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MH620 C. elegans lin-45(ku112) dpy-20(e1282) IV. Show Description
Weak hypomorphic allele of lin-45. Animals are Dpy but otherwise appear normal. Occasional larval lethality.
ML2936 C. elegans nmy-1(mc90[nmy-1::gfp]) X. Show Description
Maintain at 15C. nmy-1(mc90) allele induces almost complete sterility at 25C. mc90 is a CRISPR-engineered mutation in nmy-1 at the position corresponding to the allele nmy-2(ne3409) changing NMY-2 Leucine-981 to Proline, which is conserved among nonmuscle myosins. mc90 was introduced in parental strain ML2540, which carries a GFP-tag in the endogenous nmy-1 locus. Reference: Molnar K, et al. Genetics. 2024 Sep 4;228(1):iyae109. doi: 10.1093/genetics/iyae109. PMID: 39053622.
ML2937 C. elegans nmy-2(ne3409) I; nmy-1(mc90[nmy-1::gfp]) X. Show Description
Maintain at 15C. nmy-2(ne3409) allele induces embryonic lethality (cytokinesis defective) at 25C. nmy-1(mc90) allele induces almost complete sterility at 25C. mc90 is a CRISPR-engineered mutation in nmy-1 at the position corresponding to the allele nmy-2(ne3409) changing NMY-2 Leucine-981 to Proline, which is conserved among nonmuscle myosins. mc90 was introduced in parental strain ML2540, which carries a GFP-tag in the endogenous nmy-1 locus. Reference: Molnar K, et al. Genetics. 2024 Sep 4;228(1):iyae109. doi: 10.1093/genetics/iyae109. PMID: 39053622.
MLC1065 C. elegans pash-1(luc71[pash-1::2xGGSG::3xFLAG::AID::myc]) I; ieSi57 II; unc-119(ed3) III; ieSi38 IV. Show Description
ieSi57 [eft-3p::TIR1::mRuby::unc-54 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. ieSi38 [sun-1p::TIR1::mRuby::sun-1 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] IV. Endogenous pash-1 tagged with the auxin-inducible-degron (AID) peptide at the C-terminus. Strain expresses modified Arabidopsis thaliana TIR1 tagged with mRuby in germ line and soma. Animals are superficially wild-type; addition of auxin induces embryonic lethality and larval arrest phenotypes. Reference: Dexheimer, PJ, et al. Curr Biol. 2020. in press.
MLC1245 C. elegans drsh-1(luc82[myc::AID::3XFLAG::4xGGSG::drsh-1::4xGGSG::3XFLAG::AID::myc]) I; ieSi57 II; unc-119(ed3) III; ieSi38 IV. Show Description
ieSi57 [eft-3p::TIR1::mRuby::unc-54 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. ieSi38 [sun-1p::TIR1::mRuby::sun-1 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] IV. Endogenous drsh-1 tagged at both N- and C-termini with the auxin-inducible-degron (AID) peptide. Strain expresses modified Arabidopsis thaliana TIR1 tagged with mRuby in germ line and soma. Animals are superficially wild-type; addition of auxin induces embryonic lethality and larval arrest phenotypes. Reference: Dexheimer, PJ, et al. Curr Biol. 2020. in press.
MLC1726 C. elegans drsh-1(luc82[myc::AID::3XFLAG::4xGGSG::drsh-1::4xGGSG::3XFLAG::AID::myc]) pash-1(luc71[pash-1::2xGGSG::3XFLAG::AID::myc]) I; ieSi57 II; unc-119(ed3) III; ieSi38 IV. Show Description
ieSi57 [eft-3p::TIR1::mRuby::unc-54 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. ieSi38 [sun-1p::TIR1::mRuby::sun-1 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] IV. Endogenous drsh-1 tagged at both N- and C-termini with the auxin-inducible-degron (AID) peptide. Endogenous pash-1 tagged with the AID peptide at the C-terminus. Strain expresses modified Arabidopsis thaliana TIR1 tagged with mRuby in soma and germ line. Animals are superficially wild-type, addition of auxin induces embryonic lethality and larval arrest phenotypes. Reference: Dexheimer, PJ, et al. Curr Biol. 2020. in press.
