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CB6772 C. elegans clec-50(ok2455) V. Show Description
No obvious phenotype, apparently normal sensitivity to bacterial pathogens. Derived from RB1897; further out-crossed into wild-type background. References: O’Rourke et al. (2005) PMID: 16809667. D J O'Rourke and J Hodgkin, unpublished.
CB7172 C. elegans ilys-3(ok3222) IV; lys-7(oj1385) V. Show Description
Viable, poor bacterial grinding, increased sensitivity to bacterial pathogens. Reference: Gravato-Nobre et al. (2016) PMID: 27525822.
CB7173 C. elegans ilys-3(ok3222) IV; ilys-5(tm3151) X. Show Description
Viable, but with poor bacterial grinding and increased susceptibility to some bacterial pathogens. Reference: Gravato-Nobre et al. (2016) PMID: 27525822.
CB7422 C. elegans bus-22(e3108) subs-4(e3048) III. Show Description
Viable, small, slow-growing, bleach-sensitive, resistant to Leucobacter Verde1 and Leucobacter Verde2. Lethality of subs-4(e3048) suppressed by bus-22(e3108) mutation. Reference: O'Rourke et al (in preparation).
CB7587 C. elegans ptr-15(gk5234) V; crEx498. Show Description
crEx498 [dpy-14p::ptr-15(+) + sur-5p::GFP]. Pick animals with nuclear GFP throughout body to maintain. Lethal ptr-15 deletion allele marked with pharyngeal GFP [loxP ::myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3’UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3’UTR::loxP]; lethality rescued by hypodermal expression of PTR-15 form crEx498 array. Non-nuclear GFP animals (only pharyngeal expression) will be dead eggs and dead hatchlings. Derived from parental strain VC4151. References: O’Rourke et al. (in revision 2024).
CBX102 Microbacterium nematophilum Microbacterium nematophilum Show Description
Bacteria. Caenorhabditis pathogen. Previously called Aureobacterium nematophilum. Biosafety Level: BSL-1.
CER529 C. elegans sftb-1(cer144) III. Show Description
Dose-dependent sensitivity (developmental arrest) to pladienolide B and herboxidiene (modulators of pre-mRNA splicing). sftb-1(cer144[S1090A, A1095T, I1096V, F1101Y]) contains four missense mutations reproducing the HEAT repeat 15 of the human SF3B1 protein. Ten silent mutations increase primer specificity for PCR genotyping. Primers used for genotyping: (WT For: GAGCTGCAATTAATACATTTGGATTT) (WT Rev: AAACTCGCATTCCTTCACAT) (cer144 For: GGTACTATTCTGTGGCGTCT) (cer144 Rev: GTAACCGAAAGTGTTCACAGTT) Reference: Serrat X, et al. PLoS Genet. 2019 Oct 21;15(10):e1008464.
CEW1 Oscheius tipulae Oscheius tipulae. Show Description
Isolated in 1991 by Carlos E. Winter in soil samples taken at the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil. Hermaphrodite strain. Adults are 1.5mm. The life cycle is a little longer than C. elegans at 22C. Each lays about 300 eggs in the three days following the moult from L4 to adult. Eggs are laid just after being fertilized resulting sometimes in plates with many eggs (much more than C. elegans). See Comp. Biochem. Physiol 103B: 189, 1992. See Nematology 2(1): 89-98, 2000. Can be grown and maintained on NGM. L1s easily frozen and stored in liquid nitrogen. This strain is deposited in Paul Sternberg's collection under the name PS1022. The species has not yet been determined; Lynn Carta will publish a paper proposing Oscheius brevesophaga. DO NOT use this name before the paper is published. Contact Carles E. Winter or Lynn Carta before publishing anything official about this strain. See also WBPaper00004471 and WBPaper00004485. AKA Oscheius sp. 1.
