JH3197 |
C. elegans |
gtbp-1(ax2053[gtbp-1::GFP]) IV. Show Description
Maintain at 20-25C. Insertion of GFP cDNA (from pCM1.53, no ATG/no STOP) at the C-terminus of gtbp-1 between IV: 10127266...10127267. Reference: Paix A, et al. Genetics. 2014 Sep 23.
JH3199 |
C. elegans |
gtbp-1(ax2055[gtbp-1::GFP]) IV. Show Description
Maintain at 20-25C. Insertion of GFP cDNA (from pCM1.53, no ATG/no STOP) at the C-terminus of gtbp-1: ATTTTGTCCCGCATTTTGGAAACCGCTACGCATTCCTCCACGC(GFP) between IV: 10127239-10127283. sgRNA site was mutated to avoid Cas9 re-cutting. Reference: Paix A, et al. Genetics. 2014 Sep 23.
JH3201 |
C. elegans |
fbf-2(ax2057[fbf-2::GFP]) II. Show Description
Maintain at 20-25C. ax2057 was produced by mutation of the sgRNA site and insertion of GFP cDNA at the C-terminus of fbf-2. Insertion of GFP cDNA (from pCM1.53, no ATG/no STOP) at the C-terminus of fbf-2: ATCATCGCCGTGACTACCA(GFP) between II:6089145...6089165. sgRNA site was mutated to avoid Cas9 re-cutting. Reference: Paix A, et al. Genetics. 2014 Sep 23.
JH3203 |
C. elegans |
mes-2(ax2059[mes-2::GFP]) II. Show Description
Maintain at 20C. Insertion of GFP cDNA (from pCM1.53, no ATG/no STOP) at the C-terminus of mes-2 between II:14388297...14388298. Reference: Paix A, et al. Genetics. 2014 Sep 23.
JK6099 |
C. elegans |
lag-2(q1049[lag-2::3xV5]) V. Show Description
CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing was used to insert a 3xV5 tag at the C-terminus of the endogenous lag-2 locus immediately upstream of stop codon. Animals are fertile and express LAG-2 V5 in adult DTCs.
JK6251 |
C. elegans |
apx-1(q1148[apx-1::3xV5]) V. Show Description
CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing was used to insert a 3xV5 tag inserted at the C-terminus of the endogenous apx-1 locus immediately upstream of STOP codon. Animals are fertile and express low levels of APX-1 V5 in adult DTCs.
JMC164 |
C. elegans |
csr-1(tor67[csr-1 exon2::GFP::FLAG IV:7958598]csr- 1(mg660[G120*]) IV) IV . Show Description
Null allele of csr-1 with GFP and 3xFLAG tags inserted into second exon of endgonenous csr-1 locus. tor67 would normally tag both long and short isoforms, but the mg660 allele introduces a stop codon into the first exon so the long isoform is not made and only tagged CSR-1B isoform is produced.
JT11069 |
C. elegans |
xbx-1(ok279) V. Show Description
Dyf. Osm. Reduced mating efficiency (ME 2-3). Deletion extends over 1610 bp in the intron between exons 3 and 4 and ending 30 bp after the STOP codon (cosmid F02D8 pb 25954-27563 are deleted). Complements dyf-4(m158).
JT529 |
C. elegans |
ndg-4(sa529) III. Show Description
Ndg: nordihydroguairetic acid resistant. Nrf: nose resistant to fluoxetine-induced hypercontraction. Pale eggs. Accumulates yolk. Some embryonic lethality. Nonsense mutation W404stop(UGA).
JT603 |
C. elegans |
gpb-2(sa603) I. Show Description
Recessive, loss of function, early stop mutation within the coding sequence makes sa603 a likely null allele. Variable locomotion ranging from lethargic to hyperactive. Eat (pale, scrawny). Loopy movement - increased amplitude of locomotory wave-form (variable). Suppresses the enteric muscle contraction (EMC) defect, the lethargy and egg-laying defects of unc-43(n498).
JT734 |
C. elegans |
goa-1(sa734) I. Show Description
Recessive, early stop mutation within the coding sequence (C to T substitution in aa52) makes sa734 a likely null allele. May grow slightly better at 15C. Hyperactive, lays early stage eggs, increased amplitude of locomotort wave-form. Suppresses the lethargy and egg-laying defects of unc-43(n498). Reverses direction of locomotion more frequently than WT.