MLC1729 C. elegans drsh-1(luc82[myc::AID::3XFLAG::4xGGSG::drsh-1::4xGGSG::3xFLAG::AID::myc]) pash-1(luc71[pash-1::2xGGSG::3xFLAG::AID::myc]) I; ieSi57 II; unc-119(ed3) III; ieSi38 IV; lucIs20; lucIs24. Show Description
ieSi57 [eft-3p::TIR1::mRuby::unc-54 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. ieSi38 [sun-1p::TIR1::mRuby::sun-1 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] IV. lucIs20 [mir-35p::mirtron-35 + myo-2::mCherry]. lucIs24 [mir-52p::mirtron-51 + elt-2::dsRed + myo-2::mCherry]. Endogenous drsh-1 tagged at both N- and C-termini with the auxin-inducible-degron (AID) peptide. Endogenous pash-1 tagged with the AID peptide at the C-terminus. Strain expresses modified Arabidopsis thaliana TIR1 tagged with mRuby in soma and germline. In addition, strain expresses mirtron-versions of mir-35 and mir-51, which are processed independently of Drosha and Pasha. miRNA biogenesis can be stringently inhibited via simultaneous removal of Drosha and Pasha, causing absence of all canonical miRNAs and embryonic lethality upon Auxin treatment. Reference: Dexheimer, PJ, et al. Curr Biol. 2020. in press.
MP130 C. elegans sup-40(lb130)/+ I; unc-8(e15) IV; egl-1(n487) V. Show Description
lb130/+ dominantly suppresses the e15 backing defect and causes recessive sterility. Three phenotypes are present in this strain: backing steriles (lb130 homozygotes), backing fertiles which are bloated (heterozygotes), and non-backing coiled Unc animals which are fertile and bloated (sup-40(+)). Maintain strain by picking fertile animals which can back. egl-1(n487) is included in the strain to facilitate identification of lb130 homozygotes, which grow slowly; their sterility contrasts with the bloating of lb130/+ heterozygotes.
MQ1236 C. elegans clk-1(e2519) III; rte-5(qm197) X. Show Description
qm197 suppresses the L2 arrest and sterility of clk-1(e2519) on UQ- bacteria.
MQ1395 C. elegans clk-1(e2519) III; rte-1(qm199) X. Show Description
qm199 suppresses the growth arrest and sterility of clik-1(e2519) on ubi- bacteria.
MQ1403 C. elegans rte-2(qm210) I; clk-1(e2519) III. Show Description
qm210 suppresses the growth arrest and sterility of clik-1(e2519) on UQ- bacteria.
MQ1407 C. elegans clk-1(e2519) III; rte-4(qm213) X. Show Description
qm213 suppresses the growth arrest and sterility of clik-1(e2519) on ubi- bacteria.
MQ1408 C. elegans clk-1(e2519) III; rte-3(qm211) X. Show Description
qm211 suppresses the growth arrest and sterility of clik-1(e2519) on ubi- bacteria.
MQ149 C. elegans mau-6(qm50) V. Show Description
Maternal effect uncoordinated. Progressive paralysis leading to full paralysis and rapid death after the 4th larval moult. Some embryonic and larval lethality.
MQ1766 C. elegans sod-2(ok1030) I; sod-5 (tm1146) sod-1(tm783) II; sod-4(gk101) III; sod-3(tm760) X. Show Description
Normal lifespan. Increased sensitivity to oxidative stress, osmotic stress, cold stress, and heat stress. Slow development, slow physiological rates (thrashing, defecation), and reduced fertility. van Raamsdonk J & Hekimi S. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Apr 10;109(15):5785-90.
MQ177 C. elegans mau-7(qm56) IV. Show Description
Maternal effect uncoordinated. Lethargic, kinky jerky, ratchet-like movements in reverse. Constipated due to frequent absence of the expulsion contraction. 20% embryonic lethality. 16% embryonic lethality.
MQ200 C. elegans mud-1(qm21) III. Show Description
Maternal effect Uncoordinated and Dumpy. High degree of embryonic and larval lethality. Dpy phenotype only partially resuced. Hatchlings are of variable length, with poor movement. Adults are short and show kinky uncoordination.
MQ210 C. elegans mau-4(qm45) X. Show Description
Maternal effect uncoordinated. Stiff posterior body. Severly Unc when attempting to move backwards. Partially wasted posterior body. Some embryonic and larval lethality.
MQ228 C. elegans mad-2(qm62) I. Show Description
Maternal effect dumpy. Adults are short but larvae are not. Animals are lethargic but display hyperactive foraging movement and very rapid pumping when stimulated by light touch. Hermaphrodite and male tails are abnormal. Very slow development. High degree of embryonic and larval lethality.
