et al. PLoS One. 2017 Mar 10;12(3):e0173644. [NOTE: The transgene in this strain was previously described as using the unc-45 promoter, but it is actually the unc-54 promoter.]
EG5389 |
C. elegans |
oxIs494 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
oxIs494 [peel-1p::GFP::peel-1 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. GFP is expressed in the spermatogenic germline. During spermatogenesis, GFP remains in the residual body and is not packaged into sperm. Reference: Seidel HS, et al. PLoS Biol. 2011 Jul;9(7):e1001115.
EG5767 |
C. elegans |
qqIr7 I; oxSi78 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
qqIr7 [peel-1(qq99)] I. oxSi78 [peel-1p::peel-1 (introns included)::GFP::peel-1 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. Genetic background is a mixture of N2 and wild isolate EG4348. The oxSi78 insertion produces a PEEL-1::GFP translational fusion. PEEL-1::GFP is expressed in the spermatogenic germline and packaged into sperm. PEEL-1::GFP appears to localize to fibrous body-membranous organelles. PEEL-1::GFP does not rescue peel-1(qq99). Reference: Seidel HS, et al. PLoS Biol. 2011 Jul;9(7):e1001115.
EG5801 |
C. elegans |
oxSi87 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
oxSi87 [peel-1p::N-terminal 12 amino acids of PEEL-1::GFP::peel-1 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. GFP is expressed in the spermatogenic germline. During spermatogenesis, GFP is packaged into sperm. Reference: Seidel HS, et al. PLoS Biol. 2011 Jul;9(7):e1001115.
EG5897 |
C. elegans |
oxSi120 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
oxSi120 [peel-1p::tagRFP::msp-142 3'UTR + unc-119(+)]. Reference: Batchelder EL, et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Jul 12;108(28):11429-34.
EG6053 |
C. elegans |
oxSi212 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
oxSi212 [pie-1p::GFP::mCherry::H2B::gld-2 3'UTR::operonGFP::H2B::cye-1UTR] II. Maintain under normal conditions; expression is stable. Superficially wildtype. Bright, nuclear mCherry and GFP fluorescence in germline. Reference: Frokjaer-Jensen C, et al. Nat Methods. 2012 Jan 30;9(2):117-8.
EG6629 |
C. elegans |
oxIs565 II; oxTi80 III; oxSi199 IV. Show Description
oxIs565 [dpy-30p::frt::mCherry::frt::GFP::H2B + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. Ubiquitous mCherry expression. Green nuclei after FLP activity. Integration into ttTi5605 mosSCI site (II:0.77). oxTi80 [eft-3p::GFP::H2B::tbb-2 3'UTR + unc-18(+)] III. Nuclear, green fluorescence is broadly expressed (in most cells). Integration into chr. III: 21.21. oxSi199 [unc-57p::tdTomato + unc-119(+)] IV. Synaptic red fluorescence visible on fluorescence dissecting scope. Integration into cxTi10882 mosSCI site (IV:-0.05). Combined fluorescent balancer strain for LG II, LG III and LG IV.
EG6787 |
C. elegans |
oxSi487 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
oxSi487 [mex-5p::mCherry::H2B::tbb-2 3'UTR::gpd-2 operon::GFP::H2B::cye-1 3'UTR + unc-119(+)] II. MosSCI insertion into ttTi5605 site on Chr II. unc-119 rescue, bright nuclear GFP and nuclear mCherry fluorescence in germline.
EG7212 |
C. elegans |
oxTi330 III; gaIs283. Show Description
oxTi330 [eft-3p::tdTomato::H2B::unc-54 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)]. gaIs283 [unc-54p::GFP::H2B, myo-3p::GFP::H2B, col-93p::GFP::H2B, ref-1p::GFP::H2B], unmapped. Maintain at 20C; somewhat sick at 25C. Broad, nuclear red fluorescence. pCFJ453 inserted into unc-119(ed3) III (11X outcross) background. Crossed to SD1780. unc-119(ed3) may be in background. Please see for exact insertion site.
EG7213 |
C. elegans |
oxTi331 I; gaIs283. Show Description
oxTi331 [eft-3p::tdTomato::H2B::unc-54 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)]. gaIs283 [unc-54p::GFP::H2B, myo-3p::GFP::H2B, col-93p::GFP::H2B, ref-1p::GFP::H2B], unmapped. Maintain at 20C; somewhat sick at 25C. Broad, nuclear red fluorescence. pCFJ453 inserted into unc-119(ed3) III (11X outcross) background. Crossed to SD1780. unc-119(ed3) may be in background. Please see for exact insertion site.
EG7214 |
C. elegans |
oxTi333 X; gaIs283. Show Description
oxTi333 [eft-3p::tdTomato::H2B::unc-54 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)]. gaIs283 [unc-54p::GFP::H2B, myo-3p::GFP::H2B, col-93p::GFP::H2B, ref-1p::GFP::H2B], unmapped. Maintain at 20C; somewhat sick at 25C. Broad, nuclear red fluorescence. pCFJ453 inserted into unc-119(ed3) III (11X outcross) background. Crossed to SD1780. unc-119(ed3) may be in background. Please see for exact insertion site.