JTL720 |
C elegans |
haps-1(ljt1) I. Show Description
CRISPR-engineered KO strain of haps-1 made by knock-in of tandem stop codons to the first exon of endogenous haps-1 locus. haps-1(C48B6.3) is the C. elegans ortholog of human HAPSTR1. haps-1(ljt1) is superficially wild-type when cultured at 20C, but is hypersensitive to paraquat (redox stress), MLN4924 (neddylation inhibition), and camptothecin (genotoxic stress). Reference: Amici DR, et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2022 Jul 5;119(27):e2111262119. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2111262119. PMID: 35776542.
KG4995 |
C. elegans |
rimb-1(ce828) III. Show Description
Superficially wild type on plates. Slight (<10%), but significant, expansion of synaptic vesicles from the synaptic region of the DA9 motor neuron into the flanking asynaptic regions. Synaptic vesicles also showed a slight but significant accumulation in rimb-1 mutant dendrites in the DA9 motor neuron (192 +/- 32% compared to wild type; N=15; P=.015). The sequence GC TAG C TAA A TGA (3 successive stop codons in different reading frames) was inserted after codon 16 of the rimb-1 gene; described in Edwards SL, et al. (manuscript in revision). "Sentryn Acts with a Subset of Active Zone Proteins in the Guided Transport and Capture of Synaptic Vesicles in Caenorhabditis elegans."
LE2685 |
C elegans |
egl-20(lq42) lqIs80 IV; lqIs58 V. Show Description
lqIs80 [SCMp::GFP::caax] IV. lqIs58 [gcy-32::CFP] V. PQR migration defects: PQR in the head in the normal position of AQR. lq42 is a premature stop codon in egl-20. GFP expression in seam cells. CFP expression in AQR, PQR and URXL/R. Reference: Josephson M, et al. PLos One. 2016 Feb 10;11(2):e0148658. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0148658. PMID: 26863303.
LE3987 |
C elegans |
etr-1(lq61) II. Show Description
Dpy. AQR and PQR migration defects. Body wall muscle defects. etr-1(lq61) is a premature stop in alternatively-spliced exon 8. Reference: Ochs ME, et al. G3: Genes Genomes, Genetics. 2020 Jul 7;10(7):2365-2376. doi: 10.1534/g3.120.401182. PMID: 32398235
LIU65 |
C.elegans |
dhs-28(ldr5) X; ldrIs1; ldrIs2. Show Description
ldrIs1 [dhs-3p::dhs-3::GFP + unc-76(+)]. ldrIs2 [mdt-28p::mdt-28::mCherry + unc-76(+)]. ldr5 is C-to-T substitution causing a premature stop (Q139*). Super-sized lipid droplets. [NOTE: The positions indicated in the original Figure 1C of Xie, et al. (2019) are based on an incorrect sequence map and do not reflect the position of the affected amino acid or position in a spliced transcript. The Q139* premature stop in the ldr5 mutant is correct and has been independently confirmed by sequence analysis in another lab.] Reference: Xie K, et al. Sci Rep. 2019 Oct 17;9(1):14902. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-51399-z. PMID: 31624276
LN170 |
C. elegans |
rpn-6.2(rc3[GFP + SEC::rpn-6.2b]) III. Show Description
Roller. Reduced brood size and reduced sperm count. CRISPR/Cas9 GFP insertion at amino acid 216 of RPN-6.2a. Expression of GFP in the spermatogenic germline. The SEC (self excising cassette) contains the stop codon and transcriptional termination signal for GFP as well as a sqt-1(d) allele. Pick rollers to maintain the strain with the SEC. Excision will result in an in frame fusion of GFP at amino acid 216 of RPN-6.2a or amino acid 5 of RPN-6.2b.
LWA1031 |
C. elegans |
wleSi1852 I; wleSi1565 X. Show Description
wleSi1852 [unc-54p::luciferaseTAG185 + Cbr-unc-119(+)] I. wlels1565 [unc-54p::DanRS_rpr-1::tRNA(CUA)Leu + myo-2p::GFP] X. It is likely that unc-119(ed3) remains in the background. Animals are slightly sick. All animals should express GFP in their pharynx. Expression of the luciferase reporter is dependent upon temperature-sensitive suppression of premature amber stop codon. Strain may be raised at 20C, but should be raised at 15C for several generations before assaying reporter expression. Reference: Parrish AR, et al. ACS Chem Biol. 2012 Jul 20;7(7):1292-302.