MQ29 C. elegans mau-3(qm10) IV. Show Description
Maternal effect uncoordinated. Progressive paralysis. Abnorml muscle anatomy. Some embryonic and larval lethality.
MQ4 C. elegans mau-2(qm4) I. Show Description
Maternal effect uncoordinated. Egg-laying defective. Some larval lethality. Full zygotic rescue. Almost complete maternal rescue, no maternal rescue of egg-laying defect. Neuroanatomical defects. Short excretory canals.
MQ420 C. elegans mal-4(qm36) II. Show Description
Maternally rescued variable abnormal. Some embryonic lethality and a high degree of larval lethality. Worms often have a hypertrophic left side of the head, generally anterior of the terminal bulb.
MQ464 C. elegans emb-4(qm31) V. Show Description
Maternal-effect morphologically abnormal. Variably deformed; frequent hypertrophic ventral side of the head. This strain has a high degree of embryonic and larval lethality. No zygotic rescue and full maternal rescue. Strict maternal effect. PKA mal-2.
MQ466 C. elegans pigv-1(qm34) I. Show Description
Maternally rescued variable abnormal. Some embryonic lethality and a very high level of larval lethality. Head frequently deformed because the buccal cavity does not open at the tip of the head but ventrally, dorsally or laterally.
MQ468 C. elegans hmp-2(qm39) I. Show Description
Maternally rescued Dpy. Fully zygotically rescued but only partially maternally rescued. Some embryonic lethality and a high degree of larval lethality. Very poor embryonic elongation. Hatchlings are short and deformed. In later stages the anterior half of the body is short but well developed while the posterior is thin.
MQ475 C. elegans mau-5(qm17) III. Show Description
Maternal effect uncoordinated. Progressively worsening sluggishness and saccidic forward movement. Egg laying defective. Abnormal muscle anatomy. Some embryonic and larval lethality.
MQ499 C. elegans mad-3(qm64) V. Show Description
Maternal effect Dpy. High level of embryonic and larval lethality. Lethal at 25C. Males are Dpy.
MQ523 C. elegans mau-8(qm57) IV. Show Description
Maternal effect uncoordinated. Lethargic, kinky jerky, ratchet-like movement in reverse. Constipated due to frequent absence of the expulsion contraction. 15% embryonic lethality. 16% larval lethality.
MQD1779 C. elegans daf-2(hq63[daf-2::ICR::NLS::gfp::mNeonGreen::NLS]) III. Show Description
Nuclear Ultrabright GFP::mNeonGreen Fluorescent protein (NuGFP) tag inserted downstream of the endogenous daf-2 gene locus by CRISPR/Cas9 engineering. NuGFP cassette is composed of an intercistronic region (ICR) from the C. elegans SL2-type operon, a SV40 nuclear localization sequence (NLS), the coding sequence of GFP, the coding sequence of mNeonGreen, and egl-13 NLS. The expression of NuGFP is tied to that of the endogenous daf-2, but after trans-splicing, the NuGFP protein is synthesized independently of DAF-2. This high-sensitivity daf-2 expression reporter was readily detectable in most C. elegans cells throughout development and adulthood. Reference: Zhang Y, et al. BioRxiv. 2021 Aug 2. 2007.2031.454567.
MQD2774 C. elegans vit-6(hq486[vit-6::mCherry]) IV; vit-2(crg9070[vit-2::gfp]) X. Show Description
mCherry knocked into C terminal of vit-6 by CRISPR/Cas9 in the background of parental strain BCN9071 vit-2(crg9070[vit-2::gfp]) X. This resulting double-labelled strain was crossed six times with N2 to remove potential off-target mutations. mCherry and GFP are co-localized in the intestine, body cavity, oocyte, and embryo in adult hermaphrodites. Reference: Zhai C, et al. Aging cell, 21(11), e13719. PMID: 36199214.
MQD2775 C. elegans vit-3(hq485[vit-3::mCherry]) vit-2(crg9070[vit-2::gfp]) X. Show Description
mCherry knocked into C terminal of vit-3 by CRISPR/Cas9 in the background of parental strain BCN9071 vit-2(crg9070[vit-2::gfp]) X. This resulting double-labelled strain was crossed six times with N2 to remove potential off-target mutations. mCherry and GFP are co-localized in the intestine, body cavity, oocyte, and embryo in adult hermaphrodites. Reference: Zhai C, et al. Aging cell, 21(11), e13719. PMID: 36199214.
