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BR7205 C.elegans endu-2(by190[endu-2::eGFP]) X. Show Description
eGFP tag inserted into the endogenous endu-2 locus. Reference: Qi W, et al. (2020) A secreted endoribonuclease ENDU-2 from the soma protects germline immortality in C. elegans. BioRxiv. doi: 10.1101/2020.12.04.408260. Accepted by Nature Communications.
BR7295 C.elegans endu-2(tm4977) X; byEx1375. Show Description
byEx1375 [endu-2p::endu-2::eGFP + myo-2p::mCherry]. Pick mCherry+ animals to maintain array. Transgene rescues mortal germline (Mrt) phenotype of endu-2(tm4977). Reference: Qi W, et al. (2020) A secreted endoribonuclease ENDU-2 from the soma protects germline immortality in C. elegans. BioRxiv. doi: 10.1101/2020.12.04.408260. Accepted by Nature Communications.
BR7827 C.elegans endu-2(tm4977) X; byEx1551. Show Description
byEx1551 [vha-6p::endu-2::eGFP::3xFLAG + myo-2p::mCherry]. Pick mCherry+ animals to maintain array. Transgene provides intestinal rescue of endu-2(tm4977) that also rescues mortal germline (Mrt) phenotype. Reference: Qi W, et al. (2020) A secreted endoribonuclease ENDU-2 from the soma protects germline immortality in C. elegans. BioRxiv. doi: 10.1101/2020.12.04.408260. Accepted by Nature Communications.
BR8551 C.elegans endu-2(tm4977) X; byEx1795. Show Description
byEx1795 [unc-119p::endu-2::eGFP::3xFlag + rol-6(su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain. Transgene provides neuronal rescue of endu-2(tm4977) that also rescues mortal germline (Mrt) phenotype. Reference: Qi W, et al. (2020) A secreted endoribonuclease ENDU-2 from the soma protects germline immortality in C. elegans. BioRxiv. doi: 10.1101/2020.12.04.408260. Accepted by Nature Communications.
BS1175 C. elegans cdk-4(gv3) X; ozEx76. Show Description
ozEx76 [cdk-4p::CDK-4::GFP + sur-5::DsRed)]. Maintain by picking DsRed+. ozEx76 is unstable; strain exhibits high levels of lethality and sterilty. ~10% of progeny are fertile. Reference: Fox PM, et al. Development. 2011 Jun;138(11):2223-34.
BS3727 C. elegans lip-1(ok154) IV. Show Description
Temperature-sensitive allele. Can be grown at 20C with reduced fertility. Defects in pachytene progression, small oocyte formation and Emo are highly penetrant at 25C. ok154 is a null allele; 1504 bp deletion from -156 bp to +1348 bp, removes the start codon. Reference: Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. Das D, et al. 2022 Jan 18;119(3):e2113649119. PMID: 35022236
BW1634 C. elegans nob-1(ct223)/qC1 [dpy-19(e1259) glp-1(q339)] III. Show Description
WT hermaphrodites that segregate WT, Dpy Steriles and Nob larvae. The Nob phenotype results in 100% lethality. Maintain by picking WT.
BX10 C. elegans ads-1(wa3) III. Show Description
Deficient in synthesis of ether-linked lipids. Contains high content of saturated fatty acids. Reference: Shi X, et al. J Lipid Res. 2016 Feb;57(2):265-75.
BX14 C. elegans elo-1(wa7) IV. Show Description
Reduced fatty acid elongation.
BX17 C. elegans fat-4(wa14) IV. Show Description
No delta5 fatty acid desaturase activity.
BX24 C. elegans fat-1(wa9) IV. Show Description
No N3 fatty acid desaturase activity.
BX259 C. elegans acl-7(wa20) II. Show Description
Deficient in synthesis of ether-linked lipids. Contains high content of saturated fatty acids. Reference: Shi X, et al. J Lipid Res. 2016 Feb;57(2):265-75.
BX26 C. elegans fat-2(wa17) IV. Show Description
No delta 12 fatty acid desaturase activity. Slow growing. Unc. Dpy. Cold sensitive - maintain at 20C or higher.