LWA1560 |
C. elegans |
wleSi151 II. Show Description
wleSi151 [unc54p::mCherryTAG156 + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. It is likely that unc-119(ed3) remains in the background. Superficially wild-type. Expression of the mCherry reporter is dependent upon temperature-sensitive suppression of premature amber stop codon. Strain may be raised at 20C, but should be raised at 15C for several generations before assaying reporter expression. Reference: Parrish AR, et al. ACS Chem Biol. 2012 Jul 20;7(7):1292-302.
LWA1564 |
C. elegans |
wleSi151 II; wleEx35. Show Description
wleSi151 [unc54p::mCherryTAG156 + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. wleEx35 [unc-54p::DanRS_rpr-1::tRNA(CUA)Tyr + myo-2p::GFP]. Pick animals expressing GFP in their pharynx to maintain wleEx35. It is likely that unc-119(ed3) remains in the background. Superficially wild-type. Expression of the mCherry reporter is dependent upon expression of temperature-sensitive suppression of premature amber stop codon. Strain may be raised at 20C, but should be raised at 15C for several generations before assaying reporter expression. Reference: Parrish AR, et al. ACS Chem Biol. 2012 Jul 20;7(7):1292-302.
LWA1582 |
C. elegans |
wleSi1582 I. Show Description
wleSi1582 [unc-54p::JFF_luciferaseTAG185 + Cbr-unc-119(+)] I. It is likely that unc-119(ed3) remains in the background. Superficially wild-type. Expression of the luciferase reporter is dependent upon temperature-sensitive suppression of premature amber stop codon. Strain may be raised at 20C, but should be raised at 15C for several generations before assaying reporter expression. Expression of the Japanese firefly luciferase reporter can be detected using standard luciferase assays. Reference: Parrish AR, et al. ACS Chem Biol. 2012 Jul 20;7(7):1292-302.
LWA1852 |
C. elegans |
wleSi1852 I; wleSi1853 X. Show Description
wleSi1852 [unc-54p::luciferaseTAG185 + Cbr-unc-119(+)] I. wlels1853 [unc-54p::OmeRS_rpr-1::tRNA(CUA)Tyr + myo-2p::GFP] X. It is likely that unc-119(ed3) remains in the background. Animals are slightly sick. All animals should express GFP in their pharynx. Expression of the luciferase reporter is dependent upon temperature-sensitive suppression of premature amber stop codon. Strain may be raised at 20C, but should be raised at 15C for several generations before assaying reporter expression. Reference: Parrish AR, et al. ACS Chem Biol. 2012 Jul 20;7(7):1292-302.
MH1301 |
C. elegans |
unc-83(ku18) V. Show Description
Point mutation W257-> stop codon. Disrupts P cell nuclear migration at 25C. This leads to an Egl, Unc worm. P cell nuclear migration is normal at 15C. hyp7 nuclear migration is normal at all temperatures.
MH1946 |
C. elegans |
dli-1(ku266)/+ IV; him-5(e1490) V. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT and Sterile animals with a protruding vulva. Throws males. Clone several WT to recover heterozygote. Cytoplasmic dynein light intermediate chain. 9/02: ku266 is not an L to stop; it is a W117 to a stop (TGG to TGA). Sandhya Koushika.
NA404 |
C. elegans |
him-8(e1489) qui-1(gb404) IV. Show Description
Quinine avoidance defective. In qui-1(gb404) a CAA to TAA transition at position 11215 of Y45F10B generates a stop codon in the fifth exon of Y45F10B.10. Putative null allele.
NF87 |
C. elegans |
ced-12(k149) I. Show Description
Cell corpses persist as unengulfed, refractile dics. DTC mismigrates. Sequenced: point mutation R38>STOP, probably a null.
NH2693 |
C. elegans |
+/szT1 [lon-2(e678)] I; egl-15(n1456)/szT1 X. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Lon Males, early L1 larval arrested animals (n1456 homozygotes) and dead eggs. n1456 is an early nonsense mutation in the extracellular domain of EGL-15/FGFR (Q268 STOP).
NL2550 |
C. elegans |
ppw-1(pk2505) I. Show Description
ppw-1 animals are resistant to feeding of ds RNA directed against germline genes. Multiple polymorphisms in C18E3.7 including a single base deletion in ppw-1 resulting in an early stop codon.
NL3300 |
C. elegans |
rsd-6(pk3300) I. Show Description
Resistant when fed dsRNA. Contains a point mutation at position 7120 (c to t) (W575 STOP).