MQD2798 C. elegans vit-2(crg9070[vit-2::gfp]) vit-1(hq503[vit-1::mCherry]) X. Show Description
mCherry knocked into C terminal of vit-1 by CRISPR/Cas9 in the background of parental strain BCN9071 vit-2(crg9070[vit-2::gfp]) X. This resulting double-labelled strain was crossed six times with N2 to remove potential off-target mutations. mCherry and GFP are co-localized in the intestine, body cavity, oocyte, and embryo in adult hermaphrodites. Reference: Zhai C, et al. Aging cell, 21(11), e13719. PMID: 36199214.
MS231 C. elegans dpy-17(e164) ncl-1(e1865) unc-36(e251) III; irDp1 (III;f). Show Description
Superficially WT. Pick WT to propagate. Throws WT (expressing unc-119::YFP) and DpyUncs. irDp1 is sDp3 carrying a spontaneous integrant of an array carrying unc-119::YFP + unc-32(+) + med-1(+), originally generated in BC4638. irDp1 appears to complement everything sDp3 does and has a similar meiotic transmission frequency of 60%. In another strain, irDp2 was observed to lose ability to complement dpy-17. irDp1 confers a progressive adult egg laying defect (also seen with sDp3).
MSB510 C elegans mirIs37. Show Description
mirIs37 [acr-5p::CRE + myo-2p::mCherry]. Superficially wild-type. CRE expression is driven predominantly in B-type motor neurons; CRE activity has also been observed in a few other cells. Reference: Das R, et al. Sci Adv. 2021 Sep 17;7(38):eabg4617. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abg4617. PMID: 34533987
MSB513 C elegans mirIs42. Show Description
mirIs42 [F49H12.4p::CRE + myo-2p::mCherry]. Superficially wild-type. Primarily PVD-specific CRE driver; CRE activity was observed predominantly in PVD neurons with some additional recombination in a few tail neurons and possibly FLP neuron. Reference: Das R, et al. Sci Adv. 2021 Sep 17;7(38):eabg4617. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abg4617. PMID: 34533987
MT11190 C. elegans mod-5(n3314) dpy-5(e61) I. Show Description
Dpy. Serotonin hypersensitive. 5-HT hypersensitivity phenotype. Hyperslowing in locomotion assay.
MT1306 C. elegans lin-17(n671) I. Show Description
Slightly Unc. Long irregularly shaped tail. May be Egl. Many hermaphrodites (50%) have single small protrusion posterior to vulva, some gonadal abnormality and sterility.
MT1373 C. elegans lin-13(n387)/unc-32(e189) III; him-5(e1467) V. Show Description
Maintain by picking wild-type animals raised at 25C. Heterozygotes will be wild-type and segregate wild-type, Unc, Sterile Muv, and males. The phenotype of homozygous lin-13 hermaphrodites segregating from a heterozygous mother depends on the temperature at which the strain was grown. At 25C, homozygous hermaphrodites segregating from a heterozygote are both Muv and sterile. At 20C, ~1/2 of hermaphrodites segregating from a heterozygote are sterile, but only a few are Muv. At 15C, hermaphrodites segregating from a heterozygote are almost wild type in appearance and fertility. However, if the progeny of these 15C animals are grown at 15C, all are sterile and some are Muv. If the progeny of these 15C animals are grown at 25C, then some animals arrest during larval growth and the rest are both sterile and Muv. The male phenotype similarly is heat sensitive; only males that are the progeny of lin-13 hermaphrodites and are grown at 20C or 25C have ventral protrusions. Reference: Ferguson EL & Horvitz HR. Genetics. 1985 May;110(1):17-72. PMID: 3996896.
MT14531 C. elegans prg-2(nDf57) IV. Show Description
Deletion breakpoints: ATCGGGATGAAGTTTGCAAA//AATCTAGAATACCGATTTCG. Transposon silencing abnormal. Only enhanced transposon activity observed in n4503; nDf57 mutants compared to n4503 (not in nDf57 mutants alone).
MT14678 C. elegans lgc-40(n4545) X. Show Description
1.029 kb deletion in T24D8.1 encoding ligand-gated chloride channel that is a low affinity serotonin receptor. Homozygous viable.