CF1380 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; daf-2(e1370) III; muEx158. Show Description
muEx158 [daf-16cAM::GFP + sur-5p::GFP] (AM = AKT-site mutant). Pick GFP+ worms to maintain. Sterile at 25C; grow at 20C or less. muEx158 contains GFP-tagged daf-16 c isoform (described as a1 isoform in Lin, et al. Nat Genet. 2001) with 4 Ser/Thr residues mutated to Ala, which completely rescues dauer formation and partially restores longevity of daf-16; daf-2 double mutants. Reference: Lin K, et al. Nat Genet. 2001 Jun;28(2):139-45.
CF1700 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; mes-1(bn7) X; muEx248. Show Description
muEx248 [(pNL209) daf-16::GFP::daf-16(cDNA) + podr-1::RFP]. Pick green (body) / red (head neurons) animals. Transmission efficiency ~50%. Can be grown at 20C with some sterility (30-50%). The higher the temperture, the greater the sterility.
CF1880 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; glp-1(e2141) III. Show Description
Sterile at 25C; grow at 20C or less. glp-1(e2141) longevity suppressed by daf-16(mu86).
CF2060 C. elegans daf-16(mu86) I; muEx158. Show Description
muEx158 [daf-16cAM::GFP + sur-5p::GFP] (AM = AKT-site mutant). Pick GFP+ worms to maintain. Sterile at 25C; grow at 20C or less. muEx158 contains GFP-tagged daf-16 c isoform (described as a1 isoform in Lin, et al. Nat Genet. 2001) with 4 Ser/Thr residues mutated to Ala, which rescues daf-16 mutants from defective dauer formation and also partially rescues longevity defect of daf-16; glp-1 double mutants. Reference: Berman JR, & Kenyon C. Cell. 2006 Mar 10;124(5):1055-68.
CF2065 C. elegans kri-1(ok1251) I; glp-1(e2141) III. Show Description
Temperature-sensitive. Sterile at 25C. [NOTE: can be grown at 20C, but 15C might be better for long-term propagation.] kri-1(ok1251) suppresses the longevity of glp-1(e2141) mutants.
CG490 C. elegans unc-103(n1213) III; egl-2(rg4) him-5(e1490) V; rgEx173. Show Description
rgEx173 [unc-103ep::egl-2(cDNA) + gtl-1p::CFP]. Pick animals with cyan fluorescence in their intestines. rgEx173 rescues food deprivation's ability to suppress unc-103(n1213)-induced male sex muscle seizures.
CGC1 C. elegans C. elegans wild isolate. Show Description
CGC1 (formerly known as PD1074) is intended to be used as a wild-type reference strain with the closely matched genome assembly of Yoshimura, et al. (Genome Res. 2019 Jun;29(6):1009-1022) available on Wormbase as VC2010-1.0. (ENA study accession PRJEB28388; assembly accession GCA_900538205). CGC1 is a defined and recently cloned population of animals derived from the original "Bristol" variant of C. elegans originally obtained by Brenner from E. Dougherty with no known history of mutagenesis. Brenner's original population, called N2, was used as the basis for the vast majority of laboratory strains in use currently. No early frozen stock of the unmutagenized N2 population currently exists, but later stocks were available from several laboratories. CGC1 is a clonal population founded by picking a single worm of one such stock, VC3510. VC3510 in turn derives from a subpopulation of N2 described in the literature as VC2010. We note that CGC1 is expected to be largely similar to most lab N2 strains, but that as a clonal isolate derived from N2, there will be some loci that will vary compared to any other particular N2 isolate. One such example is a partial deletion of the alh-2 locus in CGC1. Additional loci that were found to vary between the prior N2 reference genome (WormBase release WS264) and the VC2010-1.0 assembly are detailed in supplemental table 8 in Yoshimura, et al, (2019).