NL3307 |
C. elegans |
rsd-2(pk3307). Show Description
Resistant when fed dsRNA. Contains a point mutation at position 13832 (c to t) (R1000 STOP).
NM1448 |
C. elegans |
jsIs37 rpm-1(js410) V. Show Description
jsIs37 [mec-7p::snb-1::GFP) + lin-15(+)]. Superficially wild-type. snb-1::GFP expression in a subset of mechanosensory neurons; GFP is faint and can only be seen on a compound microscope. Reduced SNB-1::GFP localization to synaptic regions; slighty Dpy. js410 has linked phenotype of reduced brood size. js410 is an R->Stop at aa 235. snb-1::GFP is expressed in mechanosensory neurons visible in the cell body and in the axon (very low levels). GFP puncta absent from the ventral nerve cord due to rpm-1 lesion.
NM1455 |
C. elegans |
jsIs37 rpm-1(js317) V. Show Description
jsIs37 [mec-7p::snb-1::GFP) + lin-15(+)]. Superficially wild-type. snb-1::GFP expression in a subset of mechanosensory neurons; GFP is faint and can only be seen on a compound microscope. Reduced SNB-1::GFP localization to synaptic regions; slighty Dpy. js317 is a W->Stop at aa 861. snb-1::GFP is expressed in mechanosensory neurons visible in the cell body and in the axon (very low levels). GFP puncta absent from the ventral nerve cord due to rpm-1 lesion.
OE3002 |
C. elegans |
him-8(e1489) IV; xbx-1(ok279) V. Show Description
Dyf. Osm. Throws males. Reduced mating efficiency (ME 2-3). Deletion extends over 1610 bp in the intron between exons 3 and 4 and ending 30 bp after the STOP codon (cosmid F02D8 pb 25954-27563 are deleted). Complements dyf-4(m158).
OG969 |
C. elegans |
ogt-1(dr20) III; drIs4 IV. Show Description
drIs4 [gpdh-1p::GFP + col-12p::DsRed] IV. ogt-1(dr20) was isolated in an ENU screen in parental strain OG119 for mutants with decreased induction of the gpdh-1p::GFP reporter during hypertonic stress. dr20 is a presumptive null allele [Q600STOP]. OG969 has decreased gpdh-1p::GFP induction during hypertonic stress and impaired adaptation to hypertonic stress. Constitutive col-12p::DsRed expression. Reference: Urso SJ, et al. (2020). The O-GlcNAc transferase OGT is a conserved and essential regulator of the cellular and organismal response to hypertonic stress. bioRxiv, 2020.2005.2001.072033.
OG971 |
C. elegans |
ogt-1(dr15) III; drIs4 IV. Show Description
drIs4 [gpdh-1p::GFP + col-12p::DsRed] IV. ogt-1(dr20) was isolated in an ENU screen in parental strain OG119 for mutants with decreased induction of the gpdh-1p::GFP reporter during hypertonic stress. dr15 is a presumptive null allele [R267STOP]. OG971 has decreased gpdh-1p::GFP induction during hypertonic stress and impaired adaptation to hypertonic stress. Constitutive col-12p::DsRed expression. Reference: Urso SJ, et al. (2020). The O-GlcNAc transferase OGT is a conserved and essential regulator of the cellular and organismal response to hypertonic stress. bioRxiv, 2020.2005.2001.072033.
OH10733 |
C. elegans |
cnd-1(ot704) III; otIs341 X. Show Description
otIs341 [mgl-1::GFP + pha-1(+)]. cnd-1(ot704) is Q118=>STOP.
OH10953 |
C. elegans |
hlh-16(ot711) I; otIs341 X. Show Description
otIs341 [mgl-1::GFP + pha-1(+)]. hlh-16(ot711) is R21=>STOP.
OH10969 |
C. elegans |
unc-42(ot712) vsIs33 V; otIs341 X. Show Description
vsIs33 [dop-3::RFP] V. otIs341 [mgl-1::GFP + pha-1(+)] X. unc-42(ot712) is W181=>STOP.
OH13098 |
C. elegans |
che-1(ot75) I. Show Description
che-1(ot75) is a null allele caused by an early STOP codon in exon 1. Reference: Chang S, et al. Genes Dev. 2003 Sep 1;17(17):2123-37.