MT14728 C. elegans mfap-1(n4564 n5214) I/hT2 [bli-4(e937) let-?(q782) qIs48] (I;III). Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT with pharyngeal GFP signal, and segregate WT GFP, arrested hT2 aneuploids, and non-GFP mfap-1 homozygotes. Pick WT GFP and check for correct segregation of progeny to maintain. mfap-1(n4564 n5214) mutants exhibit temperature-sensitive lethality: at 15°C, (n4564 n5214) homozygous animals grow and behave similarly to wild-type; at 20°C mutant animals grow more slowly, have few progeny and are hyperactive; at 25°C the mutant strain is embryonically lethal. qIs48 is an insertion of ccEx9747 (carries myo-2::GFP, pes-10::GFP, and a gut enhancer fused to GFP) onto the hT2 chromosome and is homozygous lethal. Reference: Ma L, et al. PLoS Genet. 2012;8(7):e1002827.
MT14748 C. elegans nDf51 V; nEx1184. Show Description
nEx1184 [sur-5::GFP]. Maintain by picking GFP+. nEx1184 rescues the lethality and extra seam cells in nDf51. nDf51 is a 5930 bp deletion starting 1762 bp upstream of mir-241, removing mir-241, mir-48, and F56A12.6 (snoRNA).
MT14751 C. elegans nDf50 nDf49 II; nEx1187. Show Description
nEx1187 [mir-35 mir-45(genomic) + sur-5::GFP]. Maintain by picking GFP+. Array rescues nDf50 nDf49 (mir-35 mir-45) lethality. Reference: Alvarez-Saavedra E, Horvitz HR. (2010) Curr Biol. 20(4):367-73.
MT14752 C. elegans nDf50 nDf49 II; nEx1188. Show Description
nEx1188 [mir-35 mir-45(genomic) + sur-5::GFP]. Maintain by picking GFP+. Array rescues nDf50 nDf49 (mir-35 mir-45) lethality. Reference: Alvarez-Saavedra E, Horvitz HR. (2010) Curr Biol. 20(4):367-73.
MT14753 C. elegans nDf50 nDf49 II; nEx1189. Show Description
nEx1189 [mir-35 mir-45(genomic) + sur-5::GFP]. Maintain by picking GFP+. Array rescues nDf50 nDf49 (mir-35 mir-45) lethality. Reference: Alvarez-Saavedra E, Horvitz HR. (2010) Curr Biol. 20(4):367-73.
MT14778 C. elegans nDf51 V; nEx1192. Show Description
nEx1192 [sur-5::GFP]. Maintain by picking GFP+. nEx1192 does not rescue the lethality and extra seam cells in nDf51. nDf51 is a 5930 bp deletion starting 1762 bp upstream of mir-241, removing mir-241, mir-48, and F56A12.6 (snoRNA).
MT15488 C. elegans lin-35(n4760) I. Show Description
Class B SynMuv. Reduced fertility. Maintain at 20C or cooler. Do not distribute this strain; other labs should request it directly from the CGC. This strain cannot be distributed to commercial organizations. This strain cannot be used for any commercial purpose or for work on human subjects.
MT17446 C. elegans mir-53(n4113) mir-52(n4100) IV; nDf58 X. Show Description
Slow growing. Some larval and adult lethality. [NOTE: (11/14/2018) This strain was originally described as carrying mir-52(n4114), but the allele is actually n4100.] Reference: Reference: Alvarez-Saavedra E, Horvitz HR. (2010) Curr Biol. 20(4):367-73.
MT4574 C. elegans let-60(n1531)/let-60(n1046) unc-22(e66) IV. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, MuvUnc (n1046 e66) and n1531 homozygotes whose phenotypes range from a few dead larva to sterile adults. The normal larval lethality of n1531/n1531 is suppressed by the maternal contribution of n1046. n1046 is semi-dominant.
MT706 C. elegans lin-13(n388)/unc-32(e189) III. Show Description
Maintain by picking wild-type animals raised at 25C. Heterozygotes will be wild-type and segregate wild-type, Unc, and Sterile Muv. The phenotype of homozygous lin-13 hermaphrodites segregating from a heterozygous mother depends on the temperature at which the strain was grown. At 25C, homozygous hermaphrodites segregating from a heterozygote are both Muv and sterile. At 20C, ~1/2 of hermaphrodites segregating from a heterozygote are sterile, but only a few are Muv. At 15C, hermaphrodites segregating from a heterozygote are almost wild type in appearance and fertility. However, if the progeny of these 15C animals are grown at 15C, all are sterile and some are Muv. If the progeny of these 15C animals are grown at 25C, then some animals arrest during larval growth and the rest are both sterile and Muv. Reference: Ferguson EL & Horvitz HR. Genetics. 1985 May;110(1):17-72. PMID: 3996896.