CGC102 C. elegans mir-61(umn14[lox2272 + myo-2p::wrmScarlet + lox511I sqt-1(d) hsp::CRE HygR lox511I + lox2272]) V. Show Description
mir-61 pre-miRNA deletion strain deletion allele in which mir-61 pre-miRNA was replaced by myo-2p::wrmScarlet. Generated in parental strain N2. Rollers. [NOTE: Low levels of Cre activity can lead to excision of the SEC, causing the strain to lose the Roll phentoype. Pick Rollers to retain full transgene cassette.]
CGC110 C. elegans mir-250(umn21[lox2272 myo-2p::wrmScarlet + lox511I sqt-1(d) hsp::CRE HygR lox511I + lox2272)] V. Show Description
mir-250 pre-miRNA deletion strain deletion allele in which mir-250 pre-miRNA was replaced by myo-2p::wrmScarlet. Rollers. Generated in parental strain N2. [NOTE: Low levels of Cre activity can lead to excision of the SEC, causing the strain to lose the Roll phentoype. Pick Rollers to retain full transgene cassette.]
CGC113 C. elegans mir-61&mir-250(umn24[lox2272 myo-2p::wrmScarlet + lox511I sqt-1(d) hsp::CRE HygR lox511I + lox2272)] V. Show Description
mir-61&mir-250 pre-miRNA deletion strain deletion allele in which mir-61&mir-250 pre-miRNAs were replaced by myo-2p::wrmScarlet. Rollers. Generated in parental strain N2. [NOTE: Low levels of Cre activity can lead to excision of the SEC, causing the strain to lose the Roll phentoype. Pick Rollers to retain full transgene cassette.]
CGC120 C. elegans mir-792(umn31[lox2272 myo-2p::wrmScarlet + lox511I sqt-1(d) hsp::CRE HygR lox511I + lox2272]) V. Show Description
mir-792 pre-miRNA deletion strain deletion allele in which mir-792 pre-miRNA was replaced by myo-2p::wrmScarlet. Rollers. Generated in parental strain N2. [NOTE: Low levels of Cre activity can lead to excision of the SEC, causing the strain to lose the Roll phentoype. Pick Rollers to retain full transgene cassette.]
CGC121 C. elegans mir-785(umn32[lox2272 myo-2p::wrmScarlet + lox511I sqt-1(d) hsp::CRE HygR lox511I + lox2272]) X. Show Description
mir-785 pre-miRNA deletion strain deletion allele in which mir-785 pre-miRNA was replaced by myo-2p::wrmScarlet. Rollers. Generated in parental strain N2. [NOTE: Low levels of Cre activity can lead to excision of the SEC, causing the strain to lose the Roll phentoype. Pick Rollers to retain full transgene cassette.]
CGC122 C. elegans mir-392(umn33[lox2272 myo-2p::wrmScarlet + lox511I sqt-1(d) hsp::CRE HygR lox511I + lox2272]) X. Show Description
mir-392 pre-miRNA deletion strain deletion allele in which mir-392 pre-miRNA was replaced by myo-2p::wrmScarlet. Rollers. Generated in parental strain N2. [NOTE: Low levels of Cre activity can lead to excision of the SEC, causing the strain to lose the Roll phentoype. Pick Rollers to retain full transgene cassette.]
CGC123 C. elegans mir-57(umn34[lox2272 myo-2p::wrmScarlet + lox511I sqt-1(d) hsp::CRE HygR lox511I + lox2272]) II. Show Description
mir-57 pre-miRNA deletion strain deletion allele in which mir-57 pre-miRNA was replaced by myo-2p::wrmScarlet. Rollers. Generated in parental strain N2. [NOTE: Low levels of Cre activity can lead to excision of the SEC, causing the strain to lose the Roll phentoype. Pick Rollers to retain full transgene cassette.]