BX275 C. elegans fard-1(wa28) X. Show Description
Deficient in synthesis of ether-linked lipids. Contains high content of saturated fatty acids. Reference: Shi X, et al. J Lipid Res. 2016 Feb;57(2):265-75.
BX30 C. elegans fat-3(wa22) IV. Show Description
Slow growing. Unc. Dpy. No delta6 fatty acid desaturase activity.
BZ1202 C. elegans seb-3(eg696) X. Show Description
This strain is tolerant to acute treatment of ethanol. The severity and incidence of stress-induced tremors are greater than in wild-type. Reference: Jee C, et al. Genes Brain Behav. 2013 Mar;12(2):250-62.
CA1218 C. elegans syp-3(ok758) I; ieSi11 II; unc-119(ed3) III. Show Description
ieSi11 [syp-3p::EmeraldGFP::syp-3::syp-3 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. ieSi11 was inserted into ttTi5605 II using MosSCI. Expression of GFP::SYP-3 largely complements syp-3(ok758), but some meiotic nondisjunction is detected above the N2 background (85% embryonic viability; ~1% male self-progeny;). GFP::SYP-3 expression is readily detected in spermatocytes and oocytes in the germline, and localizes to the interface between paired homologous chromosomes during most of meiotic prophase. Reference: Rog O, Dernburg AF. Cell Rep. 2015 Mar 10. pii: S2211-1247(15)00178-3.
CA1319 C. elegans plk-2(ok1936) I; ieSi21 IV; sun-1(ok1282) V. Show Description
ieSi21 [sun-1::mRuby] IV. Homozygous animals developed normally, their self-progeny showed reduced viability, and many survivors were males (8%).
CB1174 C. elegans unc-84(e1174) X. Show Description
Migration defective: pre VC. Variable expressivity. Reverse kinker as adult. L1 moves well. Temperature sensitive. Can be maintained at 20C.
CB1180 C. elegans dpy-11(e1180) V. Show Description
Piggy phenotype (severe Dpy). Growth slow. Poor viability.
CB1339 C. elegans mec-4(e1339) X. Show Description
Mechanosensory abnormal. Scored with difficulty. Sometimes sensitive in the tail. M-MATING++ 1-10%WT.
CB4050 C. elegans tra-2(e2046e2115) unc-4(e120) II; sup-7(st5) X. Show Description
Phenotypically wildtype XX hermaphrodite at 20C; poor viability and fertility at 25C. Rare XO animals are hermaphrodite due to suppression of amber mutation e2115 and consequent transformation of XO due to tra-2(e2046) gain-of-function. Reference: Hodgkin & Albertson (1995) PMID: 8647390.
CB4389 C. elegans tra-2(e1209) II; smg-3(ma117) IV. Show Description
Poorly growing, low self-fertility masculinized XX hermaphrodites. Weak allele of tra-2, partly suppressed to self-fertility by smg (NMD) mutation; permits efficient selection of new feminizing mutations. References: Spence et al. (1990) PMID: 2317869. Zarkower et al. (1994) PMID: 7520378.
CB4504 C. elegans gon-1(e1254)/eDf18 IV. Show Description
Heterozygotes mostly fertile at or below 20C; all sterile at 25C. Progeny are fertile heterozygotes with variable Gon abnormality, e1254 homozygotes (strong Gon, "white patch" phenotype) and eDf18 homozygotes (embryonic lethal). See also WBPaper00003841.
CB4747 C. elegans dpy-20(e2017) unc-24(e138) IV; sup-33(st389) X. Show Description
Variable phenotypes, slightly dumpy and/or uncoordinated, especially at 25C. Grows poorly at 15C. Low fertility. sup-33(st389) is a weak amber suppressor; e2017 and e138 are amber mutations. Reference: Kondo K, et al. (1990) J Mol Biol. 1990 Sep 5;215(1):7-19.