OH15227 |
C. elegans |
unc-86(ot893[unc-86::3xFlag::mNeonGreen::AID]) III. Show Description
unc-86(ot893) is a CRISPR/Cas9 engineered translational reporter (nuclear mNeonGreen expression). Endogenous unc-86 locus is tagged 3xFlag::mNeonGreen::AID (Auxin Inducible Degron) at the 3' end. The mNeonGreen::AID cassette was inserted right before the stop codon of the unc-86 locus, using a guide RNA that targets a sequence overlapping the unc-86 locus STOP codon (target sequence: GGATTCTTTGATTAGTTTCG). Reference: Serrano-Saiz E, (2018). BRN3-type POU homeobox genes maintain the identity of mature postmitotic neurons in nematodes and mice. Curr Biol (in press).
OH1571 |
C. elegans |
tax-2(ot25) otIs114 I; him-5(e1490) V. Show Description
otIs114 [lim-6p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Ectopic lim-6 expression in a set of cells anterior to ASE. Molecular identity: W40Stop. Null allele.
OH15910 |
C. elegans |
lin-11(ot958[lin-11::GFP::FLAG]) I. Show Description
Superficially wild-type. Insertion of GFP and FLAG tags directly before the stop codon of endogenous lin-11 locus. Verified by sequencing. Reference: Reilly MB, et al. Nature. 2020 Aug;584(7822):595-601. PMID: 32814896.
OH15912 |
C. elegans |
vab-7(ot959[vab-7::GFP::FLAG]) III. Show Description
Superficially wild-type. Insertion of GFP and FLAG tags directly before the stop codon of endogenous vab-7 locus. Verified by sequencing. Reference: Reilly MB, et al. Nature. 2020 Aug;584(7822):595-601. PMID: 32814896.
OH16103 |
C. elegans |
otDf1X. Show Description
otDf1is a deletion obtained using Cas9-sgRNA ribonucleoprotein complex, following Dokshin et al, 2018 method removing ceh-41, ceh-21, T26C11.9, and ceh-39. 8968 bp deletion, from position -159 upstream ceh-39 ATG, to +1608 from ATG ceh-41 (+89 from STOP ceh-41).
OH16345 |
C. elegans |
ceh-37(ot1023[ceh-37::GFP::FLAG]) X. Show Description
Superficially wild-type. Insertion of GFP and FLAG tags directly before the stop codon of endogenous ceh-37 locus. Verified by sequencing. Reference: Reilly MB, et al. Nature. 2020 Aug;584(7822):595-601. PMID: 32814896.
OH16376 |
C. elegans |
ceh-44(ot1028) III. Show Description
ot1028 = 80bp deletion on Exon 8 (first exon isoform A - isoform with CUT domains), leading to a frameshift and early stop codon in Exon 8 expected to affect only isoform A. Deletion coordinates: +9069 to +9148. Allele obtained using Cas9-sgRNA ribonucleoprotein complex, following Dokshin et al, 2018 method. ot1028 is molecularly identical to ot1031.
OH16487 |
C. elegans |
ceh-76(ot1042[ceh-76::GFP]) V. Show Description
Superficially wild-type. Insertion of GFP and FLAG tags directly before the stop codon of endogenous ceh-76 locus. Verified by sequencing. Reference: Reilly MB, et al. Nature. 2020 Aug;584(7822):595-601. PMID: 32814896.
OH16505 |
C. elegans |
ceh-89(ot1050[ceh-89::GFP]) X. Show Description
Superficially wild-type. Insertion of GFP and FLAG tags directly before the stop codon of endogenous ceh-89 locus. Verified by sequencing. Reference: Reilly MB, et al. Nature. 2020 Aug;584(7822):595-601. PMID: 32814896.
OH16925 |
C. elegans |
him-8(e1489) IV; ceh-24(syb1608[ceh-24::GFP]) V. Show Description
Him. Insertion of GFP and FLAG tags directly before the stop codon of endogenous ceh-24 locus; verified by sequencing. Derived by crossing him-8 into parental strain PHX1608. Reference: Reilly MB, et al. Nature. 2020 Aug;584(7822):595-601. PMID: 32814896.
OH18594 |
C. briggsae |
Cbr-eat-4(ot1371[Cbr-eat-4::T2A::GFP::H2B]) III. Show Description
T2A::GFP::H2B tag inserted before STOP codon of endogenous Cbr-eat-4 locus using CRISPR/Cas9. Generated in C. briggsae AF16 background. Reference: Toker IA, et al. bioRxiv 2024.11.23.624988; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.11.23.624988.