CGC131 C. elegans mir-248(umn41[lox2272 myo-2p::wrmScarlet + lox511I sqt-1(d) hsp::CRE HygR lox511I + lox2272]) X. Show Description
mir-248 pre-miRNA deletion allele in which mir-248 pre-miRNA was replaced by myo-2p::wrmScarlet. Rollers. Generated in parental strain N2. [NOTE: Low levels of Cre activity can lead to excision of the SEC, causing the strain to lose the Roll phentoype. Pick Rollers to retain full transgene cassette.]
CGC132 C. elegans mir-356(umn42[lox2272 myo-2p::wrmScarlet + lox511I sqt-1(d) hsp::CRE HygR lox511I + lox2272]) III. Show Description
mir-356 pre-miRNA deletion strain deletion allele in which mir-356 pre-miRNA was replaced by myo-2p::wrmScarlet. Rollers. Generated in parental strain N2. [NOTE: Low levels of Cre activity can lead to excision of the SEC, causing the strain to lose the Roll phentoype. Pick Rollers to retain full transgene cassette.]
CGC141 C. elegans mir-1821(umn48[lox2272 myo-2p::wrmScarlet + lox511I sqt-1(d) hsp::CRE HygR lox511I + lox2272]) V. Show Description
mir-1821 pre-miRNA deletion allele in which mir-1821 pre-miRNA was replaced by myo-2p::wrmScarlet. Rollers. Generated in parental strain N2. [NOTE: Low levels of Cre activity can lead to excision of the SEC, causing the strain to lose the Roll phentoype. Pick Rollers to retain full transgene cassette.]
CGC142 C. elegans mir-359(umn49[lox2272 myo-2p::wrmScarlet + lox511I sqt-1(d) hsp::CRE HygR lox511I + lox2272]) V. Show Description
mir-359 pre-miRNA deletion allele in which mir-359 pre-miRNA was replaced by myo-2p::wrmScarlet. Rollers. Generated in parental strain N2. [NOTE: Low levels of Cre activity can lead to excision of the SEC, causing the strain to lose the Roll phentoype. Pick Rollers to retain full transgene cassette.]
CGC143 C. elegans mir-1021(umn50[lox2272 myo-2p::wrmScarlet + lox511I sqt-1(d) hsp::CRE HygR lox511I + lox2272]) IV. Show Description
mir-1021 pre-miRNA deletion allele in which mir-1021 pre-miRNA was replaced by myo-2p::wrmScarlet. Rollers. Generated in parental strain N2. [NOTE: Low levels of Cre activity can lead to excision of the SEC, causing the strain to lose the Roll phentoype. Pick Rollers to retain full transgene cassette.]
CGC144 C. elegans mir-1022(umn51[lox2272 myo-2p::wrmScarlet + lox511I sqt-1(d) hsp::CRE HygR lox511I + lox2272]) X. Show Description
mir-1022 pre-miRNA deletion allele in which mir-1022 pre-miRNA was replaced by myo-2p::wrmScarlet. Rollers. Generated in parental strain N2. [NOTE: Low levels of Cre activity can lead to excision of the SEC, causing the strain to lose the Roll phentoype. Pick Rollers to retain full transgene cassette.]
CGC145 C. elegans mir-1824(umn52[lox2272 myo-2p::wrmScarlet + lox511I sqt-1(d) hsp::CRE HygR lox511I + lox2272]) X. Show Description
mir-1824 pre-miRNA deletion allele in which mir-1824 pre-miRNA was replaced by myo-2p::wrmScarlet. Rollers. Generated in parental strain N2. [NOTE: Low levels of Cre activity can lead to excision of the SEC, causing the strain to lose the Roll phentoype. Pick Rollers to retain full transgene cassette.]
CGC146 C. elegans mir-800(umn53[lox2272 myo-2p::wrmScarlet + lox511I sqt-1(d) hsp::CRE HygR lox511I + lox2272]) X. Show Description
mir-800 pre-miRNA deletion allele in which mir-800 pre-miRNA was replaced by myo-2p::wrmScarlet. Rollers. Generated in parental strain N2. [NOTE: Low levels of Cre activity can lead to excision of the SEC, causing the strain to lose the Roll phentoype. Pick Rollers to retain full transgene cassette.]