CB4851 C. elegans C. elegans wild isolate. Show Description
Wild type-slightly Unc. Tc1 pattern high copy; different from RW7000. Bergerac isolate obtained by S. Brenner from Brun group. Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate. CB subclone of Bergerac N62 (Tc1 pattern HCB). To obtain ECA243, a sequenced isolate of this wild strain, please visit the C. elegans Natural Diversity Resource at
CB4853 C. elegans C. elegans wild isolate. Show Description
Isolated from Carl Johnson's organic garden in Altadena, CA in 1974. Wild type. Low copy Tc1; pattern III. Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate. CB subclone of GA-12 (Tc1 pattern III). To obtain ECA245, a sequenced isolate of this wild strain, please visit the C. elegans Natural Diversity Resource at
CB4855 C. elegans C. elegans wild isolate. Show Description
NOTE: Whole-genome analysis indicates that this stock is genotypically CB4858. Users interested in this strain are encouraged to obtain a verified CB4855-derivied strain. To obtain ECA247, a sequenced isolate of this wild strain, please visit the C. elegans Natural Diversity Resource at Isolated from compost in Palo Alto, CA in 1982(?). Wild type (plg-1(e2001)). Low copy Tc1, pattern VI. Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate CB subclone of Sta-5 (Tc1 pattern VI). Original stock isolated by T. Doniach.
CB4857 C. elegans C. elegans wild isolate. Show Description
Isolated from decaying mushroom during rain in Claremont, CA in November 1972. Wild type. Low copy Tc1, pattern II. Reference WBG 10(2) 140-141 and 11(5) 60. Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate. CB subclone of Cl2a (Tc1 pattern II). To obtain ECA249, a sequenced isolate of this wild strain, please visit the C. elegans Natural Diversity Resource at
CB4858 C. elegans C. elegans wild isolate. Show Description
Isolated from Caltech flowerbed in the summer of 1971 (1973??) in Pasadena, CA. Wild type. Low copy Tc1; pattern XI. Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate. EM subclone of PA1 (Tc1 pattern XI). To obtain ECA251, a sequenced isolate of this wild strain, please visit the C. elegans Natural Diversity Resource at
CB4951 C. elegans spe-12(hc76) I; him-8(e1489) IV. Show Description
Male/female strain which must be maintained by mating. spe-12(hc76) prevents self-fertility in hermaphrodites but does not impair spermatogenesis in males. Presence of him-8(e1489) increases male frequency.
CB5023 C. elegans tra-2(e2046e253) unc-4(e120) / + + II; dpy-26(n199) IV. [XO females, dpy-26 XO males] Show Description
Obligate XO male/female strain, propagate by crossing. Low fertility. Fertile XO females and XO males; inviable XX embryos and larvae. Reference: Strain 7 Hodgkin (2002) PMID: 12399387.
CB5035 C. elegans tra-1(e1575 e1816 e1834) III; eDp25[tra-1(e1575 e1816)] (III; f). Show Description
Male/female strain, propagate by crossing. XX females and tra-1 XX males. Low fertility. Fertile females and fertile males; male-biased sex ratio. Strain with sex determined by a feminizing fragment chromosome (LGIIIR); unusual sex ratio. Reference: Strain 15 in Hodgkin (2002) PMID: 12399387.
CB5042 C. elegans lon-2(e678)^lon-2(e678) X. Show Description
Attached X chromosome line. Long hermaphrodites with low fertility, producing some X^X X^X dead eggs. May spontaneously revert to unattached lon-2 XX. Reference: Hodgkin & Albertson (1995) PMID: 8647390.
CB5190 C. elegans tra-2(e2020) II; tra-1(e1099)/+ III; xol-1(y9) X. Show Description
Heterozygous. Maintain by picking fertile hermaphrodites. Stable XX male/female strain (fertile XX females and low fertility XX males); males sire only female progeny. Reference: Strain 3 in Hodgkin (2002) PMID: 12399387.
CB5310 C. elegans unc-4(e120) II; lon-2(e678)^lon-2(e678) X. Show Description
Attached X strain with autosomal unc-4 marker, which facilitates test-crosses. Uncoordinated Long hermaphrodites, reduced fertility with many X^X X^X unhatched eggs. Reference: Hodgkin & Albertson (1995) PMID: 8647390.