CGC147 C. elegans mir-1818(umn54[lox2272 myo-2p::wrmScarlet + lox511I sqt-1(d) hsp::CRE HygR lox511I + lox2272])I. Show Description
mir-1818 pre-miRNA deletion allele in which mir-1818 pre-miRNA was replaced by myo-2p::wrmScarlet. Rollers. Generated in parental strain N2. [NOTE: Low levels of Cre activity can lead to excision of the SEC, causing the strain to lose the Roll phentoype. Pick Rollers to retain full transgene cassette.]
CGC148 C. elegans mir-47(umn55[lox2272 myo-2p::wrmScarlet + lox511I sqt-1(d) hsp::CRE HygR lox511I + lox2272])I. Show Description
mir-47 pre-miRNA deletion allele in which mir-47 pre-miRNA was replaced by myo-2p::wrmScarlet. Rollers. Generated in parental strain N2. [NOTE: Low levels of Cre activity can lead to excision of the SEC, causing the strain to lose the Roll phentoype. Pick Rollers to retain full transgene cassette.]
CGC149 C. elegans mir-81(umn56[lox2272 myo-2p::wrmScarlet + lox511I sqt-1(d) hsp::CRE HygR lox511I + lox2272])I. Show Description
mir-81 pre-miRNA deletion allele in which mir-81 pre-miRNA was replaced by myo-2p::wrmScarlet. Rollers. Generated in parental strain N2. [NOTE: Low levels of Cre activity can lead to excision of the SEC, causing the strain to lose the Roll phentoype. Pick Rollers to retain full transgene cassette.]
CGC150 C. elegans mir-1829.3&F39B1.3(umn57[lox2272 myo-2p::wrmScarlet + lox511I sqt-1(d) hsp::CRE HygR lox511I + lox2272])X. Show Description
mir-1829.3 pre-miRNA & F39B1.3 deletion allele in which mir-1829.3 pre-miRNA & F39B1.3 was replaced by myo-2p::wrmScarlet. Rollers. Generated in parental strain N2. [NOTE: Low levels of Cre activity can lead to excision of the SEC, causing the strain to lose the Roll phentoype. Pick Rollers to retain full transgene cassette.]
CGC151 C. elegans mir-1829.2(umn58[lox2272 myo-2p::wrmScarlet + lox511I sqt-1(d) hsp::CRE HygR lox511I + lox2272]) X. Show Description
mir-1829.2 pre-miRNA deletion allele in which mir-1829.2 pre-miRNA was replaced by myo-2p::wrmScarlet. Rollers. Generated in parental strain N2. [NOTE: Low levels of Cre activity can lead to excision of the SEC, causing the strain to lose the Roll phentoype. Pick Rollers to retain full transgene cassette.]
CGC154 C. elegans mir-4812(umn61[lox2272 myo-2p::wrmScarlet + lox511I sqt-1(d) hsp::CRE HygR lox511I + lox2272]) X. Show Description
mir-4812 pre-miRNA deletion allele in which mir-1824 pre-miRNA was replaced by myo-2p::wrmScarlet. Rollers. Generated in parental strain N2. [NOTE: Low levels of Cre activity can lead to excision of the SEC, causing the strain to lose the Roll phentoype. Pick Rollers to retain full transgene cassette.]
CH118 C. elegans nid-1(cg118) V. Show Description
Parental strain was CH1416 mut-2(r459) I; nid-1(ev608) V. Tc1 excision deletion of nid-1 was identified. In frame deletion, removes amino acids Thr53-Gln693 of NID-1. Homozygous viable and fertile, slightly reduced fertility. mut-2 was removed by outcrossing. nid-1=F54F3.1. Received new stock 1/2004 from Jim Kramer.