CB5380 C. elegans fox-1(e2643) X. Show Description
fox-1(e2643) is a 1.2 kb deletion of fox-1; functional null. Hermaphrodites and males are WT in gross phenotype, slightly abnormal in hermaphrodite fertility and male mating. Synergistic masculinizing effects with some X chromosome deletions.
CB5475 C. elegans her-1(e1518) V; sdc-2(y15) X. Show Description
Obligate XO hermaphrodite. Low fertility, segregating many dead XX and nullo-X zygotes. Double mutant combining two null or near-null mutations. Reference: van den Berg MCW, et al. Genetics. 2006 Jun;173(2):677-83. doi: 10.1534/genetics.106.056093. PMID: 16582430.
CB5612 C. elegans bus-5(e2688) X. Show Description
Resistant to infection by Microbacterium nematophilum (no tail swelling). Slightly skiddy movement, some cuticle fragility.
CB5664 C. elegans dpy-31(e2770) III; sqt-3(e2809) V. Show Description
Dumpy (partially-suppressed Dpy-31). Sqt-3 mediated suppression of dpy-31 lethality. Reference: Novelli et al. (2004) PMID: 15579684.
CB6233 C. elegans dpy-17(e2898) dpy-31(e2770) III. Show Description
Viable dumpy. Suppressor allele of dpy-17: lethality of dpy-31(e2770) suppressed by e2898. Reference: Novelli et al. (2006) PMID: 16452136.
CB6246 C. elegans sqt-3(e2911) V. Show Description
Slightly dumpy. Variable cold-sensitive lethal (poor viability at 15C). Unusual missense allele (D297G) of sqt-3, suppresses dpy-31 lethality. Reference: Novelli et al. (2006) PMID: 16452136.
CB6335 C. elegans dpy-31(e2919) III; sqt-3(e2906) V. Show Description
Homozygous viable dpy. dpy-31(e2919) homozygotes are almost inviable, but lethality is efficiently suppressed by sqt-3(e2906). Reference: Novelli J, et al., Genetics. 2004 Nov;168(3):1259-73.
CB6449 C. elegans sqt-3(e2909) V. Show Description
Weak dumpy. Variable tail abnormal at 20C or higher. Cold-sensitive: most arrest as pretzel-stage embryos, with some escapers arresting as severely distorted L1 larvae at 15. Unusual missense allele (K280E) of sqt-3, cold-sensitive lethal and suppressor of dpy-31 lethality. Reference: Novelli et al. (2006) PMID: 16452136.
CB6453 C. elegans dpy-31(e2770) unc-119(ed3) III; eIs101. Show Description
eIs101 [dpy-17(E301K) + unc-119(+)]. Weakly dumpy, non-Unc. dpy-31 lethality suppressed by integrated dpy-17(gf) transgene. Reference: Novelli et al. (2006) PMID: 16452136.
CB6596 C. elegans bus-19(e2964) V. Show Description
Weak Dpy, Gro, Skd, Daf-d, bleach sensitive. Resistant to infection by M. nematophilum (Bus). <10% larval arrest with rod-like lethality. Severe missense allele (G90E), probable null allele. Reference: Yook & Hodgkin (2007) PMID: 17151260.
CB6736 C. elegans clec-61(tm2566) II. Show Description
No obvious phenotype, apparently wildtype sensitivity to pathogens. Reference: O’Rourke et al. (2005) PMID: 16809667.
CB6737 C. elegans clec-69&clec-70(ok2061) IV. Show Description
No obvious phenotype, apparently wild-type sensitivity to pathogens. Derivative of RB1663, further out-crossed into wild-type background. Reference: O’Rourke et al. (2005) PMID: 16809667.
CB6738 C. elegans lys-7(ok1384) V. Show Description
Gross phenotype wildtype, increased sensitivity to some bacterial pathogens. Derivative of RB1285, further out-crossed into wild-type background. References: O’Rourke et al. (2005) PMID: 16809667. Gravato-Nobre et al. (2016) PMID: 27525822.
CB6746 C. elegans mif-1(ok2009) III. Show Description
No obvious phenotype, normal sensitivity to bacterial pathogens. Derived from RB1633; further out-crossed into wild-type background. Reference: O’Rourke et al. (2005) PMID: 16809667.