CH119 C. elegans nid-1(cg119) V. Show Description
Parental strain was CH1416 mut-2(r459) I; nid-1(ev608) V. Tc1 excision deletion of nid-1 was identified. Molecular null, deletion removes promoter region. Homozygous viable and fertile, fecundity reduced by approximately 30%. nid-1=F54F3.1.
CL2120 C. elegans dvIs14. Show Description
dvIs14 [(pCL12) unc-54::beta 1-42 + (pCL26) mtl-2::GFP]. mtl-2::GFP produces strong constitutive intestinal expression of GFP at all developmental stages. Expresses human AB peptide and accumulates B-amyloid fibrils. AB toxicity enhanced at higher temperatures.
CL2355 C. elegans smg-1(cc546) dvIs50 I. Show Description
dvIs50 [pCL45 (snb-1::Abeta 1-42::3' UTR(long) + mtl-2::GFP] I. Maintain at 16C. Pan-neuronal expresion of human Abeta peptide. Constitutive intestinal expression of GFP from marker transgene. Strain shows deficits in chemotaxis, associative learning, and thrashing in liquid. Strain also has incomplete sterility due to germline proliferation defects and embryonic lethality. Maintain at 16 C to reduce selection against transgene, although this does not alter the partial sterility. Reference: Wu Y., et al. J Neurosci. 2006 Dec 13;26(50):13102-13. [NOTE: The temperature-sensitive allele cc546 causes an M1957L change in SMG-1. The lesion is an atg>ttg transversion in exon 35. Flanking sequences follow with the mutation site indicated with a capital A: ttggtggtcggttacaaaacgatattcaaga tcactggcagtcatgagtAtggttggatcagttttaggactcggtgatcg acatttggacaatttattg The lesion is detectable via SNP-snip with the mutation causing loss of an MslI site. Primers are for a 323 bp product. Digest with MslI to 86+237 in the wild type, uncut as 323 in the mutant. DJR701(f): CAGTCGTGAGCTTTGGATGCGTGC DJR702(r): TCGGGGATACGCAGATTCTTTCCC. Pedone ... Reiner G3 (2021).]
CP38 C. briggsae Cbr-tra-1(nm2)/Cbr-let(nm28) III. Show Description
When singled, hermaphrodites should throw 2/3 hermaphrodites and 1/2 nm2 XX males. The lethal appears to balance the nm2 allele pretty well, but precise recombination mapping has not been performed. The XX males maintain their phenotypic resemblance to the unbalanced strain and are probably not fertile due to obvious gonadal deficiencies. This strain has been successfully grown at 15C and 20C. Both strains appear to have complete penetrance of the mutant phenotypes.
CP4 C. briggsae Cbr-dpy-?(nm4) II. Show Description
Dpy. Tightly linked to Cbr-tra-2 on LG II. Molecular identity unknown. Reference: Kelleher DF, et al. Genetics. 2008 Mar;178(3):1415-29.
CU7905 C. elegans smIs350 IV; unc-76(e911) V. Show Description
smIs350 [hsp-16::mCherry-NLS + tra-2::FLAG(3x) + unc-76(+)] IV. Some sterility. Maintain under normal conditions. Reference: Mapes J, et al. (2010) PNAS In press.
CU9087 C. elegans unc-76(e911) V; smIs380. Show Description
smIs380 [tra-2::GFP + unc-76(+)]. Some sterility. Maintain under normal conditions. Reference: Mapes J, et al. (2010) PNAS In press.
CV203 C. elegans rjSi1 II. Show Description
rjSi1 [cra-1p::cra-1::GFP::cra-1 3'UTR + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. Single copy insertion. cra-1 promoter, cra-1::GFP and 3'UTR was cloned into pCFJ150 (ttTi5605) vector and inserted into ttTi5605 of EG4322 strain. Outcrossed three times to N2 Bristol; could still carry unc-119(ed9) in the background. Superficially wild-type. This CRA-1::GFP fusion construct has been shown to be functional and its localization reflects endogenous CRA-1 localization. rjSi1 transgene can rescue synapsis defects of cra-1 mutants and restore cross-over events (six bivalents instead of the 11 to 12 univalents characteristic of cra-1 mutants). Brood size and embryonic lethality were significantly, albeit not completely, restored in the rescued line suggesting that the GFP tag might affect other CRA-1 functions. Reference: Gao J, et al. PLOS Genetics 11(3): e1005029.
CV6 C. elegans lab-1(tm1791) I/hT2 [bli-4(e937) let-?(q782) qIs48] (I;III). Show Description
Heterozygotes are wild-type GFP+. Homozygotes (tm1791/tm1791) are 4% Him with 22% embryonic lethality. Maintain by picking GFP+. Reference: de Carvalho et al., Genes Dev 22, 2869-2885.
CV78 C. elegans cra-1(tm2144) I/hT2 [bli-4(e937) let-?(q782) qIs48] (I;III). Show Description
Homozygous lethal allele balanced by bli-4- and GFP-marked translocation. Heterozygotes are WT with pharyngeal GFP signal, and segregate WT GFP, arrested hT2 aneuploids, and non-GFP cra-1(tm2144) homozygotes (99.7% embryonic lethality, 61% larval lethality, Him). Homozygous hT2[bli-4 let-? qIs48] inviable. Pick WT GFP and check for correct segregation of progeny to maintain. Reference: Smolikove S, et al. (2008) PLoS Genet 4(6):e1000088.
CV98 C. elegans him-18(tm2181)/qC1 [dpy-19(e1259) glp-1(q339) qIs26] III. Show Description
qIs26 [lag-2::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Heterozygous animals show roller phenotype and GFP signal at the distal tip cells. Segregates roller GFP(+) heterozygotes, wild-type moving GFP(-) him-18(tm2181) homozygotes. qC1 [dpy-19(e1259) glp-1(q339) qIs26] homozygous animals are dead. P0 him-18(tm2181) homozygous animals show 80% embryonic lethality and 12% high incidence of male at F1. Pick roller GFP(+) worms to maintain. Reference: Saito TT, et al. (2009) PLoS Genet 5:e1000735.
CX2357 C. elegans odr-5(ky9) X. Show Description
Defective chemotaxis to some volatile odorants: benzaldehyde, 2-butanone, isoamyl alcohol. Linked sterility has not been separated from Odr phenotype.
CX5000 C. elegans slt-1(eh15) X. Show Description
slt-1 mutants have no dissecting-scope phenotype. They have a 40% penetrant defect in the ventral guidance of the AVM neuron scored with mec-4::GFP, a mild defect in CAN cell migration that is enhanced by a ceh-23::GFP transgene, and a mild defect in midline crossing by PVQ neurons scorable with sra-6::GFP. slt-1(eh15) is a complex rearrangement that duplicates the endogenous slt-1 gene, but disrupts both duplicated copies. The two copies are linked on X but the exact distance between them is not known. The duplication probably extends >13 kb based on Southern blotting. Deletion breakpoints for the first copy of slt-1 are as follows: nucleotides 26219 to 28163 and 28197 to 28294 in cosmid C26G2 are deleted. The second copy of slt-1 contains the following structure: nucleotides 28197 to 28294 in C26G2 are deleted, followed by a duplication of nucleotides 28300 to 28396 in C26G2 that begins 5 nucleotides after the deletion. Both copies of slt-1 are mutant, as confirmed by both DNA sequence and RT-PCR analysis of slt-1 mRNA. Scoring for homozygosity of the slt-1 allele by PCR is difficult because of the two copies of the gene and because the small deletion and the small duplication of the second copy of slt-1 are the same size. The mutant can be followed indirectly by X linkage (very closely linked to unc-3). It may be possible to make a specific primer within the duplicated region that detects a unique band in the slt-1 mutant.